Director's growth history

2540.1459, Forced Vicious Move

The first plenary session of the Sixth Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress was successfully concluded on the morning of January 2008, 1, a full day later than the CPPCC meeting. ┠ ⊿ &┨At this meeting, the members of the new Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress were elected. Wang Guodong continued to serve as the director of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee. The deputy mayor of the people's government, Kong Zitian continued to serve as the deputy director of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress; the members of the new Dongzhou Municipal People's Government were elected, and Song Yunsheng was re-elected as the mayor of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Government; the Dongzhou Municipal People's Government was elected President of the People's Court, Chief Procurator of Dongzhou People's Procuratorate.In the warm applause of the deputies to the People's Congress, the newly elected mayor of Dongzhou Municipal People's Government Song Yunsheng held hands tightly with Wang Guodong, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.Under the flashing lights and in front of the camera, the two top leaders of Dongzhou City, with bright smiles and clasped hands, announced to the people of the city that this is a united group and a fighting group.

The election was not televised live.Fang Yuan came to the school early in the morning to fulfill the responsibility of a principal.First met Ruan Shaoxiu, Fang Yuan talked to him about some impressions of visiting Henggao Vocational and Technical College this time, and Ruan Shaoxiu carefully wrote down what Fang Yuan said in his notebook.Fangyuan said: "Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School emphasizes cultural connotation, strength and characteristics, which is far better than Henggao, a private school. But is our goodness understood by the general public? Maybe the people know Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is a good school, but where is the good thing? Maybe it can only talk about the quality of the college entrance examination, and we don’t know anything about other aspects. This is the failure of our publicity work. Henggao Vocational and Technical College, from the level, should be relatively Poor universities, until now, only run schools at the junior college level. But I think it has done a good job in publicity, showing all the limited advantages to the CPPCC members who participated in the inspection. I was thinking, our public Compared with private schools, is the school more conservative and backward in terms of consciousness and concepts? Director Ruan, here are the promotional materials I brought from Henggao College. Let me tell you: First, compared with Henggao College, the propaganda of Dongzhou No. 5 High School is different. You need to find out, analyze the reasons, and propose countermeasures. Second, how can the propaganda of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School The advantages, characteristics, and highlights of State No. 5 High School are all displayed? Third, how does Dongzhou No. 5 High School expand its popularity from Dongzhou City to Qingjiang Province and even the whole country? Fourth, how does Dongzhou No. 5 High School borrow the quality education scene of Qingjiang Province What is the opportunity of the meeting to promote the quality education brand of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School? Fifth, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will publish a very concise brochure, just like this introduction of Henggao Vocational and Technical College, condensing the essence in this small In the small handbook. Anyone who comes to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to visit and investigate will get a free copy. This handbook will be planned and implemented by you. In order to highlight your achievements, the editor-in-chief of this booklet will hang my name, and the editor-in-chief will hang yours Name. In the specific planning process, Yu Haihe can be involved in this matter."

Ruan Shaoxiu felt the heavy pressure in his heart, and knew that it was Fang Yuan's trust in him.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I have written down all the requirements of Principal Fang. During the winter vacation, I will complete this homework for Principal Fang." Fang Yuan said: "We must pay close attention to the matter of the brochure. Before the quality education on-site meeting, it must be printed. When the time comes, every representative who comes to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will have a copy." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, I will negotiate with Director Yu as soon as possible and come up with the first draft as soon as possible." Fang Yuan said: "Look at Heng Gao’s profile is full of pictures and texts. Ours is the same, the collection of photos is very important.” Ruan Shaoxiu said: “Understood.” Fang Yuan said: “You go to work. Invite Secretary Dai over.”

Dai Lianghua came to the principal's office.Fang Yuan said: "Have all the difficult teachers finished their visits?" Dai Lianghua said: "It's all over." Fang Yuan said: "How is the matter of Shi Yuxi going?" Dai Lianghua said: "Yesterday I personally sent Shi Yuxi home Yes. I started crying since we talked yesterday, and kept crying until I got off work. This matter is a bit tricky. Xiao Shi has already had a relationship with the deputy commander. It is understood that it is a little bit coercive, but after it happened, the deputy commander The commander promised to treat Xiao Shi well, and to marry Xiao Shi in the future. The relationship that happened later was voluntary. Now, Xiao Shi knows that the deputy commander has a family, a wife and children, and he doesn’t know what to do. If After breaking up like this, Xiao Shi felt that she had suffered a lot. She gave her body and got nothing. She was not reconciled! If she wanted to continue, she didn't know what would happen to the deputy commander who promised to marry her. time, at least not yet divorced."

Fangyuan frowned.This is really knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts. How could Bu Lunjun behave like this?At this time, Fang Yuan completely forgot that he also betrayed his wife Kong Shuanghua, had relationships with Dong Mei and Shao Keqing successively, and even had so much involvement with Shao Keqing, at least in terms of sex.

Seeing that Fang Yuan seemed to be in a bad mood, Dai Lianghua didn't dare to speak any more.Looking at Fangyuan, waiting for Fangyuan's cutting instructions.Fang Yuan picked up the phone and called Wan Daquan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Municipal Police District, but heard: "Sorry, the mobile phone you dialed is temporarily unavailable." Fang Yuan suddenly remembered that it should be at the end of the opening meeting. There is a plenary meeting, and Wan Daquan's mobile phone signal must have been blocked.

Fangyuan wanted to find Wan Daquan to learn about the situation of Bu Lunjun, but the road was blocked.At this time, Fang Yuan was helpless.Fangyuan looked at Dai Lianghua: "Secretary Dai, what's the principal's opinion?" Dai Lianghua said, "The principal is very hot-tempered. When he heard about this, he immediately became impatient and quarreled with Shi Yuxi. As a result, this matter was even more difficult to talk about." Go down." Fang Yuan's brows frowned even tighter.Dai Lianghua looked at Fang Yuan, and said cautiously: "Originally, if I was the only one who knew about this matter, I could guarantee that no one else would know about it except Principal Fang and me." Fang Yuan suddenly realized that this was indeed a Big question!That red mouth will not be as tight as Dai Lianghua's, if you can't help but say it, it will be troublesome.It is very likely that Shi Yuxi will not be able to gain a foothold in Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School and ruin the reputation of this young female teacher.It seems that it was absolutely wrong for me to ask Dai Lianghua to find Na Hong to persuade Shi Yuxi together yesterday.Although Dai Lianghua spoke very cautiously, the meaning was expressed very clearly: I shouldn't be looking for that red in Fangyuan!

The gentleman is magnanimous.Fangyuan said: "Secretary Dai, I didn't think carefully about this matter! What can you do?" Dai Lianghua said: "I told the headmaster yesterday that this matter must be kept strictly confidential, and no one can talk about it. She also agreed I'm worried that she still can't help telling her relatives and friends." Fang Yuan asked: "The principal is here today?" Dai Lianghua said: "No." Fang Yuan picked up the phone and called the red place: "The principal, I'm Fang Yuan." Na Hong said: "Principal Fang, is it about Shi Yuxi? I ​​made that little girl so mad. I just went to the army to perform less than 20 days ago, and I hooked up with the deputy commander. It really pissed me off." Fang Yuan said: "This matter involves the head of the garrison area and the reputation of a young female teacher. As school leaders, we must talk about politics." Na Hong said: "I know. But This incident is really infuriating, I value her so much, yet she still does such a thing?" Na Hong forgot that she was also the lover of the former secretary, and she was filled with righteous indignation.

Fang Yuan said: "No matter what Xiao Shi has done, no matter what the outcome will be in the future, then principal, we must talk about politics. I have the same requirements for you, myself, and Secretary Dai. Except for the three of us, we cannot Tell any other fourth person. Then principal, you must be responsible for yourself, if you are pursued by the military because of your careless words, no one can protect you." Na Hong said, "Is it that serious?" Fang Yuan said : "Principal, I appreciate your talent very much, and I am going to fully authorize you in creating the characteristics of art education in the school. If you can't keep this secret, you can't help but tell your relatives and good friends. I can’t protect you if I investigate military incidents, and probably no one in Dongzhou can protect you.” Na Hong said, “I know. I won’t tell anyone else. You have to tell Dai Lianghua, and she will You can’t tell outsiders.” Fang Yuan said: “I will tell you this. I believe that if the organization wants to find out the source of a sentence, it will definitely be sorted out line by line, and it will not wrong a good person. The one who really spread the word." Na Hong said: "Understood, Principal Fang." Na Hong felt uncomfortable with Fang Yuan's cold attitude today, could it be that Dai Lianghua spoke ill of herself to Fang Yuan?This Dai Lianghua, damn it, let an AIDS carrier rape you when you walk on the street at night!The red thought bitterly in her heart.

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