Director's growth history

2415.1374, busy but not chaotic

In the director's office, Zhai Xinwen listened to Xie Bingguo's preparations for the 2008 Qingjiang Provincial High-quality Class Competitions in various disciplines. [ ] Zhai Xinwen said: "We should make full use of Fangyuan's experience and experience, and infiltrate Fangyuan's teaching method to every teacher who may participate in the competition, so that they can consciously use Fangyuan's similar teaching method, so that everyone's teaching The effect can be significantly improved. In addition, I have another suggestion." Xie Bingguo said respectfully: "Please give instructions from the director." Zhai Xinwen said: "High school Chinese competitions, there is no doubt about the size. Other subjects, There must be three candidates for all the contestants in each school stage. Let me tell you, these three candidates have equal opportunities, and whoever the teaching and research staff thinks is most likely to achieve good results in the provincial competition will be selected for the competition. Bingguo, for me, if the grades are good, the leaders praise and praise; if the grades are not good, I will still be my bureau chief and will not be affected. But for you, it is completely different: if the grades are good, Bingguo is very hopeful to be able to come back again. Further; the grades are not good, and there are probably many people staring at the current position."

Xie Bingguo felt the heavy pressure, and seemed to see the hope that was right in front of him.Zhai Xinwen said: "This time, the selection of players must not be based on relationships, but on strength. To achieve the best results in the provincial competition is your only option, understand?" Xie Bingguo said: "Understood, I must follow the director's instructions Whoever can get good results can choose to compete." Zhai Xinwen said: "This is the most fair! At the same time, it is also the easiest to select the best players." Xie Bingguo said: "The director stands tall, look far."

Zhai Xinwen said: "There is one more thing, you have to think about it in advance." Xie Bingguo said: "Please give instructions from the director." Zhai Xinwen said: "In 2007, our college entrance examination ranked 17th among 11 prefectures and cities in Qingjiang Province; , what are your plans?" Xie Bingguo said: "The teaching and research section attaches great importance to the college entrance examination work. In 2008, I hope to advance the ranking by at least 08 places." Zhai Xinwen smiled: "Bingguo, ranked No. Will Secretary Wang and Mayor Song of the municipal government see it? As I said, your progress depends on your work performance. As long as your work performance improves, I can speak for you!" Xie Bingguo gritted his teeth, Said: "Director, please tell me, what kind of requirements do you have?" Zhai Xinwen said: "I expect that in the 2 college entrance examination, the passing rate of the first grade will increase by 9% compared with last year, and the passing rate of the second grade will be 2008% higher than that of last year. Dongzhou’s ranking in Qingjiang Province should be in the top five.” Xie Bingguo said: “Director, this goal is very difficult.” Zhai Xinwen said: “There must be difficulties, but Secretary Xi of the Provincial Party Committee Instead of constantly educating and enlightening our cadres, there are always more ways than difficulties. Didn’t Secretary Xi say that the more difficult the environment, the more we can train our cadres and discover talents who can start businesses. Bingguo, provincial class and college entrance examination, These two tasks, it can be said that the burdens are not light, and the difficulties are not small, but at the same time, I also want to say that this is precisely the time when the organization tests you. There is no flaming mountain that cannot be overcome, and there is no Tongtian River that cannot be crossed. I have confidence in you, and at the same time, I also promise that these two tasks need funds, and I will support them; if they need me to mobilize speeches, I will go; if they need my help to coordinate, I will coordinate them. Just let go of the work, I will Don't ask about the process, just about the result." Xie Bingguo stood up: "Director, even if there is the Flame Mountain in front of you, even if the Tongtian River is in front of you, I, Xie Bingguo, will live up to the trust and entrustment of the director, and I will do the two tasks you entrusted to me as soon as possible. Do your best to complete it well." Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "I believe in Bingguo very much. Just to remind you, a poor commander can't do these two tasks well. We need to work together to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and play a good role. Everyone's potential. In particular, it is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of each teaching and research staff, clarify their tasks, arouse their enthusiasm, and give full play to their abilities. In this way, you, the director of the teaching and research section, will be fine. Done." Xie Bingguo said, "Thank you for your instruction, Director."

After Xie Bingguo left, Zhai Xinwen called Feng Liang over: "Chu Feng, how is the security work in the education system recently?" Feng Liang said: "Generally speaking, it is still good." We cannot relax our vigilance. At present, safety work has become an important work affecting the work of the education and teaching center, and we must attach great importance to it. In order to do a good job in the safety work of the school, I plan to hold a city-wide education system safety work meeting immediately after returning from the New Year's Day holiday. At the meeting, I will sign the 2008 Safety Responsibility Certificate with the principals of all bureau-affiliated schools in the city and directors of education and sports bureaus in four districts and five counties. Which bureau-affiliated school has a problem with safety, which has caused irreparable consequences and bad consequences? For social impact, all principals will be dismissed; if a safety accident occurs in the education and sports bureau of a district or county, causing irreparable consequences and bad social impact, the Municipal Education Bureau will recommend that the district or county party committee remove the director of the education and sports bureau At the meeting, the "Dongzhou Education Bureau Safety Work Opinions" will be issued to guide the city's school safety work. In the safety work opinions, safety must be linked to the assessment of the districts, counties, and bureau-affiliated units by the Municipal Education Bureau Feng Liang said: "It's almost the end of the year. Is it appropriate to issue such work opinions at this time?" Zhai Xinwen's attitude was firm: "Appropriate. To focus on safety work, we must prevent problems before they happen. At the beginning of the new year, it is just right to issue such opinions." It can guide the work throughout the year. Therefore, Feng Chu, in the last few days, you must hurry up to prepare for the safety work meeting and come up with your safety work opinions. After this safety work meeting is over, start the city-wide safety work immediately The big inspection will be a pull-type inspection, a no-call inspection. If you need my support, I will fully support you." Feng Liang said, "Will this affect the school's final exam?" Zhai Xinwen said: "The more final exams are, the more likely it is for districts, counties, and schools to ignore safety. Once there is a safety problem, you and I can't afford to go around! Lao Feng, you are in charge of safety work, and I value safety Work is the greatest support for you!" Feng Liang said: "The director attaches great importance to safety work, and I welcome it with both hands." Zhai Xinwen said: "Safety work can also achieve political achievements. I am saying this here, as long as Dongzhou Education There will be no major security problems in the system within 2 years, and there is a great possibility that the false job will be transferred to a real job." Feng Liang said: "Then thank you, Director Zhai."

Zhai Xinwen thought of preschool education.This quality education on-site meeting, of course, also includes preschool education.Zhai Xinwen called Geng Qing, the deputy director in charge, and Xi Chunhua, the director of the nursery office.Zhai Xinwen went straight to the point: "Director Geng, Xiao Xi, I am looking for you two to hold an on-site conference on quality education in Qingjiang Province in March and April 2008. This is the first time that Dongzhou City has held a comprehensive comprehensive education site for the whole province. Yes, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayors Song and Mayor Deng of the municipal government all attach great importance to it. Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee requires success, and Mayor Song of the municipal government expresses his position to give whatever support is needed. In everyone's impression, quality education It is in the education of elementary school, junior high school and high school team, but I think this kind of view is one-sided. Preschool education should also implement quality education in an all-round way. At present, how to improve the effectiveness of children's daily activities so that children can be happy, lively, Active and healthy growth is the implementation of quality education in an all-round way. However, we have seen that many kindergartens are not implementing quality education, but counterproductive education. Some kindergartens teach Chinese characters and learn the first grade courses in advance; Some kindergartens set up bilingual classes, which not only charge extra fees, but also violate the laws of education; some kindergartens have already started to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 3, so when it comes to the first grade of elementary school, what should I learn in math class?"

Xi Chunhua did not expect that Zhai Xinwen was also very knowledgeable about preschool education, and the few questions he asked were exactly the difficulties in the current preschool education management.Xi Chunhua said: "Director Zhai, I am going to conduct a thorough investigation in all districts and counties of the city to fully correct these wrong practices." Zhai Xinwen said: "The problems in preschool education are not limited to these problems. Those who directly open kindergartens and nurseries without approval Yes, the quality of preschool education cannot be guaranteed, and there are also serious hidden dangers in terms of safety. I heard that some kindergartens use residential buildings with floors, and there is only one door for entry and exit, and there is no fire safety exit at all. Children go upstairs and downstairs every day, and there is also a potential safety hazard of being trampled. Director Geng, Xiao Xi, I don’t know about these problems, have you paid attention to them?”

Xi Chunhua was sweating.Geng Qing said: "Ju Zhai, what you said is true, and I know it well. At present, there are relatively big difficulties in the management of preschool education. First of all, this preschool education is not compulsory education, and the state does not pay for it. Most of them are individual Or run kindergartens in the streets. These kindergartens are for profit, not for the purpose of implementing the national education policy. The Municipal Education Bureau’s Kindergarten Office can only implement business guidance and bid approval for these kindergartens. The specific kindergarten management, It is entirely up to the kindergarten itself to decide. Secondly, the management of preschool education is too small. There are 3 people in the nursery office, and I, the director in charge, only 4 people in the city. How many kindergartens and nurseries are there in the city? I have a rough idea There are more than 1700 data, and the four of us just searched non-stop, and we put down all other work, but we couldn’t find it.”

Zhai Xinwen's face became serious: "Director Geng, how many people are there in the education department? Four people! They are in charge of all the school management in the city, focusing on moral education, class teachers, family education, social education, education management, three-good students, student status, transfer, suspension of school, dropout and return to school. , how many schools are there in the city, from elementary school to junior high school to high school to vocational high school, I think there should be at least a thousand schools. The scope of management is wider than that of kindergartens, right? Preschool education is managed for three years, and basic education is managed for 4 years; More than kindergartens? The number of teenagers who have been in charge for 12 years should be four times that of preschool education. Talking about work is not the style of Communist Party members; every job will have difficulties when it is done; What we are discussing today is how to solve these difficulties instead of complaining about them."

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