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2470.1410. Prepare for the worst

Song Yunsheng said: "Comrades, the disaster situation is an order, and the disaster situation is a battle! At noon today, the municipal party committee held an emergency standing committee to instruct the municipal government to fully deploy disaster relief work. ┃-┃When the disaster situation came, we saw that some departments had After the disaster occurred, various tasks were carried out in an orderly manner, such as the Municipal Public Transport Group, such as the Municipal Education Bureau. I would like to commend such units, especially the Municipal Education Bureau. As early as January 1, I I saw the emergency response plan of the Municipal Education Bureau for dealing with disasters after snowfall. In the past few days, the order of education and teaching has been generally good. But what about some departments? Hugging Buddha's feet and changing shoes only after climbing mountains. Why didn't they make preparations earlier? Why didn't they make emergency plans earlier? ?Why do we only worry about how to deal with the disaster when it occurs? Today we hold this office meeting to carry out a city-wide general mobilization to jointly fight against the once-in-a-century snow disaster, protect the lives and property of the people, and ensure the harmony and stability of Dongzhou society. All districts Counties, cities, and departments must take immediate action to formulate detailed response plans. Political and legal, public security, urban management, and troops stationed in Ou must cooperate with party committees and governments to maintain social stability and face unrest that may arise at any time. For example How to deal with the tens of thousands of college students and migrant workers returning home on vacation at the Dongzhou Railway Station? How to ensure that the situation at the railway station remains stable and not chaotic? How to solve the problems of eating, lodging and drinking water for so many people? In my opinion, the Longwan District government, labor, civil affairs, public security, and armed police are responsible for cooperating closely with comrades in the railway department, so that these stranded passengers can eat and drink hot water, and mobilize them to travel by sea, road, Efforts should be made to evacuate the crowd by air and other means of passenger transport. The public security and armed police should work harder to do a good job in security and patrolling to strictly prevent theft, robbery and other public security incidents in crowded areas of train stations, and strictly prevent fights, wounding or even murder. Vicious incident! At noon today, the leaders of the Dongzhou Garrison District have stated their position at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, saying that as long as the local government needs troops, the troops will appear where they are needed at any time. Mayor Fu, you are responsible for the double support work. Afternoon You should go to the headquarters of the garrison area in person and discuss with the chief how to involve the troops in maintaining social order and participating in the disaster relief work in Dongzhou City." Fu Quansheng said: "Okay, Mayor Song." Song Yunsheng said: " Comrades, at present, news from Hunan and Jiangxi states that high-voltage line towers have been crushed, mobile base stations have been crushed in some areas, and urban water and power cut-offs are complicated and harsh. Although Dongzhou City has not yet had such a situation , but we must be prepared to deal with this complicated situation. The supply of tap water in Dongzhou City cannot be interrupted. This is my order to the water company; the power supply of Dongzhou City must at least ensure the safety of hospitals, schools, administrative agencies, and residents’ families. Electricity, this is my request to the municipal power supply company, may I ask the two responsible persons, can you guarantee it?"

The manager of the water company stood up: "Mayor, please rest assured that as long as the power supply of the water company can be guaranteed, I can guarantee the city's continuous water supply." Song Yunsheng said: "Does the water company have to rely on power supply?" The manager of the water company said: "Yes Yes." The manager of Dongzhou Power Supply Company said: "Mayor Song, leaders, I can't guarantee the power supply of Dongzhou City now. The thermal power generation in Dongzhou City can only meet 20% of the power supply. The remaining 80% of the electricity in the park mainly depends on two 220 kV high-voltage lines sent to Dongzhou. These two high-voltage lines all pass through Yandang Mountain. Judging from the current situation, the situation is not optimistic. After the snow melts, icicles form again. It poses a serious threat to the high-voltage line tower. The municipal power supply company has reported the situation to the South China Electricity Company. At present, a large number of electric workers have been arranged to remove snow and ice from the high-voltage line tower. However, there are two major difficulties. One difficulty is that most of these high-voltage line towers are concentrated in the Yandang Mountains. At present, the snow has closed the mountains and the traffic is interrupted. Workers cannot go deep into the Yandang Mountains. The situation of these high-voltage line towers is very dangerous. The second difficulty is that there are too few people. At present , All the employees of the city power supply company, except for their respective jobs, are all sent to various areas to overhaul the lines, eliminate dangers and reinforce them, but there is a serious shortage of personnel, and the disaster that has never happened in a century makes us stretched. There is another difficulty. Even the thermal coal supply of Dongzhou thermal power plant has problems now. It used to rely mainly on train transportation. Now, the railway is interrupted, and the current thermal coal can only guarantee 10 days of electricity production. Coal cannot be transported within 10 days, and thermal power generation It will also be powerless.”

Everyone here is aware of the seriousness of this problem.Song Yunsheng asked: "Port Authority, can you ensure the transportation of coal by sea?" The director of the Port Authority said: "The transportation capacity can be guaranteed, but the supply of goods cannot be guaranteed." Song Yunsheng said: "I can contact Ninghai Port, Shanghai Port, and Qingdao Port , as long as there is electric coal in these three ports, can Dongzhou Electric Power Company purchase it?” The manager of the power supply company said: “Mayor Song, we can’t buy coal now that we have money. As long as there is coal and the price is fair, we can Buy in sufficient quantity.” Song Yunsheng said: “Okay, the Port Authority will be responsible for this matter, and the transportation of electricity and coal must be guaranteed. I will personally contact you about the supply of goods.” Song Yunsheng said: “To ensure the supply of electricity, Mayor Fu, you After arriving at the Garrison Command Headquarters, the first thing to talk about is that the troops dispatch PLA commanders and fighters to cooperate with the power supply company to de-ice the high-voltage line towers to ensure the power supply of Dongzhou. Comrades, if Dongzhou has no electricity, it will The situation is even more critical than it is now if it becomes a city with disconnected connections." The general manager of Dongzhou Mobile Branch said: "Mayor Song is right. If the power is cut off, it is a small matter for us to suffer losses, but Dongzhou is very serious. There may be a situation where calls cannot be made or received." Song Yunsheng said: "Be sure to ensure the power supply. The Transportation Bureau must cooperate with the city's power supply company to open up the road into the mountain." The traffic director said: "Okay, Song City Sir, I will arrange this matter this afternoon.” Song Yunsheng said: “The district, county, and city governments also work closely with the local power supply companies to ensure the local power supply. The government coordinates and arranges." Several district and county heads also expressed their support for Song Yunsheng's decision.

At this moment, all the lights in the meeting room suddenly went out.Song Yunsheng asked: "What's the matter? Secretary-General Zhou, ask the Office Affairs Bureau, why is the power cut off?" Zhou Pengyou said: "Okay, I'll ask right away." In the dim conference room, the manager of the municipal power supply company said He said solemnly: "Mayor Song, leaders, one of the two high-voltage lines entering Dongzhou, because the iron tower was crushed by icicles and the high-voltage line was torn off, the power supply to Dongzhou was interrupted."

The air in the entire venue was stagnant.Song Yunsheng immediately felt the heavy pressure: "How about this, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Trade Bureau, the Municipal Enterprise Development Bureau, and the district and county governments will immediately contact the major enterprises and temporarily stop power supply. For the current power supply, priority should be given to ensuring hospital electricity and running water Electricity consumption, electricity consumption by telecommunications departments, electricity consumption by universities, middle schools and primary schools, shopping malls and residents. Enterprises should not compete with the public for electricity at this time." The city power supply company said: "It can be done at 12 o'clock in the morning after 7 o'clock in the evening. Some key enterprises will be supplied with the remaining electricity before the power supply point.” Song Yunsheng said: “Okay, power supply at the wrong time.” Fu Quansheng said: “Mayor Song, once the power supply is stopped for many enterprises in our city, the enterprises will suffer heavy losses, and the city’s tax revenue will also be lost. What a disaster!" Song Yunsheng said: "At the critical moment, I believe that all major enterprises will be able to take care of the overall situation. If only the electricity consumption of enterprises is guaranteed, but the electricity consumption of residents is interrupted, who will protect the social stability? You must know that stability is the foundation of all work. Premise! The Daily Group and the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television, you should immediately take advantage of the media advantages of the past few days to publicize the moving scenes of the fight against the snow disaster. The city has uninterrupted electricity, and there is spare power.” The boss of the daily newspaper and the director of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television both expressed their support.

In the dim light, everyone couldn't see Song Yunsheng's face clearly, but they heard Song Yunsheng's impassioned words: "Comrades, we must prepare for the worst and work hard for the best! Please always remember that we are all ** Party members, we are all public servants of the people! Act now, adjourn the meeting!"

Song Yunsheng stood up and said to Zhou Pengyou: "Secretary-General, please contact me immediately. I am going to the train station, and I want to visit the passengers stranded at the train station." Zhou Pengyou said, "Mayor Song, this is too dangerous. "Song Yunsheng said: "As the mayor of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Government, I am going to visit the people. What is the danger? I want to bring greetings from the municipal party committee and the municipal government to the stranded passengers, and I must make a contribution on behalf of the party committee and the government. The most basic promise. If the passengers scold me and criticize me, I will accept them all, because this is because my job is not done well, and the government’s work is not done well. I not only want to visit the passengers, but also to see the people who stick to their jobs. employees of the Railway Bureau."

Many people were infected by Song Yunsheng's affectionate words.Zhou Pengyou said: "Okay, I will coordinate and arrange immediately." The director of the Dongzhou Railway Office said: "Mayor Song, if you can come, I welcome you on behalf of the 1.4 employees of the East Railway. They are really hard these days. You can come to give our employees the greatest warmth in their hearts." Song Yunsheng said: "The railway has made great contributions to Dongzhou. On behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the comrades on the railway." Dongzhou Railway The director of the office felt his eyes moist.

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