After Zhang Guoliang saw that everything in Fangyuan had recovered, he said, "Secretary Fang, you can check here again. ┗ #_ ┛I'll pick up Principal Yang to go to work first, and I'll pick you up later." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

When Zhang Guoliang came back, he even took Kong Shuanghua over.Zhang Guoliang said respectfully: "Secretary Fang, Teacher Kong is here." Kong Shuanghua said: "Fang Yuan, I didn't sleep well last night, how could you drink like this?" Fang Yuan said: "I'm sorry, respect me Too much, I don’t know how to drink, how much people drink, how much I drink, I drink too much.” Kong Shuanghua’s eyes are red: “If you drink something wrong, what should you do? What should I do? What should Ruirui do?" Fang Yuan said: "I must pay attention." Kong Shufang said: "Your father said, he wants to tell you how to get the wine." Fang Yuan said: "I told Dad Ask for advice." Kong Shuanghua said: "You are not allowed to go out today, just eat at home and don't drink." Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, alas, I still have to participate. Tonight, the boss of Dongsheng Sewing Machine Group will invite you to dinner. If I don't go It’s very troublesome.” Kong Shuanghua said: “Your body is still important. Look at your pale face, it’s because you drank too much yesterday. You are not allowed to go tonight.” Fangyuan said: “Shuanghua, let’s turn around Let's discuss it again." Kong Shuanghua said: "No, there is no need to discuss it, I can't go today."

In front of Zhang Guoliang, Fang Yuan felt that he had lost face, but he was unwilling to argue: "Shuanghua, I have to go to work. I know you care about me. I promise, I will not drink or only drink a little wine tonight. In this way, Let Guoliang accompany me at night, okay? Let him supervise me. If I drink more, let Guoliang stop me." Kong Shuanghua said: "Guoliang, can you stop him from drinking less?" Zhang Guoliang said: "I can! For Secretary Fang's health, if Secretary Fang asks me to accompany him, I will definitely prevent him from drinking, or I will stop drinking." Kong Shuanghua said: "Anyway, you have to pay attention to Fang Yuan." Fang Yuan Said: "Okay, I pay attention."

Zhang Guoliang took Fangyuan, Kong Shufang, and Kong Shuanghua, and sent Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua home first. Fangyuan also went home to see his son, changed his clothes, and then went downstairs.Sitting in Zhang Guoliang's car, Zhang Guoliang said: "Secretary Fang, I made my own decision and told Director Huang that you came to school late, so please criticize me." Fang Yuan remembered that his first class was Chinese class. It must be late.This Zhang Guoliang is really careful, he has even considered this matter, not bad!Fangyuan said: "Guoliang, why would you criticize you? I want to thank you!" Zhang Guoliang said: "I should ask Secretary Fang for instructions first." Fangyuan said: "I really thank you. Guoliang, send me to the After school, I will allow you to take leave, go home to rest, and come back in the afternoon." Zhang Guoliang said: "I am so grateful to Secretary Fang. Secretary Fang is really a good leader who is compassionate to his subordinates!"

It was obviously Zhang Guoliang who worked hard last night and objectively needed to rest; now, it is the leader who cares about his subordinates.However, to Fangyuan's ears, such words sound quite comfortable.Fang Yuan said: "You didn't rest all night, this is what I should do." Zhang Guoliang expressed his thanks again.

When I came to the school, I started the normal rhythm of work: preparing lessons, attending classes, approving homework, and studying teaching methods.From the outside, Fangyuan seems to be working normally; but deep down in Fangyuan's heart, there is actually something blocking him all the time, that is, how to explain to Song Sisi at night that he will not go or go to Dacheng Company's New Year's summary dinner party late .In the morning, Fang Yuan called his father-in-law Kong Zitian and asked him how to avoid alcohol or how to drink less. I feel that I have gained a lot, and I am grateful again and again.Confucius Tian said: "You and I are both the pillars of the family. We must take good care of our health. We are all people in the officialdom. In the officialdom and shopping malls, we can't do without the wine shop. For the happiness of the family, how to drink is still the most important thing. It is very necessary to learn. You can go online and see what methods of hiding alcohol are written on it. You don’t have to copy them, but some of them can be used as a reference.” Fang Yuan’s eyes lit up, and he quickly thanked: “Thank you Dad, I will immediately Just watch." When it was approaching noon, Fang Yuan used Baidu to search for some knowledge and experience in dealing with wine shops, and studied hard until the bell for noon school rang.

During lunch, Fang Yuan and Yang Fang sat together.Yang Fang asked with concern: "Xiao Fang, are you feeling better now?" Fang Yuan was taken aback: Did Zhang Guoliang tell Yang Fang how drunk he was?Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for the principal's concern. It's okay." Yang Fang said, "Would you like to go to the dinner at Song Sisi's house tonight?"

Fang Yuan remembered that she should have gone to the Bank of Communications appreciation dinner with Yang Fang last night, but Yang Fang didn't go, so should she go instead of Yang Fang tonight?Fang Yuan knew that he could not refuse An Dongsheng's dinner, subconsciously, Fang Yuan also thought that An Dongsheng's dinner seemed more important than Song Sisi's.Besides, what can I gain from going to Song Sisi's place?Is it to reconnect with Song Sisi?impossible!Is it to exchange friendship with Yao Changqing?Not very necessary.Thinking of this, Fang Yuan said, "Principal, are you feeling better today?" Yang Fang said, "It's better." Fang Yuan said, "If Principal Yang goes, I won't go. Please explain to Song Sisi, Principal." Fang said: "That's fine. Today, I received a call from President Qiao of the Bank of Communications. She expressed regret that I didn't go yesterday. She told me that you drank a lot last night and let me greet you." Fang Yuan felt a little unhappy, and said directly: "Actually, President Qiao can call me directly." Yang Fang heard Fang Yuan's displeasure, and said, "Perhaps, she will call you in the afternoon. She is worried You haven’t sobered up yet, so I don’t want to disturb you.” Fang Yuan said, “Maybe. Principal, I really won’t go to Song Sisi’s place tonight.” Yang Fang said, “Okay, I’ll go tonight. I haven’t seen Song Sisi for a long time. I don't know how promising she is now."

After get off work in the afternoon, Fang Yuan drove by himself to attend the appreciation dinner held by An Dongsheng at the Shangri-La Hotel.On the way, Fang Yuan received a call from Song Sisi: "Fang Yuan, why didn't you come? You let me down so much." Fang Yuan was about to explain, but the phone was hung up.In Fangyuan's heart, inexplicably, there was a lot of melancholy.Perhaps, after going through this time, the relationship between me and Song Sisi has really been completely broken, and I am afraid that even ordinary friends have nothing to do.Fang Yuan wanted to call Song Sisi back, but hesitated for a long time, but still did not call.Everything has to be resigned to fate, what are you doing when you dial back?Do you humbly beg Song Sisi to forgive yourself for breaking the appointment?If someone forgave himself, how would he face his wife and son?If people don't forgive me, where will I put my face?Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go completely, let's take Song Sisi as a memory of my life.

At the dinner of Dongsheng Group, Fang Yuan was low-key and calm, and calmly accepted the letter of appointment from An Dongsheng as "Dongsheng Group Company Development Consultant", and faced many cameras and many interviews with An Dongsheng with a smile on his face but without losing his demeanor. VIP.When An Dongsheng wanted to introduce Fangyuan's "glorious" history, Fangyuan said: "Mr. An, let me introduce myself." In front of the microphone, Fangyuan said: "I am very grateful to Mr. An for hiring me as the development consultant of Dongsheng Company. I'm just worried that my consultant has a name but no reality, and I don't care about it. In fact, I am an ordinary middle school teacher, and my roots are in education. I also know that sometimes, the expectations of my leaders or friends The higher I am, the more I am afraid I will disappoint everyone, because I am not that high-level, because I don’t know everything, and I can’t do everything. Therefore, I don’t accept the monthly salary arrangement of Dongsheng Company, and I don’t want a penny. If If you really come up with any ideas, if any ideas have worked, then we will negotiate separately. Thank you, Mr. An, thank you everyone."

With such a mentality, Fang Yuan was calm and polite at the thank-you dinner, and was not on the cusp of the storm, so naturally he drank a lot less wine.In the middle of the banquet, Fang Yuan checked his phone several times to see if there would be a call or a text message, but there was nothing, so Fang Yuan gave up.

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