Director's growth history

2754.1584. There seems to be another trap ahead

Zhai Xinwen read the 8 conditions put forward by Dongsheng Group, and looked at Fangyuan.Zhai Xinwen not only felt that this condition was a bit ridiculous, but also felt that this was a relatively difficult problem.It's not that the 100 million yuan is so big, it's mainly because it involves Secretary Wang Guodong's coming to attend.If the signing ceremony of the education incentive fund is cancelled, what will Secretary Wang think of this matter?Will you have a bad impression of Eastern State Education?Will you have a bad impression of me, Zhai Xinwen?It would be a pity to give up an opportunity to showcase Dongzhou education in front of the secretary of the municipal party committee.However, Fang Yuan's recent momentum has been a bit fierce, and he should suffer some setbacks. If he can use this to combat his arrogance and arrogance, it will also benefit the stability and authority of the Eastern State Education Bureau.

Zhai Xinwen's face was calm: "Xiao Fang, what do you think of these conditions?" Fang Yuan said: "It's a bit like the hegemonic behavior of the United States. As the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I can't accept it." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, this condition is enough. Harsh. If we accept these conditions, where will the face of Dongzhou education go? How will the interests of Dongzhou No. 5 be guaranteed?" Fang Yuan said: "If these 8 conditions remain the same, I would rather not have the 100 million." Zhai Xinwen Said: "Reject such an unequal agreement, I will definitely support you. The key is that Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee will attend. If this event is cancelled, how will Secretary Wang explain?"

Zhai Xinwen stared at Fangyuan, wanting to see Fangyuan's reaction.Zhai Xinwen knew that Wang Guodong admired Fangyuan very much. During the faculty performance, Wang Guodong called out to present awards to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School; Secretary Wang was very interested in Fangyuan's exposition on the scientific development concept and scientific development of education. The inspection and discussion in 5, I later learned that it was actually Secretary Wang's instructions and instructions.What is the relationship between Fang Yuan and Secretary Wang Guodong? Zhai Xinwen has never figured it out. What is even more weird is that the three leaders, Mayor Song Yunsheng, Minister Sheng Zhiren, and Executive Deng Yuncong, are also very good to Fang Yuan. Mayor Song not only personally When he went to No. 5 Middle School for inspection, he even invited Fang Yuan to get into his car in front of everyone to attend the banquet hosted by Mayor Song; and Minister Sheng Zhiren asked Fang Yuan, who was not yet a department-level cadre at that time, to work in Dongzhou "Organization" This is the first time in the history of Dongzhou that an article about the scientific outlook on development was published in the internal monthly magazine of Life, and Zhai Xinwen knew it well. Naturally, Deng Yuncong loves his house and his family, and when he is in charge of education, Fangyuan will be praised in both meetings and conferences.Two completely different camps expressed friendship with Fang Yuan at the same time, which is absolutely unique and unique among the Dongzhou cadres.The more Zhai Xinwen thought about it, the more he feared Fang Yuan, and the more friendly and supportive he seemed on the surface.In fact, Zhai Xinwen was still a little uncomfortable with Fang Yuan showing his sharpness at the director's office meeting and the bureau's weekly meeting in recent times.

Fang Yuan said: "We still have to talk to Dongsheng Group again. I came to report to the director today, just to ask the director to draw a bottom line, a bottom line that you think will not damage the interests of Dongzhou education. Then, our Dongzhou 5 Zhong went to negotiate with Dongsheng Group. If the final result of the negotiation is above our bottom line, we will accept this sponsorship; Explain. If there is any fault, I will put it on my head." Oh, take care of everything!He went to Secretary Wang to explain, clearly saying that he had a channel to communicate directly with Secretary Wang, which was a very important piece of information.Zhai Xinwen said: "With responsibility, how can I let you alone? I am the director and secretary of the party committee, and I have to take leadership responsibility at any time!"

Fangyuan felt warm in her heart.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director, for your support. I will write down any requirements or suggestions you have for Dongsheng Group's 8 conditions, and I will talk to Dongsheng Group in person." It will damage the interests of Dongzhou Education and Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Fang Yuan nodded.Zhai Xinwen said: "I will talk about a few points, you can refer to them. If the final negotiation result is not satisfactory, I will support you no matter what you do." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Director." Zhai Xinwen said: "The eight requirements, except Article 8, all the rest need to be modified or lowered or simply canceled. I will say one by one. Article 1, honorary principal, although it is a kind of honor, but a school can only have one center. I think, if To hire An Dongsheng, the most is the honorary vice principal of Dongsheng No. 2 Middle School. Of course, I have the best position waiting for him, which is the development consultant of Dongzhou No. [-] Middle School. Consultant, don’t care. The bottom line is the honorary vice principal , preferably a consultant, Xiao Fang, you decide."

Fang Yuan said: "Then I will try my best to ask him to serve as a consultant." Zhai Xinwen said: "Article 3, it cannot be used in any other circumstances, and the conditions are too restrictive. I suggest amending it to: If you want to use the Dongsheng Reward Fund in other circumstances, you must contact the Dongsheng Group Negotiation. This is the bottom line. Of course, the best situation is that we can spend as much as we want, and we can reward whoever we want.” Fang Yuan said: “Ok.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Article 4, I feel that Dongsheng Group suddenly It has become the superior leadership department of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Where should the Dongzhou Education Bureau be placed? I think that if the reward is in line with the reward scope and reward objects, Dongsheng Group can be notified of the relevant situation after the reward ends, instead of Ask for instructions on everything. I think it is possible to set up relevant clauses separately, make an agreement, and report any situation afterwards." Fang Yuan said: "Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "Article 5, when rewarding, you can invite An Dongsheng to come, But if An Dongsheng doesn’t come, or doesn’t send a representative, why don’t we have the right to make our own decisions? The money is given to us, and we can spend it as we want as long as it complies with the agreement and terms.” Fang Yuan said, “Understood.” Zhai Xinwen said: "Article 6, unconditionally accept the children of Dongsheng Group employees to go to school. How many employees does Dongsheng Group have? At least tens of thousands of employees! If there are 10 employees' children sent to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, I think the school selection fee It’s almost enough for 100 million; if 100 employees’ children want to go to No. 5 Middle School, our Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will suffer a big loss. I think the economic accounts of Dongsheng Group are very shrewd! Xiao Fang, have you noticed? No It is received once this year, but it has to be received every year. According to their calculation, they paid 100 million yuan in the last day, and as a result, tens of thousands of children of their employees have entered Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School one after another. Our education loss is huge. How big!"

This time, Fangyuan also deeply realized An Dongsheng's shrewdness. If this item is really signed into the final agreement, then Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will be locked up by Dongsheng Group forever, and he will make an unforgivable mistake. Even if you want to refuse, if someone comes up with this clause, if you don't accept it, you will make a legal mistake, and you will never win the lawsuit.Maybe this incident was originally a good thing, but it eventually led to his defeat at Waterloo, and he was reviled by his colleagues in education. Those who hated him happened to seize such an opportunity to make trouble.Fang Yuan said: "Director, how do you think about this item?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Some eligible children of Dongsheng Group employees can be accepted, but the total number cannot exceed 10, or the children of Dongsheng Group who are clearly defined as the deputy general manager or above can accept Send your children to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. It’s not that there can’t be more than 10 people this year, but before the 100 million is spent, there can be no more than 10 people at most. Of course, it’s best to delete this item.” Fang Yuan said: “Okay, Director. "

Zhai Xinwen said: "Article 7 is also a standard overlord clause. Teachers and students, no one can participate in related activities of the company. Xiaofang, in a county education bureau in Hebei, in order to meet the inspection by the superiors, a young girl from the county's No. 5 middle school was arranged. The teacher accompanied the drinking, singing and dancing. After being exposed, the director of the Education Bureau was dismissed, and the principal of No. [-] Middle School was also dismissed. Why? Because the social impact is extremely bad! If Dongsheng Group requires the female teachers of Dongzhou No. [-] Middle School to participate in the company's related Can you bear the social impact caused by the reception or other activities?" Fang Yuan sighed: Zhai Xinwen sees it very deeply!Zhai Xinwen said: "Students will not be able to participate in related activities of the company. Of course, the theme practical activities are excluded. If students participate, let alone the level of social impact, it will be difficult for us to pass the level of parents alone. If a parent calls the mayor’s public phone call, maybe we can barely get through with an explanation, but if dozens or hundreds of people call the mayor’s public phone call, who can bear the responsibility?” Fang Yuan said: “Yes, the director does not remind, I really didn't think so deeply." Zhai Xinwen said: "There is a lesson from the past! A certain school in a certain county in Sichuan Province arranged for the school's second-year female students to wear beautiful cheongsams and stand in two rows in order to welcome the director of the county education and sports bureau. , Welcome the bureau leaders, but it was sent to the Internet by someone with a heart. I believe you can guess the following situation, the principal was dismissed, and the director of the Education and Sports Bureau was warned and punished. This is still the director of the Education and Sports Bureau inspecting the grassroots schools under his jurisdiction. If If it is arranging students to participate in similar activities of the company, then I am afraid that the mistake will be even more serious. Besides, the main task of the students is to study, not other things, let alone such social activities." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the reminder, Director. This one, I will never agree."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Article 8, they have brought over the company's methods. Why should they have the final right of interpretation? This seems to have something to do with black box operations. I know that some big shopping malls hold lottery draws, but they are all pre-determined. Yes, the special prize and the first prize are basically out of the palm of your hand. Generally, internal employees or important figures in related units are awarded. It is said that employees of this unit are not allowed to participate, but parents, relatives and friends of employees of this unit can Let’s take part. These people participated and received the prizes, which belong to the same family! But adding a sentence that the final interpretation right belongs to xx company, and the legal responsibility is completely removed at once, that is, ordinary people in the society I want to sue for tricks in it, but people have the final right of interpretation, and ordinary people have nothing to do. Therefore, Article 8 is best not to. If you want to keep it, you have to think about how to protect the interests of 5 and how to protect Dongzhou Education Benefit."

Hey, in Zhai Xinwen's opinion, among the 8 requirements of Dongsheng Group, only the first one is reserved for money and renewal, and it is best not to leave the rest.Fang Yuan smiled wryly: If the remaining 1 items are all denied, then An Dongsheng has not jumped high?It seems that this matter is to prepare for the worst, if it fails to be negotiated, it cannot be negotiated.Fang Yuan could even imagine that An Dongsheng was furious, jumping up and yelling.Fang Yuan said: "Director, I have written down all your requests. I will definitely go back and summon the school team members to seriously study this matter and put forward the conditions of our school. I assure the director that we must protect the interests of Dongzhou No. We must protect the interests of Dongzhou education. If the other party does not accept our conditions, I really don't want the 7 million."

Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "I believe in Xiaofang's party spirit and political awareness. Xiaofang, do it boldly. I will support you under any circumstances." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you. With the firm support of the director general, I am even more I have the confidence to negotiate this matter.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Of course, giving up the 100 million yuan is only the last plan; if we can reach an agreement, we still have to work hard to reach a consensus with Dongsheng Group. Xiaofang, you are in the bureau This matter was mentioned at the weekly meeting of the agency, and you should fully consider this point." Fang Yuan nodded: "Thank you for your concern, Director. I will try to talk about this matter so that both parties can accept it, but if the other party insists on their Should I give up or give up. I lose a little face and receive a punishment. These are all secondary. The important thing is that I can't let the interests of Dongzhou education be damaged, and I can't let Dongzhou No. 5 Benefits are damaged!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Be prepared and prepare well. Brainstorm and come up with the conditions of our Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Since they can open their mouths, so can we! Both sides can bargain. We can’t show our bottom line all at once, otherwise, the other party will think we are tough and won’t make any concessions, which will lead to a bad negotiation.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay, after I return to school, I will call the school affairs meeting immediately. Everyone discussed the conditions proposed by the school." Zhai Xinwen said: "OK." Fang Yuan said: "After the school discusses the conditions, it will be submitted to you for review immediately." Zhai Xinwen said: "No need. Anyway, these conditions are not the final result " Fang Yuan said: "Then I will report the final result to Director Zhai." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, let's go."

Fang Yuan returned to his office and called Chen Qiuping: "In half an hour, there will be a school affairs meeting, and the five vice-principals will attend. Please attend and make a record." Fang Yuan wanted to return to No. 5 High School after this call, but Immediately there was a knock on the door in the office, and Teng Feiyue, chief of the Policy and Regulations Section, came in.His face was full of smiles: "Fang Ju, do you have time now? Several comrades in Corey want to apologize to you in person." Fang Yuan said, "I'm going back to school soon. Just give me the self-criticism, no need Apologize in person." Teng Feiyue said: "Okay, I'll call them over right away to deliver the letter of self-criticism." Fang Yuan had no choice but to sit there.

After receiving three self-criticisms, all of which were handwritten, Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I put these three self-criticisms in the drawer. I never wanted to embarrass anyone. Just invite a few comrades from the legal department to have a meal together. Even if the past is in the past, what matters is the present and the future." Teng Feiyue said: "Yes, Fang Ju is right. We must accept the profound consequences of this time. Lesson learned, and strive to do better in future work.” Fang Yuan said: “Let’s not blame the past.” Teng Feiyue, Jia Liang, and Lou Gang all said in unison: “Thank you Fang Ju.” Teng Feiyue said: “Fang Ju, I and Jia Liang would like to report to you about the situation of applying for the provincial model school for governing education according to the law and welcoming the acceptance of the provincial model county for governing education according to law."

Fang Yuan had a headache: "I'm going to have a school meeting right now, and I'm in a hurry to get back." Teng Feiyue also showed a look of embarrassment: "Fang Bureau, tomorrow I will apply for the materials of the model school for teaching according to the law. As the leader in charge , If we don’t go through the first trial, we dare not report it. The time to welcome the inspection and acceptance of the county’s law-based education demonstration county is also likely to be arranged in March. Jia Liang and I would like to ask you to lead the team and submit the application materials in the near future Let the county and district inspect the site." Fangyuan said, "I don't know much about this job, and it doesn't matter if you go or not. You should go on your own. If there is any situation or result, just let me know in time." Teng Feiyue said : "We are going, but we are not strong enough. If Fang Bureau goes, at least the deputy county head and deputy district head of the county should accompany him, and even the secretary of the county party committee and the county head should meet with Fang Bureau; if we go, the county The Bureau of Education and Sports arranges a deputy director to accompany it, which is considered good. You know, we go down to check whether the legal education in this county and district has really passed the test. It is still very strict. If you sit in the battle and find any problems, Jia Liang and I also dare to say it, which is actually beneficial to the acceptance of the province in the future; if you don't sit in the battle, we can only attract the attention of the county and district education and sports bureaus at most, but will not attract the attention of the local county party committee and county government. The government, the district committee and the district government attach great importance to it.”

Fangyuan smiled wryly: "It seems that I must go. You also know that school will start soon, and there are many things to do." Jia Liang said: "Yes, we know that Fangju is very busy, but there is no way. This time I The city can apply to the province for a demonstration county in governing education according to the law, but in the end it reported 5 counties. We always have to choose one of the counties, and this decision is still made by the bureau, which is more appropriate. I can only make suggestions, and I can’t decide who is suitable to recommend.” Fang Yuan found that this seemed to be a trap: if he decides which county to report to, the other four counties will be offended all at once.This job is not easy to do!

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