Director's growth history

2524.1448. The Storm in the Teapot

Zhai Xinwen had never been so indifferent to Fang Yuan like today, which made Fang Yuan realize the seriousness of the problem. ┗ #_ ┛It seems that what the father-in-law said is now having an effect. Someone must have said nonsensical things to Director Zhai, put eye drops on himself, provoked Zhai Xinwen's sensitive nerves, and made Zhai Xinwen suspicious of him or suspicion.

In this short moment, Fang Yuan panicked and was at a loss.Yes, she has always been the darling of the leaders. Today, she was left lukewarm by the leaders, and Fang Yuan felt uncomfortable!Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to cry, he didn't know the reason, but he just wanted to cry.But Fang Yuan didn't cry, Fang Yuan remembered what his father-in-law said, this time the "Dongzhou Evening News" news report was short and long.Perhaps, as long as you reverse and change it with your heart, this bad thing can also become a good thing.

Fangyuan's cell phone rang again.It was Ren Xiaoai who called.Fang Yuan picked it up: "Xiao Ai, what can I do for you?" Ren Xiaoai said: "The editor-in-chief asked me to interview 3 people in the afternoon. If Director Zhai is added, there will be 4 people. Time is too tight, Fang Yuan, I'll go to you right away, and you'll contact Director Zhai immediately, and I'll be the first to interview Director Zhai." Fang Yuan didn't even think about it, and said bravely, "Come on." Ren Xiaoai said, "I'll be there in five minutes. arrive."

Fang Yuan looked at his watch, it was almost 2 o'clock, and it was time for the group discussion in the afternoon.Fangyuan found the telephone list, found Guo Dayong's number, and called: "Director Guo, this is Fangyuan. I want to ask you for leave. The group discussion in the afternoon may be a little late. Please approve." Guo Dayong happily Promise: "Okay, no problem. Just come back, and don't forget to hand in the sign-in card, you won't be late." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." Guo Dayong said, "After the discussion this afternoon, Mr. Arrange for members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in our group to visit Langhua Technology Company. If you can come back before this time, it will be a success.” Only then did Fang Yuan realize that not only did he have a little estrangement with Zhai Xinwen, but he also seemed to have a conflict with Lang Yongqi.Wow, this contradiction is easy to knot and hard to solve. How did I do it?Originally, I wanted to keep a low profile to participate in the CPPCC, but just one day and one night after the opening, I have already offended two important people, and I don't know how many potential offenders I don't know about!Fang Yuan said: "Director Guo, please tell Mr. Lang, I will definitely be back before 3 o'clock." Guo Dayong said with a smile: "Waiting for you. We also want to hear your comments on Mayor Song's "Government Work Report" High opinion." Fang Yuan said, "I dare not."

Ren Xiaoai has arrived.Seeing Fang Yuan, a mischievous expression appeared on her face: "How is it? I wrote the manuscript." Fang Yuan said, "You wrote very well, but it's a pity that you let me attract attention." Ren Xiaoai said: "What's wrong? Fang Yuan." Looking at Fang Yuan with concerned eyes, Fang Yuan's heart softened.Fang Yuan sighed, and didn't want to explain further: "Xiao Ai, I still want to thank you. Today, two members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee called me to congratulate me because of your article." Ren Xiao Ai's eyes lit up: "Really? Do they also read my article?" Fang Yuan said: "I'm afraid all the standing committee members of the municipal party committee will read your article. The city leaders have read it and have positive comments on me. , it will increase my good impression; but some people may feel jealous or repulsive when they see it.” Ren Xiaoai’s face showed anger: “This is the inferiority of the Chinese people. Mr. Lu Xun has criticized the inferiority of the Chinese people for a long time. I once read an article written by Mr. Bo Yang, saying that when a foreigner sees someone who is better than him, he must strive to surpass him; when a Chinese sees someone who is better than him, he must try to ruin him Fuck it, and then he's happy."

Ren Xiaoai's words are very sharp!Fang Yuan agrees with some, but not all: "Xiao Ai, in public, you can't comment on us Chinese like this. This is not unique to the Chinese, don't foreign countries have it? Remember the United States forced Japan to sign the " The Plaza Accord? From the 1986s to the middle of the 70s, Japan’s economy took off, and its gdp was close to that of the United States. The Americans also considered not how to surpass the Japanese and throw the Japanese away, but to force the yen to appreciate and let Japan In just a few years, more than half of the achievements of economic development have been embezzled by the United States. From 80 to 20, Japan’s economy could no longer recover in 1986 years. What a performance!" Ren Xiaoai said: "The United States is really hateful! Extremely hateful!" Fang Yuan said: "Xiaoai, if you are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can't say that." Ren Xiaoai said: "Then what should I say? I still remember that in 1998, American missiles bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia. I still remember that our fighter jet was hit by an American electronic surveillance plane into the sea in the airspace of the South China Sea. I still remember The United States has been using Taiwan and Tibet issues as bargaining chips to force the Chinese government to make concessions on many things. I still remember that the United States has been selling weapons to Taiwan. But you just won’t be sent back to China.” Fang Yuan was temporarily relieved from the conflict and pain, and couldn’t help but praise: “Xiao Ai, I can’t see that you are still a patriotic and angry youth!” Ren Xiaoai said: “Of course. Lah, my patriotism has always been hot, how about you touch it?" He puffed up his chest and pushed it up high.But he immediately realized that he was wrong, and his face turned red, even his neck was red.

Fang Yuan really wanted to say, "How about I touch it?" But reason told him that he couldn't say that.Fang Yuan stood there with a smile, looking at Ren Xiaoai without saying a word.Ren Xiaoai calmed down for a while, then punched Fang Yuan violently, of course very lightly, and complained: "It was you who got me in and made you eat my tofu." Fang Yuan said: " I didn't do it on purpose, I apologize to Miss Ren." Ren Xiaoai said: "I won't talk about the United States anymore. It's getting too far away. Let's talk about the interview this afternoon." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Ren Xiaoai said: "Why do you have to interview Zhai Xinwen? Zhai Xinwen is a newcomer who was just elected to the National People's Congress this year. There are hundreds of senior representatives in the Municipal People's Congress, so it's not his turn!" Fang Yuan said, "I have two reasons. , the first reason is that education is closely related to the interests of the general public, and the public are very concerned about the quality of education their children receive, and they are very concerned about the quality, balance and fairness of education." Ren Xiaoai said: "That's true." Fang Yuan said: "The second reason is that Director Zhai is a very thoughtful, competent, and capable director of the Education Bureau. If you interview him, you will definitely gain something unexpected, and you will definitely let the people of the city feel that Dongdong The state education is entrusted to Director Zhai, and the people of the city can rest assured." Ren Xiaoai said: "Is he as good as you say?" Fang Yuan said: "It will only be better than what I said." Ren Xiaoai Said: "Okay, I will believe you once. I also know what you are thinking, of course, I will not say it. This time I will help you once, you said, I want you to thank you, you agree. "Fang Yuan bite the bullet and said: "I will definitely take responsibility for what I say." Ren Xiaoai said: "Okay." Fang Yuan said: "Now, I will accompany you to find Director Zhai." Ren Xiaoai said: "Don't, You'd better not go. If you go, the more you describe, the darker it becomes. The more you describe, the more difficult it is to explain. I'll go directly to Director Zhai. During the interview, tell me your evaluation of him. I believe that Director Zhai will be melted. A little lump in my heart."

Wow, this little love Ren is really understanding.Looking at Ren Xiaoai's still flushed face, Fang Yuan suddenly had the urge to be considerate.

Fang Yuan and Ren Xiaoai shook hands and parted, and returned to the Eighth Discussion Group of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to participate in the discussion of Song Yunsheng's "Government Work Report".This afternoon, Fang Yuan listened carefully to everyone's discussion. Sitting in the corner, he did not speak. However, he gained a lot of insight from the speeches of other committee members, whether they were sincere speeches or official speeches.In fact, the CPPCC is really eye-opening.Fang Yuan's heart is very steady, without any nervousness or apprehension, it seems that Ren Xiaoai's interview with Zhai Xinwen can completely eliminate Zhai Xinwen's barriers to him.

It really made Fang Yuan's sixth sense guess right.Ren Xiaoai found Zhai Xinwen, which made Zhai Xinwen very happy, and happily accepted Ren Xiaoai's interview.During the interview, Ren Xiaoai mentioned Fang Yuan's evaluation of Zhai Xinwen: Director Zhai is a very thoughtful, competent and capable director of the Education Bureau.In the process of the interview, it penetrated that Fangyuan did not want to be interviewed yesterday, and strongly recommended the newspaper to interview Director Zhai, but Ren Xiaoai emphasized that the interview was arranged by the CPPCC Office, not Fangyuan himself. Reluctantly accepted the interview.Zhai Xinwen felt much more at ease. Fang Yuan’s ability to evaluate himself like this in front of a reporter showed that Fang Yuan was sensible; Fang Yuan wanted to reject the interview, but recommended a reporter to interview him, which showed that Fang Yuan still understood the rules; the CPPCC Office Arranging an interview with Fang Yuan must have been the intention of the superiors. Such things are beyond Zhai Xinwen's control.In Zhai Xinwen's heart, he had actually forgiven Fang Yuan, temporarily forgetting the psychological impact that Fang Yuan's brilliant remarks on "Dongzhou Evening News" had brought to Zhai Xinwen's mind.

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