Director's growth history

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On January 2008, 1, at 2 o'clock, the office of Deng Yuncong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor. ┏_ ┓

Zhai Xinwen reported to Deng Yuncong that Ni Yousheng, the former general affairs director of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, had embezzled, withheld, commissioned, and extorted 150 million yuan in various public funds from the infrastructure construction party for more than ten years, and also reported the relevant situation of Huang Jie's talk this morning , told Deng Yuncong that Yu Shengli, deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, and Feng Liang, deputy researcher, were also taken away by the staff of the Disciplinary Committee.

Deng Yuncong said: "Xinwen, tell me, are you involved with Ni Yousheng, Yu Shengli, and Feng Liang?" Zhai Xinwen raised his right hand and said solemnly: "Mayor Deng, I assure you with my party spirit, absolutely no The slightest involvement. The love of Mayor Song and Mayor Deng, I am in the post of Education Bureau, every day I think about how to run Dongzhou education to the satisfaction of the people, and repay the love of Mayor Song and Deng for me. "Deng Yuncong said: "In the past two years, the education in Dongzhou has been very turbulent! I also know that Chen Qingyun, a very capable principal who was arrested for prostitution; I also know that Liu Ming, the No. 1 school in Dongzhou. The principal, who has kept young female teachers; now, this little general affairs director of No. 5 High School has 150 million stolen money! This is simply a joke and a disgrace to Dongzhou education!"

Zhai Xinwen heard the meaning of Deng Yuncong's words, and decided to play his cards.At this time, if you can't win Deng Yuncong's support, then you will be finished.Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng, this Ni Yousheng was the director of general affairs when Han Suzhen was the principal of No. 5 Middle School. His 150 million stolen money was also stolen when Han Suzhen and Liu Ming were the principals. As for Ni Yousheng, he gave it to Yu Shengli , How much was Feng Liang, and when was it delivered? The facts all happened before I served as party secretary and bureau chief." Deng Yuncong said: "This is the truth, but you can't evade the responsibility you should bear."

Zhai Xinwen said: "It is my responsibility, and I will never evade it. Mayor Deng, you know best what kind of person I am. I was promoted to the post of director by you and Mayor Song. I just want to do education work well. Good. I work in the Education Bureau almost every day. There are no weekends or holidays. In order to prepare for the Qingjiang Provincial Quality Education Conference in March 2008, I have been supervising it every day for the past month. The "Dongzhou Comprehensive The Work Opinions on Implementing Quality Education", in order to implement this opinion to the most grassroots level, I go deep into the grassroots research, inspection, and promotion almost every day. In order to allow the bureau to better implement quality education in the city, I actively coordinate, rationalize Clear the responsibilities of each director in charge and each department, and jointly escort quality education. Now, it is less than 3 months before the quality education meeting in Qingjiang Province. I was still in the Education Bureau on New Year's Day, talking with relevant comrades Study the relevant work plan, prepare to go all out and fight."

Deng Yuncong nodded: "Yes, you hard-working Saburo, I and Mayor Song both know about it. The quality education scene in Qingjiang Province will be very important. It provides a window for Dongzhou education to show to the people of the whole province. To do it well, it must be successful. I have also seen the work you have done in the early stage, and Mayor Song and I are still satisfied." Zhai Xinwen said emotionally: "For a long time, Mayor Song and Mayor Deng have been The strongest backing of Xinwen. It is with the support of Mayor Song and Mayor Deng that I can work without complaint or regret. Achieve breakthroughs in three aspects, and work hard to improve the status of Dongzhou education in Qingjiang Province and to run Dongzhou education that is more satisfactory to the people." Deng Yuncong said: "Tell me, what are the three aspects?" Zhai Xinwen said: "For many years Since then, Dongzhou Education has been ranked in the middle level in Qingjiang Province, and it seems that Hangjiang City and Ninghai City are the leaders. As the person in charge of Dongzhou Education, I am very unconvinced. In 2008, I will focus on doing three things well. The first thing, the first thing is to successfully hold the on-site quality education meeting in Qingjiang Province, let the people of the whole province see the glory of Dongzhou education, launch Dongzhou No. 2008 Middle School, a model of implementing quality education, and promote Dongzhou in the whole province. The experience of No. 5 Middle School of Dongzhou, the reputation of Dongzhou Education by Dongzhou No. 12 Middle School, and the good reputation of Dongzhou Education will contribute to the promotion of Dongzhou's popularity and reputation." Deng Yuncong said: "Okay. December On the 31st, at the foundation laying ceremony of Dongzhou Xingang and the foundation laying ceremony of the construction site of Dongzhou Urban Expressway, Mayor Song expressed the grand ideal of building Dadongzhou. If education can make great achievements for Dadongzhou Contribution, this is very good." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, Mayor Song is generous, and Dongzhou Education should also learn from Mayor Song, and also contribute generously." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes. Small troubles, there is no What a meaning." Zhai Xinwen said: "The second thing is to strive to break through the past in the high-quality course competitions of various stages and disciplines in Qingjiang Province. I will strive to get back at least 5 first prizes and let brothers and cities know I know that the teaching team in Dongzhou is also very good; let the people of Dongzhou know that the teachers in Dongzhou are excellent." Deng Yuncong said: "Good! In the past, only Fangyuan won awards in the whole province and the whole country. Waiting for a very small number of comrades. If it can fully blossom, it will be a great inspiration and encouragement to Dongzhou education and Dongzhou City." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes. Mayor Deng's instructions are very correct. So this Back to participate in the competition in Qingjiang Province, I promoted work innovation. The first is that three people compete for a place in the competition, eliminating all related factors. Whoever teaches well and who has strong ability will qualify; The third is to give full play to Fangyuan's intellectual advantages of having participated in provincial and national competitions and achieved excellent results, and let Fangyuan listen to everyone's classes and comment on everyone. In this way, I have the confidence to let Dongzhou contestants compete in Qingjiang Province. You have achieved good results in the competitions of each school stage and grade." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes, these three innovative measures of yours are good. Only when there is competition can there be motivation. It is very important to play the role of Fangyuan well. Xinwen, At thisOn one point, you're doing fine. Zhai Xinwen said: "Thank you, Mayor Deng, for your affirmation."The third thing I have to do in the first half of the year is to grasp the quality of the college entrance examination.In the past, the deputy director in charge of teaching took the college entrance examination. This year, I, the director, and the director in charge took the college entrance examination together.The goals I set for the principals of high schools are: to increase the pass rate of the first grade by 10%, increase the pass rate of the second grade by 15%, and increase the pass rate of junior colleges by more than 70%.I know that it is easy to become an empty talk to provide Dongzhou education that the people are satisfied with.One of the most important concerns of the people is the quality of the college entrance examination.If the quality of the college entrance examination in Dongzhou can enter the top 5 in Qingjiang Province, then the people will definitely think that the work of the Education Bureau is relatively solid, and their satisfaction with education will also increase.The college entrance examination will start on June 6, but I have been catching since September last year, and now I have entered the sprint stage. In the last 9 months, I am preparing to throw my arms and do a big job. I really did not expect that at the beginning of the new year, there will be Such a thing happened.Mayor Deng, if Mayor Song and you let me take the leadership responsibility, I will take it without hesitation, without complaint or regret.I just implore Mayor Deng, when considering candidates for the new bureau chief, he must consider the continuity of the work. The quality education on-site meeting in Qingjiang Province, the competition of high-quality courses in various disciplines in Qingjiang Province, and the 9 college entrance examination are all three things. Just because I left, the predecessor's policies cannot be abolished.If so, I will regret it for the rest of my life. "

The corners of Zhai Xinwen's eyes were moist, and the crystal tears were in Deng Yuncong's sight.Deng Yuncong said: "Xinwen, I firmly support these three tasks. At this critical time, the stability of the Education Bureau team is still very necessary. I know your situation, and you don't have any ideological burden. , Work with peace of mind. I believe that Mayor Song and Minister Sheng will fully consider this situation." Zhai Xinwen said: "No matter how Mayor Song and Mayor Deng punish me, I will accept it." Deng Yuncong said: " This attitude is still necessary, but you don’t have to worry too much. I will report the situation to Mayor Song immediately, and you prepare a document.” Zhai Xinwen said: “I have prepared the materials, Mayor Deng, do you think it’s okay? "Deng Yuncong took over the materials. There were two copies in total. One was Ni Yousheng's brief case, which mentioned that Ni Yousheng was the director of general affairs promoted by Han Suzhen, and continued to serve as the director of general affairs during Liu Ming's tenure as the principal.It introduced that when Fangyuan was in charge of the work of No. 5 Middle School, he found that someone wanted to rent the front room of the school. Ni Yousheng did not rent it to 4 yuan, but rented it to 3 yuan.After checking the school's rental housing accounts over the years, problems were discovered.As for the involvement of Deputy Director Yu Shengli and Deputy Investigator Feng Liang, it was all information obtained by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection during the process of questioning Ni Yousheng, and the Municipal Education Bureau did not.The other material is the three major battles in 2008 that Zhai Xinwen just reported to Deng Yuncong. It is 2 pages in total, concise and clear.Deng Yuncong said: "It turned out that Fangyuan discovered Ni Yousheng's sex." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes! In October 07, the principal fell ill, and Fangyuan presided over the school's work for more than a month." Deng Yuncong said: "Not bad! A young headmaster is not confused in front of the old director of general affairs, very good." Zhai Xinwen said: "What is even more valuable is that Fangyuan did not directly replace Ni Yousheng, but suggested that the school not let him go back to school after he recovered from his illness. As the director of general affairs, Ni Yousheng was temporarily appointed as the vice chairman of the trade union, and another director of general affairs was hired." Deng Yuncong said: "This is a safe way to deal with it. Xinwen, there is such a case in the Education Bureau. The deputy mayor in charge of education also has a dull face! But in terms of handling, it must also be done in a safe and orderly manner. You go back first, work as you like, and don't be under pressure." Zhai Xinwen said: "Thank you Deng The mayor’s concern, I will definitely live up to your expectations, and work harder so that education will no longer discredit you, but will give you credit.” Deng Yuncong said: “If the three things you mentioned are done well, it will give you To add honor to me is to honor Dongzhou education." Zhai Xinwen said: "I will never let Mayor Deng down. I am the soldier of Mayor Song and Mayor Deng. Let Mayor Song and you all see how Zhai Xinwen works wholeheartedly, how I implement the instructions of Mayor Song and you overnight, and how I make Dongzhou education better and repay Mayor Song and you "Deng Yuncong said: "I believe in you. Xinwen, someone will always be responsible for this matter, this is inevitable. You must be mentally prepared for partial adjustment of team members." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Resolutely obey According to the arrangement of the municipal government, cooperate with the municipal government to do the ideological work of relevant comrades." Deng Yuncong nodded: "This attitude is very good, and it is also necessary. Now I want to talk to Mayor Song about related matters, you should go back first." Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng, it's noon, do you want to have a light meal?" Deng Yuncong said: "It's better to say it sooner than later. If I say it later, some people will make a fuss about it. You Go back." Zhai Xinwen stood up: "Yes, Mayor Deng."

Zhai Xinwen walked out of the city hall and let out a long breath.Zhai Xinwen knew that his position was basically preserved. Although there was still danger, he believed that the mighty Mayor Song would not let his subordinates be purged and leave the post of Director of Education casually.Mayor Deng Yuncong's last words are also very meaningful!Red Army, at this critical moment, I can only give up my car to keep my handsome man!If you are going to take leadership responsibility because of this, then I can only say sorry to you.

Thinking that Sun Hongjun is currently working overtime in the Education Bureau, preparing for the upcoming education system mobilization meeting for clean government, and at the same time preparing for Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun's own work review, Zhai Xinwen feels even more ashamed and feels that this life is a bit too cruel.Alas, before going to the execution ground, do you want him to contribute one last effort?

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