Director's growth history

2466.1408、No one expected

Fangyuan called Bi Quanli again, told the same about the situation, and also expressed his thoughts frankly. 1 Zhong 1 Bi tried his best to be silent for a long time, and his inner thoughts were surprisingly similar to Wan Daquan: Fang Yuan is a good person worthy of association, and Zhai Xinwen beat around the bush and used public money to sponsor the Youth Federation Hope Primary School. Speaking to help him at the meeting, this is a typical conspiracy.Compared with Fang Yuan, Zhai Xinwen is too unbelievable!Bi Quanli thought about his age and the fact that he was ranked third last in the Standing Committee, so he usually waits and sees, and in principle does not express his opinion.Bi Quanli could only answer vaguely: "Fang Yuan, I will do my best on this matter." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Thinking of the other Standing Committee members, Fang Yuan hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to listen to his father-in-law and stop sending text messages or making phone calls.I have already called two members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. I have tried my best and have a clear conscience.

When Fangyuan returned to school, Ruan Shaoxiu came over to report that he would attend the city education bureau's clean government mobilization meeting tomorrow, and asked the school secretary and principal to attend at the same time.Fang Yuan asked: "Has Principal Yang come back?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "No, I will call to inform Principal Yang that Principal Yang's blood pressure is still a little high. If I have any work, just report to you." Not really high blood pressure is suspected.There was a conflict between the two vice principals. If I hadn't dared to take responsibility at the critical moment, I really don't know what the consequences would be now. As the principal, Yang Fang left on the grounds of high blood pressure. This is not an act of responsibility!Fang Yuan said, "I see. Director Ruan, please invite Chairman Dai."

Soon, Dai Lianghua came over.Fang Yuan said: "Chairman Dai, please sit down." Dai Lianghua said: "What business does Secretary Fang want from me?" Fang Yuan said: "Tomorrow the Municipal Education Bureau will hold a clean government mobilization meeting and ask the secretary and principal to attend. Principal Yang is not in good health and cannot attend. Let’s join together tomorrow.” Dai Lianghua said, “I’m not the principal, nor the secretary.” Fang Yuan said, “I’m not the principal, but I also have to take on the job of the principal. The necessary accumulation for taking on the new job. I ask Chairman Dai to think the same way, okay?" Dai Lianghua was taken aback for a moment, and then understood Fang Yuan's meaning: "Thank you Secretary Fang for your trust, I will join you in the meeting tomorrow."

On January 2008, 1, against the cold wind and freezing rain that has been rare in Dongzhou for many years, the mobilization meeting of the Dongzhou Education Bureau was held in the central auditorium of the Municipal Education Hotel.On the rostrum, there are four people sitting, namely Deng Yuncong, member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, Niu Decao, executive deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhai Xinwen, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Education Bureau, Sun Hongjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Zou Zhigang, deputy director of the bureau.The deputy directors, Geng Qing and Kong Lili, and the chairman of the trade union, Song Ping, were all sitting in the leadership zone in the first row below the stage.This is what Zhai Xinwen decided before the meeting: Those who did not speak or read out their missions will not be on stage today.According to the sequence of positions, Zou Zhigang was the first deputy director, and he was assigned the task of publicizing the "Implementation Opinions of the Dongzhou Municipal Education Bureau Committee on Further Strengthening the Construction of a Clean and Honest Party", so he was able to sit on the stage, and the person who presided over the meeting , it is Sun Hongjun.

For this meeting, Zhai Xinwen thought about it and sent an invitation to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Fortunately, although the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Huang Jie did not attend, he arranged for the Executive Deputy Secretary Niu Decao to participate, which showed that the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection fully affirmed and paid attention to the city. The party committee of the Education Bureau mobilized the clean government meeting, Zhai Xinwen felt more at ease.According to the procedure, Zou Zhigang read out the "Implementation Opinions of Dongzhou Education Bureau Committee on Further Strengthening the Construction of Party Conduct and Clean Government", while Zhai Xinwen focused on the construction of party conduct and clean government, combining the Ni Yousheng case that just happened, Yu Shengli and Feng The matter of Liang being shuanggui and Zhang Zhihua being taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection severely criticized individual comrades in the education system, forgot about the training of the party, violated the expectations of the people, disregarded the law and the party's organizational discipline, and embarked on an illegal path. the way.Zhai Xinwen said emotionally: "Comrades, maybe we have been greedy for a little money, took a little gift, and gained a little benefit, but as a party cadre, it is the most basic requirement to serve the people with integrity; As a family member, have you ever thought about how much loss and serious consequences it will bring to your family, your children, and yourself once you have embarked on this road of no return? The family will lose the family, the country will lose the country, the wives and children will be separated, and the family will be destroyed. Originally, the children could receive a good education and enjoy a good life, but because of your shuanggui and your sentence, they have become outcasts of the family and society. and you yourself, when you retired, you had a high pension and had no worries about food and clothing, but now that you have been dismissed from public office, where will you get protection for the rest of your life?"

At this time, the venue was completely silent.Zhai Xinwen continued: "Comrades, no matter from which point of view, we should not commit suicide, there is no need to commit suicide, and we must never commit suicide. Everyone takes Ni Yousheng and other arrested gangsters as negative teaching materials, alarm bells Long woo, I often remind myself: Is it worth losing everything for a small profit? Today, the Party Committee of the Education Bureau issued an implementation opinion to further strengthen the construction of a clean and honest government. The Party Committee of the Bureau and the Party Branches of the Bureau of Education must strengthen their study and implement it to every comrade, so that every comrade can do things with dignity and be a clean person.”

Zhai Xinwen's speech naturally received warm applause.A speech was prepared for Deng Yuncong, but Deng Yuncong was useless.Deng Yuncong is in a good mood today. Yesterday Song Yunsheng communicated with several members of the Standing Committee, and they basically came to a unified understanding: the Party Committee of the Education Bureau can expose its own problems, and it is worthy of recognition, not criticism; should certain leading comrades be held accountable? , The content involved in this case has not happened since the current leader took office, even if it is pursued, it is not the current leader's opinion.With such a consensus, Deng Yuncong was also full of loyalty in his speech.He expressed his opinions in three aspects: [-]. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government fully affirmed the work of the Education Bureau. Although he was saddened by the appearance of individual gangsters such as Ni Yousheng in the Education Bureau, it should not be because of the appearance of individual gangsters. And denied the vast majority.It should be said that the vast majority of comrades in Dongzhou Education are good, they are all trusted by the municipal party committee and government, and they are all trustworthy by the people.[-]. Dongzhou Education Bureau should take the opportunity of this case to further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, and strive to build a team of cadres who are capable, competent and honest, and lead Dongzhou education to a higher level. strong direction forward.[-]. As the mayor in charge, I sincerely appreciate the Dongzhou Education Bureau Party Committee's clear-cut attitude of not defending its shortcomings, not covering up its ugliness, and resolutely fighting against the gangsters.Clearing out a gangster will reduce the loss for the country and the people; eliminating a gangster will make the cadre team of Dongzhou's education system more pure and clean.

Deng Yuncong's attitude surprised Zhai Xinwen, and made Sun Hongjun feel incredible.Many people in the audience were also surprised: Don't Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun have to be responsible like Ma Shuntian and Feng Yuandao this time?Zhai Xinwen looked down the stage and saw the smile on Fang Yuan's face: Could it be he coordinated?No way?But he did participate in the coordination of the two standing committees!Sun Hongjun also saw Fang Yuan's serene smile, as if all this happened as it should.Did it really work after finding Fangyuan yesterday?Thinking of Secretary Huang Jie's severe criticism, Sun Hongjun shuddered; but now, listening to Mayor Deng Yuncong's words of encouragement, it was like the spring breeze in March blowing the green field, the ice and snow melted, and the small stream began to sing cheerfully. Song.

Deng Yuncong said: "The director of Xinwen reported to me that in the first half of 2008, there were three major battles. The first was the Qingjiang Provincial Quality Education Conference; The college entrance examination in 2008. The Municipal Education Bureau is confident of winning these three major battles. As the municipal party committee and the municipal government, it firmly supports it. What I want to say is that everyone can work with peace of mind and do their jobs well. □□It affected our determination to win the three major battles and run education that satisfies the people.”

The tense atmosphere has become extremely soft by this time, and the whole meeting ended in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.Accompanied by Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun sent away Deng Yuncong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, and Niu Decao, executive deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. He returned to his office and immediately called Fangyuan: "Fangyuan, I want to thank you!" Fangyuan said : "Secretary Sun, you are too polite. I just made three phone calls, told my truest feelings, and told the leader truthfully: If you want to be punished, punish me first, because I reported Ni Yousheng; It's a thing of the past, and the current leader should not be implicated. I didn't know there was such a big turning point today."

Sun Hongjun was shocked: Dare to feel really has a lot to do with Fangyuan.This time, I owe Fang Yuan a big favor, and I don't know when I will be able to pay it back?

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