Director's growth history

2669.1536, 2 vivid lessons

The evening gathering with Zhai Xinwen was a rare learning opportunity for Fang Yuan. ╚ ^ ╝ With his father-in-law, the theoretical master and practitioner of management, and Zhai Xinwen, the incumbent with extremely rich experience, Fang Yuan felt like a primary school student.Confucius Tian once again expounded several main points of China's "administrative management": Where there are people, there will be struggle; where there are interests, there will be struggle.Struggles are ubiquitous, and it is struggles that have promoted historical progress; and the result of the struggle of "management science" is to enrich the connotation and deepen the theory of "management science".In front of Fang Yuan, Zhai Xinwen not only avoided talking about the delicate relationship with Bi Quanquan, but also implicitly mentioned the words and deeds of Han Suzhen, Chen Qizhi, Geng Qing, Zou Zhigang and others in the Education Bureau. How could the fine Confucius Tian not understand Zhai Xinwen's intention?He didn't shy away from Fang Yuan, on the surface it seemed that he had a kind of trust in Fang Yuan, but in fact he wanted to use this occasion to tie Fang Yuan tightly to Zhai Xinwen's chariot.Confucius Tian did not tell Zhai Xinwen exactly what to do, but only mentioned a few common ideas in the Chinese art of war.Zhai Xinwen thinks so, and feels extremely relieved that he has installed a bugging device in the office of Han Suzhen, who is currently the most troublesome opponent.The second is to split into a joint attack, defeat each one, or hit its head, capture the thief first and capture the king; or cut off its wings, and then defeat the opponent in one fell swoop after the opponent becomes a polished commander.The third is to make friends at a distance and attack at a distance. An enemy's enemy is a friend.The fourth is the united front, uniting all objects that can be united, and letting the fortress fall from the inside of the opponent first.

No matter what kind of person Zhai Xinwen is, he is also close to a human being.For several abstract expositions of Confucius Tian, ​​it is a concrete train of thought with clear personal opinions.For Fang Yuan, the fact that his father-in-law was able to talk about tactics and the art of war so nakedly was probably more for Fang Yuan.At this point, Fang Yuan is still very grateful to his father-in-law.More importantly, these basic principles taught by Confucius Tian are also nutrients for growth that Fangyuan can absorb.It can be said that when Fang Yuan talked about the four principles in Confucius Field, he listened more carefully than Zhai Xinwen, and perhaps did not think as deeply as Zhai Xinwen, but he also thought about combining the management practice of No. 5 Middle School, and even thought that he had just entered the Education Bureau. Combined with the actual situation of the work, how to know yourself and the enemy, how to divide and attack together, how to capture the thief first, how to attack from a distance, how to unite the front, Fang Yuan also thought a lot.

Zhai Xinwen also asked about the recent work of Confucius Tian at Dongzhou University with concern. Confucius said confidently: “Although there are many difficulties, there are also unlimited opportunities. The theoretical harvest is even greater and more. Judging from the current situation, everything is under control.” It seems that now, as the executive vice president of Dongzhou University, Confucius Tian has controlled Dongzhou University to a large extent. State University situation.Zhai Xinwen couldn’t help but compliment Confucius Tian again. Thinking of Ma Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongzhou University, Zhai Xinwen sighed for him: In fact, he is also a veteran of “management”, but facing a master of “management”, that is The little witch sees the big witch, and has become a poor man.

The dinner ended in this way, and the three of them seemed to have got what they wanted, and they all showed a satisfied look.When they said goodbye, Zhai Xinwen opened the door for Confucius himself, and invited him to get in the car, just like serving a supervisor.When shaking hands with Fangyuan, Zhai Xinwen said meaningfully: "Fangyuan, my mentor is definitely a master of 'Chinese management'! As a disciple of my mentor, I will never let my mentor down. No matter how complicated the situation is, With the guidance of my mentor, I can also overcome difficulties and overcome all the challenges I face. I also believe that you will become a rising star of "Chinese management" under the influence of your mentor!" Zhai Xinwen's words mean What was told to Fangyuan was also told to Confuciustian.On the way back, Confucius Tian said: "Xiao Fang, how do you feel tonight?" Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, I learned a lot of theoretical knowledge from you that I didn't think of and didn't understand deeply. In my work, I will use it to guide my work practice." Confucius said: "The art of war usually seems to be a set of one set, but Zhao Kuo talked about soldiers on paper. Did it not lead to the demise of Zhao State? At present, any Disciplines have many theories, and many theories are opposite. Even if they are similar theories, they are also life-and-death opposites. How can you say which one is right and which one is wrong? Socialism emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century. Therefore, there are different theoretical schools such as scientific socialism, utopian socialism, and political socialism. Scientific socialism is represented by the well-known socialism and Engels, which we have all studied. Engels once slammed utopian socialism, thinking that it was utopian and would never be realized. However, the ** society mentioned by Engels, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", is not a utopia? As a An old scholar who has studied management theory and communist philosophy for more than 1000 years has always questioned: "distribution according to need" means that people can meet whatever needs they want, and when can people's realm be so noble? ?I think it will be difficult to realize it in the next 50 years. What is it if it is not a fantasy? He criticized other people’s fantasy. Isn’t their theory a fantasy? Engels once severely criticized the socialist trend of thought, and believed that the proletariat must gain political power. Through armed revolution, reformism cannot achieve socialism at all. Therefore, Engels expelled Bernstein and other representatives of socialism and socialism from the Second International. But now, with the Socialist Party, the Socialist Party, and the Labor Party To represent the leftist political parties in Western Europe and Northwest Europe, it has inherited Bernstein's socialist theory, which was strongly criticized by Engels, and has successively won power in these Western, Northwest, and Southwest European countries through parliamentary elections instead of Adopting the violent revolution method advocated by Engels and others, the Socialist Party like Sweden has been in power for more than 36 years, using Bernstein's theory to turn Sweden into a healthy country where people live and work in peace and security, and everyone does not have to worry about unemployment. The paradise on earth of the medical care and security system. We cannot study in depth who is right and who is wrong, but we can leave it to future generations and history to judge fairly. I propose such a topic today, not to deny or affirm What, what I want to express is: struggle is everywhere, theory is not truth, but just a theory. I have always pursued such a point of view: the most useful thing in practice is the best theory; the best theory is The most useful thing in practice. It doesn’t matter if it is the scientific socialism of Marxism and Engels, or the utopian socialism of Owen and Fourier, or the reform socialism of Bernstein or socialism, as long as it is useful in practice , can be used for my own use. Like the four principles I talked about today, the first one is from the military book "Sun Tzu Bing"Fa", the second is from "[-] Strategies", the thieves are captured first, and the king is from Du Fu's poems, the third is far-reaching and close-attack, which is taken from the views of Zhang Yi, a representative of the political strategists, on the King of Qin. This united front is the most valuable experience summed up by the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong in the process of the new socialist revolution.That is to say, theories are dead, but people are alive, and dead theories cannot be used to guide living people, but living people must learn and apply theories from different periods, different schools, and different thoughts alive, so that they can be better. Guide your own practice well. "

The father-in-law's interpretation made Fangyuan think more deeply about "management".These words cannot be told to you by just looking for someone in your life. Of course, if someone tells you, you can’t say it because you don’t have such theoretical attainments and deep understanding.Fangyuan thanked Confucius Tian again and again.Confucius Tian said: "Today's dinner, there are only three of us. Let me say a word, see if you can understand Zhai Xinwen's intention?" Fang Yuan said: "Please tell me, Dad." The intention is for Peigong." Fang Yuan nodded her nose: "Dad, what do you mean, Director Zhai is treating you to dinner tonight, and the focus is on me?" Kong Zitian nodded: "Can you understand?" Fang Yuan nodded Nodded, shook his head again.Confucius Tian said: "Zhai Xinwen is a very smart person. With him around, it is very difficult for the Education Bureau to change the world." Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Bi seems to have some ideas." Confucius Tian said: "Mayor Bi represents the future. , Zhai Xinwen represents the present, these two lines seem to be contradictory, but Xiao Fang, can you find a winding path from it?" Fang Yuan was silent, with his own experience and ability, can he find such a winding path that is both right and wrong? ?Seeing that Fangyuan didn't speak, Confucius said, "Xiao Fang, Zhai Xinwen told me so many private things tonight and didn't hide from you. This in itself is a kind of great trust. At the same time, his strategy is to firmly hold you tied to his chariot. Do you think you have the ability to jump off this chariot?" Fang Yuan shook his head.Confucius Tian said: "The discord between the mayor in charge and the director of the bureau exists to varying degrees in many cities and departments. Don't regard Secretary Wang and Mayor Song as fools. Many people are watching, and their every move is closely watched. It falls into the eyes and ears of these main leaders, just like your every move, why doesn't it fall into the eyes and ears of your superiors?" Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes, I don't seem to have any secrets, I Mayor Bi and Director Zhai seem to be very clear about what they are doing." Kong Zitian said: "Yes! Therefore, if there is a conflict between the mayor in charge and the director, within the controllable range, Secretary Wang and Mayor Song I will definitely not say that this is to give play to their self-adjustment role and slowly adjust; but if it will affect the overall situation of the harmonious and stable development of Dongzhou City, affect the central work of Dongzhou City, or be related to a larger area of ​​Dongzhou City If my guess is correct, at least one of them, Secretary Wang or Mayor Song, will come forward to talk to Bi Quanli and Zhai Xinwen." Seeing his father-in-law's confident expression, Fang Yuan was a little suspicious.Confucius Tian said: "There is actually an official saying, which is to describe the importance of the municipal party secretary or mayor. What is it called? Take control of the overall situation and coordinate all parties. If a municipal party secretary or mayor is alone, a city is a matter of stability. There are tens of thousands of things related to development, development, and harmony. How much can a polished commander do? This requires the collective to play a role. , financial resources, and jointly accomplish the goal of stability, development, and harmony in this city." Fang Yuan nodded: "Dad, you taught me another vivid lesson."

For the first time in many days, Confucius Tian returned to his home.This time, he returned home accompanied by his son-in-law Fangyuan.Seeing his wife Kong Shufang and his daughter Kong Shuanghua, Kong Zitian felt a sense of strangeness in his heart.It was a very strange feeling. In front of Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua, Kong Zitian suddenly felt that his heart was far away from them.When he undressed and went to bed, he saw Kong Shufang lying silently beside him. This kind of strangeness made Kong Zitian feel a little uncomfortable.Kong Zitian sighed softly, turned sideways, left his back to Kong Shufang, and fell asleep full of thoughts.When Kong Shufang saw Kong Zitian's back, she felt lost, her tears soaked the pillow towel.

The next day, Fang Yuan figured out the reason why the agency worked on Saturdays. It turned out that the seven-day holiday for the Spring Festival was borrowed from the two weekends before the Spring Festival and the two days after the Spring Festival.At noon, Fangyuan received a call from Heping, and he talked about two things. The first thing, this morning, Director Zhai was called by the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Wang Guodong to talk, and he did not come back until noon; the second thing, he I've got in touch with political commissar Wan Daquan, and I'm going to invite Fang Yuan to dinner tonight.Fang Yuan lamented: Father-in-law is indeed the master of "management"!For such a thing, it is too accurate.Fang Yuan could no longer refuse the invitation to peace.Fangyuan said: "Brother He, let me arrange it tonight. It's at the Jingu Hotel." Heping said: "How can I let you arrange it? Political Commissar Wan said, today is the same place, the guest house in the security area, see you there Let go." Fang Yuan said: "Then thank you Brother He and Political Commissar Wan." He Heping said: "We are brothers, why are you being polite? From now on, we two brothers will be closely united as one in the Education Bureau, let alone you with me."

In the afternoon, Sun Hongjun called: "Fang Yuan, I just received a notice that tomorrow morning, the Party Committee of the Bureau will hold a life meeting. Mayor Bi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee, will attend the life meeting of our bureau." Fang Yuan said: " What is the □□ life meeting? I don’t have a deep impression. It seems that the school also held the □□ life meeting, is it the kind of criticism and self-criticism?” Sun Hongjun said: “Yes! The □□ life meeting is the party committee Criticism and self-criticism among members. In the past, the □□life meeting was held every six months, usually at the end of June and the end of December. This time, the □□life meeting will be held in February, which is very special!” Fang Yuan said: “I I won’t participate in the □□ life meeting, so please ask Secretary Sun for more guidance.” Sun Hongjun said: “If only members of the party committee of the bureau usually participate in the □□ life meeting, it’s better to talk about it. This time, Mayor Bi participated, I don’t think there is anything wrong It's that simple. According to the information I got, in the morning, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee called Mayor Bi and Director Zhai to have a conversation. The content of the conversation is unknown, but after Director Zhai came back, his expression remained tense. Just now I called over and told me about the tomorrow morning's □□ life meeting, and told me that Mayor Bi is coming to attend. I don't know how to hold a high-level □□ life meeting at a special time!" Fangyuan's scalp tingled for a while: My old man!You are simply a god!How could you predict so accurately that the leaders of the municipal party committee might talk to Bi Quanquan and Zhai Xinwen?Fangyuan said: "Secretary Sun, how should I prepare?" Sun Hongjun said: "List out a few of my small shortcomings and mistakes in my recent life and work. The life meeting must be self-criticism. , but also to be mentally prepared to accept criticism from others. I am also worried about it! What shortcomings and mistakes should I find and come to the meeting to communicate.” Fang Yuan had a headache: “Will others criticize me too?” Sun Hongjun said: "It's a relatively good life meeting. It's like this. However, you don't have to worry. Your work is so good. Besides, you are a newcomer. I believe everyone will not make things difficult for you. It's just the atmosphere of the bureau now. It's a bit complicated, and it's inevitable that there will be verbal confrontations. I'm also worried about this!"

Well, my father-in-law taught himself a vivid lesson, and now, Sun Hongjun taught himself another vivid lesson. □□The life meeting not only made Fang Yuan shrink back, but also made Fang Yuan look forward to it.Be sure to participate in the □□life meeting, this is a compulsory course for your life experience, and it is also the best exercise and test for yourself!

Suddenly another call came.When Fang Yuan saw this number, she felt a little guilty.This number does not belong to anyone else, it is Ren Xiaoai.Fangyuan thought of Ren Xiaoai's request to be his lover, and asked Fangyuan to give an answer before tomorrow.Before tomorrow, isn't it before 12 o'clock tonight?Just thinking about Fangyuan gives me a headache.Reluctantly, Fangyuan picked up the call: "Reporter Ren, I am Fangyuan." There was a violent coughing sound on the phone, and then Ren Xiaoai's hoarse and painful voice: "Fangyuan, I am sick and feel uncomfortable. Terrible, it seems to be burning badly. Fangyuan, can you come over and take me to the hospital?"

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