Director's growth history

2676.1540, Democratic Life Association

警备区招待所,方圆晚上与万大全、和平喝酒吃饭。 和平讲了几天来在教育局左右为难的情形,万大全、方圆成了最忠实的听众。听和平滤盗艘淮蠖咽拢虼笕挥卸嗨凳裁矗聪蚍皆玻骸胺叫值埽阋彩歉贝α耍饧柑旄惺苁遣皇且餐x啵俊狈皆灿行氖拢恢莱虑锲缓腿涡“衷谇榭鲈趺囱6杂诤推降谋г购退呖啵皆膊19挥姓嬲蕉淅铩?吹酵虼笕谖剩皆菜担骸坝腥说牡胤骄陀卸氛腥说牡胤骄陀忻埽馐俏以栏杆档摹n揖醯盟档猛x浴<热幻娑粤耍颖懿皇前旆aг挂步饩霾涣宋侍猓挥忻娑运氚旆朔獠攀钦怼!蓖虼笕担骸靶值埽曳浅p郎湍阏庖坏悖獠畔窀稣嬲哪腥寺铮 彼底牛馕渡畛さ乜戳丝春推健:推接行┎牙灿行┘刀剩诶鲜壮っ媲埃推讲桓抑笔樱粕染啤m虼笕担骸翱仔3さ幕昂苡衅舻习。∥沂潜坏胤缴细才帕烁鍪形n纳矸荩渭邮形n嵋丫幸欢问奔淞恕u味氛皇墙逃侄烙械南窒螅谑形n嵘贤嗟备丛樱嗟蔽19睿土艺飧鼍滞馊耍械氖焙蚨寄衙獗煌辖ァ:推侥阆攵郎破渖恚夥浅7浅d选!焙推剿担骸笆恰!蓖虼笕担骸懊挥性颍娌ㄖ鹆鳎薹u锏阶笥曳暝吹哪勘辏械氖焙颍挥性颍炊够崛闷渌丝辞帷!焙推饺粲兴迹皆苍蛳赶傅刈聊テ鹜虼笕幕埃晕虼笕褪且桓龃窒咛醯木耍挥邢氲剑谷灰彩钦庋兴枷搿m虼笕担骸耙欢t谧橹镉凶约旱纳簦庋挪换岜槐鹑撕鍪印3崾印5勖钦飧龉龋12兄杏怪溃凶约旱纳簦淮硪欢t胫诓煌怯凶约旱脑蛴氲紫摺!狈皆哺械剑约航裉烀挥邪桌矗辽偬送虼笕夥埃彩鞘芤娣饲场

In the middle of the meal, I received a call from Chen Qiuping: "Principal Fang, reporter Ren and I have already had dinner. I cooked dinner for him at reporter Ren's home. Reporter Ren is much better and his mood is calm, but when I mentioned you name, there is..." Fang Yuan said: "Let's talk, my mental endurance is not that bad." Chen Qiuping said: "I just gritted my teeth a little bit." Fang Yuan said: "It takes courage to refuse unrequited love." Chen Qiuping said : "Yes! Principal, I would like to ask you for instructions. Tonight, I will stay at Reporter Ren's house and have a good chat with Reporter Ren, okay?" Fang Yuan said, "Very good, but you have worked too hard." Chen Qiuping said "I'm your office director, and it's also within my scope of responsibility to do these tasks well." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." Fang Yuan didn't know that Chen Qiuping decided to stay now. In fact, there is another principle. Going home is also cold , not angry, her relationship with her husband is like a stranger, they just have dinner together, just sleep on a bed, and there is hardly much communication.The quarrel has been quarreled, and now, the husband and wife do not even have the will to quarrel.Due to unclear reasons, the two have not yet divorced, but they exist in name only.

After dinner, on their way home, Fangyuan received a text message from Ren Xiaoai: "Why do you want to get married? Why do you treat me well? Why do you care about my illness? Why are you so cruel to me? I hate you , I will hate you for the rest of my life!" Seeing the text message without any logic, Fang Yuan smiled wryly.At this time, when it is close to successfully cutting off the thread of love, it is necessary to add more fire.Fangyuan replied: "Because you are married, you must refuse; you only care because of your friends; it is not cruel, but rational and calm. I wish you a smooth journey ahead and happiness!" Ren Xiaoai's text message came again soon He said: "Did you kiss for nothing? See for nothing? Touched for nothing? Hugged for nothing? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? After eating, just wipe your mouth and leave?" Threatening me again?Fang Yuan was very angry.Fangyuan replied: "I don't want to kiss, I don't want to see, I don't want to touch, I don't want to hug, and I don't want to send it to my door. Because I love my wife, my son, and I love my family. It's over, it's over. Don't do it again. I have extravagant thoughts." Ren Xiaoai's text message replied: "Why are you forcing me? If I can't get it, others can't get it either." Fang Yuan was annoyed, and her attitude was extremely tough: "I'm not afraid of any threats, and I do what I do right. Sit upright, don't be afraid of crooked shadows, and don't be scared too much." Ren Xiaoai's reply seemed to be crying silently, as if bleeding: "I will hate you for the rest of my life!" Fang Yuan didn't reply anymore, and deleted all SMS.Damn it, caring about her condition, she did not hesitate to let outsiders Ruan Shaoxiu and Chen Qiuping know about this emotional entanglement.But it's okay, let Ruan Shaoxiu and Chen Qiuping be witnesses, she has nothing to do with Ren Xiaoai, everything is just Ren Xiaoai's unrequited love, with these two witnesses, it can be regarded as a conspiracy.

At 9 a.m. the next day, the Party Committee of the Dongzhou Education Bureau held a Party Committee Life Meeting in the small conference room of the bureau.Bi Quanquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, attended the □□ life meeting, and all members of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau participated.

I heard that both Bi Quanli and Zhai Xinwen were called to talk by the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Wang Guodong. Fang Yuan secretly observed the faces of the two, but they couldn't tell that they were sad, sad, painful, or joyful at all. □□The life meeting became serious because of the full attendance. The giants of the Eastern State education system all sat there quietly without saying a word.

Zhai Xinwen, secretary of the party committee and director of the bureau, presided over the life meeting.Zhai Xinwen said: "Respected Mayor Bi, comrades, today we are holding the □□life meeting of the Education Bureau Party here. Strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force of the Party Committee of Dongzhou Education Bureau; 1. How to study deeply and practice the scientific development concept to promote better and faster development of Dongzhou education; 2. How to innovate and work hard to complete the first half of 3 Dongzhou education Tasks; 2008. What problems still exist in the Party Committee of the Education Bureau? Is each member of the Party Committee strictly self-disciplined in accordance with the requirements of the Party and the higher-level Party Committee? Criticize and self-criticize on this. Now, first of all, please ask Mayor Bi to give you instructions.”

Bi Quanli has a serious face, like a middle-aged man in his 40s.He scanned the audience and said: "Today, I came to participate in the □□ life meeting of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau to learn from the comrades in education. Yesterday, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee talked with me and Director Zhai. This time the □□ life meeting, put forward the following expectations: First, unite the cadres, and hope that after the □□ life meeting, a good atmosphere of unity and harmony can be created; second, be brave in criticism and self-criticism, strengthen supervision, Build a clean and honest leadership group; third, we must study the scientific development concept in depth, guide the education work in 2008, complete the important work goals in 2008, and strive to provide education that satisfies the people. Just now, Director Zhai said four things I fully agree with the topic, and it has carried out Secretary Wang's instructions very well. I think we can start discussing it now."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Bi conveyed the instructions of Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee, and I hope everyone will understand them carefully. Secretary Wang's expectations of us are the driving force for our work and the direction of our efforts. Today's □□ life meeting, I think it starts from Let me start." Zhai Xinwen looked at Bi Quanli, who nodded.If Zhai Xinwen glanced at Han Suzhen meaningfully, then at Chen Qizhi, he said calmly: "The Communist Party once said that criticism and self-criticism have always been one of the three fine styles of our party. Reflecting on myself, I found that there are many ways to do it. The performance is not good enough. After summarizing, at least in these few aspects, I think it is still very bad. First, sometimes the requirements for work are too strict. Comrades have opinions about me, which affects the unity, harmony and stability of education."

Hey, it looks like self-criticism, but it is actually pointing at others. This Zhai Xinwen has indeed thought carefully about what he said.

There was silence in the conference room.Zhai Xinwen said: "Secondly, in terms of work style, he is not bold enough and lacks the authority of the previous leader to say that one is one and that two is two. There is still room for improvement in terms of decisiveness.”

Some people couldn't help laughing: Is this self-praise or self-criticism?

Zhai Xinwen ignored it and continued his self-criticism: "Third, the ability to carry out the implementation needs to be improved. Subjectively, we must resolutely implement the party's education policies, the spirit of the instructions of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and the leaders of the higher authorities, but they are constrained by many factors. , Sometimes, the instructions of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and the superior leaders appear to me to be powerless. I sincerely review this. In terms of self-supervision, please comrades supervise me, remind me, and support me, so that the decrees of the municipal party committee and the government and the instructions of superior leaders can flow unimpeded in the education system."

Fang Yuan felt that he couldn't digest so much information for a while.It seems to be a little insinuating, and it seems to be a bit of an olive branch to Bi Quanli, but it is too subtle, and I can't understand it based on my own experience.

At this time, Zhai Xinwen's conversation has turned, and his expression has become more serious: "At present, there are some bad phenomena in the Education Bureau. Since it is a life association, I will point it out frankly. First, some comrades Forming cliques is not conducive to the unity of the Education Bureau. Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Bi in charge have repeatedly emphasized the importance of unity for the development of education, but some comrades only consider their own interests and do not consider the education of Dongzhou Big interests, using personal interests instead of collective interests, for the interests of oneself or a small group, you can do things that harm the overall interests of the Education Bureau. Mayor Bi, do you think such thoughts or behaviors should be severely criticized?"

This is General!Fang Yuan stared dumbfounded, how could he guess what kind of medicine Zhai Xinwen sold in the gourd.Bi Quanquan said: "Director Zhai is right. Any words and deeds that are not conducive to the unity of education must be severely criticized. Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee clearly pointed out that building a united leadership group is crucial to the development of Dongzhou education. Every Every comrade should reflect on himself, are your words and deeds promoting unity or destroying it?"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Bi stands tall and sees far. I firmly support Mayor Bi's instructions. Now, I have a second point of view, which is to encourage each other with Mayor Bi and comrades. At present, the Education Bureau is still There is a relatively serious phenomenon of obedience and violation, and I think this is also an important reason why the decisions of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the instructions of the city leaders have not been effectively implemented."

Fang Yuan sighed: This seems to be criticizing himself, he himself did not fully implement Mayor Bi's instructions; but it seems that he will not point the finger at himself.Fang Yuan thought about it, not knowing what Zhai Xinwen wanted to express.

Sure enough, Zhai Xinwen's tone turned to himself: "Let's talk about the various plans and systems of the Municipal Education Bureau. These are all discussed and decided by the Party Committee of the Bureau or the Office of the Director. They are all carefully implemented by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. And the instruction spirit of the superior leaders. Some comrades do not implement the resolutions passed, or the implementation is not strong enough. How can this be well implemented and how can it better promote the development of Dongzhou education?"

Interesting.Which of the things passed by the party committee or the bureau chief's office meeting is not implementing Zhai Xinwen's will?It turns out that his words are aimed at this.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The third point is that some comrades in the bureau also have the situation of being a monk for a day. For the difficulties or problems encountered in the work, they do not rise to the difficulties, but avoid them passively; they do not take the responsibility bravely. , but it has nothing to do with you, and hangs high; it is not to take the initiative to do the work, but to be afraid that the job will find you. For the work determined by the party committee or office meeting of the bureau, push back and forth, complain about poor health, and complain about the heavy workload , I didn't think about it at all. The municipal party committee and the municipal government put you in such a position to take up the responsibilities you should bear. Wouldn’t it be better for comrades who are responsible, capable, and capable of doing things to take on their responsibilities?”

Fang Yuan felt that Zhai Xinwen seemed to be setting off a bomb to see how many people the shrapnel could blow up.I didn't expect that my life would be like this as soon as I came up. The situation is quite complicated!Fang Yuan looked at the audience, and now, no one was smiling, except Song Ping, Han Suzhen, and Kong Lili, everyone had cigarettes in their mouths, and all they could see was a cloud of smoke.Fangyuan usually doesn't smoke, but at this time, she couldn't help but want to smoke a cigarette.

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