Director's growth history

2312.1298, Fang Yuan is also worried...

Fang Yuan knew that what he told Ruan Shaoxiu was to silence Ni Yousheng, and he also knew that this would definitely offend Ni Yousheng, but Fang Yuan also knew that Ni Yousheng really didn't dare to do anything. 【@】As long as I don't have any new actions, this Ni Yousheng will definitely be worried, and he will be more obedient and humble to himself.That's enough.I am the temporary principal in charge, maybe Principal Yang Fang will come back soon, and I will concentrate on in charge of high school teaching, but even if I am the vice principal in the future, Ni Yousheng will definitely be honest.Now it seems that there must be something wrong with Ni Yousheng, but when the cover will be lifted is not what I have to consider now.But if he becomes the principal himself, then Ni Yousheng will no longer be able to serve as the director of general affairs of the No. 5 Middle School. He must find a comrade who is more stable and reliable to be the director of general affairs. This candidate can be found from now on.What kind of general affairs director is a qualified general affairs director?Fangyuan thought of Su Jinbo.Yes, I have been busy and haven't contacted Su Jinbo for a long time.

Fang Yuan did not expect that gossip always spread faster than news from formal channels.Soon, many people in the school knew that under Fang Yuan's leadership, the rent of a school rental house was raised from 3 to 4.5, and that Fang Yuan wanted to consult the rental house files of the past two years.For Ni Yousheng, hearing these news was more uncomfortable than killing him!Ni Yousheng hated Fangyuan to death, but he didn't dare to take any action.Ni Yousheng is not clear. After reviewing the files of the past two years, you may find many problems. For example, the 4.5 rental house just signed with Chunxiao Group has an area of ​​22 square meters, and many areas are much larger than 22 square meters. Mi's rental house, the rent did not exceed 4.5, this is the lice on the bald man's head, it is obvious.If Fang Yuan really wants to make a move, then he is doomed, and he might go to prison for several years!Regarding Fangyuan's strength and ability, Ni Yousheng has already experienced it. Think about Cao Guanting being kicked out of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and placed in the worst No. 11 Middle School; think about how honest Na Hong is now, obeying Fangyuan in everything, just You can know how vicious Fangyuan's methods are; look at the recent Dongzhou TV station and the recent "Dongzhou Daily", and you will know how deep Fangyuan's background is. , It's like hitting an egg with a rock.what to do?Now I am in a completely passive state, Fang Yuan does not move, and I will still be the director of the general affairs, and Fang Yuan has not said anything, let alone done anything, and I can't find any problems with Fang Yuan.Ni Yousheng made up his mind: If Fangyuan doesn't continue to move, then he will work honestly and strive to do better than before.Ask Fang Yuan for instructions when encountering things. Those money that is not considered aboveboard have also been restrained recently.Losing some financial income is better than staying in jail.Someone asked Ni Yousheng: "Director Ni, what is President Fang doing to check the rented house files?" Ni Yousheng could only answer vaguely: "I need it for work." Someone asked: "Is this because Principal Fang has other ideas?" Ni Yousheng said : "We can't guess what the leader is thinking, but I have done a good job, and the leader can stand the test when he reads the files." Although the mouth is hard, the heart is very empty.

Fang Yuan didn't have time to think about the shocking impact of this incident, and he didn't know the huge impact of this incident.Fang Yuan's image of upholding justice left a better impression on the teachers, made the upright teachers feel the integrity of the leader, and even the teachers who usually have selfish thoughts have to admire. Fang Yuan is a relatively good leader.Whether it is an upright teacher or a teacher with some selfish thoughts, there is a consensus that Fang Yuan is very skilled and has a good management level.

At noon, Yu Haihe handed over the manuscript.Fangyuan browsed through it, and it really has a considerable theoretical level. Of course, the content and ideas of the manuscript still have a certain gap with his original intention. This manuscript needs to be revised.Fang Yuan said: "Haihe, the manuscript is really well written. It can be seen that you wrote it with your heart and have a lot of skills. I want to thank you!" Yu Haihe said: "I don't know if it meets the requirements of Principal Fang. " Fangyuan said: "Generally speaking, it is in line; I still need to modify some details and add my personal understanding." Yu Haihe said: "I brought the electronic manuscript and copied it to Principal Fang. Go to the computer, okay?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay." Yu Haihe said, "I know what I wrote, and it must be quite different from what President Fang thought. Haihe has a request." Fang Yuan said, "Haihe You are so polite!" Yu Haihe said: "Principal Fang's revised manuscript, can you study for me so that I can better understand Principal Fang's thoughts." Fang Yuan said: "Yes. But, I have to wait for my I will show you the manuscript after it has been reviewed and approved by the superior." Yu Haihe said, "Okay, Principal Fang."

It took Fangyuan less than 15 minutes to eat lunch, and he hurriedly finished and returned to the office.Because Ruan Shaoxiu was still in a hurry to report to Fangyuan, one was to prepare all the files of the front room of the school rented out in the past two years, and the other was about the situation of the teachers' speeches at the symposium.Fang Yuan flipped through the files of the rental house and asked, "I told you to say everything." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "I said everything." or 4 yuan to sign a contract, does this make sense?" Ruan Shaoxiu chuckled: "From a logical point of view, it definitely doesn't make sense." Fang Yuan said: "The file is here with me, I want to take a look. This Don't hype things up, the school needs to be stable. As the temporary principal, I might be in charge of my high school teaching again in a few days." Ruan Shaoxiu's expression froze, it turned out that he had forgotten that Fang Yuan was temporarily in charge of the work, and had already Think of Fang Yuan as the real leader of the 3.Ruan Shaoxiu looked at Fang Yuan, hesitated for a moment, and said what was in his heart: "Principal Fang, in fact, I still hope that you can be the principal of No. 2 Middle School." Fang Yuan smiled: "Why?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "5 The middle school needs development. No. 5 middle school started when Director Han Suzhen was the principal, and took off when Liu Ming was the principal. Now, No. 5 middle school has a high social influence in the city. If the school can achieve new development at a new starting point, it needs to be like Principal Fang is such a thoughtful, courageous, capable, and high-level principal.” Fang Yuan said: “In fact, Principal Yang Fang has more experience, and I have no experience in comprehensive school management yet!” Ruan Shaoxiu said: “Principal Yang is a good principal. , is a good person. But a good principal is not necessarily suitable for No. 5 Middle School. I think that No. 5 Middle School needs new development, especially new development at a new starting point, and what is most needed is a principal like Principal Fang."

Fang Yuan did not expect that he would have such a high evaluation in Ruan Shaoxiu's heart.It can be seen that Ruan Shaoxiu spoke very sincerely and frankly.Fang Yuan was a little moved: "Director Ruan, thank you for your high evaluation of me. In fact, I still have a lot of deficiencies, and some things cannot be fully considered. I think it is better for me to be the vice principal now, and I will study for a few more years. Practice for a few more years." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "If a person has no ability, he will not be able to do well even if he is placed in the post of principal; The ability of an excellent principal. Principal Fang, I really don’t want you to go back to be the vice principal. I believe this is also the voice of the vast majority of teachers in the school.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you. No.5 school, it is obviously inappropriate for a young man like me to take on the role. What's more, there is an unwritten rule in Dongzhou Education that the principal of a middle school must have the qualifications of a senior middle school teacher. My middle school is a first-level teacher. Teachers are still promoted in an exceptional way. It’s not so easy to evaluate senior middle school teachers!” Ruan Shaoxiu said sadly, “Oh, Principal Fang, if you don’t take charge of school work, I won’t be able to do my job anymore!” Fang Yuan said: “ You can’t say that. Director Ruan is an excellent talent. If you do well yourself, you will have better opportunities for development. Besides, I can’t be the principal, but we are still good colleagues!” Ruan Shaoxiu said: “It’s different. .”

Seeing that Ruan Shaoxiu was a little sad, Fang Yuan was also moved by it.If the vast majority of teachers in the school think like Ruan Shaoxiu, then I really have to think about whether I should take the initiative to ask Director Zhai to take over this big stall in No. Full of minefields, there is nothing to be afraid of.Fang Yuan said: "Director Ruan, this issue is not something we can decide. Let the leaders of the Municipal Bureau consider it comprehensively. What I am concerned about now is the speech draft for tomorrow's symposium. Has anyone given it to you now?" Ruan Shaoxiu Said: "I handed in three copies, all from the high school department. The young teacher in the high school department arranged Zhou Yujie; the middle-aged teacher arranged for Huang Jiawei; the old teacher arranged for Yang Wenrui. I have read all the manuscripts, and the quality is still quite good Yes, bring it here now, and ask Principal Fang to review it."

Fang Yuan sighed: This Qiu Zhengxuan is really good at arranging things, let him show his face once, and the three people he arranged, so that he can't find any faults, this is simply the most suitable candidate.It is said that it is a forum, but the forum must also talk about politics and appropriateness.This Qiu Zhengxuan is really a talent!Fang Yuan read the speeches of the three people, which included Ruan Shaoxiu's revision opinions and directly revised text. It should be said that Ruan Shaoxiu's writing skills were inferior to Fang Yuan's.Fang Yuan said: "In general, we will make changes according to Director Ruan's wishes. Director Ruan can directly talk to the two teachers, Zhou Yujie and Yang Wenrui. Director Huang is here, let me talk to him." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Thank you, Principal Fang, I am calling How can I talk to Director Huang!" Fang Yuan said: "The manuscripts of the junior high school department, and the manuscripts of several deputy principals, hurry up and ask for it." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Understood."

Fang Yuan felt that he had to talk to Huang Jiawei in person. On the one hand, Fang Yuan was not very satisfied with Ruan Shaoxiu's revisions. On the other hand, there were indeed some problems with Huang Jiawei's speech draft. More importantly, Fang Yuan came to pay attention to Huang Jiawei's draft in person. It will make Huang Jiawei feel concerned and valued. After all, Huang Jiawei also has a lot of weight in Fangyuan's heart.Fang Yuan called Huang Jiawei: "Director Huang, I have read your speech." Huang Jiawei felt a little nervous: "Principal Fang, I don't know if my speech is appropriate?" Fang Yuan said: "If it is within the school Speech, your speech should be very exciting. But Director Huang, do you know? This time the symposium, including Director Zhai and Secretary Sun and other members of the bureau's party committee, from my point of view, I hope your speech will be more exciting, You can impress the leaders of the bureau with your educational thinking and educational management ability. If there is an opportunity for improvement in the future, the leaders will definitely consider you."

Fang Yuan opened the skylight to speak frankly, Huang Jiawei naturally understood.Huang Jiawei said gratefully: "Thank you, Principal Fang, for reminding me. My level is not limited, and I don't know how to write. Please ask Principal Fang for guidance." Fang Yuan said, "I have tailored an idea for you, for your reference." Huang Jiawei quickly opened his notebook and took notes.Fangyuan said: "The theme is to guide the college entrance examination around the scientific development concept, improve the quality of the college entrance examination in the 5th middle school, and make the society and parents more satisfied with the 5th middle school. You can imagine it from this perspective." After Fangyuan told Huang Jiawei about his thoughts , Huang Jiawei praised again and again: "Great, thank you, Principal Fang, I will go back and correct it right away, and try to show it to you again." Fang Yuan said: "Okay. I will definitely read your manuscript." Huang Jiawei said: "Thank you."

In the afternoon, Fang Yuan read Qiu Zhengxuan's speech again, instructed Qiu Zhengxuan to revise the agenda of the symposium, and even wrote the presiding speech of the symposium by himself.Originally, the presiding speech was given to Qiu Zhengxuan to complete, but Fang Yuan told Qiu Zhengxuan that the most important thing is that you write the speech well.I will write this speech by myself.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yuan came to Zhai Xinwen with the revised draft of the scientific development concept and school development that Zhai Xinwen wanted for the city's education system to learn, and the agenda of the symposium that Minister Dou personally attended.Zhai Xinwen said: "Sit down." He concentrated on reading the manuscript.Zhai Xinwen was very satisfied with Fangyuan's article on the scientific concept of development and school development: "Xiao Fang, this article clearly expounds your understanding of the scientific concept of development and puts forward some ideas for promoting school development. Commonality, very feasible, more organized and more in-depth than the manuscript on "Dongzhou Daily". In this way, I think it can be learned in the city's education system. In addition, this manuscript will be published in "Dongzhou Education "Magazine, I also recommend to publish it in "Qingjiang Education" magazine. Xiao Fang, presided over the work of the 5th Middle School for 20 days, and the overall awareness and overall ability have improved very quickly!" Fang Yuan said: "It is Director Zhai's guidance Well done." Zhai Xinwen said: "It's just a reminder, it's mainly your work!" Fang Yuan said: "The chief helped me a lot. It was the chief who gave me opportunities to exercise; Criticize and remind me in time for some mistakes that I have not realized. Every instruction from the director has benefited me a lot." Zhai Xinwen laughed heartily: "Xiao Fang, you." Fang Yuan said seriously: " I speak from my heart.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Okay, let’s put this manuscript here. I’ve read the agenda, and I’ll make some suggestions.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay.” Zhai Xinwen said, “I see you 6 teachers were arranged to speak, and several vice-principals all spoke, so there are 10 people. This time, Dongzhou TV Station and "Dongzhou Daily" all have reporters, and 10 people will speak, is it a bit too much? You know , I want to give a speech at the level of Dongzhou education, and Minister Dou will definitely give a speech at the level of the whole city. Will this symposium take too long?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, I will go back and talk again. Discuss and reduce the number of people. How many people do you think is appropriate for the bureau chief?" Zhai Xinwen said: "5-6 people." Fang Yuan immediately felt a headache: Who would not talk about this?I have already told the teachers, but now I don’t let others talk about it, how can this be explained?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Secondly, Xiao Fang, you must speak." Fang Yuan said: "Director, I have talked enough recently. I still want to give up the opportunity to speak to my colleagues." Zhai Xinwen said: "It's different. When you speak, you represent the 5th Middle School. Who else can represent the 5th Middle School? So you have to speak. Of course, there is a second reason. Minister Dou came to the 5th Middle School. What is the purpose after all? Xiao Fang, don’t you know this? Dou? Minister Dou will be happy only if you speak. So, you should not only speak, but also make a wonderful speech. You should stop talking about the scientific concept of development and school development, and change your perspective. Xiao Fang, think about it carefully."

Fangyuan's head rose even more.God, tonight, I'm afraid I have to work all night again.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The symposium should not just be a symposium. As the No.5 school in Dongzhou City, 1 Middle School, as the acting principal, you should always take Director Dou to visit the school; you must always introduce the school to Minister Dou, right? I think it’s not on your agenda! Of course, when Minister Dou wants to visit the school, he is actually visiting Dongzhou Education, do you understand what I mean? This is the face of Dongzhou Education!”

Fang Yuan almost fainted to the ground.My God, if this is a visit, the school will have to be cleaned; you have to choose several places to visit!Need a commentary?Who will explain it?According to Director Zhai, this needs to be explained by me, Fangyuan!Fang Yuan had a splitting headache. Just now Director Zhai said it easily, but which thing can be done without trouble?However, no matter how worried you have to do it, this is a task.

After listening to Zhai Xinwen's other instructions, Fang Yuan walked out of Zhai Xinwen's office. Fang Yuan immediately called Ruan Shaoxiu: "Call all the school leaders, including all middle-level officials, to wait for me at the school. I will hold the school affairs meeting as soon as I return."

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