Director's growth history

2695.1551, Angry Joy 2 Heavens

Confucius Tian hurried back home.Seeing his wife and daughter crying on the sofa, and his daughter who was at a loss beside him, Kong Zitian was still a little angry.Kong Zitian asked, "What's the matter?" Kong Shufang said, "Xiaohua saw Fangyuan coming back from a social event, and went downstairs to pick him up. After I came back, I saw Xiaohua wiping tears, so I asked Fangyuan a few words, and Fangyuan said we Unreasonable trouble."

Isn't this Fangyuan's style?Kong Zitian was well aware of Fangyuan's stability and maturity, so instead of going directly to Fangyuan, Confucius asked calmly, "Are you making trouble for no reason?" Kong Shufang said, "No! Xiaohua won't cry for no reason, right? I asked a few words, what's the matter?" Kong Zitian said: "Shut up! Shuanghua, why did you come back crying? Did Fangyuan do something sorry for you?" Kong Shuanghua said: "There is a The female teacher who was the mistress of the former principal was appointed by Fang Yuan as the director of the office. I don’t want this woman to be the director of the office for Fang Yuan.” Confucius Tian said, “Does Fang Yuan know about this female teacher’s past?” Kong Shuanghua said, “It seems to know. Confucius Tian said: "Fang Yuan is the deputy supervisor of the Education Bureau and the principal of the No. 5 Middle School. Naturally, he has his discretion in what to do. Since he knows the past of this female teacher and appointed her as the director of the office, it is natural for him to do so." Reasonable. Fangyuan is respected outside, even if you have opinions and ideas, you can’t just interfere with Fangyuan’s management of the school, right? I think you are just looking for trouble when there is nothing to do, just making trouble for no reason! Don’t you know that I am very busy? I What do you think, just such a thing called me back, thanks to you can think of it?"

Kong Shufang looked at the husband who was already a stranger: "Can't I call you back if I have nothing to do? This is your home! You don't come home every day, can't I still figure it out? You must be out Bread mistress! I have been enduring it all because of this family! Today, you didn’t come to defend your daughter, but came to speak for your son-in-law. Where is your heart?” Kong Zitian didn’t expect that the always gentle and virtuous The wife can say such a thing.And these words just exposed the scar of Confucius Tian, ​​and hit the seven inches of Confucius Tian.Kong Zitian was furious: "Kong Shufang, what are you talking about? Did you ask me to come back to mediate the problem, or did you ask me to come back to be angry?" Kong Shufang was also very angry, and she burst into tears: "You are almost I was so angry, I used to go out for entertainment every day, and my home was a hotel, but now it’s not even a hotel. Tell me, do you still regard this as your home?” Confucius Tian felt wronged, but he didn’t want to admit defeat or compromise: "Okay, okay, okay, you're right, is it done? I'll just ask Shuanghua a word, and I'll leave when I'm done. I don't want to care about your mess. Shuanghua, do you still love Fangyuan?" Kong Shuanghua nodded.Confucius Tian said: "In this era, the maintenance of marriage has encountered unprecedented difficulties. Sometimes, a single quarrel will split the family and destroy the marriage. In the many previous quarrels, Dad thought that you are indeed irrational." When scolding Fangyuan, I scolded too hard, and when I bit Fangyuan, I’m afraid people still remember it. In the past, Fangyuan was able to bear it. There may be many factors, such as children, such as me. But now, Fangyuan doesn’t want to bear it anymore. He also has his reasons. As his father-in-law, I can't suppress him, at most I can only guide him. Son, for a young and outstanding young man like Fang Yuan, many people would like you to break up with him, and then others will take advantage of it. Dad is an old society, so he sees these problems very clearly. If you really want to build and maintain a good family, you still have a lot to learn. In fact, I think Fangyuan treats you very well. Didn’t you still Did you spend Valentine's Day with you? Accusing him for no reason will only make your relationship worse, and when that day really comes, Dad wants to help you, but I'm afraid he won't be able to."

Confucius Tian let out a long sigh and left the house without looking back.When the door slammed shut, Kong Shufang rushed up madly, shouting loudly: "Kong Zitian, come back to me! Zitian, Zitian!" Kong Shufang sat on the ground, weeping bitterly.Kong Shuanghua also walked over and sat on the ground with his mother. The mother and daughter cried together.Looking at the poor mother and daughter, the nanny Xiaoqing couldn't help crying.

For Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua, this is definitely a sleepless night.For Fang Yuan, he drank a lot of Martell and fell asleep shortly after returning to the room. His father-in-law came home, his father-in-law argued with his mother-in-law, and his mother-in-law and his wife cried bitterly. He didn't know anything about it.In the morning, after waking up, thinking about what happened last night, Fang Yuan felt elated.Yes, I have endured it for two years, and now I don't want to bear it anymore.If I was wrong, that's fine, I apologize; if I'm not wrong, then I absolutely can't accept it.What happened to my father-in-law Kong Zitian?He has to be reasonable when he comes!

Fang Yuan pushed open the door of the study, and Xiao Qing appeared in front of him at some point: "Brother Fang, are you awake?" Fang Yuan said, "Is there something wrong? Xiao Qing." Xiao Qing said, "Last night, Sister Shuanghua Auntie and I cried all night." Fang Yuan suddenly felt guilty, did he go too far yesterday?Fang Yuan said, "I'm going to see Shuanghua."

When he came to the familiar bedroom, he saw that Kong Shuanghua was hugging Ruirui tightly, still resting with his eyes closed, and there were clear tears on his face.Sitting by the bed, Fangyuan felt a little pain in his heart: "Shuanghua, I drank alcohol yesterday and my attitude was a bit bad. Please forgive me." Kong Shuanghua's eyes, which were already dry, burst into tears again.Fang Yuan said: "About Chen Qiuping's matter, I have no choice. Ruan Shaoxiu has become the vice principal, so he can't always be the director of the office. I originally wanted to appoint Yu Haihe as the director of the office, but I drank a bottle of xo with Brother Miao , he will be able to pass it on the next morning; I asked him to write an article on the scientific concept of development, because it was finally revised by me and signed my name instead of his. He is all over the world He said, this article was actually written by him. Shuanghua, think about it, can I appoint such a person as my office director? Chen Qiuping had some disgraceful experiences before, but this time I let the wind out first, Anyone who wants to be the director of the office should take out the plan. She took out the plan immediately and expressed her strong desire to be the director of the office. Besides, there is no other middle-level cadre who has such a wish. Her plan is well written, and this is not the root cause of her becoming the office director. You are my wife, and there are some things I didn't want to tell you, but I also don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts with you. Spring Festival A few days ago, the deputy mayor of Zhou Peng called me to his office and told me bluntly that he hoped his daughter could develop in the Communist Youth League. This is the most direct hint, and Chen Qiuping is the secretary of the Communist Youth League. If the position of Youth League Committee Secretary is vacated, Zhou Yujie, the daughter of Mayor Zhou, will not be able to serve as the school’s Youth League Committee Secretary. If Chen Qiuping is assigned to the post of Office Director, Zhou Yujie will be able to take over as Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee in the next semester. As for Chen Qiuping, I think this way, if she can work seriously and do the job of the office director well, then even though she has made mistakes in the past, I, as a person who will not For those who have stayed in the 5 for a long time, it is still necessary to give her a chance to reform and start a new life; if she is not up to the duties of the office director and wants to use her previous methods to seduce the superiors, then I will immediately send her Removal. In fact, after An Dongsheng's banquet yesterday, I made it very clear to her that if she doesn't do well, replace her."

Kong Shuanghua sat up suddenly, threw herself into Fang Yuan's arms, and cried, "My husband, I really love you, don't leave me, don't leave me." Fang Yuan hugged her gently. He touched Kong Shuanghua's back and patted her: "Shuanghua, as long as you don't lose your temper, how can I leave you? Husband is now a deputy director-level cadre of Dongzhou Education Bureau and the dignified principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." , I must have thought a lot about doing and thinking about things, and I must have my own opinions. Please don't dictate my work at any time, okay?" Kong Shuanghua nodded vigorously.Fang Yuan said: "Now I am more and more concerned about face, maybe my self-esteem is getting stronger, and my vanity is getting more and more. No matter what problems we have as a husband and wife, please don't do it in public or outside the house. On any occasion, let me lose face and make me unable to step down, okay?" Kong Shuanghua nodded vigorously.Fang Yuan said: "Last night, you made such a loud voice at the unit door that the neighbors laughed at me and our family. I was really angry at that time. The first is that you don't care about the occasion, and the second is that you wronged me. You heard what I said to Sister Ding. I didn't know you were here, but I told Sister Ding very clearly, don't have other ideas. In fact, I love this family very much, I love you very much, and I love my son very much. But if I don’t get trust and respect in this family, I can also leave this family.”

Kong Shuanghua hugged Fangyuan tightly: "No, don't leave this house, don't leave me, don't leave my son. I will pay attention to what you say." Fangyuan said, "Who doesn't want a harmonious and stable family? Shuanghua, In fact, in the latest stage, you have been making progress, much better than when you first got married." Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom cried all night last night. Last night, Dad came back and heard what Mom said. Without asking, he criticized mom loudly for being unreasonable, and then mom explained a few words, and dad told mom to shut up. Mom was so angry, saying that dad didn't go home all day and had a mistress outside, and dad left again. Originally, mom gave Dad called to mediate between me and you, but I didn't expect Dad to be so angry."

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