Director's growth history

2410.1371 Governor Qu's Calligraphy

Thanks to Confucius Tian's tip-off, Zhai Xinwen accurately grasped the time of Qu Bitong's departure in the afternoon, and reported to Deng Yuncong in time. (⊙o⊙)... At 1:50 p.m., Deng Yuncong and Zhai Xinwen arrived at Dongzhou University Hotel 10 minutes earlier.

Accompanied by Deng Yuncong and Zhai Xinwen, Qu Bitong, vice governor of Qingjiang Province, and Liu Jun, deputy director of the Education Department of Qingjiang Province, successively visited Dongzhou Experimental Primary School and Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten for inspection and investigation.In these two places, Qu Bitong can really be said to be a fleeting sight, because he did not enter the conference room, did not listen to the report from the principal or the principal, but just walked around the campus, visited a few special classrooms, and looked at the campus. Appearance.Both the Experimental Primary School and the Experimental Kindergarten have been carefully prepared, but in the end they were useless.Peng Ru, the director of the experimental kindergarten, dressed herself up like a flower, which made Zhai Xinwen's eyes shine. He didn't expect the beloved Governor Qu and Director Liu to turn a blind eye. Peng Ru was so anxious that he took a chance and asked Zhai Xinwen: "I prepared a 10-minute report with Chairman Song of the trade union, but the governor didn't listen?" Zhai Xinwen said, "I fought for it to be able to come, so be content." Peng Ru curled her lips in dissatisfaction.Zhai Xinwen naturally couldn't explain to Peng Ru: Governor Qu's real intention is most likely entrusted by Confucius Tian to give Fangyuan platform, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, which is the most attractive place for Governor Qu in Dongzhou education.In any case, we must strive for an opportunity to report to Governor Qu on the work of Dongzhou Education, so that the governor in charge can have a good initial impression of Dongzhou Education.Zhai Xinwen sighed: It would be great if Governor Qu was a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee!Fortunately, No. 5 Middle School can also show the highest level of education in Dongzhou, with the best facilities, the highest quality of teachers and students, and brilliant educational achievements. What's more, Yang Fang is in charge, which is reassuring; If you have Fangyuan at the school, you don't have to worry about the provincial leaders not praising Dongzhou education.

There were 5 cadres at or above the vice-principal level in Dongzhou No. 7 Middle School and Ruan Shaoxiu, the director of the office. After receiving a call from Wang Xingbang, the director of the office, they all stood at the gate of the school and formed a long queue.Standing in front of Yang Fang were Zou Zhigang and Kong Lili, the deputy directors of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, Shen Jun, the chief of the education section of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, and Xie Bingguo, the director of the teaching and research section.After all, from the establishment of the school to the present, although many city leaders have come, it is the first time for a leader above the deputy governor to sit in a bridal sedan chair.

The deputy governor's convoy finally arrived.Zou Zhigang reminded: "Stand up and show the demeanor of our Dongzhou education cadres." At this time, everyone's eyes widened, and their faces were full of smiles.Everyone is a top-notch actor, and they can act in any play at any time without being taught.

The first car to get off was Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen didn't seem to care about shaking hands with his colleagues from the Dongzhou Education Bureau and the cadres of No. 5 Middle School. He stood there respectfully, waiting for the second car to get off. At the top, an elderly man in his 50s got out of the car.Immediately, warm applause rang out.Qu Bitong waved to everyone, looked back, and saw Liu Jun, Deng Yuncong, and the two directors of the education department following him, and then smiled and walked towards the crowd at the door.Zhai Xinwen warmly introduced: "Governor Qu, Director Liu, this is Zou Zhigang, deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, Kong Lili, deputy director, Shen Jun, director of the education department, Xie Bingguo, director of the teaching and research section, and Yang Fang, the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Every time I shook someone's hand, I nodded, my eyes were full of encouragement, and I said a simple "Hello", and I went through the scene politely.When he came to Fangyuan, Zhai Xinwen introduced: "This person is Fangyuan, the party branch secretary and vice-principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Qu Bitong shook Fangyuan's hand and said kindly: "I have known you for a long time. Name, I know that you are a rising star in the education system of Qingjiang Province, I know that you are a rare young talent in Qingjiang Province who won the first prize in the National Quality Course Competition, I am very happy to meet you!" Fang Yuan said politely: "Thank you Governor for your kind words. Love, every bit of my personal progress is inseparable from the training of the organization and the care of the leaders!" Qu Bitong said: "Every young person should have this understanding. A person's growth, it is not isolated , not by fighting alone, without the training of the organization, without the care of the leaders, there will be no growth. Comrade Xiaofang can realize this, and I am very pleased."

Praise in disguise!Everyone could tell that this was a compliment for Fang Yuan's high level of awareness, and some people secretly had a premonition in their hearts: Governor Qu's visit to No. 5 High School today is of extraordinary significance.Zhai Xinwen smiled wryly in his heart: This praise has just begun, wait, guessing that after the inspection is over, there must be a discussion, and that occasion is the key time for praise.I just want to find an opportunity to report to Dongzhou Education at that time, to win a little more praise from the provincial leaders for Dongzhou Education, and to make Mayor Deng smile more.

The introductions to Na Hong, Qiu Zhengxuan, Yang Yingxian, and Dai Lianghua later on were really superficial and fleeting.In Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Qu Bitong and Liu Jun visited the school history museum. Zhai Xinwen saw the daughter of Zhou Pengyou, secretary-general of the municipal government, and sighed in his heart: Dongzhou is too small. .

Zhou Yujie's introduction was very vivid, Qu Bitong listened to it with great interest, and asked Yang Fang and Fang Yuan around him from time to time.For Deng Yuncong and Zhai Xinwen, they have heard the history of the school's development many times.Under the guidance of Yang Fang and Fang Yuan, Qu Bitong, Liu Jun and others visited the calligraphy room of the students in the school and saw the calligraphy works of the students hanging on the wall.Zhai Xinwen is very clear that these exquisite calligraphy works were indeed written by the students without any adulteration, but the calligraphy skills of these students did not come from No. 5 Middle School, but were sent to calligraphy classes by their parents since childhood. made by practice.Zhai Xinwen said: "Governor Qu, Director Liu, these calligraphy works on the wall are all written by the students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School attaches great importance to the implementation of quality education, and pays equal attention to art courses and intellectual education courses. It is an art education model school in Qingjiang Province." Qu Bitong said: "Good! It is very well written! There are a few works, although it can be seen that they were written by students, but they are very powerful." Liu Jun said: "Mayor Deng , Director Zhai, Governor Qu is a famous calligrapher." Deng Yuncong said: "Really? So, Governor Qu must trouble you to write inscriptions for Dongzhou Education!" Qu Bitong said: "Calligraphers can't be called, Hobbies, hobbies." Zhai Xinwen said: "Principal Yang, get ready the paper, pen, and ink immediately." Yang Fang said: "Okay."

We accompanied Qu Bitong and other people to visit the studio of the school, and we saw the Chinese paintings, oil paintings, watercolor paintings and gouache paintings of Dongzhou High School students.Qu Bitong is an expert, so he naturally sees it carefully.After that, I visited the school's science and technology museum, visited the school's dance room, and went to the school's orchestra room. Conducted by the music teacher, the students performed many well-known pieces of music that everyone is very familiar with, such as Ha Xia Turian's "Saber Dance" and so on.Qu Bitong had a bright smile on his face, and he couldn't help clapping his hands. Seeing Qu Bitong clapping, everyone applauded extraordinarily enthusiastically.

A group of people came to the small conference room of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.There were too many people coming, in addition to setting aside 3 seats for the reporters of Dongzhou newspapers and Dongzhou TV station, the Education Bureau only left cadres above the deputy department, and Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School was only above the deputy principal. cadres and service personnel.Qu Bitong sat in the middle, with Liu Jun on the right and Deng Yuncong on the left. Outside Deng Yuncong was a provincial director and deputy secretary-general of the municipal government. Outside Liu Jun was a provincial director, Zhai Xinwen.Qu Bitong smiled all over his face: "Comrades, I have learned a lot from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School today! As one of the southernmost cities in Qingjiang Province, Dongzhou is one of the southernmost cities in Qingjiang Province. If I come to Dongzhou, I will regret it; if I come to Dongzhou, I will regret it even more if I don’t come to Dongzhou No. 5!"

If the leader's words are not humorous, they must also appear humorous.As soon as Qu Bitong finished speaking, everyone applauded immediately, accompanied by very happy laughter.

Qu Bitong said: "In many cities, No. 1 and No. 2 middle schools should be the best-built schools. I also believe that No. 1 and No. 2 middle schools in Dongzhou are quite well-built. Now, seeing Dongzhou No. 5 middle schools being built like this Well, and it is a model high school in Qingjiang Province, a provincial first-level middle school, which makes me feel excited. Can it be said that the basic education in Dongzhou is not inferior even when compared with Hangjiang and Ninghai."

Another round of applause.Deng Yuncong said: "Governor Qu speaks highly of Dongzhou Education! Director Xinwen, please report to Governor Qu, Director Liu and other provincial leaders about the work of Dongzhou Education in 07." Zhai Xinwen is very grateful to Deng Yuncong. Yes, this Mayor Deng is really a good man!Zhai Xinwen said: "Respected Governor Qu, Director Liu, and Mayor Deng, please allow me to report to the leaders the basic work of Dongzhou education in the past year, and briefly talk about the plan for 08." As a bureau The director of the bureau, Zhai Xinwen, has actually put all the big and small things about Dongzhou Education in his mind.At noon today, Zhai Xinwen read the report materials prepared by the Education Department and the office several times. In fact, he just serialized his grasp of the education situation in Dongzhou in his mind.Now, there is no need to read manuscript reports at all.

Zhai Xinwen had the outline of the report in his mind, and talked according to the outline.Qu Bitong nodded while listening.Zhai Xinwen finally said: "Respected Governor Qu, Director Liu, respected leaders of the province, I know that when we sit down and watch the sky, we will feel that we have done a good job in 07, but we also know that from an objective standpoint From the perspective of the people, we are still far from the requirements of the people. The work plan for 2008 is very important for doing a good job in the new year. I would also like to ask all the respected provincial leaders to give more valuable opinions and give more Criticism and guidance."

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