Director's growth history

2307.1295. Research is not just for...

October 10 was the second day of the party's congress. On this day, the representatives in Beijing studied and discussed the report made by the general secretary. The central leadership also came to each delegation to have in-depth discussions with the representatives. 【 】

In Dongzhou, Song Yunsheng did not focus on this.After the great harvest at the Youth Federation symposium yesterday, he has continued to make new moves.Zhou Pengyou, Secretary General of the Municipal Government, Wu Zhanming, Director of the Investigation and Research Office of the Municipal Government, Yu Zonghang, Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Sun Yizhi, Director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Gu Xiangxuan, Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Meng Hongchen, Director of the Municipal Construction Administration Bureau, and Pingan Ting, Director of the Municipal Planning Bureau Accompanied by him, Song Yunsheng came to Longwan District for investigation.

Longwan District Committee Secretary Dou Dangji, District Mayor Luo Dianzhang and other leaders of the four major groups waited at the gate of the District Committee Building to welcome Song Yunsheng.After Song Yunsheng and others were welcomed to the first conference room on the first floor of the District Committee Building, Dou Dangji delivered a warm welcome speech: "Thank you very much for Mayor Song and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau for coming to Longwan District for research and guidance in spite of their busy schedules. Work. With the spring breeze of the party's leadership and the care of Mayor Song and other mayors, Longwan District is confident that it will achieve a new level of economic indicators in 2007. The majority of party members and cadres in the district will work hard with a hundredfold fighting spirit. Start a business, and strive to promote the sound and rapid development of Longwan District's economic and social undertakings."

Song Yunsheng got straight to the point: "Comrade Dangji, Comrade Dianzhang, today I came to Longwan District with a few comrades to investigate, mainly to understand what difficulties Longwan has encountered in the development process and what support it needs from the city. Longwan has been in recent years. The achievements achieved are obvious to all; the new progress made in 2007 can also be seen by everyone. Therefore, I came to Longwan today to understand the difficulties in the district. I brought Comrade Yu Zonghang from the Development and Reform Commission, and the district needs to establish projects Comrade Yu Zonghang, Comrade Sun Yizhi from the Municipal Finance Bureau, this is Dongzhou's chief steward, the district can study and study, and what aspects of help from the municipal government are needed; Comrade Gu Xiangxuan from the Civil Affairs Bureau, Comrade Gu Xiangxuan is in charge of Dongzhou City's welfare lottery work. Comrade Gu Xiangxuan is in charge of the city's livelihood relief work. Today, Comrade Meng Hongchen of the Construction Management Bureau will carefully record Longwan's requirements if there are any difficulties in construction and development. "Longwan, if you have any requirements in terms of planning, you can ask Comrade Pingan Ting of the Planning Bureau. Secretary-General Zhou of the Municipal Government will coordinate and promote the implementation of today's investigation; Comrade Zhan Ming from the Research Office of the Municipal Government will focus on Longwan's Problems in the development process, put forward constructive opinions, and form a research report. Therefore, the comrades I brought today, I believe, are comrades who can play a certain role in helping Longwan achieve new development. Comrade Dangji, Comrade Dianzhang, we must be blunt in our research today!"

What a unique research meeting!Longwan District has prepared a large amount of archives, and each bureau has prepared a volume for Song Yunsheng and other city leaders to review; Longwan District has also set up several points, of course, all of which are the brightest and brightest points in Longwan District. I would like to invite After listening to the report, Song Yunsheng and others visited in turn.But I didn't expect Song Yunsheng to break the rules so much!

But Dou Dangji heard other meanings from Song Yunsheng's words.As the person in charge of the municipal government, Song Yunsheng should have a good understanding of the situation of the various districts and cities in Dongzhou City from a macro level. Which districts and counties are developing well and what is good, Song Yunsheng naturally knows it well, even if he does not listen to the report, I am afraid I already knew a general idea in my heart. After all, various monthly and quarterly data from the Municipal Government Investigation and Research Office, the Municipal Party Committee Government Research Office, and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission will be continuously sent to Song Yunsheng's desk.Therefore, if you come to Longwan to listen to the report, if you only listen to how good Longwan is, I am afraid it is purely a formality. If you directly bring the relevant bureau chiefs here, this is clearly an olive branch to yourself!Helping Longwan solve difficulties and promote development is to create political achievements for our party economy!The medicine sold in Song Yunsheng's gourd is very delicious!

Dou Dangji said: "I would like to thank Mayor Song for sending Longwan the care and warmth of his superiors at the critical moment of Longwan's accelerated development. On behalf of District Mayor Dianzhang and the people of 40 urban areas in Longwan, I would like to thank Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng He smiled and said: "Thank you for what I do? It is also the responsibility of the municipal government to solve some difficulties for the grassroots and promote the development and progress of the grassroots." Dou Dangji said: "It's different, it's different. Mayor Song came today Longwan, first of all, reflects the importance it attaches to Longwan. In fact, it reflects Mayor Song’s new style of governance that does not put on airs and formalism. As the squad leader of Longwan, I empathize with him and have been deeply educated.” Song Yunsheng said: “Comrade Dangji , the general secretary called on us to always keep in mind the purpose of 'building the party for the public and governing for the people'. What I have done, what you have done, and what the comrades here have done are all in the spirit of implementing the instructions of the general secretary. That's all. In the past few years, under the leadership of comrades Dangji and Dianzhang, Longwan District has made progress for all to see. The GDP of a Longwan District is equivalent to the level of a prefecture-level city in the central and western regions; the per capita income of urban residents has also reached The level of advanced urban areas in the country. The work of comrades Dangji and Dianzhang is fully affirmed by the municipal party committee. But we should see that, from the perspective of Dongzhou as a whole, there is still a big gap between us and some cities, such as Shenzhen, Suzhou, Qingdao, etc., all show a trend of rapid development, pulling Dongzhou farther and farther away; Guangdong's Foshan and Dongguan, which originally had comparable economic strength to Dongzhou, have developed at an astonishing speed in recent years, and Dongzhou is farther and farther away. It is far behind. Therefore, whether it is Dongzhou or Longwan, they are all faced with a sense of urgency to accelerate development. As a party member leading cadre, we must implement the party's revolutionary spirit and entrust the party to our responsibilities Good fulfillment and mission fulfillment. I hope that the four districts and five counties, including Longwan, can embark on the fast track of development, and strive to make Dongzhou rank among the top five in Qingjiang Province in three to five years. Perhaps There is still a gap between the two cities of Hangjiang and Ninghai, but compared with other advanced cities, it should be equal or slightly better. Therefore, I came to Longwan today with the purpose of solving problems and difficulties. I hope that the comrades in Longwan will speak out, and I hope that the comrades from the municipal departments who are here today will play a good role in serving the grassroots and work on the spot."

Dou Dangji became more and more aware that what Song Yunsheng sent was definitely a big olive branch.Dou Dangji said: "Thank you Mayor Song for your support to Longwan. As the secretary of the district committee, I am very clear that the current development of Longwan is in a good situation, but there is also a problem of lack of succession. At present, the pillar industries of Longwan There are three, one is export processing trade, which can be said to be booming in production and sales at present, but there are two most serious problems. The first point is that there are too few private brands, and most of them are OEM processing, which seriously affects the enterprise. benefit and the government’s fiscal and taxation. At present, there are only a few enterprises such as Dongsheng Sewing Machine. The second point is that there is a serious shortage of workers, especially the number of workers with certain skilled skills is still far from enough. The district has already contacted the relevant Enterprises have organized many activities to recruit migrant workers in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Henan, and Hebei, but it is a drop in the bucket. Because of the lack of brands, it is difficult to be high-end and the added value is low; because of the lack of skilled workers, it is difficult to scale up. A large number of international orders, many companies are afraid to accept because they are worried that they will not be completed. This requires the coordination and support of Mayor Song and relevant municipal departments.”

Song Yunsheng said: "Brand building is very important for a city and a district. Comrade Zhanming, Qingdao, as a city where Chinese famous brands and Chinese well-known It should be said that Dongzhou is also a great inspiration for us. Recently, Dongzhou will organize a delegation to visit Qingdao. You should produce a report to study the successful experience of Qingdao brand building. Put forward countermeasures and suggestions for Dongzhou to strengthen brand building. The inspection team must absorb the main leaders of various districts and counties to participate, and invite some entrepreneurs. How many places are needed in Longwan, all are satisfied." Wu Zhanming said: "Okay, Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng said : "The lack of skilled workers is a common problem faced by developed coastal cities. On the one hand, China is overcrowded and has to implement the one-child policy; on the other hand, there is such a shortage of manpower. Secretary-General Zhou, I think you need to Write it down, after the investigation is over, contact the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau immediately to see if you can organize several recruitment groups in the name of Dongzhou City. Which companies in Longwan need to recruit workers, you can participate in the recruitment groups organized by the city." Dou Dang Ji said: "Thank you so much, Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng said: "On-site research, on-site office work, I came here today to help Longwan solve the difficulties. Comrade Dang Ji, you continue to talk."

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