Director's growth history

2450.1396. Tears of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary and Mayor

In the matter of the construction of the expressway in Dongzhou City, Song Yunsheng monopolized the power, and of course he also enjoyed the benefits alone. ╚ ?^╝The four major state-owned enterprise groups, China Railway Construction Bureau, Provincial Communications Group, Provincial Road and Bridge Construction Co., Ltd., and China Coal Mine Construction Company Road and Bridge Branch, also invested in Song Yunsheng.Of course, these companies are also confident that they can still guarantee quality after paying so much, because these companies have strong technical force, rich construction experience, and numerous successful cases.In fact, it should not be surprising. All groups are well aware of this, because not only the construction of roads and bridges in Dongzhou was won in this way, but the construction of roads and bridges in many other places was also won in this way.If you want to win such a large project without paying capital, don't even dream about it.But the common people are very appreciative of these large enterprise groups. After all, such large enterprise groups all have national first-class qualifications for road and bridge construction, and the common people trust their strength.If the expressway in this urban area is handed over to ordinary small enterprises, especially some private enterprises, the common people will really doubt whether there is any improper interest relationship between the leaders and private enterprises behind this.Choosing a large state-owned enterprise group, the common people feel at ease, and Song Yunsheng is at ease.

Wang Guodong did not attend the foundation laying ceremony of Dongzhou Xingang because at the same time, there was another important ceremony to attend; Wang Guodong simply did not receive an invitation to the foundation laying ceremony of the urban expressway construction in the afternoon.When Song Yunsheng gave a tearful speech at the foundation laying site of the coastline in Xingang, Wang Guodong was attending the move-back ceremony for the renovation of the largest tube building in Dongzhou City.Tongzilou is a product of history. With the development of the times, it has become increasingly unable to meet the needs of the people for living conditions.Tongzilou, as the name suggests, is a simple residential building like a straight cylinder, with shared corridors, shared toilets, and shared faucets. Some of the conditions are slightly better, and the tap water is connected to the home, but the toilets are still shared.The transformation of Tongzilou is a major issue concerning people's livelihood. Today, when the Party Central Committee and the State Council pay more and more attention to people's livelihood and stability, Wang Guodong has always been very concerned about it.In order to better solve the problem of Tongzilou, and to better improve the living conditions of the relatively disadvantaged and poor urban people, Wang Guodong asked the Policy Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee to come up with a research report on the renovation of Tongzilou in brother cities. Dongzhou Tongzilou Research report on current situation and improvement proposals.At the same time, he also went deep into the Tongzilou residential area in Dongzhou City, inspected the site, listened to the opinions and suggestions of the Tongzilou residents on the spot, and finally made important instructions: First, the Tongzilou area that has been included in the old city renovation plan should be demolished as soon as possible , so that the general public can live in new buildings as soon as possible; second, the Tongzilou area, which is not yet eligible to be included in the old city renovation plan, should be rebuilt on the basis of the original buildings as soon as possible, so that the Tongzilou of the renovated building has independent toilets and independent kitchens. Improve the living conditions of the people.It is necessary to complete the renovation of all tube buildings not included in the old city renovation plan as soon as possible in stages and in batches.

Under the strong promotion of Wang Guodong, and with the cooperation of the Municipal Planning Bureau, the Municipal Construction Commission (Construction Management Bureau), and the Municipal Finance Bureau, the renovation of the tube building has been steadily advanced. On December 2007, 12, the renovation of the largest tube building in Dongzhou City was fully completed, and a grand move-back ceremony was to be held.In the community square surrounded by tens of thousands of residents, Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Shi Mingxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Dou Shengzhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of Propaganda, Fu Quansheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, and leaders of the planning, construction, and finance departments of the district The secretary and head of the district attended the move-back ceremony.Wang Guodong delivered a touching speech. He said: "Today, for the 31 citizens who live in our Tongzilou, it is a great day, because everyone has bid farewell to the shared toilets and shared toilets. On the days of running water, everyone has their own bathroom and kitchen. In order to build everyone's house well, many comrades in the municipal department have red eyes, and comrades in the construction unit work day and night, especially the construction workers of the front-line construction units. Ladies and gentlemen, despite the sweltering heat and severe cold, the project was finally completed and passed the inspection before the new year. On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!"

There was warm applause from the audience.Someone shouted in the crowd: "Secretary Wang is great." Someone else shouted: "Secretary Wang, you are a good official." Wang Guodong's heart was surging.Wang Guodong said emotionally: "I am most grateful to the majority of the people. During the nearly one year of renting a house temporarily, the broad masses of the people overcame difficulties, took the overall situation into consideration, and supported us with your practical actions. I am concerned about the transformation of Tongzilou. I learned that many residents often return to the site of Tongzilou renovation to put forward reasonable suggestions and express your aspirations, so that the popular project of Tongzilou renovation can truly be close to the hearts of the people and the people. I also want to represent the Municipal Party Committee , thank you every resident here, you are the kindest and loveliest people!"

The warm applause rang out again.Wang Guodong said: "Of course, I also want to say to everyone, I would like to express my warm congratulations to you for being able to move back on time and to spend a Spring Festival in the renovated house!"

There was a great crowd.Wang Guodong said: "Citizens, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have never forgotten the people. The Party and the people have always been connected. I used to feel sad that there are still so many citizens living in tube buildings before renovation. Determined to let every citizen in the urban area live in a better house in the near future. In the future, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will further increase the pace of old city renovation, and all tube buildings that can be included in the old city renovation will be demolished and newly built; Those that cannot be included in the renovation of the old city for the time being shall be gradually implemented in phases. I told the comrades of the Municipal Construction Committee that for the reconstruction of tube buildings, the people cannot be asked for money. The citizens of Tongzilou, they are the people who need the attention of the party committee and the government the most. Some entrepreneurs once asked me to complain, saying that building Tongzilou does not make money at all, so I told entrepreneurs that you can make money by building commercial houses and transform Tongzilou is considered as a charitable act of serving the society and repaying the people after you become rich. You must not cut corners in order to make money. You must let the people move in and live in the completed Tongzilou without decoration. Today, I have a look After looking at each building after the renovation, I went to see a few of them, and they are not bad. I would like to commend those comrades who have contributed to the construction of Tongzilou, and I would also like to commend the construction unit, thank you!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.I don't know who took the lead and sang the long-lost old song "Socialism is Good": "*** is good, ** is good! ** is a good leader of the people, he can say what he says, he can do it, and he will serve the people wholeheartedly. Make meritorious deeds. Resolutely follow the Communist Party and build the great motherland well..."

Wang Guodong was also deeply moved, with crystal tears in the corners of his eyes.What a wonderful people!Simple and kind, the party and the government only did a little for them, but they raised the party and the government so high... At this time, Ren Xiaoai, a reporter from Dongzhou Evening News, was at the groundbreaking ceremony of Dongzhou Xingang.

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