Director's growth history

2327.1307. Talking about Chapters is a University Question

It was the first time that Fang Yuan had entered the office of the city leader. [_] The office of Sheng Zhiren, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, is a super-large office with four rooms, which should be the largest office in the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.The outside room is the secretary's room, and on the left side of the secretary's room is a small meeting room, which can accommodate up to ten people for a small-scale meeting; the secretary's room is a large office, which is where Sheng Zhiren works; in the office At the end of the room, there is another door. Obviously, there is a bedroom where you can rest.

Seeing Sheng Zhiren's office, I thought that I changed from a two-person office to a one-person office only because I presided over the work of No. 5 Middle School.For this, Fangyuan is quite satisfied, because this office is not only a place for work, but also takes care of life. There is a reception area with sofas and coffee tables; there is a living area with mirrors and washbasins; there is an office area with a large Boss desk plus LCD computer.Now comparing it with Sheng Zhiren's office, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that his satisfaction was too low-grade.In Fangyuan's heart, a strong message rose secretly: one day in the future, I will work in an office like Sheng Zhiren's.

Guided by the secretary, Fang Yuan came to Sheng Zhiren's office, and was immediately overwhelmed by a quiet and solemn atmosphere.I was a little nervous at first, but when I entered the office of the head of the organization, I seemed to be even more nervous, even the flesh on my back seemed to be stretched, Fang Yuan even forgot to greet Sheng Zhiren.This is probably the similar feeling of many people who entered the office of the organization minister: both nervous and a little excited.

The secretary said: "Minister, Principal Fang is here." Sheng Zhiren raised his head, looked at Fang Yuan, and said, "Xiao Fang, sit down. Pour tea." The secretary poured a glass of water and said, "Principal Fang, please sit down. "Where did Fang Yuan dare to sit? He stood in front of the couch and looked at Sheng Zhiren: "Hello, Minister Sheng." Sheng Zhiren smiled: "Xiao Fang, am I that scary? Sit down. After reading these documents, I will Talk to you about the manuscript."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Minister Sheng." Then he sat down on the couch.Fang Yuan suddenly found that one of his legs was shaking continuously. He pressed it with his hand, but he couldn't hold it down, and it was still shaking.After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Sheng Zhiren stood up with a manuscript in his hand.Seeing Sheng Zhiren standing up, Fang Yuan quickly stood up too.Sheng Zhiren walked over from behind the large desk with a friendly face: "Sit down." He said, sitting on the single sofa on the other side of the coffee table.

Seeing Fang Yuan sitting down, Sheng Zhiren said: "You call me and say that the manuscript has been sent, and I will type out a copy. After reading it, it is not bad. It is more important than your speech at the Youth Federation symposium." Higher, deeper, and more deeply comprehended the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development. I have a thorough understanding of the people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable connotation of the Scientific Outlook on Development, and it is closely integrated with the development of the school. Xiao Fang, I used to only know that you teach well, but I didn't expect that your articles are also well written." Fang Yuan said: "This manuscript also incorporates Mayor Song, Minister Sheng, and Minister Chang Youqiang and other city leaders. The spirit of the speech. In fact, I listened to the speeches of the city leaders that day, especially Minister Sheng’s exposition of the scientific development concept, and I gained some new experience and understanding. Therefore, I added these new understandings It's in this manuscript. Minister Sheng, your praise makes me ashamed, because many of the highlights in the manuscript are the spirit of your speech, which I borrowed."

Sheng Zhiren smiled happily: "There are a few points of view in this manuscript, which coincide with my thoughts. Maybe Xiaofang, you are thinking about the development of the school, and I am thinking about the development of the entire Dongzhou City. The same, but relying on the scientific concept of development to guide the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School or Dongzhou City, this principle is the same.”

Fang Yuan nodded again and again: "Minister Sheng is right." Sheng Zhiren said: "Tao can be said, very Tao. As long as you find the 'Tao' and master the 'Tao', the development of anything will not be difficult I said that this scientific outlook on development is the "way" for exploring the development of China's economy and various social undertakings.

Oh, what a profound knowledge!Fortunately, Fang Yuan felt that he understood seven or eight points.Fang Yuan said: "Minister Sheng means that the scientific concept of development can not only guide the development of schools, but also guide the development of hospitals and various industries in society? This scientific concept of development is the 'Tao'." Sheng Zhiren nodded: "Xiao Fang's comprehension ability is quite good. So I hope that this manuscript of yours will be condensed and condensed at a higher level, from the development of the school to the development of all aspects of society, and from this height. This manuscript of yours is the finishing touch. The so-called tiger head and leopard tail is exactly the gist of a good article, Fang Yuan, do you understand?"

Fang Yuan is also a graduate of the university majoring in Chinese.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Minister Sheng, for your teaching. I have memorized your instructions. After I go back, I will follow your request to improve my understanding and modify the ending according to your wishes. I will try to send it to your mailbox tonight." Sheng Zhiren said: "It's not urgent, just send it to me on Monday. The high-quality goods are edited, hurry up, they are not necessarily high-quality goods. Xiaofang, your manuscript is very good, but it needs further work. Polishing. I hope that on Monday, I can see the quality of the manuscript that can be directly published on "Organizational Life". If the manuscript is good, I can recommend it to the provincial magazine and the provincial newspaper." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Minister Sheng. I will follow the spirit of your instructions and write the manuscript well." Sheng Zhiren said: "Okay. Xiaofang works hard, as long as he has the ability and knows how to handle things, he will definitely be able to develop better."

These few words warmed Fangyuan's heart.Sheng Zhiren stood up: "That's it for today." Fang Yuan immediately bounced up: "Okay, Minister Sheng. Thank you for guiding me to revise the draft in your busy schedule." Sheng Zhiren said: "I am very happy and talented. , thoughtful young people together." At this time, Sheng Zhiren was not so serious, he actually sent Fang Yuan out of the door of the secretary's room, and shook hands with Fang Yuan: "Go." Fang Yuan waved: " Goodbye, Minister Sheng." Sheng Zhiren waved his hand and said, "Goodbye." He turned and returned to the office.Fangyuan didn't know that Sheng Zhiren rarely sent guests to the door, which surprised Sheng Zhiren's secretary, and firmly remembered the name Fangyuan of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.

After leaving the municipal government building, Fang Yuan let out a long breath.When going down the steps, I saw a black Audi a6 running cheerfully and in time, and stopped at the bottom of the steps.Fang Yuan suddenly felt that she had a lot of face.Opening the car door, Fang Yuan sat in the back row, looked at his watch, and said to Zhang Guoliang: "Guo Liang, hurry up, the Municipal Education Bureau." Zhang Guoliang said: "Okay, Secretary Fang." The car drove smoothly and quickly.Fang Yuan was still reminiscing about the first official face-to-face meeting with Sheng Zhiren in the minister's office.It can be said that there are many feelings, but it seems difficult to sort out at the moment.In short, it feels completely different from going to other people's offices before.The manuscript must be improved, and my level is probably at this level.But Ruan Shaoxiu practiced, Fang Yuan was optimistic about Ruan Shaoxiu.Let Ruan Shaoxiu handle this matter. As long as he is willing to do it, then Monday's manuscript will definitely be more exciting.

Suddenly I heard Zhang Guoliang say: "Secretary Fang, in fact, I really want to drive for you all the time." Fang Yuan suddenly understood the meaning of Zhang Guoliang's words.Yang Fang is coming back, and she will drive her own Zhonghua Junjie again in the future.Fangyuan said: "Guoliang, thank you for helping me in the past month. I have been busy all the time, and I didn't thank you alone." Zhang Guoliang said: "I know that Secretary Fang has been busy with school affairs, and my affairs are all the same. It's a small matter, so don't bother Secretary Fang to worry about it." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yang Fang is going back to the school to preside over the work. In fact, it will be the same for you to serve Principal Yang in the future." Zhang Guoliang said: "It's different. In fact, my In my heart, I am more willing to serve Principal Fang. Principal Fang, can you promise me? When you become the principal in the future, let me be your driver! Whether you are the principal at the school or a bigger leader in the future , let me drive for you, okay?" Fang Yuan didn't think too far ahead, and said, "Okay." Zhang Guoliang said, "Thank you so much, Principal Fang."

Fang Yuan arrived at Zhai Xinwen's office at 2:50.He knocked on the door, and it opened. It was Sun Hongjun.Sun Hongjun said, "Are you here?" Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Sun, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry." Sun Hongjun glanced at his watch and said, "It's still 10 minutes to 3 o'clock, so I'm not late. Come in quickly , Director Zhai and Principal Yang Fang are waiting for you."

Principal Yang Fang is here?Unexpectedly, Principal Yang would come back to preside over the work so soon.Fang Yuan followed Sun Hongjun into the director's office.Fang Yuan said: "Hello Director Zhai, President Yang." Zhai Xinwen said: "Time is fast! Okay, let's talk in the small conference room. Red Army, please inform Director Zou and let him participate; let Yuan Qing also join the meeting." Attend." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay."

In the small conference room, between Zhai Xinwen, on both sides of Sun Hongjun and Zou Zhigang, Yang Fang and Fang Yuan sat opposite to the leader of the bureau; Zhang Yuanqing sat on the side with a meeting minutes book in his hand.

Zhai Xinwen said: "This morning, the party committee of the bureau held an emergency meeting to study the matter of Comrade Yang Fang's physical recovery and returning to school to work, and the matter of promoting young reserve cadres in the Dongzhou education system. At this meeting, The 8 comrades of the party committee of the Bureau reached a broad consensus, that is, Comrade Yang Fang will continue to serve as the principal of the No. 5 Middle School and fully preside over the work of the school. Branch secretary, concurrently as vice principal, fully presides over the school's party affairs work. At present, in many schools affiliated to the bureau, there is a secretary and a principal; but for many years, the 5th middle school has been shouldered by the secretary and principal. After analysis, one is the tradition, from Director Han Suzhen to Liu Ming, it has always been shoulder-to-shoulder, and Comrade Yang Fang has continued in this way; the other is the need, No. 5 Middle School is a famous school in Dongzhou, with great social influence, The school has a large number of faculty and staff, and the school's situation is complicated. If the secretary and the principal are at odds, it will inevitably affect the harmonious and stable development of the school. This is a burden that many bureau leaders cannot bear. Now, it is also work to promote Comrade Fang Yuan as the school's secretary. In order to achieve long-term sustainable development of Dongzhou’s education, there must be successors, and there must be generations of latecomers who can catch up. In more direct terms, it is necessary to form echelons of different age groups. Comrade Fang Yuan is a leader among the reserve cadres. In addition to showing strong ability in his teaching work, he also worked conscientiously during the time when he was fully in charge of the work of the No. 5 Middle School, overcame every difficulty, and made the work of the school better. The party committee of the bureau has seen this and fully affirmed it. But we should also see that Comrade Fangyuan’s work experience still needs to be enriched and perfected, and it is necessary to make a good report to Comrade Yang Fang and others who have qualifications, Experienced principals learn, so the Party Committee of the bureau believes that it is appropriate to promote Comrade Fang Yuan as the school's general party branch secretary and concurrently as the vice principal. I want to tell Comrade Yuan that in the future, we must learn from Comrade Yang Fang and learn from Yang Fang Comrade Yang Fang’s state of being dedicated to the public, learn Comrade Yang Fang’s character of being lenient towards others, learn Comrade Yang Fang’s work method of taking care of all directions, and learn Comrade Yang Fang’s sincere care for the teaching staff. In the process of learning, we must improve our overall quality, Improve your overall ability to manage the school."

Fang Yuan nodded vigorously.Zhai Xinwen continued: "Comrade Yang Fang fell ill at work because of exhaustion. It can be seen that Comrade Yang Fang's professionalism and responsible attitude towards school work are fully affirmed by the Party Committee of the Bureau. The Party Committee of the Bureau fully appreciates Yang Fang. Comrade's condition has also been very concerned. Deputy Director Kong Lili and Chairman Song Ping also visited the hospital on behalf of the bureau's party committee. Now that Comrade Yang Fang has returned to work, I, the secretary of the Red Army, and other leaders of the bureau's party committee have all It is very welcome. I told the comrades of the Party Committee of the Bureau that Comrade Yang Fang is in the No. 5 Middle School, and I feel very at ease in my heart. Because you are here, I feel that there will be no problems in the No. 5 Middle School." Yang Fang said: "Thank you, Director Affirmation. I am also very grateful to the director. During my illness and recuperation, not only did I have a special visit, but also settled almost all the medical expenses. After returning to school this time, I will definitely work harder and fight my old bones. We must also do a good job in the affairs of No. 5 Middle School, and live up to the trust of the director and other bureau leaders." Zhai Xinwen said: "The promise to Lao Yang is very important. Lao Yang, his body is exhausted for work, but his spirit is certainly It's commendable, but this is not what I expected. Now, you also have a powerful helper. Sometimes, the heavy work can be burdened on Fangyuan, add tasks, and let young people do it. You can command and control by remote control. Overall situation. ** Once said that youth is the sun at seven or eight o’clock in the morning. The world belongs to us as well as theirs, but in the final analysis it still belongs to them. Lao Yang, I am 49 years old this year. For 7 years, I should also be a second-line; you are 52 years old this year. According to Zhengke’s regulations, you should go home and rest at the age of 55. In the future, Dongzhou’s education will still need to be inherited by young people like the Red Army, Yuan Qing, and Fang Yuan. We want to play a good role in passing on, helping and leading, and help these young people grow up as soon as possible."

Yang Fang felt the pressure and felt a little upset, but she never dared to contradict Zhai Xinwen: "The director is right, I watched Fang Yuan grow up step by step from 68 middle school to 5 middle school, and seeing every bit of progress Fangyuan made, I They are all very happy. In the future, I will play the role of a veteran and help Fangyuan grow and mature as soon as possible."

Zhai Xinwen nodded: "This is the awareness that veteran party members like us should have. Of course, I also have something to say to Comrade Yuan."

Fang Yuan cheered up and held the pen and notebook more firmly.Zhai Xinwen said: "The most important thing in a school is the unity and harmony of the team. If there is no unity, the school will easily become a mess; if there is no harmony, it will affect the stability and development of the school. , but still the vice-principal of the school, and still accept the leadership of Comrade Yang Fang." Fang Yuan said: "I remember the director's words. In fact, in my heart, Principal Yang has always been my superior leader. In the past, It is now and it will be in the future. I will definitely obey the leadership of President Yang and cooperate with President Yang to do a good job in the school's work." Zhai Xinwen said: "It is very necessary to have such an attitude. Regarding the current team situation of No. 5 Middle School, I feel that it is quite appropriate. I also have confidence in the unity of the team of the No. 5 Middle School. Comrade Yang Fang will hold the rudder and keep the general direction of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School; Enthusiasm makes No. 5 Middle School full of vigor and vitality. I hope that your team will continue to create new achievements in the future and create new brilliance for Dongzhou Education."

Yang Fang and Fang Yuan nodded vigorously.

Zhai Xinwen said: "I will say these things. Now, the Red Army Secretary and Section Chief Yuan Qing and I will send Comrade Yang Fang and Fang Yuan to No. 5 Middle School."

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