Director's growth history

2461.1405. Can't hold back

In one of the most famous game restaurants in Dongzhou City ~ ~ Yandang Autumn Scenery Hotel, the small-scale gathering of Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan, Song Ping and Wan Daquan ended with great joy. [&] Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan each had a bottle of Wuliangye, while Wan Daquan drank more than a bottle and a half, and Song Ping drank almost half a catty of liquor.Zhai Xinwen reported to Wan Daquan that after the start of the winter vacation and before the Spring Festival, he went to Dongzhou to perform 3 condolence performances for various troops, and to perform 1 performance at the Garrison Command Headquarters. , we must insist on being a model unit of Dongzhou City’s dual-support work. Not only is it normal to go to the army to perform during the winter vacation, but also to organize theatrical performances to the army during the August [-]st Army Day every year.As for how to perform, all follow Wan Daquan's instructions.In addition, special care will be given to teachers whose husbands are PLA commanders and fighters, and they can be reimbursed for a car ticket to visit relatives in the army once a year during winter and summer vacations.Wan Daquan naturally accepted the two big gifts for nothing, and had a good impression of Zhai Xinwen.Of course, when I communicated with Fang Yuan in private, I still thanked Fang Yuan, making Monk Fang Yuan Zhang Er confused.At the banquet, Zhai Xinwen entrusted Song Ping, chairman of the labor union, with the task of going to the army during the winter vacation to perform on the spot. The political commissar is satisfied.

Si Liguo took Zhai Xinwen, Song Ping, and Fang Yuan back to the urban area, and Wan Daquan was naturally pulled back by a military vehicle.After putting Song Ping down, Zhai Xinwen asked Fang Yuan to sit in the back row.Zhai Xinwen held Fang Yuan's hand and said, "Xiao Fang, today I am representing the Municipal Education Bureau and myself, thank you!" Fang Yuan said, "Director Zhai, I admire what you have done for the double support thing.” Zhai Xinwen smiled and said in his heart: Fangyuan, Fangyuan, if I don’t make so many promises today, Wan Daquan won’t speak for me in the Standing Committee a few days later.However, this cannot be said to Fang Yuan.Zhai Xinwen said: "Being a Chinese citizen, being able to live, work, and study in a safe and safe environment, the Chinese people have contributed the most. We should do something for the PLA, as it should be!" Fang Yuan said: "Not every Everyone can have the realm of you, director general." Zhai Xinwen felt very good after hearing it, and said, "It's not worth mentioning to do a little thing. Fangyuan, I have another plan recently. Winter vacation is coming soon, and I want to go to see Fang The construction of the Hope Primary Schools of the Youth Federation in the countryside. Although the charity funds for the Hope Primary Schools of the Youth Federation are provided by the Youth League Municipal Committee, as the administrative authority in charge of education, they should also do a good job in the follow-up support after the completion of the Hope Primary Schools of the Youth Federation Work. Sometimes, although the Municipal Education Bureau cannot directly manage the schools in the county, it still has a certain authority to guide the county education and sports bureau. I don’t know if Secretary Bi of the Youth League Committee has time tomorrow. If I have time, I think Talk to him about inspecting the Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, this is a good thing. This is a great thing the director has done for the children in poverty-stricken areas. I fully support you. Tomorrow morning, I will tell Secretary Bi Call." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements at noon. You get on the phone, as long as Secretary Bi agrees, you don't have to worry about other things." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, Director."

The next morning, Zhai Xinwen came to the Education Bureau at 8 o'clock in the morning.After arriving at the Education Bureau, I asked for a message, and learned that Sun Hongjun worked overtime for a whole night last night and did not go back.Zhai Xinwen sighed. Speaking of which, Sun Hongjun is really a good comrade, but it is going to rain and his mother is going to get married. At this time, everyone can only take care of each other.It should be said that the drunkenness last night was not in vain. At least Wan Daquan would not agree to the adjustment of his personnel at the Standing Committee.I don't know when the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will open, but I believe it will definitely open before January 1.Today, I was waiting for news from Bi Quanquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Youth League Committee.Bi tried his best to build 15 Hope Primary Schools!The Municipal Education Bureau has a special rural education fund, and it is not impossible to squeeze 11 million out of it.Speaking of the 110 million, Zhai Xinwen really hurts!However, for the hat on the top of the head, it is 110 million, and you have to take it. Anyway, it is all the money from the state finance, not your own pocket. It is different to whoever you give it to. It is given to the Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation that Bi fully promotes the construction of. This is a big favor to send Bi Quanli.With such a generous gift, are you afraid that Bi Shili will not support me, Zhai Xinwen?As for Sun Hongjun, on the premise of ensuring that the hat on his head is not in danger, of course he has to speak for him. After all, if he does not help those who are of the same heart and mind as him, who else can be determined to do it with him in the future? live?

Zhai Xinwen went up one more floor and came to Sun Hongjun's office.Pushing the door open, I saw Sun Hongjun, Zhang Yuanqing, and Shen Jun were all there.Zhai Xinwen said: "I heard that the three of you worked an extra night last night. You worked hard." Sun Hongjun stood up and said, "It's not hard work, Director. In order to hold this clean government mobilization meeting well, what's the point of suffering?" Zhai Xinwen said: "What everyone has paid will not be paid in vain. One day in the future, there will be rewards."

Both Zhang Yuanqing and Shen Jun have a cold for such a picture cake; but Sun Hongjun no longer has a cold at this moment.In just one night, many red and swollen blisters appeared on Sun Hongjun's lips, which shows how serious the mental torture is.Sun Hongjun said: "I don't know if Director Zhai has time, I want to report to you alone." Zhai Xinwen is now a little afraid of seeing Sun Hongjun, but facing his close comrades and subordinates, Zhai Xinwen can't refuse: "Come on, Red Army. You Take the time to rest, and I will listen to your report on the preparations later." Zhang Yuanqing and Shen Jun said: "Okay, Director."

Zhai Xinwen's office.Zhai Xinwen glanced at Sun Hongjun, and said: "Hongjun, are you on fire? Look at your lips, you were fine yesterday!" Sun Hongjun said, "Director, to be honest, I don't have any confidence in my heart now. I'm really worried that I will, like Feng Yuandao, take responsibility that should not have been borne by me. Director, you know that Ni Yousheng embezzled money before I became the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee; Yu Shengli and Feng Liang, they I have no idea about any insider contacts with Ni Yousheng! If I were to take the responsibility, I can't figure it out, and I can't bear it."

Sun Hongjun is a sensible person!Zhai Xinwen sighed.Zhai Xinwen said: "Red Army, I reported all the situations you mentioned to Mayor Deng yesterday. If Mayor Deng knew about this situation, then Mayor Song would naturally know about it too. In addition, Secretary Huang of the Commission for Discipline Inspection also knew about it, I believe The city leaders will definitely think about it comprehensively, so don’t be too pessimistic. When I can speak for you, I will speak for you 100%, after all, we have such a pleasant cooperation.”

Sun Hongjun said: "Director, I have been determined to follow you. You know this best." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, our cooperation is very tacit." For such a long time, less than a year and a half, I can be clean and honest. At the same time, I have paid close attention to the work of party conduct and clean government in the whole system. As the deputy secretary of the party committee, I will cooperate with you to do a good job in cadre work, and always You are also clear about maintaining a high degree of consistency with the bureau’s party committee.” Zhai Xinwen said: “I am very clear.” Sun Hongjun said: “You are clear, but the city leaders may not be clear. Director, please show me the way.” Zhai Xinwen said: "On January 1th, Mayor Deng will come to the Education Bureau to attend the clean government mobilization meeting. Red Army, you can report to Mayor Deng alone. I will create conditions for you." Sun Hongjun said: "I was worried. At that time It's a bit late." Zhai Xinwen said: "Then what do you think should be done?" Sun Hongjun said: "I know that as a deputy in the bureau, you should never step over the pot and go to the kang, but I still want to report to Mayor Deng today Report. Please contact the coordinator. Does Mayor Deng have time?"

Zhai Xinwen was displeased, but his expression was calm: "Red Army, Mayor Deng is very busy every day, and I'm afraid he won't be able to spare time. To be honest, it's not very appropriate for the deputy director of the bureau to go directly to Mayor Deng. I'm worried that it might backfire. "Sun Hongjun said: "Director, for the sake of my loyalty, you can help me once. I am worried that today will be over, and it will be too late when I go to work tomorrow." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, I will Contact Mayor Deng immediately."

In front of Sun Hongjun, Zhai Xinwen called Deng Yuncong: "Mayor Deng, hello." Deng Yuncong said: "Xinwen, is it?" Zhai Xinwen said: "I am Xinwen. Mayor Deng, I have something to ask You report and report." Deng Yuncong said: "Didn't you already report yesterday? I have already communicated with Mayor Song, and Mayor Song also called Secretary Huang of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Secretary Huang said that you and Ni Yousheng, Yu Shengli, Feng Liang’s case has nothing to do with it, and has nothing to do with it.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Thank you, Mayor Deng. In fact, I am not involved with them. In this case, I can assure you that there is no involvement at all.” Deng Yuncong said: “A good individual does not mean that the team is good. According to the information I have, Yu Shengli not only confessed that there were about 20 bribes between him and Ni Yousheng, He also confessed that during the two years he was in charge of the infrastructure work, he had received more than 200 million bribes in various types of bribes for infrastructure projects! Feng Liang, as the former head of the financial review section, was suspected of embezzling a huge amount of public funds in violation of regulations, and has been arrested by the procuratorate in accordance with the law. , I also want to tell you that the infrastructure section chief of your bureau was also taken away this morning. He has been the infrastructure section chief for many years and is suspected of accepting bribes from construction companies, landscaping companies and other units, which also exceeded 40. New Wen, Mayor Song and I are relieved that you are not involved in the slightest, but the Education Bureau has such a big case, is the Education Bureau Disciplinary Committee responsible? Are you responsible? Are you going to take it on his behalf? Responsibility?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng, I wonder if you can spare a little time. Sun Hongjun, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of our bureau, wants to report to you alone." Deng Yuncong said: "I don't have time. The vice-president of a business tycoon is going to talk about an important event in the afternoon. Even if I have time, I won’t see you, so you can tell him.” Zhai Xinwen still dares to insist on his own opinion: “Okay, Mayor Deng, you are busy, I Tell him."

Hanging up the phone, Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng said that he will meet with foreign businessmen in the morning and attend an important event in the afternoon. He has no time today." Help me, I will help you, even if I am criticized." Sun Hongjun said: "I saw it." Sun Hongjun stood up with a desolate expression: "Director, I am going to prepare for the anti-corruption conference." Zhai Xinwen said: " Rest and rest. After I return to the game this afternoon, report to me." Sun Hongjun said: "Okay."

Zhai Xinwen stayed alone in the office and looked at the clock on the wall. It was already past 9 o'clock. Did this Fangyuan get drunk yesterday and forget about business?Zhai Xinwen felt a little restless.Zhai Xinwen picked up the phone and dialed Fang Yuan directly, but found that the phone was busy.Zhai Xinwen was overjoyed, he seemed to be on the phone with Bi Lili!

Zhai Xinwen waited for another 10 minutes, but there was still no call, so he couldn't resist calling Fangyuan again, but the line was still busy.Hey, isn't Fangyuan calling Bi Quanli?Maybe he was chatting with his little sister!

Zhai Xinwen waited for another 10 minutes, but Fang Yuan still didn't call.Zhai Xinwen couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he called Fangyuan's cell phone again, heh, the line was still busy.Zhai Xinwen's heart became restless: Could it be that Fang Yuan has not persuaded him to do his best?Why is it taking so long and we haven't finished talking yet?Could it be that Fang Yuan was on the phone with Bi Lili?If this is the case, he must have forgotten the important thing, Zhai Xinwen's heart was burning with anger: Fang Yuan, what time is it, and I still can't tell which is more important?I also blame myself. I made it clear to Fangyuan yesterday that it is very important to meet Bi Quanquan today.Fangyuan, Fangyuan, you are so anxious to death.

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