Director's growth history

2633.1513. Stretching Your Hands So Long

Fang Yuan was a little flustered. 【 _】No one knows Fang Yuan's thoughts, even Fang Yuan can't fully understand her own thoughts.It seems that the boy's success should be happy, but at this moment Fangyuan is more sad than ever: Bi Lili and Zhai Xinwen are waiting to hear his speech; hundreds of people sitting in the audience are also waiting for this Dongzhou educated man. Many people may be anxiously waiting for the flaw in his words, and then launch a new round of "offensive".

The more urgent you are, the more calm you need to be. Fang Yuan reminded herself: Just be a man who can afford it and let it go!Today, maybe you don’t need to consider other people’s feelings, so let’s speak out the most authentic feelings in your heart.Fangyuan pulled the microphone closer, and said loudly: "Respected Mayor Bi, Minister Qun, Director Zhai, leaders, to be honest, I really did not expect to be appointed as a member of the Party Committee of the Bureau and Deputy Director Superintendent this time, nor did I Be mentally and physically prepared.”

The audience was in an uproar, such an opening speech was unprecedented.The audience fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Fang Yuan's face.Fangyuan calmed down and said: "The latest period is the holiday time, but my thoughts are all on how to better build and develop No. 5 Middle School. What I think is how to make Qingjiang Province's quality education site meet in No. 5 Middle School." It was a complete success; what I was thinking about was how to forge the characteristics of art education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to enrich and deepen the cultural heritage of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School; what I was thinking about was how to better mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers to work, To tap the potential of teachers and students, so that the 2008 college entrance examination will be a beautiful battle; what I think is how to better strengthen the moral education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, so that the students in No. 5 Middle School can not only study well, but also be a person with ideals. , qualified citizens with morality, culture, and law-abiding; I even thought of the school team, how to gather the unity of the team, so that every deputy school leader and middle-level cadres can maximize their talents and drive Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is developing better and faster. For Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I thought about it during the day and at night, but I didn’t expect that I would become a team member of the Education Bureau. In fact, I am really reluctant to leave No. 5 Middle School now. Because the school's development ideas have just taken shape, and it may only take two or three years. The school's appearance will undergo a major change. It is a good environment for accelerated development, and I hope to work with the cadres and teachers of No. 5 Middle School to jointly promote and witness the progress of No. 5 Middle School!"

When it came to the emotional part, Fang Yuan actually burst into tears.Wiping away her tears and restraining her sobs, Fang Yuan showed a determined expression on her face: "But I am a party member, and I must obey the organization's arrangements unconditionally at all times. Although it is a new and unfamiliar job to become the deputy director of the school However, in the face of the trust of the organization, I am confident that with the guidance and help of the leaders and seniors, I will try my best to get familiar with the work as soon as possible and be competent for the job in the shortest possible time. I am not a person who is afraid of difficulties, let alone one who avoids difficulties Although I know that in the new position, I will definitely encounter difficulties of one kind or another. If I am afraid of difficulties, I will not work hard day and night when preparing for provincial and national courses; if I am afraid of difficulties, I will I will not use my 27-year-old body to act as the acting principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School when Principal Yang Fang is in poor health, and work hard to make the school run smoothly; if I am afraid of difficulties, I will not be in the face of rumors. Face it bravely and never be intimidated by intimidation; if I am not afraid of difficulties, I am not Fangyuan, and I am not a real man! Facing a new job, I have the confidence to overcome all difficulties with the help of leaders and comrades! Thank you .”

The applause rang out enthusiastically.Everyone present had never heard such a unique speech.Of course, at this moment, Fang Yuan's character is more deeply and directly perceived by everyone in the education system.Bi Quanli nodded approvingly. This kind of character is the character that really does business. I need such cadres to do my work.Zhai Xinwen sighed: Why is Fang Yuan's character so similar to me when I was young?Some people also lamented: Whoever wants to get along with Fang Yuan depends on Fang Yuan's stubborn personality, so it is really possible that he can't bear it and walk around!

Wang Xingbang also delivered a speech.

After the speeches of several new members of the bureau's party committee, Sun Hongjun said: "Now, I would like to invite Comrade Zhai Xinwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Education Bureau, to speak. Everyone welcomes you." .Judging from his speech, only Chen Qizhi can be sure that he was selected by Bi Quan.

Zhai Xinwen smiled: "Mayor Bi, Minister Qun, comrades: Today, four new members have been added to the leadership team of our bureau, and Director Zou has also been promoted to director level. First of all, please allow me to represent the Party Committee of the Education Bureau to The five comrades who have been promoted express my heartfelt congratulations!" Sure enough, he opened his mouth and said, Zhai Xinwen's eloquence can be seen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Today, the leadership team of the Education Bureau has been assembled again, which makes me, the monitor of the Education Bureau, more confident in the better future of Dongzhou's education. The Spring Festival holiday is over, facing the new semester and new tasks. , new goals, a complete leadership team of the Education Bureau will be able to better lead the cadres and teachers in the education system, carry out innovative work, strive for first-class performance, strive to complete the tasks entrusted to us by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and live up to the Municipal Party Committee The expectations of the municipal government and the people of the city for Dongzhou education. Here, I would like to make a statement, raise a hope, and raise a request. My statement is: as the squad leader, I will unite every comrade and strive to build a united, A cohesive, combative, and entrepreneurial leadership team of the Education Bureau! I only have more support for the work of the leaders in charge! My hope is: whether it is the old comrades of the team or the newly added members, everyone will unite One heart. Unite to produce cadres, unite to produce achievements, and unite to maintain harmony. Our goal is the same, that is, to make Dongzhou education better. With such a common goal, we have no reason not to unite closely. My request is: all cadres and teachers in the city's education system, all departments of the Education Bureau, all district and county education and sports bureaus, and schools affiliated to each bureau should fully support and cooperate with the work of the new leadership team of the Education Bureau, especially to support the new members of the leadership team I believe in the consciousness of the comrades, and even more in the party spirit of the comrades! Let us unite more closely, and under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, we will jointly create a better tomorrow for Dongzhou education!"

Zhai Xinwen's speech was quite satisfactory, which actually witnessed Zhai Xinwen's ability from one aspect.It's just that if others have subjectively bad opinions about Zhai Xinwen, no matter how well they speak, there is no way to arouse others' interest.Bi Lili is in this state of mind now.

Sun Hongjun said: "Now, mayor Bi Quanli, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, will give an important speech. Welcome!"

Bi Quanli looked at the audience with a smile and said: "Comrades! This time, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have promoted and appointed 5 comrades from the Education Bureau to take up more important leadership positions. Please allow me to express my warmest wishes to these 5 comrades on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Congratulations!"

Heh, compete with each other!Zhai Xinwen represented the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, and Bi Quanquan represented the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, which were not at the same level at all.Careful people can feel the strength that Bi Lili has begun to show quietly but has already begun to show.

Bi Quanli said: "This time when the Municipal Party Committee asked for my personal opinion, my attitude was clear: whoever works hard, who has outstanding performance, who obeys the leadership, who takes the overall situation into consideration, who has both ability and integrity, whoever is promoted, whoever is appointed Therefore, when researching and discussing, not looking at personal relationship but only looking at work performance has become an important criterion for the selection of cadres in the education system this time. I have always opposed promoting those who can only flatter and can't do work. Oppose the promotion of crony subordinates. Of course, when the Municipal Party Committee determines the candidates for the Education Bureau, it also takes into account the recommendation of the Education Bureau to a certain extent. Of course, it is more based on the overall situation of the city. A systematic expert leader with rich experience in education and teaching management. When he arrives at the position of director supervisor, he will be able to give full play to his advantages of rich work experience, better supervise education and administration, and better supervise and urge all districts and counties to run education well. All departments directly under the municipal government should do a better job in supporting the development of education. I believe that the education supervision work in Dongzhou City will definitely reach a new level. Comrade Heping is a demobilized cadre from the army. The people's army is loyal to the party and the cadres of the army He is the most reassuring cadre to the party. Comrade Heping has a good party spirit, strict self-discipline, good at uniting comrades, mobilizing the enthusiasm of subordinates, and has served as a battalion and regiment leader for a long time, with rich leadership experience. This time, the municipal committee decided that Comrade Heping was the deputy director. It is to rely on his work experience and hope that he can stick to principles and grasp the bottom line in the work in charge of infrastructure, equipment, sports, art and sanitation, so as to avoid the recurrence of situations like Yu Shengli's double regulations."

Heping immediately felt a heavy pressure in his heart.And Zhai Xinwen's face sank like water, and his inner displeasure became more and more serious: Bi Lili is using the title of the municipal party committee to suppress me!The division of responsibilities of the cadres of the Education Bureau has always been determined by the internal research of the bureau's party committee, and the deputy mayor in charge has never interfered or rarely interfered before.This time, Bi Quanli directly decided on the responsibilities of Heping. This is really riding on Zhai Xinwen's head and shit!

Bi Quanli didn't seem to be aware of Zhai Xinwen's displeasure, and continued: "Comrade Chen Qizhi is the deputy director of the education and teaching work determined by the Municipal Party Committee after repeated inspections and research. Education and teaching is the central task of education work. Comrade Zou Zhigang used to In charge, the Municipal Party Committee is very relieved, because Comrade Zou Zhigang himself is an expert in education and teaching. Looking at the resume of Comrade Chen Qizhi, everyone will know that Comrade Chen Qizhi has been a front-line teacher in middle schools, a school leader, and an educator in the County Education and Sports Bureau. The chief of the department, the deputy director in charge of education and teaching, and now the director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Jiangnan County, is in charge of the overall work of education in Jiangnan County. Such a resume is quite complete. The education and teaching work in Dongzhou must be done by people who understand education. Comrade Chen Qizhi will be in charge, and the Municipal Party Committee will hand over this work to Comrade Chen Qizhi. I am very relieved! I hope that Comrade Chen Qizhi will give full play to your professional advantages and overall situation, boldly carry out work in the field of responsibility, put down the psychological burden, and strive to make great achievements in the new position. Achievements, prove your ability!" Chen Qizhi stood up: "Mayor Bi, please rest assured, please rest assured that the municipal committee, I will follow the requirements of the municipal committee, and do a good job in charge." Bi Quanli nodded: "Director Chen, please sit down. I What I want to say is: as long as I stand on the starting point of my work, I am the most staunch supporter. No matter what resistance I encounter, I will stand by the comrades who work hard, and the municipal party committee will also stand by the comrades who work hard.”

This is simply a naked provocation!Zhai Xinwen's good mood is gone now, he even gave Chen Qizhi a vicious look, and he already has a firm idea in his heart: isolate him, exclude him!This little thing is not too difficult for me.

Bi Quanli said: "Comrade Fang Yuan was appointed as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Education Bureau, and was unanimously agreed by the 13 Standing Committee members of the Municipal Party Committee!"

"Wow!" Someone exclaimed.Everyone in the audience thought about what happened to Fang Yuan, and felt that Fang Yuan had a strong background, and it was indeed not easy to offend.

Bi Quanli said: "Why promote Fang Yuan? Some people may say that Fang Yuan is too young, but I want to say, comrades present, if you have made such a groundbreaking achievement as Fang Yuan, the municipal committee can also consider promoting you! National first-class teaching Award, this is the first national first prize in the history of Dongzhou City, whoever can get it now, I can also consider recommending to the municipal party committee for promotion! Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has 300 teachers and 3600 students In a special university school, a comrade under the age of 28 can maintain the normal operation of the school, and on this basis, it has shown a good momentum of vigorous development. How many people can do this? Education requires generation after generation Comrade Fangyuan is the reserve seedling that the municipal party committee focuses on selecting and training. Letting him train him in a higher position is the best training for Comrade Fangyuan! Comrade Fangyuan's speech today is very touching. A comrade who is not afraid of difficulties is a comrade who really wants to do things, wants to do things, can do things, and can do things! Dongzhou Education needs such comrades, and needs more comrades who are not afraid of difficulties and challenges. The more such comrades , Dongzhou education will be more promising!"

Bi Lili's tone was sonorous, and his words shook the hearts of many people.Bi Quanquan said: "The Municipal Party Committee decided that after Comrade Fangyuan became a member of the Party Committee of the Bureau, he would participate in the Party Committee and Director's Office Meeting of the Dongzhou Education Bureau to cultivate and exercise the overall awareness and leadership ability through actual participation. At the same time, the Municipal Party Committee decided that Comrade Fangyuan would continue to Concurrently serving as the party branch secretary and principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and continue to work on the front line. Many leaders of the municipal party committee believe that directly letting Comrade Fang Yuan work in the Education Bureau is counterproductive and not conducive to the progress and growth of Comrade Fang Yuan. I propose to Comrade Fang Yuan The requirements are: to participate in the important meetings of the Municipal Education Bureau, study with an open mind, and fully comprehend; to lead Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, you must produce decent results to satisfy the people, and let the leaders of the municipal party committee who care about your growth rest assured and satisfied! Take If you don't get decent grades, your deputy director inspector can also be exempted!"

Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat.And Zhai Xinwen's face was ashen: Who is the head of the Education Bureau?Is it me?If it was me, why did Bi Lili stretch his hand so long?In Zhai Xinwen's heart, the resentment towards Bi Quanquan was like lighting a fire on dry wood, and the flames blazed up: Bi Quanquan, don't push people too much!

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