Director's growth history

2285.1276. Contradictions between ourselves and the enemy and contradictions among the people

Song Yunsheng's office, Song Yunsheng, Sheng Zhiren, Deng Yuncong. 【 】Deng Yuncong handed the official documents of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Municipal Education Bureau to the two people, and said: "Some people seem to be doing a lot!" Song Yunsheng said: "The struggle will never stop. As long as there are people, there will be struggle. "Deng Yuncong said: "Someone went too far this time." Sheng Zhiren said: "In the boxing ring, no one will stand there, waiting to be punched and knocked down without resisting." Song Yunsheng said: "Zhiren hits the nail on the head .”

Song Yunsheng and Sheng Zhiren read the official documents and exchanged them with each other after reading them.Song Yunsheng said: "Dou Shengzhong's tendencies are very obvious recently. After watching several political films on Dongzhou TV Station, he knows that his thoughts are irreversible. This official document is just icing on the cake." Sheng Zhiren said: "No Deny, this shot still has a bit of skill." Song Yunsheng said: "In any case, despising or belittling the other party will lead to unpredictable consequences. I think Xinwen has made a contribution this time, otherwise, we may Still kept in the dark, I don’t know that people have already started to act.” Deng Yuncong said: “Yes, Xinwen can be trusted.” Sheng Zhiren said: “It is not easy to cultivate a loyal person.”

Song Yunsheng said: "The more difficult it is, the more we must cherish it. Zhiren, when it is time to reward, we still have to reward." Sheng Zhiren said: "Xinwen has just been in charge for a little over a year. According to the minimum requirements, it is There will be a chance after three years, and according to the general requirements of the provincial party committee, it needs to be a county-level chief for five years before it can be considered." Song Yunsheng said: "Is there any other better way?"

Sheng Zhiren said: "This Dou Shengzhong has always been different from me. I have an idea. Compared with this so-called cultural performance, it can attract the attention of civil servants at all levels and attract a large number of loyal followers. Like Xinwen Director, you can be rewarded in such activities." Song Yunsheng said: "Tell me what you think." Sheng Zhiren said: "All systems and departments in the city carry out activities to celebrate the National Day, even if they are done well. , it is just a word of 'potential', and I only see blossoms but not results. My activity is not about 'potential', but 'real', and it is more in line with the general secretary's advocacy of 'establishing the party for the public and governing for the people' The call to be a civil servant satisfied with the people has been inherited in one continuous line."

Deng Yuncong said: "Old Sheng, you are a good person, you are good everywhere, but you just talk about it. I, Yunsheng and you are all one, so you can just say what you think." Sheng Zhiren smiled slightly: "Old Deng, no Antecedents have no consequences. If the activity I am thinking about cannot be in line with the spirit of the General Secretary’s instructions, is the strength of our punches too small, is it impossible to suppress the momentum of Dou Shengzhong? High-level civil servants pay more attention to it? I talked about the antecedents, and the consequences will naturally appear." Song Yunsheng said: "The theoretical level of Zhiren is high, and you are not unaware of this old Deng. Zhiren, follow your way of thinking." Sheng Zhiren said: " In the name of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, I would like to carry out a selection of 10 civil servants at the county level, 100 civil servants at the department and stock level, and 200 civil servants at the non-level level. This can motivate civil servants at all levels in the city. Diligent work and fulfilling the mission can promote better and faster development of various undertakings in Dongzhou's economic and social development. Therefore, the public standard for judging is to compare contributions, performance, and the satisfaction of the people; and here we can To make this standard concrete, can we judge it based on our own criteria, such as whether we are loyal to the cause of the party and the people, whether we are loyal to the organization, and whether we can be of one mind with the organization.”

Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong certainly understand the meaning of "organization".Song Yunsheng said: "Zhiren is really an excellent organization minister! The selection of cadres in this organization requires leading cadres like Zhiren." Sheng Zhiren said: "It is not enough to have these alone. I am going to add to this opinion One: Those who are rated as 10 civil servants who are satisfied with the people at the county level will be listed in the reserve cadre sequence at the city hall level, and actively recommended to the provincial party committee organization department; Priority to be included in the county-level reserve cadre sequence; those who are rated as 100 civil servants without grades will be promoted to department-level cadres."

Deng Yuncong laughed loudly: "You old Sheng, I really have you." Song Yunsheng said: "Yun Cong, you should learn from Zhiren in this regard, calm down, make a decision before acting, and strike later is not necessarily worse than preemptively. , It depends on the means of controlling people. With such a wonderful move, I can see that those people who are changing their minds like to look at the situation or the reality." Deng Yuncong said: "Lao Sheng's chess is a wonderful move, I am I admire it very much. But the crisis in front of us must be resolved. If we don’t let him gain power, but also let the cadres below gain power, it will be even better.”

Song Yunsheng said: "Yun Cong is right. Zhiren, what do you think of this matter?" Sheng Zhiren said: "The great leader ** once won great victories in the previous four campaigns of encirclement and suppression. His old man summed up I learned four experiences: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy is stationed, we disturb; Yes, **'s leadership art is indeed unmatched!" Deng Yuncong said: "Old Sheng, you talk too deeply, I don't like you like this, just speak up." Sheng Zhiren said: " In fact, I have already made it very clear." Deng Yuncong said: "You didn't say anything except theory!" Song Yunsheng said: "When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy launches a strong attack, I have to take the initiative to avoid it, so as to avoid losing both sides. , what is even more valuable is that this way we can have a good grasp of the enemy's situation and expose more enemies, spies or traitors hiding in our army. It is very important that Xinwen can take the initiative to tell us about this matter, let us Turn passive into active." Deng Yuncong said: "Xinwen is a good comrade." Sheng Zhiren said: "No matter how good a comrade is, it will take the test of time." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes, Lu Yao knows horsepower." Sheng Zhiren Ren said: "The meeting is about to be held. Dongzhou always has a day when Mayor Song takes full charge of the work. I think this is a very good time. When people retreat, we will advance. We need to focus on a few points and use them to promote face-to-face; We need to carry out a few activities to stop the static." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes. Let's add up the total and see if we can fight a beautiful ambush during the precious 7 days." Sheng Zhiren said: "Mayor Song arrested Zhiren admires him very much.” Song Yunsheng said: “I also learned a lot from Zhiren.” Sheng Zhiren said: “It turns out that there are many deputy secretaries, and Mayor Song is the deputy secretary in charge of the party and the masses. The leader in charge has been kind to me and gave me a lot of advice. I have benefited a lot from Zhiren, and I will never forget the kindness of leading the way." Song Yunsheng said: "Shi Mingxiang is now the deputy secretary, and now he is the only deputy secretary. "Sheng Zhiren said: "When Mayor Song served as the deputy secretary, he had a high position and authority; now, although there is only one deputy secretary, it is now under the responsibility system of the Standing Committee, and there is no secretarial office meeting. Before the party congress, there was a significant difference." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes! There is a tendency to virtualize, but we cannot ignore it. After all, this is also a vote of the Standing Committee." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes, the more allies , the greater our strength." Sheng Zhiren said: "If you get the right way, you will help, and the dragon has a leader." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes, I don't understand."

Seeing that Deng Yuncong and Sheng Zhiren were not very harmonious, Song Yunsheng felt a little anxious.It was only because of their own reasons that the two came together, but it was obvious that Deng Yuncong despised Sheng Zhiren for his mystification, and Sheng Zhiren despised Deng Yuncong for being uneducated.Sometimes, the contradictions among the people are more troublesome than the contradictions between the enemy and ourselves!

Song Yunsheng said: "Well, Zhiren, you can sort out a preliminary framework according to your thinking, and we will study it." Sheng Zhiren said: "Okay, I will come up with a preliminary idea within four days and report to the mayor. "Song Yunsheng said: "Okay." Deng Yuncong said: "How should we deal with the performance of the Municipal Education Bureau?" Sheng Zhiren said: "Which director dare not act when he receives an official document from the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department?" Song Yunsheng said: " Yes, this is a problem." Sheng Zhiren said: "I don't think the mayor should come forward in this matter. After someone enters Beijing, the mayor will be very strong. Now, it is unnecessary to confront. What's more, we also need this time to see the performance of the districts, counties, and bureaus." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes." Sheng Zhiren said: "The organization department and the propaganda department have always been in two directions. One is in charge of cadres and personnel, One is about ideology, one is pragmatic, and the other is unrealistic. Between me and Dou, I haven’t worn a pair of pants for many years. I look down on those who sit on the fence. Xiang Wang, this is too unprincipled. If you have milk, you are a mother! I should not come forward about this matter. What's more, my organization department will launch a selection activity for civil servants who are satisfied with the people. It is estimated that the propaganda department will still have to There are some tastes to eat, and some comrades in the Propaganda Department also want to be civil servants who are satisfied with the people. For us, this is not a lost opportunity to disintegrate our opponents from within."

Song Yunsheng laughed loudly: "Zhiren, if you don't move, you'll be fine, one blow will kill you, okay." But he was also alert to Sheng Zhiren in his heart.From this perspective, Deng Yuncong is a little stupid and not smart enough, but he can always be his most reliable subordinate.Sheng Zhiren is so proficient in the way of officialdom, if one day in the future he falls into someone else's camp, the lethality to me, Song Yunsheng, I'm afraid Song Yunsheng is beyond my ability to resist!

Turning his face away, he said to Deng Yuncong, "Yun Cong, you should go to the city education bureau's cultural performance. You are the deputy mayor in charge, and no one can tell right from wrong. Of course, since you are enjoying the flowers, don't forget to appreciate the moon. "Deng Yuncong said: "Understood." Song Yunsheng said: "You are here, I believe they can't say too much, do too much, and it can also reduce the pressure on Xinwen." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes." Song Yunsheng said: "You Let me know that other departments you are in charge of can participate if they can. Not the department you are in charge of, but other trusted deputy mayors can also attend. Of course, there is no problem for you to attend. You are the executive deputy mayor, and it is right for you to attend They pay attention to it." Deng Yuncong said, "Will this be too tiring, or too obvious?"

Sheng Zhiren said: "Old Deng can enjoy so many programs, so happy!" Deng Yuncong said: "I was a scout in the enemy's rear, and I was in the way of people's eyes and hated them. You hid behind and made sarcastic remarks, □□ said." "Work needs it, work needs it," Jen said.

Song Yunsheng said: "There are not many. The time does not allow. In 4 days, there will be 12 games. It may also be four or five games. These four or five games are also sharp bayonets for the opponent to divide these bureau chiefs and district chiefs. !" Sheng Zhiren said: "There has always been an enemy among us, and an enemy among us. This is unavoidable."

Regarding Sheng Zhiren's high-level summary, Song Yunsheng was not happy: Why do you think your level is high?Song Yunsheng felt more and more that Deng Yuncong, who was not too smart, was more honest and reliable than Sheng Zhiren.

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