Director's growth history

2283.1274. Is it easy for me to be the Director of Education?

Before the National Day holiday, Zhai Xinwen reported by phone to Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong that he had received an official document from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, requiring all systems and departments to carry out a wide range of cultural performances to celebrate the National Day and celebrate the 58th anniversary of the motherland. , To welcome the party's revolution, praise the party and praise the party. 【^】Zhai Xinwen asked for instructions: "Mayor Deng, you are the leader in charge of education. May I ask what instructions you have? Dongzhou Education will resolutely implement the spirit of your instructions." The opinion is to carry out work normally, whether it is celebrating the National Day or welcoming the Communist Party, these are all political tasks. As a government dispatched department, the Education Bureau also has to talk about politics."

Talk about politics?If I don't "talk politics", can I report this to you?Zhai Xinwen shook his head.

Zhai Xinwen didn't want to say much, but just prayed secretly, hoping that Deng Yuncong would take a look at this document after answering the call. After all, Zhai Xinwen had already smelled the strong political meaning of this document.Since the deputy mayor in charge has instructed, let's do it.Zhai Xinwen instructed Sun Hongjun to do a good job in the education system to celebrate the National Day and celebrate the National Day in accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

On October 10, when he received a call from Fang Yuan, Zhai Xinwen had already heard about the troubles in some schools' recommendation for professional titles;Originally, Zhai Xinwen’s idea was: Professional titles are evaluated every year, early evaluation and late evaluation are the same, and early breakthroughs are the same as late ones. After all, there are few professional titles and positions, and more people are required to be promoted.Zhai Xinwen is still confident that he can settle these things. Although there will be some discordant notes every year, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, which is normal.But Fangyuan's reminder still made Zhai Xinwen feel the pressure: If there are factors that affect harmony and stability in the education system before the reform, he will not be able to bear such responsibilities.Although Zhai Xinwen was a little uncomfortable with Fang Yuan's sense of being a commanding officer, Zhai Xinwen also knew that Fang Yuan was out of goodwill, showing his respect and loyalty to him.

Zhai Xinwen reported to Deng Yuncong again.City leaders have no holidays, and they also have to deal with official duties during holidays.After hearing Zhai Xinwen's report, Deng Yuncong paid more attention to the matter, and immediately called the Municipal Personnel Bureau. During the holiday, no one answered the phone in the director's office, so Deng Yuncong directly dialed the mobile phone of the director of personnel.When the Director of Personnel received a call from Deng Yuncong, he was naturally extremely respectful.Although Deng Yuncong is not in charge of the Personnel Bureau, the mayor Song Yunsheng is in charge. The relationship between Deng Yuncong and Song Yunsheng is in the city's government system, who doesn't know?Deng Yuncong asked about the status of the professional title review this time, and the Director of Personnel quickly said: "Mayor Deng, this is actually a routine job. The professional title review of the city's primary and secondary school teachers starts in mid-to-late September every year, and generally ends in November. It will end in the first ten days." Deng Yuncong said: "Can it be postponed?" The director of personnel said: "In principle, it is difficult to postpone, because starting in mid-November, the evaluation of the titles of engineers in the city's enterprises and companies will begin, and in December will organize various titles. It can be said that the English test is one thing after another, and there is no time to spare." Deng Yuncong said: "However, this time I am afraid it will be postponed." The work at this stage is very passive, Mayor Deng." Deng Yuncong said: "But there are more important things than passive work, which is the stability before and during the period. Whoever is in charge of the work, during this period, there have been things that affect harmony and stability , then whoever has to take this responsibility. The initial evaluation and recommendation of professional titles is done by the Education Bureau, but the number of senior middle school teachers, middle school first-level teachers, and elementary school senior teachers is strictly limited. Dozens of teachers in many schools compete for a place for middle and high school teachers. This has already brought serious hidden dangers to the stability of Dongzhou education, in fact, the harmony and stability of Dongzhou City. If there are mass petitions by teachers, who can Are you able to take this responsibility? If the Director of Education does not do his job well, does the Bureau of Personnel have no responsibility?" The Director of Personnel said, "This job title is given every year." Deng Yuncong said, "I am the deputy mayor in charge of education. I know that since 11, the municipal government, the Municipal Bureau of Personnel, and the Municipal Finance Bureau have negotiated to strictly limit the number of teachers with senior professional titles. Before that, the evaluation was completely liberalized. It was two years after that year that the evaluation of professional titles Those who are qualified may not be selected.” The director of personnel said: “Yes! This is actually led by the former Secretary Cui. There are too many senior teachers and first-level teachers, and the city’s financial burden is also very heavy. Heavy, the Financial Bureau has a lot of opinions. If the evaluation is released, it will not conform to the national policy, and it will also lead to an imbalance in the proportion of senior teachers. According to the relevant regulations of the country, it is more appropriate to control the senior professional titles at about 11-12% of the total. It is more appropriate to control mid-level professional titles at about 2005-10%, and it is more appropriate to control primary professional titles at 15-20%. Therefore, according to this regulation in our city, junior professional titles are free to be evaluated, and intermediate and senior professional titles are evaluated according to the policy of retreating one and advancing one. In this way, we will replace as many senior middle school teachers as we retire, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

Deng Yuncong said: "Such regulations are indeed reasonable, but they also hurt teachers' enthusiasm for hard work. I will discuss this matter with Mayor Song to see if a new policy can be introduced. This year's title recommendation The work must be postponed, at least until October 10, when the party’s revolution ends successfully. Otherwise, the hidden danger of instability will always exist. The personnel bureau has difficulties, I understand, but no matter how big the difficulty is, it can be exaggerated Is politics and stability the most important task at present?" The director of personnel said: "Mayor Deng has said something, and our personnel bureau must implement it. If there are difficulties, we will overcome them by ourselves. However, please ask Mayor Deng to tell Mayor Song Say, we can do it too." Deng Yuncong said: "Mayor Song, let me talk about it." The director of personnel said: "We will hold a business meeting when we go to work on October 21, study this matter, and strive to report it to the Education Bureau that morning. I sent an official document to suspend the evaluation of the teacher's title." Deng Yuncong said, "OK."

At 10 a.m. on October 8, the Municipal Bureau of Education received an official document from the Municipal Bureau of Personnel.When Wang Xingbang ran over with the official document and asked Zhai Xinwen for instructions, Zhai Xinwen said: "Xingbang, immediately forward this official document to all schools and district/county (city) education and sports bureaus in the bureau. It will be implemented immediately.”

Zhai Xinwen let out a long breath of relief.But the big plate of education will not let Zhai Xinwen take a break.Sun Hongjun reported on the preparations for the educational system's "National Day Celebration and Welcome to Beijing" performance. Zhai Xinwen said: "I have reported this matter to Mayor Deng, and Mayor Deng instructed to do it well according to the official document of the Municipal Party Committee's Propaganda Department." Sun Hongjun said: "I will do the work of the preliminaries. But on the 12th is the final, and Minister Dou, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, will be a judge, and Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee will come to appreciate it. I am under pressure." Zhai Xinwen said calmly, "Tell me. "Sun Hongjun said: "I can guarantee that the program will be wonderful. We will select 72 to 9 best programs from 12 bureau-affiliated units and 15 district and county education and sports bureaus in the city. Director Zhai, I just want to ask, Deng City The mayor is in charge of the deputy mayor, should he be present in the finals? Mayor Song has always been concerned about education, do you want to send an invitation letter to Mayor Song?"

Sun Hongjun spoke carefully, but Zhai Xinwen felt Sun Hongjun's loyalty.This is the most ingenious hint and reminder!Compared with Fang Yuan's straightforwardness, Sun Hongjun obviously understands the rules of officialdom and the advancement and retreat of officialdom better.What Sun Hongjun said was exactly what troubled Zhai Xinwen the most.This is precisely, the thing recommended by the title has just been relieved, and new troubles have come to my heart.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The Red Army is right. What do you think is the most appropriate way to do this?" Looking at Zhai Xinwen's encouraging eyes, Sun Hongjun said: "Director, Mayor Deng must be invited. He is in charge of the mayor. It is only natural to attend any education activities. I don't know whether Mayor Song will invite me, but I am worried that Secretary Wang will have opinions."

Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Yes, the Red Army is right. I have to think about this matter before it's too late. Anyway, I have to report to Mayor Deng again today and ask Mayor Deng to make up his mind." Sun Hongjun said : "Then I won't bother the director to think about the problem. In the afternoon, the preliminaries will start. I don't know if the director has time to go and see." Zhai Xinwen said: "No, I believe you can organize it very well. Such a teaching Staff cultural and sports activities, the Red Army don’t forget Chairman Song.” Sun Hongjun said: “Okay. Director, then I’m leaving.” Zhai Xinwen nodded.

When Sun Hongjun walked to the door, he was suddenly stopped by Zhai Xinwen.Sun Hongjun turned around and said, "Director, is there anything else?" Zhai Xinwen said, "No. 5 Middle School is the face of Dongzhou Education, so focus on it." Sun Hongjun said, "Okay." Focus on the program, Secretary Wang has worked in Ruiqing for many years." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay."

Sun Hongjun walked out of the office and gently closed the door.When Zhai Xinwen saw the door straps on, he let out a long sigh: "Oh, is it easy for me to be the director of education?"

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