Director's growth history

2441.1392、Hurry up

Fang Yuan stepped aside and picked up Shao Keqing's call: "Sister, are you looking for me?" Shao Keqing said, "You haven't called me for a long time, don't you miss my sister at all?" However, Fang Yuan is too busy with work now, and he really hasn't thought about Shao Keqing in his heart recently. At this recent stage, Fang Yuan has temporarily forgotten her. 【 】Fang Yuan said: "Sister, I am too busy with work." Shao Keqing said: "I know, you have been busy with work recently, and your work has been very effective. I am really happy for you. I heard that several students from Dongzhou University You were the one who contacted me about the combination of industry, education and research; I heard that you called the thank-you banquet at Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School last night, and four members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee came at once. Brother, you are really getting better and better, sister I'm happy for you." Fang Yuan said: "Sister has been following me!" Shao Keqing said: "Yes, you don't have to pay attention to sister, but sister has to pay attention to you!" Fang Yuan felt a little ashamed: "Sister, I'm really too busy , I don’t have any time for myself.” Shao Keqing said: “No matter how busy you are at work, you have to live; no matter how busy you are at work, you have to pay attention to rest. You can’t just be busy with work and not enjoy the fruits of reform and opening up; You can't just be busy with work and let yourself get sick from exhaustion. Brother, you are capable now, and the party and the organization need you; if you are tired, sick, tired, or exhausted, I will give you the title of martyr Many honors, but you have nothing. What else is there to cherish? What else is there to praise? My attitude has always been that we must do more work for the party’s revolutionary cause, and on the other hand, learn to relax and rest. I wonder if my brother agrees with my words?" Fang Yuan felt that what Shao Keqing said was very reasonable.Fang Yuan said: "Sister, you are right. I am indeed working too hard." Shao Keqing said: "So, my sister loves you. Tonight, you come to my sister's place, and my sister will relax for you, okay?" Fang Yuan thought Go, Fang Yuan doesn't want to go.Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, all the teachers in our No. 5 High School will have a reunion dinner." Shao Keqing said: "I know. They are all teachers from your school. You should toast each table, and then come to sister's place. Speaking of which, the outsiders There is nothing to eat in the meal, but the side dishes carefully prepared by my sister are delicious. Chinese New Year is coming soon, after Christmas and before New Year's Day, let's celebrate Double Dan together, okay?" Fang Yuan really didn't want to drink at the school dinner, The key is to be afraid. If 300 people come to a table to toast, that is 30 cups;Even gods can't bear this way of drinking.It turned out that in the 300th middle school, it was not so serious. The key is that there are too many people in Dongzhou 4th middle school.

Fang Yuan said: "Okay, sister, I will attend the dinner at No. 5 Middle School first. I will try to leave early, so I will go to my sister's place and spend a holiday with my sister." Shao Keqing smiled, and a charming voice came through the phone: "I will I know, my younger brother can tell the difference, and my sister is more important. Thank you. This afternoon, my sister is not going to work, so I will prepare meals and decorate the environment at home. I must create the most romantic and warm environment for my brother. Make the most delicious and memorable dinner." Fang Yuan said, "Thanks for your hard work, sister."

After all the students were let go in the afternoon, under Ruan Shaoxiu’s careful arrangement, the teachers of No. 5 High School took 6 packed buses to the Jingu Hotel, and the school’s Toyota minibus took the teachers over 50 years old. Needless to say, the only Audi cars in the school were pulled by Yang Fang and Fang Yuan.Of course, there are also some teachers who drive their own cars instead of the ones provided by the school.

In the car, Fang Yuan said: "Principal, I'm afraid I have to leave a little earlier tonight." Yang Fang said: "It's rare to have fun with all the teachers, so let's postpone other activities." Fang Yuan said: "I don't have any Way." Yang Fang knew that Fang Yuan had a wide range of contacts, but she didn't know which leader would invite him to dinner, so she said, "Okay. But, you have to walk around with me." Fang Yuan said, "That's no problem."

At the gate of Jingu Hotel, the teachers of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School received the warmest welcome. The waiters in red clothes lined up to welcome these distinguished guests, because tonight, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School booked 35 tables, and some retired Almost 50 old teachers also came, and the Jingu Center Banquet Hall, which can accommodate up to 40 tables, was fully packed.Si Yushi, the general manager of Jingu Hotel, greeted the school leaders such as Fang Yuan and Yang Fang in the lobby, and personally led the school leaders to table No. 1 to take a seat.When all the teachers are seated, there will be a feeling of crowds.

Yang Fang and Fang Yuan walked to the stage.Fangyuan took the microphone and said, "Teachers, please be quiet." Hey, except for some seats such as the physical education teacher's seat who were a little bit noisy, the whole room was basically quiet.The power of Fangyuan is really not small!Fang Yuan said: "Today, all the teachers of our Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School gathered at the Jingu Hotel to celebrate the New Year when the New Year is approaching. Now, let us give the warmest applause and welcome Principal Yang to give a speech to everyone!"

Fang Yuan handed over the microphone to Yang Fang, stepped off the stage, and applauded Yang Fang together with the teachers.Yang Fang had a bright smile on her face, as if putting all the happiness of the year on her face.Yang Fang said: "Teachers, the past 2007 was an extraordinary year for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. It did not affect the school's continuous striving to be the first, and achieved brilliant achievements one after another, which made Dongzhou win the praise of the whole society. These achievements and praises are due to the correct leadership of the Municipal Education Bureau, and even more so to the general public of the school. It is the inevitable result of the entrepreneurship of cadres and teachers who are united as one, selfless dedication, excellence, and striving for excellence. Therefore, the achievements are attributed to everyone and all teachers. On behalf of the school leadership, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the old educators who still support and care about the development of No. 5 Middle School as always!"

There was warm applause in the audience, some physical education teachers whistled in their seats, and some teachers shouted "yes".

After the applause subsided, Yang Fang said: "Teachers, looking forward to 2008, the higher-level leaders, all walks of life and the people have higher expectations for Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Everyone hopes that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School can do better! Province The leaders decided to hold an on-site meeting on quality education in Qingjiang Province in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to show the fruitful results of the comprehensive implementation of quality education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. This is not only a full affirmation of our past work, but also an ardent expectation for our future school development. City Leaders and leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau have great expectations for our school's college entrance examination and high school entrance examination. Deng Yuncong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, told me personally that he hopes that in 2008, the rate of passing the first grade of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will exceed 15%. The undergraduate admission rate exceeds 60%. The people have higher expectations for the 5th Middle School. They send their children to the 5th Middle School, which proves that they trust the 5th Middle School. Pressure! In the face of the demands of superior leaders, all walks of life and the people, we have no way out, we can only go forward. I hope and believe that there are such a combative leadership team in our school, so many dedicated and first-class teachers in our school The teaching team, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will definitely be more brilliant in 2008, and will definitely create new and extraordinary achievements!"

The applause sounded again.It seems that the blood of many people is boiling, and the hearts of many people are gearing up, and the blood has been stimulated.

Yang Fang said: "As the new year is approaching, please allow me, on behalf of the leadership team of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, to extend my holiday greetings to you, and through you, to the family members who have supported your work and the development of No. 5 Middle School for a long time. Greetings! I wish everyone a happy family, good health, progress in work, and good luck in everything!"

The applause became more and more enthusiastic every time.

Yang Fang said: "Come on, let's hold up the wine glasses, for the sake of the school, and for each of you to have a better 2008, let's toast!"

The feast begins.Yang Fang returned to her seat, picked up the wine glass, and said: "I would like to offer a glass of wine to the comrades in the team. Thank you for your support and cooperation in my work, as well as your understanding! Thanks to your support, cooperation and understanding, So I am very happy working in 5, and the work is also very orderly, thank you everyone."

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