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2513.1439 Meeting Ren Xiaoai Unexpectedly

Hearing someone calling him, Fang Yuan turned around, and saw a familiar face with a little naughty face. ╞ ╡ Fangyuan was a little surprised: "Hi, reporter Ren."

Standing in front of Fangyuan was Ren Xiaoai, a reporter from Dongzhou Evening News.What Fang Yuan thought of at the first moment was not Ren Xiaoai, but the scene of being wronged by his wife Kong Shuanghua because of exchanging text messages with Ren Xiaoai.Life is like a play, seeing Ren Xiaoai again today is really like acting, meeting unexpectedly; life is like a dream, just experienced a dream that is not a nightmare, Fang Shujuan has already made Fang Yuan flustered, this is in Fang Yuan's eyes. The little dream I once had in my heart seems to have no more enthusiasm and passion.

The two said almost in unison: "Why are you here?" After finishing speaking, both of them laughed.Fang Yuan said: "I am a newly elected member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference this year, and I am here to report today." Ren Xiaoai said: "I am a reporter from the Ministry of Political Affairs of the Evening News. I want to come to the venue to interview in person. Principal Fang, if I want to interview you, you can’t refuse!” Fang Yuan said: “I dare not, absolutely not. If a reporter interviews me, I have no time to welcome you. How dare you refuse? "Ren Xiaoai smiled mischievously: "This is what you said. You can't go back on what a man said!" Fang Yuan said: "I rarely go back on what I said." Ren Xiaoai said: "According to the usual practice, a unit , especially in some relatively influential and large units, the top leader is often a representative of the National People's Congress, and the second leader or first deputy is a member of the CPPCC. Principal Fang, is the principal of your school a representative of the National People's Congress?"

Fang Yuan said: "I am the head of the school now. Our old principal has gone home to recuperate." Ren Xiaoai's eyes lit up: "Principal Fang, are you the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 High School now?" Fang Yuan gained some confidence: "You can't say that. To be precise, I am the party branch secretary and acting principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Ren Xiaoai's eyes brightened: "Okay! Principal Fang, are you the youngest student in Dongzhou City?" The principal of the middle school?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Ren Xiaoai said, "Are you the youngest CPPCC member in Dongzhou City?" Fang Yuan said, "I don't know about that." Ren Xiaoai said, "Principal Fang , you were born in 1980, right?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes!" Ren Xiaoai said, "If you haven't celebrated your birthday, you should still be 27 years old now. I reckon you are probably the youngest member of the new CPPCC in Dongzhou City. I'm a member of the CPPCC. President Fang, I'll go to the CPPCC secretariat to find out the situation, and I'll call you later!" Fang Yuan said, "Why?" Ren Xiaoai said, "I found a very good news point. You are the youngest principal of the Eastern State Education System, which is the first news point; if you are the youngest member of the CPPCC, it is the second news point. When people talk about the CPPCC, they think that the CPPCC is some old guys. The aging nursing home is full of vitality because of the 27-year-old young member of the CPPCC. I believe that when this manuscript is written, the people will read it, and the leaders of the CPPCC will also read it!"

Fangyuan couldn't help but admire Ren Xiaoai's keen sense of news, and even looked forward to such an interview deep down in his heart. After all, Fangyuan felt happy physically and mentally with Ren Xiaoai, a young, educated and thoughtful intellectual woman.At this time, Fang Yuan even forgot the confusion caused by Fang Shujuan's request to give Fang Yuan her first child at noon.

Ren Xiaoai left.Fang Yuan took out the notice and looked at it. It turned out that he was in the eighth group: education, science, culture, sports and health.Fang Yuan thought of participating in the [-]th Municipal Party Congress, and it seemed that he was in such a group.I don't know if I can meet those old acquaintances who attended the party congress in the Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team today.Slowly recalling some experiences of participating in the Municipal Youth Federation and the Municipal Party Congress, Fang Yuan's heart calmed down.He generously came to the table of the eighth group, and said to the reception secretary: "Hello, I am Fang Yuan, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the eighth group." The young girl took the notice in disbelief, looked at Fang Yuan, Looking carefully at the notice again, he said, "Hello, Principal Fang, welcome to the first meeting of the Sixth Dongzhou CPPCC. Please sign in." Fang Yuan wrote his name on the designated spot.The young girl said: "I am the service secretary of the eighth group, and I am very honored to serve Committee Fang. Here are all the materials for this meeting." As she spoke, she handed over a beautiful file bag, which was full of files .Fang Yuan saw that there were several artifacts like brochures and notebooks inside.Fang Yuan took it over and said, "Thank you." The young girl said, "Committee Fang, this is a briefcase sponsored by the Municipal People's Court; this is a stamp collection from the Municipal Procuratorate; Member Rong gave each CPPCC member a shirt."

Oh, it's quite rewarding!Fang Yuan took it over with a smile: "Thank you." The young girl said: "In addition, there are several companies and CPPCC members who also sponsored some items and put them in your room. Like the Nass Group, it is given to every CPPCC member." The high-efficiency laundry detergent recently developed by the committee company, like Dongzhou News and Publishing Group, gave every member of the CPPCC a set of books, which is pretty good." Fang Yuan has seen the world, and he is also satisfied with these not-too-high-value gifts. Not surprising.Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." The young girl handed over another room card and said, "Commissioner Fang, you are in room 1721. This is the room card. Please keep it safe." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, thank you." The young girl Said: "At 2:00 this afternoon, each group will hold a preparatory meeting. Our eighth group is in conference room 209. Please attend on time. At that time, the convener of our group will introduce everyone to each other. At 3:00 in the afternoon, the CPPCC In the first plenary session of the first session of the Sixth CPPCC, An Siping, chairman of the CPPCC, will deliver a report on the work of the fifth CPPCC, and Secretary Wang Guodong of the Municipal Party Committee will give an important speech. Please be sure to attend. Free activities before 2:00. Tonight, the CPPCC will hold A grand dinner to celebrate the convening of the [-]st CPPCC meeting of the [-]th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Party members are invited to attend without any special circumstances. Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Song of the Municipal Government, Chairman An of the Political Consultative Conference and other city leaders will toast to all the members." Fang Yuan pointed to Xiao The girl nodded: "Thank you, you gave a very detailed introduction. Today's schedule is very clear to me. I think your work is very good." The little girl blushed: "Thank you, this is what I should do for every day. The service of the committee member is good." Fang Yuan said: "It is really excellent. You are busy, I will put the things in the car."

Fang Yuan left. The service secretary of group 7 asked: "Who is this? It looks like a big leader." The service secretary of group 8 said: "The party branch secretary and acting principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, this is the introduction?" The secretary of group 7 was surprised: "So young? Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is Dongzhou's ace school. He is the secretary and principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School?" The secretary of Group 8 said, "Yeah, I didn't believe it just now, but now, I believe that he is Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." The secretary and principal of State No. 7 Middle School." The secretary of Group 8 asked: "Why?" The secretary of Group 5 said: "You see, he speaks very steadily. I think only the director of our research office has such self-cultivation. No wonder he can be a The principal of No. 7 Middle School does have such self-cultivation just by talking and doing things.” The secretary of Group 5 joked, “Why, have you taken a fancy to this handsome principal of Dongzhou No. 8 Middle School?” The secretary of Group 5 blushed. More red and plain, like a big apple.She said: "Don't you be tempted after you know that he is the principal of Dongzhou No. 1 school in Dongzhou No. 7?" The secretary of group 5 said: "If I don't have a boyfriend, I'm really tempted At such a young age, he became the principal of Dongzhou No. 8 Middle School, and in a few years, he will at least be the deputy director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau. Maybe he will become the deputy secretary and secretary of the Dongzhou Youth League Committee!" Secretary of Group 1980 Said: "Yes, he is too young. Look at my watch, he was born on March 3, 15, and he is not yet 28 years old!" The secretary of Group 7 sighed: "Yes!"

Sitting in the car, Fangyuan put the briefcase, shirt, stamps, etc. aside, and opened the briefcase. Oh, there are so many things in it!The things inside include: the schedule book of the first meeting of the sixth session of the Dongzhou CPPCC; the group list of Dongzhou CPPCC members; Siping's work report at the first session of the Sixth Dongzhou CPPCC; Speech by Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guodong at the first session of the Sixth Dongzhou CPPCC; Government work report; Municipal People's Court report; Municipal People's Procuratorate report; Municipal economic and social development Report; City Finance Bureau report.There is a 22-carat super-large notebook, and when you open the cover, you can see the words "gifted by the People's Court of Dongzhou City"; there is a 32-carat notebook with the words "Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" on the cover; there is also a A signature pen; there is also a member card; there is also a badge that reads "Attendance card for the first meeting of the Sixth Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference".Fang Yuan had a question in his mind: I was attending the CPPCC meeting, why would there be a government work report?

Fang Yuan looked at his watch, it was already 13:50.Fang Yuan got out of the car, put on her CPPCC attendance card, and walked into the lobby of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel again.Fang Yuan came to the No. 8 service desk and said to the No. 8 waiter: "Can I go to the preparatory meeting now?" The No. 8 service secretary said: "Yes, Committee Member Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you." No. 8 The service secretary said: "Conference room 209 is on the second floor, and there is an elevator on the other side of the hall." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Fang Yuan is familiar with the general locations of the meeting rooms on the second floor. After all, he has attended the Municipal Party Congress and the Municipal Youth Federation, so he is relatively clear about the structure of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel.Fang Yuan came to meeting room 2, opened the door and walked in, and at the first sight saw that Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun had arrived.Fang Yuan walked over quickly, came to Sun Hongjun, and said hello in a low voice.Sun Hongjun smiled and said, "You're here?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm here. Secretary Sun, where should I sit?" Sun Hongjun said, "Sit whatever you want. How about this, you sit on the outside of me." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Fang Yuan looked at the other committee members, but suddenly realized that he didn't find any of the people he wanted to know.Fang Yuan didn't know that the city's people's congress representative, for municipal departments, the head of the bureau is usually the people's congress representative, and the first deputy director or party secretary is a member of the CPPCC.The bureau chiefs and directors of the education, science, culture, sports and health teams I met at the party congress are basically deputies to the National People's Congress now.Today, most of the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference representing the municipal departments of education, science, culture, sports and health in the 209 groups are the second in command of each department.Some district-level and deputy county-level leaders of some districts are also assigned to this group, and some celebrities or experts in education, science and technology, culture, sports, and health are also assigned to this group.The main reason why Fang Yuan was able to become a member of the CPPCC was that Fang Yuan was a celebrity in Dongzhou's education system.Since he didn't know everyone, Fang Yuan took out the materials in the file bag and started to look.Let’s look at the schedule first. The afternoon arrangement on the first day is exactly the same as what the No. 8 service secretary said; Director Siping's report on the work of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.The second item is to attend the first meeting of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress.At this time, Fangyuan understood why there were government work reports, procuratorate reports, court reports, economic and social development reports, and financial reports in his file bag.It turns out that members of the CPPCC have to attend the National People's Congress!Although they do not have the right to vote, they at least have the right to know.Hey, this is pretty good!

Fangyuan took out the CPPCC member contact manual again, and read it carefully over the 8 or so members of the 20th group, heh, this is also the □□ of each session!This is a rare opportunity to get in touch with the leaders of these sessions.I hope to win wider support for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School; I hope to make sincere friends with more capable friends. If you have more friends, the road will be wider!

When Fang Yuan was worrying about how to achieve a breakthrough in the Political Association, Fang Yuan's cell phone rang, but Fang Yuan didn't even look at it, picked it up and whispered: "Reporter Ren, I am Fang Yuan from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." A very strange voice came: "Fang Yuan, I am not a reporter. Who is this reporter?"

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