After Yang Yingxian left the secretary's office, Na Hong also came to Fangyuan's office. 【_】Na Hong said: "Secretary Fang, thank you for being able to speak for me at the school affairs meeting." Fang Yuan said: "I am right about things but not about people. It is the principal who has done a good job, so I naturally want to say; similarly, If other principals have done a good job, I will say it too." Na Hong said: "Speaking of which, I am really ashamed, I said some bad things about you behind your back before." Fang Yuan looked at Na Hong, knowing a If people can say such words, they are either moved or convinced, but no matter what the reason is, it means that their mentality has changed, and they have begun to change from confrontation to reconciliation, from opponents to partners.For this female headmistress in her early 40s, being able to say such a thing must take courage and release the wind direction.

Fang Yuan said: "It's normal to have differences or different ideas at work. The past is like the wind, so let these pasts be blown away without a trace. I respect the principal's mind that can afford to let go, I admire the principal's accomplishments in art education. I believe that our future cooperation will be very pleasant, because our goals are the same, and we will work together to build Dongzhou No. 5 through our respective efforts. The development is good." Na Hong said: "Yes, in the future, under the leadership of Secretary Fang, I will do a good job in the work I am in charge of, contribute to the development of the 5th Middle School, and never hold back Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan Smiled and said: "I have hind legs, which means I have front legs!" G 8 Zhan climbs the peptide wall and looks forward to the ship Huan Lai Α!

Qiu Zhengxuan came to Fangyuan's office after the school's general meeting of teachers.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "I came to see you in the morning, and you went to class or to attend classes. You were not in the office at noon, and you also went to attend classes in the afternoon. I knew you were busy, so the meeting ended, so I followed you." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Qiu What can I do for you?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "From today onwards, I will be in charge of junior high school teaching. I have a lot of work, so please ask Secretary Fang for more support and guidance." Fang Yuan said: "Guiding is not a thing, but support must be there. Principal Qiu, this time you are assigned to be in charge of junior high school teaching, and you can bring forward any ideas you have.” Qiu Zhengxuan said, “Thanks to Secretary Fang and Principal Yang for their trust in me. Do a good job.” Fang Yuan said: “During the one month in charge of the high school, Principal Qiu has shown his work style of leading the way, conscientiously, and meticulously. , will be a good player.” Qiu Zhengxuan said: “Thank you Secretary Fang for your affirmation.” Fang Yuan said: “Work must be done hard, so that you can hope to do it well; this is especially true for education work. It is a violation of the law of education. My personal understanding is that how much you pay, you can only gain as much. Another point is that doing a job is not just based on lip service, but also on hard work. No matter how beautiful the words are, the final grades are very poor , this is equal to zero. For such comrades, we should re-examine! As a person, I am not comparable to President Qiu in terms of work experience, nor can I compare with President Qiu in terms of ability, but since I have been assigned to this position by the organization, I will Take the responsibility that should be borne. This responsibility is to develop Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School well, and not let Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School go downhill during my tenure as secretary or principal. Therefore, this adjustment is to believe that Principal Qiu can change the junior high school. The face of the school is to hope that the work of junior high school education and teaching will be rejuvenated under the leadership of Principal Qiu."

Fang Yuan's words contained too much information.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Secretary Fang's ability is obvious to all in the city's education system. I have to learn from Secretary Fang in all aspects. I must follow Secretary Fang's requirements, not to talk about showmanship, not to say nice words, and everything will be developed. 5 The fundamental goal is to lead the teachers of junior high schools to do a good job in junior high school teaching, and to live up to Secretary Fang’s expectations.” Fang Yuan said: “It’s not to live up to my expectations. I am also a member of the school. It is our responsibility to develop No. 5 Middle School well. Common expectations. What’s more, how much work President Qiu has done and how many achievements he has made are naturally an important basis for whether President Qiu can make progress in the future. I am for everyone, and everyone is for me; I am for education How can the organization forget the people who made these contributions? Therefore, the work done by each of us, including me, including you, is not only for the responsibility on our shoulders, but also for the progress of personal work. Career development." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Secretary Fang is very good. Whether it is for myself or Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I will work hard to do a good job." Fang Yuan said: "That's right." Qiu Zhengxuan said : "Secretary Fang has been in charge of two graduating classes in '68 High School. His achievements are obvious to all in the city. He is an expert in teaching management in junior high schools. In the future, Zhengxuan still needs to ask Secretary Fang for advice on many aspects. Please give more guidance, help, and support to Secretary Fang. I have an opinion on my work." Fang Yuan smiled: "Principal Qiu, don't be so modest. It's still the same sentence, no matter how beautiful the words are, if the things are not done well, it is equal to zero; if the words are not beautiful, but the things are done well, it is still good Comrade." Qiu Zhengxuan nodded solemnly: "Yes, I have remembered Secretary Fang's teachings."

Many subjects in the city's high-quality course competition have been completed one after another, and the remaining subjects are basically the so-called main subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and English.After Fangyuan breathed a sigh of relief, he was about to devote himself to preparing for his Chinese class.In the process of instructing other representatives of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to participate in various subject competitions in the city, Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that his understanding of the new curriculum reform had risen from an emotional level to a rational level; Conceptual level to examine the specific teaching design.This kind of improvement is Fang Yuan's unexpected joy and unexpected harvest.Looking back at her own teaching design, Fang Yuan clearly felt that there were many problems in her Chinese class from the perspective of teaching plans.Using one night, Fang Yuan summed up his perception and experience in the guidance class, and revised the teaching design again.On the second day, Fangyuan coordinated with Huang Jiawei and found a class to give a trial lecture. After one class, Fangyuan and the students were immersed in the artistic conception of Chinese teaching. The teacher taught well, the students learned well, and the class progressed harmoniously and orderly. completed the teaching task.When get out of class was over, a student in this class suddenly stood up and said, "Teacher Fang, give us a Chinese class in the future." This brave statement immediately resonated with many students, and everyone shouted out loudly. Each voice.Huang Jiawei, who sat in the back and listened to the class, also felt that Fang Yuan's class seemed to have improved to a higher level; while the head teacher, the Chinese teacher, lamented that he was not as good at teaching as Fang Yuan, and was extremely annoyed at the students' performance.

Fang Yuan said: "In the future, I may be farther and farther away from teaching. Therefore, I cannot agree to this student's request. But what I can promise everyone is that if other teachers want to learn and use my teaching method, I don’t hold anything back; if schools need to promote my kind of pedagogy, I’ll tell you everything.”

Huang Jiawei accompanied Fang Yuan to the vice principal's office.Huang Jiawei said: "Secretary Fang, I feel that this class is significantly different from the ones you have taken before." Fang Yuan smiled and said, "What's the difference?" Huang Jiawei said: "It turns out that your class was taken naturally It's also very good, which is recognized by all the teachers in the city. Today's class seems to be better than the previous class." Fang Yuan also wanted to hear Huang Jiawei's opinion: "You can't just say good, but also bad. I will talk about it tomorrow. Class is about to leave, and I still have time to revise this lesson plan today." Huang Jiawei said: "I am speaking very straightforwardly, please don't be offended by Secretary Fang." Fang Yuan said: "I still admire Director Huang's accomplishments very much. Please Let’s talk straight.” Huang Jiawei said: “The class given by the previous secretary was very smooth and looked perfect, but it was a kind of beauty of skill, with a taste of acting. Today’s class, I heard a kind of heavy I can hear a sense of maturity from a high-level command. If my guess is correct, Secretary Fang, you must have a new and higher understanding of the new curriculum reform. Your understanding of the regularity of Chinese teaching There are also new breakthroughs, so now you can stand on the theoretical level to guide specific practice, so when you control the classroom, you seem to be calm and easy." Fang Yuan thought carefully about this trial lesson, and there really was such a point smell.It seems that teaching theory plays a very important role in improving the teaching level, but I didn't realize this.It turns out that more attention is paid to skills, which are still auxiliary things.Fang Yuan admired Huang Jiawei's keen eyes, and he respected and admired Huang Jiawei again in his heart. An idea came to his mind: No matter where he works in the future, with an assistant like Huang Jiawei, he will definitely be handy.Fang Yuan said: "To tell the truth, Director Huang, I recently participated in guiding many trial lectures for teachers who will participate in the city's high-quality course competition. Yesterday, I suddenly felt that I had a new understanding of the concept of the new curriculum reform, and I had a better grasp of classroom teaching. New insights. So, yesterday I modified the teaching design, and today I want to try whether this new teaching idea can make it easier for me to teach and make students learn better. Through this trial lecture, I feel that the latest thinking is still That's right." Huang Jiawei said, "Congratulations to Secretary Fang. I know the principle of quantitative change and qualitative change. Secretary Fang's recent lectures are the accumulation of quantitative changes; your trial lecture today is a breakthrough in quality. I believe that you will participate The Dongzhou High-quality Class Competition will definitely return in triumph." Fang Yuan said: "I didn't participate in this class originally, but the leaders of the Municipal Teaching and Research Section asked me to definitely participate." Huang Jiawei said: "The leaders of the Municipal Teaching and Research Section asked you to participate. It has set a benchmark for the Chinese teachers in the city: what kind of Chinese class is the real high-quality class." Fang Yuan is very useful in his heart, but he still has to be humble: "I am on the same starting line as other teachers, and I have just taught high school. "Huang Jiawei said: "The reason is the same, and the truth is always there. Secretary Fang, your successful experience in teaching Chinese in junior high school is equally useful in high school. What's more, you now have a new and higher understanding of the new curriculum reform. I know you." Fang Yuan said: "We have made great progress, and we have to go further. Director Huang, I will take up some of your time this morning, and we will study this lesson again to improve some details." Huang Jiawei said: "Thank you Fang Secretary's trust."

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