Director's growth history

2722.1567. The Taste of Power

Heping saw that Fangyuan didn't look worried at all, and his heart blossomed with joy: "Brother, let me tell you, with your help, I will go smoothly." Fangyuan said: "This matter, I am Pull a thread to build a bridge. The specific operation depends on the big brother. If the matter is successful, it is the credit of the big brother; if the matter is not successful, I will not mention the responsibility." Give me all the benefits! Tell me, how to attract sponsorship?" Fang Yuan said: "I suggest to focus on the sports pentathlon league this spring. I have a god-sister, and her good friend is Dongzhou Shunfeng Shoes Group The boss. If Director Zhai can be persuaded to agree to wear Shunfeng shoes in all five leagues and name it the Shunfeng Shoes Cup, I believe that there should be no problem for this boss to sponsor some competition funds." Heping said: " That's great. Brother Fang is a capable person, so I'll leave this matter to you. I think it's best for me to meet with the boss first, and then see how the situation goes." Fang Yuan said: "No problem, I'll call right away."

Fang Yuan found Ding Chunxiao: "Sister, do you have Mr. Xiong's number?" Ding Chunxiao said: "Yes, wait. I'll find it for you." Fang Yuan prepared a pen and paper, and after a while, wrote down a mobile phone number .Fang Yuan immediately called Xiong Yayan again: "Mr. Xiong, hello, I am Fangyuan." Xiong Yayan said: "Hello, Fangju!" Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Xiong, I would like to ask, does your company produce sports shoes? Xiong Yayan said: "Production! Half leather shoes, half sports shoes." Fang Yuan said: "Then, are basketball shoes, volleyball shoes, football shoes, ball shoes, badminton shoes, track and field running shoes all produced? "Xiong Yayan said: "Except for track and field spiked running shoes, other shoes such as track and field running shoes and basketball special shoes are produced. If there is a market, it is very simple to produce track and field spiked running shoes, and we can do it right away." Fang Yuan said: " When you have time these days, let me introduce you to a leader in charge of sports. Maybe, you have an important business opportunity!" Xiong Yayan said: "This is really great! Fang Ju, I really don't know what to do. How can I thank you." Fang Yuan said: "You are my sister Ding's friend, even my friend. It is right for friends to help each other." Xiong Yayan said: "I have time tonight, I don't know Does Fang Ju have time?" Fang Yuan said: "Let's talk, we can't decide now." Xiong Yayan said: "Okay, I'll wait for Fang Ju to call." Xiong Yayan hung up Fang Yuan's phone and called Ding Chunxiao: "Sister Ding , I'll be there in a while, and I'll treat you to dinner at noon."

Seeing that Fangyuan seemed relaxed, Heping got in touch with the boss of the shoe factory, and put him in the leadership position, sighing in his heart: Deputy Commander Wang, who is absolutely accurate in judging people, and How can you misread Fangyuan?Now, Wan Daquan is also optimistic about Fangyuan all the way, and believes that Fangyuan is unlimited.Looking at the performance at the director's office meeting today, he is simply the only star today, the most valuable player in the football field.If there is no Fangyuan, there will be no basic and clear preparation ideas for this quality education on-site meeting.Now, I have helped me contact another company that can provide sponsorship. This is my lucky star and protector!Heping said: "Brother, let's have a meeting tonight. How is Mr. Xiong?" Fangyuan said: "Brother He, I will reply to you in the afternoon, okay?" Heping said: "Okay." He sighed in his heart: Probably Fangyuan has other entertainment tonight!The deputy director of Fangyuan is much more nourishing than the deputy director of myself. I have been in the Municipal Education Bureau for more than a week. Apart from the education bureau's own meal, no school has invited me to dinner, and it has nothing to do with it. People from other countries come to invite me to dinner, I am simply an outsider from the Dongzhou Education Bureau!Alas, the officialdom is difficult, and there are xenophobic sentiments everywhere. Although others don't say it, Heping can also see that his ability has not been recognized by the directors, section chiefs, and even section staff of the Education Bureau.Just because he was transferred to the Education Bureau, there was no other way, they had no choice but to accept him as the deputy director, otherwise, it would not be his turn to have a say in the Education Bureau in eight lifetimes.Sigh, knowing that the local officialdom is so difficult, it’s better to be in the army until you reach 50 and retire. Although the possibility of being promoted to deputy division in the future is very small, in order to take care of some senior old regiments, the army also allows them Choose to retire.well!I'm not happy, I'm not happy!Fortunately, I have Fang Yuan in the bureau to help me, if I don't have Fang Yuan, I am not familiar with the business, and my ability is not recognized, this person will be sitting on the stove, uncomfortable!

Fang Yuan returned to her office, and saw Su Quanshun, the head of the financial audit section, waiting there.Seeing Su Quanshun, Fang Yuan greeted him politely: "Hello, Section Chief Su." Su Quanshun also changed from the initial title of "Director Fang" to "Fang Ju". Since Zou Zhigang took the lead, everyone called him Zou Zhigang. After the chief supervisor was named "Zou Ju" or "Zou Director", Fang Yuan, as a real-time deputy director supervisor, also rose with the tide, and was promoted from "Director Fang" to "Fang Bureau" by the section chief and staff. .Su Quanshun said: "Fang Ju, I want you to fill out a form." Fang Yuan said: "OK."

Su Quanshun followed Fang Yuan into the office.Fang Yuan said: "Su Ke, please sit down." Su Quanshun sat down and handed the form to Fang Yuan: "Fang Bureau, this is the registration form for allotment of ordinary commercial housing for civil servants, and you need to fill it out. In addition, you also need to provide your ID card, marriage registration form." The financial examination department will handle other supporting materials for you.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay, I’ll let my wife prepare it.” Su Quanshun said, “I’ve got the key to the house. We can go to see the house. If Fang Ju has time in the afternoon, I will accompany you to see the new house." Fang Yuan was overjoyed: Hey, this is quite efficient!Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I have time in the afternoon. I wonder if my wife can accompany me?" Su Quanshun said: "Of course." Fang Yuan said: "Well, after lunch, please ask Section Chief Su to accompany me for a while. Come, go home to pick up my wife first, and then go with you, okay?" Su Quanshun said: "Okay. Fang Bureau, there is one more thing. I don't know if your house is going to pay the full price or you are going to take out a loan ? If you pay the full amount, you give me the money, and I will handle the formalities for you, and you just wait for the formal decoration with the keys.” Fang Yuan said, “I’m going to make a down payment and a loan. Where can I get it? Get 38!" Su Quanshun said: "As for loans, provident funds are the cheapest, and the interest rate is one percentage point lower than bank loans. If you borrow 20 for 10 years, the difference in interest alone will be more than 2. But run The provident fund loan is a bit troublesome and takes a little longer.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you, I’m preparing a loan from a commercial bank. I’m familiar with a leader of the Bank of Communications, and I told her that I want a provident fund loan but Thinking that the procedures were troublesome, my friend asked me to take a loan from the Bank of Communications, saying that she could decide to give me the interest of the provident fund loan. This way the procedures are more convenient, and I don’t have to make many trips.”

Su Quanshun was already shocked at the bureau chief's office meeting just now, and now he is even more shocked.My God, commercial bank loans enjoy the interest rate of provident fund loans, what a face!What was even more surprising was what came later. Fang Yuan said: "My friend said that the loan procedures need to be done, and she arranged for a staff member to come to work on the spot. I just need to provide relevant materials." Su Quanshun couldn't believe it. Ear: "Fang Ju, this will save trouble. If someone from the bank comes to the door, I think I will handle this matter. How much is Fang Ju going to loan?" Fang Yuan said: "The loan is 20 yuan. , a down payment of 17 yuan. If you need other small expenses, you can also pay in cash." Su Quanshun said: "Okay. I will handle this matter for the bureau."

Su Quanshun's intention of showing kindness was too obvious. Fang Yuan smiled and said, "I'm really embarrassed that Section Chief Su came to serve you." Su Quanshun said, "This is what I should do." In fact, he only cared about Fang Yuan's One house, and the other two sets of section chief’s room and two staff’s rooms, Su Quanshun looked like an old man when facing the smiling faces of the other two section chiefs, and even the flattery of the two deputy chief staff members. On the surface, he was still very polite, but in a businesslike tone.Su Quanshun did some homework on Fang Yuan's background. In Su Quanshun's analysis and judgment, a municipal party secretary, mayor, executive vice mayor, and deputy mayor in charge of the standing committee all valued Fang Yuan, and a father-in-law was an executive of Dongzhou University. Fang Yuan, the vice principal and deputy director of the Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress, within the scope of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, who can compete with him?It took Fang Yuan more than 4 years to be promoted from teacher to deputy principal, more than a year to be promoted from vice principal to principal principal, and more than two months to be promoted from principal principal to deputy principal. Who would dare say one or two years? Will Fang Yuan be promoted to the director of the Eastern State Education Bureau in the future?I still have to hang out in the small circle of the Education Bureau for a long time, serving the current and future top leaders well, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, this is Su Quanshun's philosophy of life.Maybe there is still a chance to become a deputy bureau in the future. This mainly depends on the attitude of the head of the education bureau at that time. After all, the organization department of the municipal party committee still has to fully consider his recommendations.

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