Director's growth history

2509.1436 Decentralization wins the hearts of the people

Fang Yuan finally squeezed out an hour to analyze the final exam papers together with the students from Class One (12) who came to the school. ╠中文╣Aiming at the problems existing in the test papers, Fang Yuan hit the nail on the head; in view of the fact that there are many top students in the class and many students with relatively backward grades, Fang Yuan pointed out: To make progress in learning, two points are indispensable , One is hard work, and the other is method.The students with outstanding Chinese scores in the class are basically hard-working and methodical students.I hope that in the future study, all the students will be able to combine hard work with mastering the Fa study.Fangyuan sent an affectionate message: As long as we can do these two things, I believe that our senior one (12) class will definitely be at the forefront of the whole grade, not only Chinese, but also all subjects.Three years later, every student will become a role model envied by other classes, and will become the new pride of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Fangyuan's agitation aroused everyone's emotions, and every student seemed to be guided to the two tracks of hard work and method.

Back in the principal's office, Ruan Shaoxiu was already waiting here.He held a large brown paper envelope in his hand and handed it to Fang Yuan: "Principal Fang, it's a letter from the CPPCC." Fang Yuan opened the door and walked into the principal's office with the letter.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I have already consulted Secretary Dai and many teachers about the purchase of the school's New Year's goods. Because the standard of 100 yuan has been increased this year, everyone is quite satisfied with the New Year's goods." Fang Yuan said: " This is doing good deeds for the teachers, and we must do this good deed well. Director Ruan, to a certain extent, you are also doing good deeds for the teachers, can you understand me?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Thank you Fang The principal gave me such an opportunity. This is the list of New Year's goods after soliciting everyone's opinions. Please sign by Principal Fang. I will buy it this afternoon and try to distribute it to the teacher tomorrow morning." Fang Yuan said: "Let me see."

After receiving the list, Fang Yuan looked it over carefully. It should be said that it can be seen that Ruan Shaoxiu and Zang Wenyue have put a lot of thought into it. Of course, Ruan Shaoxiu did not forget to add the pastry from Chunxiao Company.Fang Yuan signed the list and said to Ruan Shaoxiu: "Okay, you and Director Zang can handle this matter." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay."

Fangyuan opened the letter from the CPPCC, which turned out to be a notice about the convening of a CPPCC meeting, requiring every member of the CPPCC to report to the Dongzhou Party Committee Hotel at 1:30 pm tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, and at 3:1 pm, the The first plenary meeting of the Sixth CPPCC Dongzhou Municipal Committee was held.Fang Yuan's understanding of the CPPCC should be quite vague. He used to know that deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC were to a certain extent very prestigious and had a relatively high social reputation, but Fang Yuan couldn't figure out what the CPPCC members actually did.There is a meeting tomorrow, and Fang Yuan doesn't know what preparations he should make; Fang Yuan still doesn't know what to pay attention to when attending the meeting.Hey, the timing of this report is also very interesting!At 30:[-] tomorrow afternoon, don't you want to invite Fang Shujuan to dinner at noon?This time is really a coincidence.

Fang Yuan called Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, hello." Sun Hongjun said: "Xiao Fang, what can I do for you?" Fang Yuan said: "Ask Secretary Sun, I received a meeting notice from the CPPCC today. My eyes are darkened, and I don’t know what to do when I join the Municipal Association. What should I prepare now? What will I do at the meeting tomorrow?” Sun Hongjun said: “It’s also the first time I’ve been elected as a member of the CPPCC, so I don’t know. But Xiao Fang, what are you worried about? The highest level meeting in Dongzhou City is the Party Congress, then the People’s Congress, and then the Political Association. You have attended the last year’s Party Congress. Do you need to worry about the Political Association? ?”

Fangyuan's heart settled down.Yes, I have not only participated in the party congress, but also participated in the Youth Federation meeting, isn't it just a meeting?Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Secretary Sun. My heart is at ease when you say this." Sun Hongjun said: "The difference between participating in the CPPCC and the Party Congress is that there is an additional content to submit proposals. You go to the Look it up, how to write this proposal." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Secretary Sun for your guidance." Sun Hongjun said: "Speaking of the CPPCC proposal, you don't have to think too deeply, it is actually another name for the proposal, just like calling yourself In some places, it is called Dad, and in some places it is called Daddy. When it comes to the National People’s Congress, it is called the National People’s Congress representative’s suggestion. When it comes to the CPPCC, it is called the CPPCC member’s proposal. Proposals, one is "Proposal on Further Strengthening Vocational Education" and "Proposal on Further Strengthening Bus Station Order Management", if you are interested, I will send it to you." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you very much." "Give me your e-mail," Red said.

Fangyuan soon received two CPPCC proposals from Sun Hongjun. After reading the proposals, Fangyuan's sense of mystery about the proposals completely disappeared. It turned out that the proposals were to write suggestions for the party committee and the government.Fangyuan looked up some compilations of proposals on the CPPCC website, and it became clearer: CPPCC proposals can not only focus on local economic and social development, but also improve work. It is also popular to mention those that improve people's livelihood. , and it is also possible to make appropriate criticisms around a certain aspect of work.These proposals, through the CPPCC channel, are sent to relevant departments for processing and replies. Proposals are used to promote work, use proposals to improve work, and use proposals to correct deficiencies. They have a certain role in supervising and promoting various departments, districts and counties.

Then what proposal should I write on the CPPCC?Fang Yuan suddenly felt that when it was time to write, he didn't know what to write and which aspect to write about.It seems that before, I only paid attention to education, and I really didn't pay much attention to social affairs!In this regard, it seems to be strengthened.

While I was thinking, I received a call from Ding Chunxiao: "Brother, the director of the office of your school just came to our company and signed an agreement with me for 400 pieces of pastries for the new year, and we will supply them tomorrow." Fang Yuan said, "Sure!" Ding Chunxiao said: "Thank you. The last time the advertising effect was very good. It has only been three days. There are many companies who have called for consultation or even visited to buy pastries for the New Year. All the workers are working overtime and cannot produce. " Fangyuan said: "No matter how busy you are, you must ensure the quality. Sister, if your quality is excellent, next year's business will definitely be better than this year." Ding Chunxiao said: "Yes! I will definitely expand the production scale next year. Brother! You are really amazing!" Fang Yuan said: "My sister is amazing. I admire you for being a weak woman who can work hard to create such a sky." Ding Chunxiao said: "Really?" Fang Yuan said: "I said It’s from the bottom of my heart.” Fangyuan heard Ding Chunxiao’s choked voice: “I’m really happy when I say that. I promise to produce all the new year’s goods for your school today, and send them all to No. 5 Middle School tomorrow morning. Also, I Get ready to gather up this year's accounts before the Spring Festival, and calculate how much profit this year will be. Don't forget, you can get a 10% dividend!"

Fang Yuan's heart was shaken.This 10% is definitely not a small amount, at least hundreds of thousands.But rationality kept Fang Yuan awake: "Sister, I can't take the 10% shares you gave me. First of all, this is wealth obtained out of thin air, which is a serious violation of party discipline; second, I am not qualified to take the 10% shares. % dividends, because the company belongs to you and is a completely private enterprise. I am an outsider, and I am not qualified to share your hard-earned hard-earned money." Ding Chunxiao said: "You are not an outsider. Now, you are in my heart , is my own brother. I have been an orphan since I was a child and have no relatives. Now, you are my only relative. Fang Yuan, if you regard you as an outsider, I will die of grief." Fang Yuan said: "Sister, since If you recognize her as a sister and brother, then you are my sister, I admit it. But let me take 10% of the dividends, I can’t do this.” Ding Chunxiao’s long-term and special life experience made Ding Chunxiao more sensitive and stubborn at this moment: “Brother, This Chunxiao company owns 10% of yours. This is what I said, and I will never take it back. Anyway, I will list the 10% profit dividend and leave it for you. You can come and pick it up whenever you need it. The company has your shares, so you must care about the company's development!"

At this moment, Fang Yuan doesn't like others to impose their will.Fang Yuan felt a wave of anger slowly rising in his heart: Ding Chunxiao is taking 10% of the shares to force him to contribute to Chunxiao Company!Doesn't she know that a twisted melon is not sweet?Is it mandatory for me to come up with ideas for Chunxiao Company?Fang Yuan calmed down his anger and said as calmly as possible: "Sister Ding, in fact, I am very concerned about the company's development. For example, the school ordered 400 pastries at once this year, which shows this. But, as I said, 10 I don’t want 10% of the shares. If I say it, I can’t take it back. I am not qualified to want the [-]% of the shares. If I want it, it is a mistake and it is illegal. I will never do such a thing. Yes." Before Ding Chunxiao could speak, Fang Yuan said, "I have a lot of work in school now, so let's talk here first, okay?" Ding Chunxiao said, "Okay."

When I think of 400 pastries, I think of 400 New Year's goods, and I also think of who to give to the remaining 70 New Year's goods.This is actually a great right for him. Through Ruan Shaoxiu, Fang Yuan learned that Liu Ming had decided on this matter in the past, and he would give it to whoever Liu Ming said. No one asked, and no one fought for this right. That's what the principal should do.

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