Director's growth history

2643.1521. This is definitely a "baked test"

Sitting in front of Zhai Xinwen, although sitting on the sofa belongs to the kind of side-by-side conversation, Fangyuan still feels like sitting on pins and needles. ╭(╯3╰)╮Last night, I had already received a "baking test" at Bi Quanli's home, so that when I came home at night, my wife Kong Shuanghua asked: If you are not at home with your wife on Valentine's Day, what are you doing outside?Why are you back so late?Fang Yuan could only truthfully tell Kong Shuanghua how he was called by Bi Quanli to drink coffee at the Municipal Party Committee Hotel after the Education Bureau banquet was over.Kong Shuanghua said: "Husband, I bought you a Valentine's Day gift, look, this pure leather belt; what Valentine's Day gift did you buy me?" Fang Yuan said: "I'm really sorry, wife. I was called this afternoon. I went to a meeting, had dinner after the meeting, and was called away by Mayor Bi after the meal. I was scared to death, and I really forgot about it. So, can I spend Valentine's Day with you tomorrow?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, it's a deal. However, I still want to congratulate you, husband, you are already a deputy director, you are amazing." As he said, he rushed forward and gave Fang Yuan a deep kiss, and let Fang Yuan hug him Looking at the child, Xiaoqing's eyes were hot and her heart moved secretly.Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Honey, it's not easy to be a deputy!" At this time, it was past 11 o'clock in the evening, and Confucius Tian hadn't returned home yet.Fang Yuan had an intuition that his father-in-law was not going to socialize tonight, but with his lover, Teacher Ma.From this point of view, his father-in-law is not as good as himself!Originally, I wanted to communicate with my father-in-law about the experience of "challenging" Bi Quanli at the Municipal Party Committee Hotel, especially to ask my father-in-law about some things I was not sure about, but on Valentine's Day night, it seemed that I couldn't do it.

Without the advice of my father-in-law, I went to the Education Bureau early this morning to participate in the first party committee after the formation of the new team.At the party committee, there was invisible gunpowder, but the battle was also fierce and delicate; now, Zhai Xinwen called him to the director's office to ask for his feelings about the party committee. What should we do?

Fangyuan squeezed out a smile: "Director, you know, this is the first time I have participated in the bureau's party committee since I grew up." Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Of course I know. The more it is the first time, the more real this feeling will be! "Fang Yuan told some truth: "Director, I dare not speak at the party committee." Zhai Xinwen laughed: "This is telling the truth! Xiao Fang, whoever joins the party committee for the first time, probably looks like this But who didn't come from the first time? With the first time and the second time, slowly, they will gradually adapt to the atmosphere of the party committee, and people will gradually grow in such an environment. Mature." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the teaching of the director, I will definitely learn from the director, the seniors and the leaders, learn more, digest more, and absorb more from the party committee." Zhai Xinwen said: "The party committee is a good way to learn. A place, but it’s not just a place to study, Xiao Fang, it’s also a battlefield! Without gunpowder smoke, it’s more intense than real swords and guns; without gunfire, it’s equally life-and-death. Do you understand what I mean?”

Sweat dripped from Fang Yuan's forehead.Zhai Xinwen said: "In the party committee, sometimes standing on different positions may determine a person's future and destiny to a certain extent. This is not an exaggeration." Fang Yuan felt that his back was wet again.My courage is too small, I don't need to be scared at all!Zhai Xinwen said: "So, it is very important to stand firm on your own stand and stand on your own stand. Xiao Fang, I have great expectations for you!"

Seeing Zhai Xinwen's smiling gaze, Fang Yuan's heart hesitated for a while: Bi Quanli "acted both hard and soft" last night, did he dare not support Bi Quanquan?Now, Zhai Xinwen "expects a lot" of himself, can he not support Zhai Xinwen?If Bi Quanli and Zhai Xinwen have the same point of view, it is easy to handle; if the two people have different views, what should I do?Now, Zhai Xinwen is waiting for himself to express his opinion!Everyone is a genius, how can I hide it from a genius like Zhai Xinwen if I am being cautious?Maybe they will lift a rock and shoot themselves in the foot.

Fang Yuan said: "Today's party committee, I feel that you have a high prestige in the Education Bureau, Director, and everyone supports you. Moreover, I also feel that you have the authority to promise everything. I support you very much." Zhai Xinwen said : "Xiao Fang, to reach such a level, it took hard work overnight! Even so, as you can see, there are still people who are eager to move. She did this to destroy the good situation of stability and unity. The pool of clear water has been muddied, and she did this with ill intentions and ulterior motives!" Of course, Fang Yuan knew that Zhai Xinwen was referring to Han Suzhen, but how dare she judge?Zhai Xinwen said: "There are still some people who seem to be honest at ordinary times, but at this time they also want to jump out and dance with the wind. Can't I see their performance?" Fang Yuan vaguely felt that this seemed to refer to Zou Zhigang and Geng Qing.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, you have to be upright and upright, and you have to stand firm. You can't learn from them!"

Does Fang Yuan dare to say "no"?Fang Yuan nodded quickly: "Yes, I will keep the director's teachings in mind." Zhai Xinwen nodded and changed the subject: "Are you satisfied with the office I arranged for you today?" Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your concern, director. After all, I still focus on my work in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.” Zhai Xinwen said: “You can’t think like this. Other sub-divisions have their own offices. If you don’t, others will despise or ignore you. What's more, everyone is a deputy department and has an independent office. This is the political treatment that a deputy department should enjoy. Why don't you enjoy it? Xiaofang, you just came to work in the agency, and there are many official affairs I'm afraid I still don't understand. Authority comes only when there is a seat. If you can't even get your own office, how can you have the authority that a deputy director-level cadre should have? Of course, authority is not won by having an office, but whether you have an office or not. The office, to a certain extent, shows whether a cadre has entered the center of the role, rather than being squeezed out and ignored."

Dare to love an office and these truths are hidden in it!In this case, I must have an office.Fangyuan could read Zhai Xinwen's special love for him, and said quickly: "Boss, thank you! With your training and care, all these good things are for Fangyuan. I will never forget your kindness." Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang is still so polite to me! The relationship between us has surpassed the relationship between ordinary colleagues. In terms of affection, my master's tutor is your father-in-law. With this level of relationship, there is Who can separate the two of us? What's more, your performance at work is obvious to all, and no one can deny it. You are not only the comrade I trust the most, but also the comrade I value the most. As early as two years ago , I will list you as the first batch of reserve cadres that the bureau will focus on training, and promote you to the first batch of 10 assistant principals. This time, after Comrade Yang Fang fell ill, he was unable to preside over the work of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. The public opinion, let you, a young man who is not yet 28 years old, fully preside over the work. Xiao Fang, do you know how much pressure I need to face at this time?"

The olive branch was thrown over; the specific things that were done were laid out; the earnest tone came from Zhai Xinwen's heart~~ These three prongs combined made Fangyuan's heart full of mixed feelings: Yes, Zhai Xinwen The director really loves me very, very much, and usually gives me too much care and training. How can such affection be so easily put aside and ignored?Everyone has a conscience. If you don't have a conscience at all, is it still a person?However, Bi Lili is another big mountain above his head. The mountain is higher and the momentum is more oppressive. Under such circumstances, what should we do?

Fang Yuan said: "I will remember every bit of the kindness that the director has treated me. Please rest assured, the director, I will conscientiously implement the various work arrangements of the city bureau with the most serious and dedicated work attitude, and complete every task you arrange. We have completed everything solidly, managed the policy and regulation department well, built and developed Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School well, and lived up to the director’s trust, care, love and training for me.” Zhai Xinwen nodded: “Okay, listen to what you said , I am very relieved that I did not misunderstand you." Fang Yuan felt ashamed in her heart: Alas, who knows if he can really support Zhai Xinwen wholeheartedly?Zhai Xinwen is really kind to me, but I really want to be really kind to Zhai Xinwen, but I don't know if I can be really kind.

Zhai Xinwen changed the subject again: "Come on, Fangyuan, let's go see your office." Fang Yuan said, "Okay." Zhai Xinwen called Wang Xingbang: "Xingbang, come and see Fangyuan's office with me." Wang Xingbang quickly agreed.Zhai Xinwen called Su Quanshun, chief of the financial review section, "Quanshun, come with me to see Director Fang's office." Su Quanshun said, "Okay." : "Fei Yue, Director Fang Yuan and I are going to see his office, which is the office that Feng Liang used to use. You should come too."

Zhai Xinwen had a friendly smile on his face: "Let's go." Fang Yuan followed Zhai Xinwen and went down to the second floor.This is a separate office in the northwest corner.Wang Xingbang, Su Quanshun, and Teng Feiyue were already standing here waiting.Seeing Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan, the three greeted Director Zhai and Director Fang one after the other.Zhai Xinwen said: "Please come and see what Director Fang's office needs." When five people entered the office, Wang Xingbang handed a key to Fang Yuan and said, "Director Fang, this is the office key." Said: "Thank you." Wang Xingbang handed another key to Teng Feiyue: "Director Teng, this is the key to Director Fang's office." Teng Feiyue took it without saying a word.

Zhai Xinwen looked up and down the office, and said: "This is the only place where the bureau leaders use a north-facing room as an office. , when the departments are adjusted, I will find a way to transfer an office facing south." Fang Yuan said: "No, Director. Thank you for your concern, I think this office is very good." Zhai Xinwen said: "The conditions here are very good." It's really too bad. Xingbang, these days, I think you hurry up and re-arrange and decorate this room. What kind of style Director Fang needs, you can communicate with Director Fang more. Let me emphasize that you must use environmentally friendly materials, not Use those junk." Wang Xingbang said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen pointed to the desk: "Xingbang, Quanshun, I think this desk should also be changed; and this computer, change it and see which department needs it. , give it to any department, and then give Director Fang a better new computer, which is convenient for Director Fang to use in his office." Fang Yuan said: "Director, I think this desk is very good, and the computer is also quite new, so there is no need to change it. Right?" Zhai Xinwen waved his hand: "A person who is about to be sentenced by shuanggui, how can you continue to use the things he used? Bad luck, bad luck! Xingbang, here are all books and documents about school safety. Go to Han Suzhen's office." Wang Xingbang said: "Okay, director." Zhai Xinwen said: "The bookcase should be changed too, it's not bad. There are also blinds, look, the leaves are so dirty, so I changed them. Yes. The water dispenser is also replaced. And the floor is also replaced with a new one. When I came in just now, I still smelled the floor. How can such a floor be used by Director Fang? Xingbang, the next pavement The floor must be formaldehyde-free and benzene-free." Wang Xingbang said: "Okay, Director."

Wang Xingbang, Su Quanshun, and Teng Feiyue, the three section chiefs, now really feel what it means to favor one over another.When Feng Liang moved to this office, how could there be such treatment?It's just that the floor is laid, and it's still a very ordinary floor, and then Feng Liang's office desk, chairs, bookcases, computers, etc. in the financial examination department are moved over; now, Fangyuan will use this office , The salary will be improved immediately, everything is new, and even better.Director Zhai Xinwen really "sees Fang Yuan differently"!

Why couldn't Fangyuan feel Zhai Xinwen's overtures?First it was a reminder with a little threat, then it was moved with emotion, and now it is shown to benefit.If he hadn't received his father-in-law's instructions, Fang Yuan would probably only have gratitude in his heart; but now, Fang Yuan can clearly see that Zhai Xinwen's purpose has been clearly revealed.This is actually the art of leadership!It's not easy being a leader.To win the support of the new team members, you need to show sincerity and a friendly attitude first. It is estimated that although Zhai Xinwen is smiling on the surface, in fact, deep down, he will be extremely tired!

Zhai Xinwen didn't see that there was anything else to change, so he asked Fang Yuan: "Director Fang, can you see what else needs to be changed?" Fang Yuan said: "Director, thank you. You don't need to change any more, it's already very good." Zhai Xinwen said: "Let's talk about this for now. Xingbang and Quanshun, you two should arrange and implement this matter today and tomorrow." Wang Xingbang and Su Quanshun quickly agreed.Zhai Xinwen said: "Feiyue, Director Fang will be the leader in charge of your department in the future. After the decoration is completed, your department will clean Director Fang's office thoroughly. From now on, you must clean Director Fang every day." Teng Feiyue said: "Okay Yes, director." Zhai Xinwen said: "Fei Yue, take Director Fang to meet the comrades in the legal department. If Director Fang has any requirements, you can also mention them to the comrades in the legal department today. You must implement Director Fang well. request." Teng Feiyue said, "Okay."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Fang, in the process of simple renovation of the office, if you have any requests or hopes, please let me know. We can do it within the scope allowed by the policy. Of course, you can also directly contact Wang. Long mention." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Director, for your concern." Zhai Xinwen seemed to be very satisfied with his wrist today, and felt that the effect he should have achieved was achieved, so he reached out and shook Fang Yuan's hand: "Xiao Fang, Education Bureau The conditions are relatively simple, so you should take more care. You know the comrades in the legal department, and I will go to see the office of the Director of Peace Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "Director, you are busy."

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