Director's growth history

2708.1559 Excuse the future?

When eating breakfast at home in the morning, Fang Yuan looked carefully at his mother-in-law Kong Shufang and his wife Kong Shuanghua, and they couldn't see anything on their expressions.Fang Yuan said: "The cadres of the school came to school today, and the teachers will come to the school to prepare lessons next Monday. Let's prepare today." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay. Don't forget that today is the Lantern Festival." Fang Yuan said: "I can't forget. Today I must go home for dinner at night, and I won’t go if anyone invites me.” Kong Shuanghua said: “After you fell asleep yesterday, Xiaoqing and I washed four shirts you brought back and dried them all. New suit and new jacket I also packed them and hung them in the closet. If you go to work today, you have to choose what to wear.”

Heh, she has the qualities of a good wife and mother!Fangyuan said, "Thank you, Shuanghua." Kong Shuanghua said, "Xiaoqing also gave you two new pairs of leather shoes." Fangyuan said, "Thank you, Xiaoqing." Big Brother does big things, and all I can do is small things." Fang Yuan said, "Small things can best reveal a person's quality. Xiaoqing, I, Sister Shuanghua, and Mom are all satisfied with you. Shuanghua, I suggest that Xiaoqing’s salary be increased by 200 yuan, okay?” Kong Shuanghua said: “Okay.” Xiaoqing was very excited: “Thank you Brother Fang and Sister Shuanghua.” Fangyuan said: “Thank you if you want Sister Shuanghua. I trust you very much, Sister Shuanghua. In the future, everything in the family will be decided by Sister Shuanghua. I will work hard to do a good job and make more money so that the whole family can live a happy life." Xiao Qing said: "Brother Fang is the best person I've ever met." He looked at Fang Yuan with a little more enthusiasm, as if he could set a piece of paper on fire.Both Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua saw this, and the expressions on their faces were somewhat complicated.

Fang Yuan didn't have the slightest feeling for Xiao Qing, and her education was not high. Apart from cooking and washing, it seemed that she was not very good at other aspects.Fang Yuan, who had already faced many different and intense gazes, was no longer sensitive to this.Fangyuan lowered his head to eat, and when Fangyuan finished eating, he suddenly found that his mother-in-law, wife and Xiaoqing had already eaten, and they were all watching him eating alone.Fang Yuan smiled: "Thinking about some things about the school, I'm a little distracted today." Kong Shuanghua said: "Is there any trouble in the school?" Fang Yuan said: "Not yet, but maybe soon. In the future, I will ask the Education Bureau and the school Taking into account, it is inevitable that some people will have some ideas." Kong Shuanghua said: "My husband is the best, among the 5, I believe no one dares to challenge my husband's authority." Fang Yuan said: "I am definitely not worried about this, but it is inevitable that the 5 deputy There will be friction between the schools. I was thinking, whoever is appointed as the executive vice-principal, the other four must not be convinced, this is the root of the conflict!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "The school's affairs, Let me figure it out." Kong Shufang suddenly said, "Xiao Fang, come to my room." Fang Yuan and Kong Shuanghua looked at each other and nodded tacitly.Perhaps, this moment is a critical moment that determines the future direction of the family.Kong Shuanghua's little hand suddenly grabbed Fang Yuan's hand, and squeezed Fang Yuan's palm vigorously.Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Following her mother-in-law into the big bedroom, Kong Shufang closed the door behind her.Fang Yuan said, "Mom, what's the matter?" Kong Shufang burst into tears: "Xiao Fang, is there a lot of things I can't do well, that's why Zitian dislikes me?" Fang Yuan said, "Dad has never disliked you. I talked with Dad on the phone, and Dad still loves this family very much, and he loves you very much." Kong Shufang said with tears in her eyes, "Since he still loves me and this family, why is he still looking for a mistress outside?" Fang Yuan said: " Successful men, educated men, and high-status men are always tempted by the outside world. Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. Young girls and young women are easy to worship successful, promising, and knowledgeable , a man of high status, and doesn’t care about his age. The times are different. Today’s young girls have less sense of social moral responsibility, pay more attention to their own feelings, and do not consider the feelings of others. Therefore, in today’s era, Xiao San There are so many, it has become a common phenomenon. In many cases, it is not how active the successful man is, but the mistress takes the initiative to post and launch a strong offensive, making successful men hard to guard against." Kong Shufang said: "Is your father There is also a third child outside." Fang Yuan said: "I don't know about this matter. But since you and dad have such a good relationship, and now there is a conflict, I guess, there is a third child involved in it." Kong Shufang Said: "Xiao Fang, do you have a mistress outside?" Fang Yuan said: "Not yet." Kong Shufang said: "Does Shuanghua's performance determine whether you have a mistress outside?"

What a sharp word!This is not like Kong Shufang's character.Fang Yuan said: "To a certain extent, it can be said that there is a certain relationship." Kong Shufang said: "You don't want to learn from your father. Shuanghua is a good boy, she is kind and dedicated, she loves you wholeheartedly, and treats every one of you. I am very happy to succeed. Sometimes she has a bad temper, which is indeed the result of my doting. Xiao Fang, you have also seen that Shuanghua has been improving and improving, right?" Fang Yuan said: " Shuanghua is very good." Kong Shufang said: "You are more successful now than your 28-year-old father. You have to take care of it and don't make mistakes that shouldn't be made." Fang Yuan said: "Yes. I cherish the hard-won good situation very much." Kong Shufang sighed faintly, tears had been wiped dry: "The chapter 1555 of "The History of the Director's Growth" that you recommended to Shuanghua, "The Sorrow of Chinese Women and the Helplessness of Chinese Officials", Shuanghua also printed it out and showed it to me. To be honest, I couldn’t accept it, but I had to admit it was a fact! The reform and opening up brought us a prosperous and happy life, and brought us Chinese Moral shocks can be seen everywhere, and the mistress is everywhere. The author used the word 'prosperity', and the word 'prostitution' is really good. Alas, your dad is actually a very good man. , love family, love career. Now that he is successful, there must be shameless women outside to tempt him. In fact, now that I think about it, since mistresses are an important reality that most Chinese women generally face, I can’t be alone. Xiao Fang, what do you think I should do?" Fang Yuan said: "After hearing what Mom said, in fact, Mom has already made a decision in her heart." Kong Shufang said: "Yes. But I also have concerns, so I forgive him This time, he will have more times, will it get worse in the future? It is said that I was absolutely single-minded towards Zitian, and I never had any thoughts. I never thought that after 28 years of marriage, he still betrayed me. Although I I admit that this is a social reality, but I am really not reconciled and can't accept this kind of thing on me!" Fang Yuan said, "Maybe Dad has unspeakable difficulties in this matter. Dad and I When I called, he said that he loves his family and his mother very much. He doesn’t want a divorce, and he doesn’t want to make a fuss. But he is the president of the university, and he must have face and dignity. When I persuaded him to make peace, he said , He wanted to go home a long time ago, but he was afraid of seeing you crying and crying, and afraid of seeing you bring up this matter repeatedly and turn over the old account." Kong Shufang said: "He made a mistake, can't he even talk about it?" Is it?" Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "The 1555 chapter seems to be very clear." Kong Shufang said: "This world is really unfair to us women!"

The two fell silent.After a while, Kong Shufang said: "Xiao Fang, if I forgive him and don't mention this matter again, can your father cut off the connection with that woman?" Fang Yuan shook her head: "I don't know. All I know is that when you are fighting with dad, and you are divorcing dad, she should be the happiest person outside. Now that dad is successful, why didn't she fight with dad when we shared weal and woe together? Now Tao Zi They are ripe, so she just picked them?" Kong Shufang said: "Yes, why? I will never allow ripe peaches to be picked by her." Fang Yuan said, "I want Dad to cut them all at once. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to analyze all the connections outside. If she makes trouble again, she will go to the university and the organization department to make trouble. Will Dad still have prestige in the university? Does Dad still want to be promoted to the hall level? My The point of view is: since Mom has forgiven Dad, let Dad go home first. Isn’t it written in the novel? Keep a man’s heart, keep a man’s stomach, and make a man feel that home is better than outside, and better than that mistress Better. As for the outside affairs, let Dad deal with them slowly and give him a buffer zone." Kong Shufang said: "Oh, it's not fair, it's not fair, Zitian betrayed marriage and love, and turned around and asked me to make up for it " Fangyuan sighed: "You are not alone. When the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a training class for secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission in Guangdong Province, he once said that 95% of officials who were shuanggui had lovers. How many cadres are shuanggui every year? Don’t the wives of these cadres also have to face this problem? In the same way, don’t the wives of big business owners and rich men also have to endure the reality of mistresses all over the place, and even have to endure the frequent one-night affairs of their entrepreneurial husbands? How many of these wives are divorced? Didn’t they never understand, endure silently, and acquiesce in the existence of such things. They pretend not to know, let alone make irresponsible remarks. It is said that Chinese women are rich Smart, don’t they suffer? But they know better, if these entrepreneurial men are kicked out, when they no longer have a source of food and clothing, they will suffer even more For 5000 years, China has been pursuing the system of one wife and multiple concubines, which is the same as Confucian culture, and it cannot be completely eliminated by the new China in 59."

Kong Shufang looked at Fang Yuan strangely: "Xiao Fang, why do I feel that you are making excuses for your own future?" Fang Yuan suddenly changed his face: "I'm just stating a fact. Mom, I've said everything I need to say. As for how to do it, I'm sure you know what to do. I'm going to work."

I ignored Kong Shufang, turned around and walked out.After leaving the big bedroom, Fang Yuan's expression softened immediately: "Shuanghua, I think Mom has figured it out. If I really figured it out, I don't think it's necessary for me to call Dad. Let Mom call Dad directly. Best." Kong Shuanghua said, "Understood." Fang Yuan said, "I have to go to work."

While talking, the phone rang.Fangyuan answered the phone: "Guoliang." Zhang Guoliang said: "Principal Fang, I have come downstairs to your house. Just now I saw the car parked there, so I wiped it too. I heard that I have to go to work today, I will pick you up Go to work." Fang Yuan said, "I'll be downstairs soon." After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan said, "Shuanghua, my driver has come." Kong Shuanghua said, "Okay, I'll go get you some clothes."

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