Director's growth history

2516.1442. Beautiful official seal

Fang Yuan opened the door of Room 1721, and said very gentlemanly: "Reporter Ren, please. ∑ Fei ㊣ ≥" Ren Xiao Ai smiled and said, "This looks more manly!" Fang Yuan said: "I am a man in the first place. " Ren Xiaoai entered the room and exclaimed, "Wow!"

It turned out that there were two bouquets of fresh cut flowers in the room, including lilies, roses, and baby's breath, which were given to the two CPPCC members by the secretariat of the conference.Ren Xiaoai picked up a bouquet of flowers and said to Fang Yuan: "Principal Fang, if you don't mind, how about giving me your bouquet?" Fang Yuan said: "Reporter Ren likes it, I am very happy." Ren Xiaoai smiled mischievously: "Then I won't be polite."

Ren Xiaoai put the bouquet on the small table between the two chairs and said, "Principal Fang, hurry up and interview. It is already 4:20, and I have to interview another CPPCC member at 5 o'clock. Principal Fang, Please cooperate with me!" Fang Yuan said: "I will definitely cooperate." Ren Xiaoai said: "I have turned on the recording pen and put it here. The whole process of my interview with you will be recorded. Principal Fang, please do it for yourself. Take responsibility for everything you say!" Fang Yuan said: "I have a feeling of entering a police station." Ren Xiaoai laughed: "I am not a serious police officer, but just a small reporter." Fang Yuan said: "Reporters are the uncrowned kings!" Ren Xiaoai said, "When did Principal Fang become so glib? It's completely different from when I interviewed you at the party congress." Fang Yuan said: "The times are constantly advancing, and individuals must also Keep pace with the times." Ren Xiaoai said: "Gao, it's time to catch up with the speech of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee." Fang Yuan said: "Reporter Ren, the recorder will also record your every word." Ren Xiaoai was stunned for a moment , Said: "Okay, Fangyuan, how dare you take me into the army?" Fangyuan said: "I'm ready for the reporter Ren to take me n times, because if the reporter's question is tricky, I will also answer it." It’s hard.” Ren Xiaoai said with a smile: “So you have to follow me, otherwise I will definitely ask the most tricky questions and make you unable to get off the stage.” Fang Yuan said: “Reporter Ren must hold you high.” Ren Xiao Ai said: "That depends on your performance." Fang Yuan said: "Please wait a moment, I will boil some water for Reporter Ren."

After Fangyuan came back from boiling water, Ren Xiaoai said: "Actually, Principal Fang has always been the focus of my interview. At the city party congress, Principal Fang's speech was highly praised by Mayor Song. Attention. This time, Principal Fang became the youngest CPPCC member of the Dongzhou CPPCC, creating a new history for young people under the age of 30 to be elected as CPPCC members. I would like to ask Principal Fang, do you think you are the youngest member of the CPPCC? Member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, how do you feel?"

Fang Yuan didn't know how to answer.I suddenly remembered that when I participated in the discussion in Group 8, all the old members of the CPPCC talked in Mandarin, and Fang Yuan also decided to combine Mandarin with her true feelings.If you don’t have a recorder, you can say whatever you want; now that you have a recorder, you are responsible for every word you say, and if you want to publish it in the newspaper tomorrow, the superior will be watching. If your words are not up to standard, what will the leader think?Many members of the CPPCC are also watching, as a young member of the CPPCC, I can't perform to the level I should, so how can I hold my head up in front of the members?Starting from today, we must learn to speak beautiful Mandarin, to speak beautifully on the scene, and to speak universally applicable words on the stage.

Fang Yuan said: "It is very honorable and sacred to be elected as a member of the CPPCC. The status of a member of the CPPCC is a yearning for everyone, and it represents an honor. I can be a member of the CPPCC. I am a leader at all levels. The result of care, love, and training. Without the care, love, and training of leaders, there will be no personal progress and growth, and it is impossible to become a glorious CPPCC member. Therefore, at this moment, my biggest feeling is: concern for leaders , love and nurture, with a grateful heart.”

Ren Xiaoai was surprised by Fang Yuan's words, she stretched out her hand and touched Fang Yuan's forehead.Fang Yuan was taken aback: "What's the matter, reporter Ren?" Ren Xiaoai said, "Your head is not hot!" Fang Yuan said, "Of course my head is not hot." Ren Xiaoai said, "Tell me the truth. , Have you prepared in advance?" Fang Yuan said: "No preparation, you are the first to ask me this way, and it is the first time for me to answer this way." Ren Xiaoai said: "Is what you said yours?" What is in your heart?" Fang Yuan said, "This is indeed what is in my heart." Ren Xiaoai said, "You are really a political genius! Fang Yuan, if you continue to develop like this, you will definitely have greater development." Fang Yuan Said: "Individual progress must be combined with collective progress. Only collective progress can determine personal progress. At the same time, personal progress is the result of the integration of many factors. It does not depend on the concern of the leaders, but also the support of the masses. The so-called favorable weather, favorable location, and harmonious people are all indispensable. The timing is the era we live in. Our era is to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and build a moderately prosperous socialist society. In this era, it also provides an unprecedented platform for individual entrepreneurship and success. This is a good time. Dongzhou Education is currently comprehensively deepening curriculum reform and fully implementing quality education. The tide of reform is for educators with ideas and innovation It provides a good development platform, which is the location. Of course, people and harmony are the most important."

Ren Xiaoai was amazed by Fangyuan's words, and asked casually, "How do you understand Renhe?" Fang Yuan said, "Renhe, I understand it includes four aspects. First, family harmony. As the old saying goes, everything prospers in family harmony. If we ensure the harmony and harmony of the family, we can provide a stable and comfortable environment for personal progress, and individuals will not have to worry about working hard outside. The second harmony is harmony with the society. We must understand the needs of social development and adapt to social development. Only by actively following the needs of social development can we reconcile with society. The third reconciliation is reconciliation with superior leaders. I believe you understand this truth, so I won’t go into details. The fourth reconciliation is reconciliation with the masses. For me as a school administrator, it is necessary to establish a close cooperative relationship with every vice principal, middle-level, and teacher in the school. In this way, everyone can unite as one to better build and maintain the school. , develop well. In the progress of the school, everyone will support the progress of the individual more.”

Ren Xiaoai couldn't help applauding.Ren Xiaoai shook her head and sighed: "Fang Yuan, my interview today is not a waste of time. This is the first time I have heard such an incisive and profound point of view. You are very good." Fang Yuan said: " It's hard to be elegant in the market. It makes reporters laugh."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Did I laugh? I didn't laugh. President Fang, your words triggered my deep thinking. I thought of myself from your words. If I say that I have made some progress in my work, It has a lot to do with personal efforts and the appreciation of the leaders, but I haven’t done enough to connect with the society and the masses! President Fang, thank you.” Fang Yuan said: “As a reporter, this is not like an interview. It’s like I’m in class, and you express your thoughts about the class.” Ren Xiaoai said: “I hope that in the future, I will have the opportunity to listen to you often in class, okay?”

Is this an olive branch thrown over?Fang Yuan was a little moved, but the recording laughed here, and he was responsible for every word, so Fang Yuan decided to greet him in Mandarin.Fang Yuan said: "Being able to exchange work and study experience with Reporter Ren will definitely be more conducive to doing a good job in the future. I look forward to exchanging opinions and opinions with Reporter Ren, and I also look forward to Reporter Ren being able to visit Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Take a look, write more about Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, write more about our teachers who work on the front line, and write more about those students who are thriving and developing in an all-round way."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Fang Yuan, you are really good at being a human being." Fang Yuan said: "I communicated with reporter Ren from the bottom of my heart and accepted an interview from reporter Ren." Ren Xiaoai said: "Oh, I just forgot that I was I am interviewing you, but you have educated and inspired me. I will learn more from you in the future." Fang Yuan said: "Learn from each other, learn from each other, and each make progress." Ren Xiaoai nodded: "If I buy you coffee, Will you refuse?" Fang Yuan said, "Great hospitality is hard to turn down." Ren Xiaoai said, "Forget it, I turned off the recorder. I never thought that the recorder would have such a result." Fang Yuan said, "Newspapers are for everyone. Look, what we said is published in the newspaper, so it’s not for people to read." Ren Xiaoai said: "Yes! Then, the recorder is not turned off for the time being. In fact, what you said is really good, surpassing My imagination is logical and advanced." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you reporter Ren for your compliment."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Now, I will interview you for the second question, how do you plan to be a good member of the CPPCC?" Fang Yuan said: "As a recruit of the CPPCC team, I will humbly learn from the old members of the CPPCC and learn from them. Caring about social development and people's sufferings, learning how to better participate in and discuss state affairs. Today, I listened to the speech of Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and was very inspired. I feel that being a member of the CPPCC can do a lot for the development of this society , when a CPPCC member must also firmly grasp the purpose of "focusing on the center and serving the overall situation" that Secretary Wang said, do more good things for the society and the people, and do more beneficial things. Today, I also listened to the CPPCC Announcement In the CPPCC work report made by the chairman, I sincerely admire the great amount of useful work done by the CPPCC in the past five years, especially in the past year, and have full confidence in the work to be carried out by the CPPCC in the next five years, especially in 5. I feel that the two leaders His speech pointed out a clear direction for me, a recruit of the CPPCC, to fulfill my duties as a member of the CPPCC and better participate in and discuss state affairs."

Ren Xiaoai sighed: "Fangyuan, I almost don't need to change what you said, it can be used as the original text of the news report. When interviewing others, you must refine and summarize; when interviewing you, I can directly use the original words. Fangyuan, this Is that what you think?" Fang Yuan said, "Of course, that's what I think." Ren Xiaoai said, "Gao, it's really tall. Okay, I'll continue my interview. My third question is, You are now the youngest middle school principal in Dongzhou City, and the principal of the No.1 school in Dongzhou City. I know that the main reason why you were promoted at such a young age is your outstanding work performance. I have interviewed you before, I know that you have won the first prize of the public class in the whole province and the whole country, which has never been done in the history of Dongzhou education. I would like to ask, how did you feel when you became the principal?"

Fang Yuan said: "I have to correct a small principled mistake made by the reporter. I am not the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but the acting principal." Ren Xiaoai said, "Is there any difference?" Fang Yuan said: "I was appointed by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau as the secretary of the school's party branch, which is an extraordinary promotion. Such a large school, with 72 classes, 3600 students, and 300 teachers, allows a 27-year-old young man Come to be the principal, if the reporter is the director of the Education Bureau and secretary of the party committee, would you dare to make such a decision?"

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