Director's growth history

2678.1541, Democratic Life Association

Bi Quanli said: "Okay, Fangyuan, let me listen to you. 1卍1" Fangyuan said: "I understand the spirit of Secretary Wang's instructions. This unity means that every member of the party committee and every comrade in the education system must Think in one place, and work in one place. What does this "one place" refer to? It refers to running Dongzhou education that is satisfactory to the people, and it refers to completing the educational goals and tasks in 2008 one by one. In the city At the work meeting of the Education Bureau, the 2008 annual education work opinions were issued. Mayor Bi and Director Zhai both made important speeches and proposed six major goals and tasks. I was thinking that we must truly implement the municipal party secretary Wang and Mayor Bi. The spirit of instruction, this unity is to think about completing the six goals and tasks well, and to work hard to complete the six goals and tasks well. As long as everyone can do this, why worry about our goals and tasks? If it can’t be completed on time, why worry about Dongzhou’s education undertaking?”

Bi Quanli nodded, and Zhai Xinwen also nodded.Fang Yuan was encouraged, and secretly complacent. This is the spirit of implementing Secretary Wang and Mayor Bi's instructions, and also incorporating Zhai Xinwen's six major goals and tasks into the theme of unity, the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone.Fang Yuan said: "As a newly promoted member of the party committee, I am actually eager to get the support of the leaders. As long as everyone thinks about one thing and works hard, I will be more confident to meet the challenges of the quality education in Qingjiang Province. After all, it is getting closer and closer to March, and the on-site meeting is just around the corner. The on-site meeting is over. Entrusted by the party committee of the bureau, in addition to preparing for the provincial class of Chinese in high school, I also have to prepare for the provincial class and national class that I have participated in in the past few years. The experience of the class competition, and the exchanges with the teachers who participated in the provincial class competition in our city this year, I also feel a lot of pressure. The provincial class competition is over, and the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination will be soon. The high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination are not a month before the exam Prepare, but sharpen your horse for three years! From my heart, this year’s pressure is particularly high, because this is my first senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination since I came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. I look forward to a good The results are reported to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Bureau, and the people of the city. The unity of the school team is very important, and it can be said that this has basically been achieved; the support of the superiors is very important. It will affect the success or failure of the work to a large extent. Whoever loses the chain, the consequences will be unimaginable. Maybe I said it a little seriously, but I really think so in my heart, only by uniting To do a good job, scientific development must also be based on the solid completion of each task, otherwise it will be a castle in the air. These are my personal thoughts. I may not be right, but they are all from my heart. Please Mayor Bi and the leaders criticize more and correct more."

Just now, the swords were on the verge of breaking out, and there was almost a lot of gunpowder smoke.In a blink of an eye, Fang Yuan actually changed the topic, and extended the focus of the topic from unity to the promotion of unity to work.What's more, the issues we talked about are really thorny, urgent and important issues that will be faced immediately, and they are all issues that can only succeed and cannot fail.

Zhai Xinwen was very happy to see that although Fang Yuan had changed his angle, he still firmly supported him.Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrade Fang Yuan said just now, and I agree very much. What is unity? It means thinking in one place and working in one place. What is the purpose of unity? It is to do a better job in education. In Dongzhou The first provincial quality education on-site conference hosted by the city is a once-in-a-lifetime new development opportunity for Dongzhou education, and the time is in March; in April and May, the province's high-quality class competitions in various disciplines are in full swing, and no one will wait; in June , the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are imminent. Whichever work Comrade Fangyuan mentioned is an important task of Dongzhou Education. To complete these tasks well, it is inseparable from unity. Speeches of unity, or even dragging one's legs and causing division, who is the sinner of Dongzhou Education!"

Sun Hongjun suddenly said: "Comrade Fangyuan's speech inspired me deeply. It is the only option to use a united team to promote better and faster development of education, and to promote the completion of various educational goals and tasks with higher quality. I support Comrade Fang Yuan's speech."

Oh, the banner is clear!Fang Yuan didn't even know why Secretary Sun Hongjun clearly supported the speeches of "Comrade Fang Yuan" instead of saying that he supported the speeches of Comrade Xinwen or Comrade Suzhen.Is this a gesture, or an attitude?Fang Yuan didn't quite understand.

Heping said: "I just listened to the speeches of several leaders. I am deeply educated, deeply educated! Unity is indeed very important. There is a song that sings well, 'Unity is strength'. Without unity, how can there be strength? I am in To make a statement here, I will become a supporter, supporter and practitioner of the unity of the Education Bureau. In addition, I will fully support and cooperate with the three important tasks mentioned by Comrade Fang Yuan just now. There will be absolutely no hindrance. If I lose the chain in this link, then please seriously criticize me in the organization!" Heping, who has always given the impression of being timid and fearful, has such a resolute and decisive attitude at this time , It was beyond the expectations of several people.Perhaps Bi Quanli, Zhai Xinwen, and Sun Hongjun can guess a little bit, Wan Daquan and Fangyuan have a particularly close relationship for some reason, and after the old subordinate Heping is hired to work in the Education Bureau, Wan Daquan will definitely have something special Let's explain.

Chen Qizhi also spoke: "I am the deputy director in charge of education and teaching work. The three tasks mentioned by Comrade Fang Yuan just now are all within the scope of my responsibility. Here, I would like to make a statement that I will work closely with Comrade Fang Yuan , unite every comrade, do our best to make the quality education on-site meeting a success, let this year's provincial high-quality course competition create new glories, and let this year's college entrance examination admission rate reach a new level. At any time, we must not disappoint the municipal party committee The leaders trust and expect me, unite all forces that can be united, do a good job in my job, and make my best efforts for the development of Dongzhou education."

Geng Qing said: "I agree with the speeches of several colleagues just now. Unity is very important. I oppose people and things that are not united."

Heh, it was a fierce battle at first, and then the dark clouds overwhelmed people, making people breathless.When Bi Quanli and Zhai Xinwen were waiting for everyone to speak, no one except Han Suzhen and Kong Lili thought about speaking; and after Fangyuan spoke, four party committee members actually spoke!This situation is very delicate!Could it be that just after Fang Yuan joined the Dongzhou Education Bureau Party Committee, did he suddenly decide the voting rights for 5 votes?Shocked, still shocked!Bi Quanli looked at Fangyuan thoughtfully, and sighed in his heart: Okay, I originally expected Chen Qizhi to charge forward and form an alliance with Han Suzhen, but I didn't expect that they were all alone; now it's all right, Sun Hongjun and you are together because of the Youth League, and Chen Qizhi is because of me Bi Lili is with you, and Heping is with you because of Wan Daquan. As for Geng Qing, it is not clear yet, but at least it shows that Sun Hongjun may be more supportive of Zhai Xinwen between Zhai Xinwen and Chen Qizhi In addition to Fangyuan, peace can probably put Zhai Xinwen in second place. In a blink of an eye, Fangyuan has become an indispensable person who can influence the situation of the Education Bureau.

Looking at Fangyuan, Zhai Xinwen also expressed emotion: With Fangyuan's support, I can rest easy in Dongzhou Education Bureau.However, what if Fang Yuan also has an idea?Seeing that Fangyuan didn't have a few beards on his lips, Zhai Xinwen couldn't help laughing: I've been a little too nervous recently, too much like the suspect who stole the axe.What age are you?How old is Fang Yuan?I am 22 years older than Fangyuan!Even after I retire, Fang Yuan will be the director of the bureau again, he is considered a relatively young director, where did I think of?However, today, Kong Lili and Fang Yuan expressed their support for him one after another. These two are the real hardcore. This must be well known. In addition to Song Ping, a coward, and Wang Xingbang, a new member of the party committee, there is only one old scholar Zou Zhigang left. What kind of waves can a researcher Han Suzhen make?

Thinking of this, Zhai Xinwen is in a good mood.Zhai Xinwen said: "The comrades just talked very well. As the class monitor, I sincerely admire the party spirit and consciousness of all comrades! I think everyone has a consensus just now, that is to further strengthen the unity of the Education Bureau, use unity Promote the development of education, use unity to promote the completion of various goals and tasks. At the same time, firmly oppose the use of various banners to destroy the stability and unity of the Education Bureau, everyone, okay?"

Full of confidence and confidence.Zhai Xinwen no longer had the embarrassment and hardship at the beginning of the □□ life meeting, and his expression was a little more contented.Zhai Xinwen didn't care when no one came to pick up the quarrel. He smiled slightly: "If comrades have no objections, let's applaud and pass our consensus, okay?"

Everyone applauded, including Bi Quanli.Zhai Xinwen said: "Now, we ask Mayor Bi to give us important instructions." Bi tried his best to look at the members of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, feeling in his heart: I never thought that Han Suzhen would be so vulnerable!After today's life meeting, Han Suzhen's prestige in the Education Bureau will be further reduced; and the most shocking thing, of course, is Fangyuan's influence.Who would have imagined that a comrade who had just joined the Education Bureau would get the support of 4 committee members at once, and with his own vote, there were already 5 votes.In the leadership team with 11 party committee members, the power should not be underestimated!If there is a middle vote to support Fang Yuan, wouldn't Fang Yuan control the Dongzhou Education Bureau?This situation must be taken back and studied carefully.

Bi Quanli said: "Today, I participated in the □□ life meeting of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. I was shocked, educated, and even more encouraged. I am very pleased to have reached a consensus on working together! The squad leader is full of confidence in the party committee members of the Municipal Education Bureau. I believe that under the leadership of the united Education Bureau team, Dongzhou Education will be able to successfully complete the various goals and tasks in 2008. In the future, the specific education work will be fully undertaken by the education comrades. Speaking of it, I will not interfere too much, I will only grasp the macroscopic view. At any time, I will become a supporter of the development of Dongzhou's education. If there are any difficulties in my work that require me to coordinate, I will definitely do my best."

Zhai Xinwen was elated when he heard it.Bi Quanli's words today have clearly explained: in the first round of his contest with Bi Quanli, Bi Quanli ended in failure and retreat.Perhaps, this is not just the result of Wang Guodong's conversation. According to the information I have learned, Mayor Deng reported the education situation to Mayor Song Yunsheng.Although the content of the conversation is unknown, it must have reprimanded Bi Lili and encouraged Zhai Xinwen.

□□Life will be over.Zhai Xinwen led a group of officials to send Bi Quanli downstairs and put him in a special car.Bi Quanli shook hands with everyone respectful and respectful, and when he held Fang Yuan's hand, Bi Quanli said, "Do well, don't let me down." Fang Yuan nodded and said "Yes".After seeing off Bi Quanli, the special car drove out of the gate of the Education Bureau. Zhai Xinwen said, "Xiao Fang, come to my office."

Oh, Fangyuan has become a sweet pastry.Some people are both jealous and helpless in their hearts.Fang Yuan is also very helpless: I hope that this time, it is better not to be regarded as a target of public criticism.Soon, someone in the education system rumored that Fangyuan had won the support of at least 4 party committee members at the first party life meeting of the bureau's party committee. They were Sun Hongjun, Heping, Chen Qizhi, Geng Qing...

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