Director's growth history

2641.1519, new team and new party committee

No one spoke, and Zhai Xinwen was still talking. 【 | 】Zhai Xinwen said: "Before the official meeting, on behalf of the bureau's party committee, I would like to congratulate Director Zou on his promotion to director level!" Zhai Xinwen smiled and nodded at Zou Zhigang.Zou Zhigang also nodded, and responded to Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "At the same time, I would like to express my congratulations to Comrade Heping and Comrade Chen Qizhi as deputy directors, Comrade Fangyuan as deputy director supervisor, and Comrade Wang Xingbang as deputy researcher, and warmly welcome you to join the bureau's party committee team!" Zhai Xinwen took the lead in applauding, Everyone smiled and applauded.Zhai Xinwen said: "Today, the bureau's party committee members have been formally recruited. The leadership of our Education Bureau has been further strengthened. I have more confidence in the development of Dongzhou's education." Fang Yuan felt that Zhai Xinwen focused on him. For a few seconds, then leave.

Everyone applauded again, but no one echoed Zhai Xinwen's words, and the atmosphere of the scene was still awkward and deserted.Zhai Xinwen said: "Today, I would like to welcome Comrade Han Suzhen to return to work. In fact, Director Han is not in good health, so he should rest at home more! Salary and bonus, I promise that Director Han will not lose a penny. The most important thing is to keep healthy.” Han Suzhen said: “Thank you Director Zhai for your concern. I can still keep an eye on my old bones. After all, I am an old comrade who has been trained by the party for many years. Take it easy!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone knows Director Han's political awareness very well. Okay, let's start the meeting now. Section Chief Zhang, now you report the current situation of the Department of Education to the leaders."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Dear bureau leaders, at present, the internal institutions of our bureau include: office, political engineering department, policy and regulation department, personnel department, financial audit department, basic education department, vocational education department, higher education department, nursery office, supervision department, etc. Office, Sports and Art Department, Infrastructure Department, Safety Management Department, Social Education Office, Language Committee Office, Attendance Office, Education Trade Union, Youth League Committee, and four other independent department-level units, namely the Municipal Admissions Office and the Municipal Teaching and Research Office , Audio-visual Education Station, Municipal Institute of Education and Science, there are 22 departments in total. I think everyone is very clear about the functions of each department. Director Zhai, I have finished my report." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, let's take a look. Now, let me talk about the preliminary division of labor, and then we will discuss. If there is anything inappropriate, you can point it out. According to the usual practice, the director should In charge of the office, financial review department, and personnel department. Infrastructure Section, Physical and Health Art Section, Attendance Office, Audio-visual Education Station; Director Geng is in charge of Vocational Education Section, Higher Teachers Program, and Social Education Office; Director Kong is in charge of Municipal Admissions Office, Kindergarten Office, and assists me in charge of Personnel Section; Director Chen In charge of the basic education department, teaching and research section, and teaching science institute; director Fang is in charge of the policy and regulation department, and assists director Zou in charge of the supervision office; Director Han is in charge of the safety management department; Chairman Song is in charge of education trade unions and women's work; Director Wang assists me in charge of the office, and In charge of the driver class. This is my preliminary idea, which not only implements the requirements of the city leaders, but also fully considers the actual situation of comrades. Let’s discuss it.”

Han Suzhen said: "Director Zhai, why did you let me take charge of the safety management department?" Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Director Han, considering your health, you have not fully recovered, so I only let you take charge of one department; It is really not suitable to take on too much work when he has not fully recovered. Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Director Han has a high sense of responsibility. He has to return to work before his body recovers. Such a mental state is A role model for all our comrades. Campus safety requires comrades with a high sense of responsibility to take charge of it. Veteran comrades like Director Han who have a strong sense of social responsibility and mission are the most suitable to be in charge of campus safety. "

Everyone looked at each other, and they all felt that Zhai Xinwen's attack was decisive and pungent. You, Han Suzhen, are going back to work, so if you can, let's put you on safety.Educational safety is more important than Mount Tai, and it really requires a sense of responsibility; at the same time, the risk factor of educational safety is extremely high. There are millions of primary and middle school students in the city, and any student will inevitably have a safety accident. There is no escape!Therefore, no leader is willing to take charge of security.Now, Zhai Xinwen has handed over this job to Han Suzhen, which is obviously a trick!Of course, putting the issue on the party committee is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy.

Han Suzhen said: "Okay, I will take care of the safety work. I would like to ask, if I still feel that I have spare capacity, can I ask for more work?" The difference. Director Han's current position is a researcher, a non-leadership position. Look, Chairman Song has arranged a department, and Director Wang has arranged a department." Han Suzhen snorted and stopped talking.

Zhai Xinwen was proud of himself, but he didn't show it: "Do you have any comments?" Fang Yuan raised his hand: "Director, I'm worried that I won't be able to take charge of the Policy and Regulations Section." Zhai Xinwen said, "No job can be done from the beginning. Of course I know that you want to focus your work on Dongzhou 5, but the department in charge of policies and regulations can quickly understand the policies, regulations and comprehensive materials of the Dongzhou education system, do you understand what I mean?" Fang Yuan Gratitude suddenly arose in my heart: So it is like this!Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director." Zhai Xinwen said: "Let the section chief be responsible for the daily work of the Policy and Regulations Section. If you are busy with work in the school, they can come to me directly. I used to be in charge of it directly, but now I want you to be in charge of Dongzhou education as soon as possible, and grasp Dongzhou education from a macro level and the overall situation." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director, I will definitely try my best to learn from the comrades in the policy and law department The leaders of the bureau will study." Zhai Xinwen nodded without saying anything, and then asked the audience: "Do you have any comments?"

It went smoothly unexpectedly, no one raised any objections, and the division of labor led by the Education Bureau was finalized at this moment.Seeing that no one raised any objections, Zhai Xinwen felt that he could still control the bureau's party committee.He smiled and said: "Since everyone has no objection, then the division of labor of the bureau's leadership team has been determined. Section Chief Zhang, after the party committee adjourns, immediately write a document and announce the division of labor to the city's education system." Zhang Yuanqing said: "OK." Zhai Xinwen said: "Colleagues, after the end of the bureau's party committee, please meet the leaders and comrades in charge of the departments, get familiar with them as soon as possible, and seamlessly connect." Everyone nodded.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The new leaders are already in place. Today, Director Wang reported to me that the current office is not enough. Yu Shengli and Feng Liang have vacated two offices. Now there are directors and directors, Directors Chen and Fang Fang. Director and Director Wang are four department-level cadres. Now, let's study how to make the department leaders have a more relaxed office environment."

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