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2362.1336. Every Man Longs for Warmth

When Kong Shuanghua asked the question "Will you have other women outside", it was indeed a shock and shock to Fang Yuan's soul. 【 | 】This question is really too difficult to answer. In the current situation, even if Fang Yuan is beaten to death, he can’t admit that he has Dong Mei and Shao Keqing, two women who have had relationships with him outside, let alone that he has seen Fang Yuan. On Shujuan's cock, she once passionately kissed Song Sisi, touched her breasts, and touched the depths of her grass, and his whole body, including her little brother, was also touched by Song Sisi.Similarly, just today, student Wen Ruoxing hugged and kissed him.Although the latter three women have not yet had a substantial relationship, their relationship with reality is actually just one step away.

Of course, Fang Yuan can't say that he has women outside, but it doesn't mean that Fang Yuan wants to say that he won't have women outside in the future.Fangyuan couldn't say this sentence, Fangyuan felt that she had to be responsible for herself and the happiness of her life.

Seeing Kong Shuanghua's eager eyes and Kong Shufang's concerned eyes, Fang Yuan said, "Shuanghua, although I don't have any other women outside now, I can't guarantee whether there will be any in the future." Kong Shuanghua stood up suddenly. Getting up, the tone raised several degrees: "Fang Yuan, what are you talking about? Why can't you guarantee that there will be one in the future?" Fang Yuan said, "I know, you will be angry if I say that, and Mom won't want to listen. But I You must be honest, you must tell the truth in front of you and your mother, and this is also responsible to you and your mother." Kong Shuanghua said: "Say it, say it." Tears welled up in his eyes.

Fangyuan handed over the tissue and said, "Shuanghua, Mom, I have always cherished this family since I married Shuanghua. But when Shuanghua pointed at my nose and cursed, when Shuanghua hit me again When I bite again, at that time, my heart was so cold. At that time, I really wanted to leave this house! Shuanghua, Mom, if you think differently and compare your hearts with each other, you are the me at that time, a person who How would you feel if a husband who suffers from his wife's yelling is a husband who suffers from his wife's beating and biting?"

Surprisingly, both Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua looked at Fangyuan in surprise and silence, with dazed elements in their eyes.

Fangyuan decided to tell the two women in front of her her true thoughts: "Shuanghua, Mom, they all say that women are made of water, and gentle as water is used to describe women. As a normal man, I also long for family Is this asking too much?" Kong Shufang couldn't help saying, "Not too much." Fang Yuan said, "If I don't get the tenderness and consideration from Shuanghua in my family, but I want Faced with a storm of accusations, cursing or biting from time to time, I am not sure if I will find another warmth."

Kong Shuanghua burst into tears, and threw herself into Fang Yuan's arms: "Husband, I love you so much, you can't have such thoughts, you are mine, you are mine." Fang Yuan hugged his wife and said: " What I said today is from my heart. If you don’t ask, I won’t say it; Gentle and virtuous, I will never leave you, and I will never leave this home." Kong Shuanghua said: "You can't leave this home, if you leave me, I don't even have the courage to live. Fangyuan, Fangyuan, I know, I scolded you before, I bit you before, but I didn't know it would hurt you so much!" Kong Shufang forgot that she was still sad about her husband being seduced by another woman, and at this time she also spoke for her daughter: "Xiao Fang, Shuanghua has not grown up yet, she is still a child." Fang Yuan said, "In the eyes of mothers, children will always be children. But Shuanghua is already a mother. I will repeat what I want to say, if Shuanghua is still the same as before, scolding me without any dignity, and fighting like crazy, I will not make promises for my own happiness. Because marriage is a safe haven, a place where people enjoy life, love and happiness , instead of enduring pain, being scolded and beaten. Of course, if Shuanghua can be like my mother, I dare to promise in front of you: I will not leave Shuanghua, I will not leave this home, and I will treat Shuanghua wholeheartedly. Well, I will wholeheartedly take on the responsibility of supporting the family."

Kong Shuanghua left Fangyuan's embrace: "Fangyuan, I suddenly feel that you are so strange." Fangyuan said, "It's not strange, but rational. It's still the same sentence, compare your heart with your heart. If you were me, you would not be able to endure beatings and scolding." Eager to mention tenderness and warmth? I think I am already very tolerant, really, very tolerant." Kong Shuanghua sat in a daze on the sofa, and she, who had never thought about more complicated issues, realized for the first time that she There are some problems in the marriage and love with Fang Yuan, and there is a crisis.

Kong Shufang loves her daughter the most, and she wishes her happiness from the bottom of her heart.Looking at the peaceful son-in-law and the dazed daughter, Kong Shufang felt sorry for her daughter and forgot her own pain: "Shuanghua, what Fangyuan said is unreasonable! Parents used to spoil you, your little one The temper is also getting bigger and bigger. When I was not married, I could let you go; when married, the husband and wife are equal and respect each other. When I lose my temper, I actually don't agree with you in my heart!"

Kong Shuanghua didn't seem to hear her mother's words. She stood up, her expression still dull: "I feel a little dizzy and want to sleep. I'm going to sleep." Too much information flooded into Kong Shuanghua's pure and kind heart at once, She really can't take it.She wanted to get angry, but she couldn't find a target. Kong Shuanghua, who loved Fangyuan to the bone, suddenly realized that if she lost her temper at Fangyuan again, Fangyuan might really leave this house and her.With tears in his eyes, Kong Shuanghua felt infinitely aggrieved, but couldn't find relief, so he walked towards the bedroom with infinite regret.

Fang Yuan said: "Shuanghua, I have something to thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart." Kong Shuanghua turned around and said, "What's the matter?" Fang Yuan said, "Today, my parents called me and said they received Fang Rui I received 500 yuan for the photo. I know, you did it. Thank you, I was busy with work and forgot about these things, but you can imagine that I saw a good daughter-in-law who is filial to her parents."

Kong Shuanghua rushed over, hugged Fangyuan, and cried bitterly.There is the touch of being praised by her husband; the happiness of being recognized by her husband; the pain that cannot be vented; Kong Shuanghua held Fangyuan even tighter, fearing that if he let go, Fangyuan would fly away from his eyes.

Some people may not understand why Kong Shuanghua loves Fangyuan so much.Apart from the eternal truth that "beauties love heroes", Kong Shuanghua has never experienced other men except Fangyuan. A virgin is often engraved with her first man.As Kong Shuanghua's first and only man, Kong Shuanghua has pinned all his future happiness on Fangyuan.Fang Yuan's words today deeply impacted Kong Shuanghua's heart and brought her a lot of thoughts.This is related to his future happiness, Kong Shuanghua has to reflect on it!

When Fang Yuan hugged his wife tightly and felt a lot of emotion, he even felt a little bit proud in his heart: It is said that conspiracy is invincible, and looking at it now, it is the same in the family!What I said today is not the truth, because I have a woman outside now; but what I said today is from the heart, if you, Kong Shuanghua, cannot provide the tenderness and consideration that a wife should give, Fang Yuan will find yourself looking for another woman outside. Women's excuses.Fang Yuan didn't realize how despicable his thoughts were, but what Fang Yuan thought of was another way of thinking: finally he could sit on an equal footing with Kong Shuanghua, and finally he would no longer be inferior to others in the Kong family.I have already put the words here, you Kong Shuanghua is gentle and considerate, I don’t need to look for women outside; you Kong Shuanghua is like a lion roaring in the east, then I have more reasons to look for women’s tenderness outside.

For Kong Shuanghua, this night was a night of deep thought; for Kong Shufang, it was a night of spiritual struggle between her husband and the woman outside her husband; Such a reasonable woman; for Fang Yuan, it was a night when she turned from being passive to being active.ah!It was a restless night in this large three-bedroom apartment in the teachers' community of Dongzhou Medical College.

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