Director's growth history

2794.1613, 1 always remember your birthday

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the wine is gone.Together with Teng Feiyue and others, Fang Yuan continued to inspect Yanping County's law-based education work, and the inspection did not end until 4 p.m. after Ma Zhicong's report.Ma Zhicong sincerely invited Fang Yuan to stay in Yanping at night. Fang Yuan said: "After the work inspection, I should go back to the urban area. Thank you County Mayor Ma, Director Yuan, and Secretary Zhou for your company. The work that should be done, Section Chief Teng and Jia Teachers and the others have done it. Here, I can express my position like this: If Yanping County has the highest score among counties and districts, I will definitely recommend Yanping County.” Ma Zhicong said: “Thank you, Bureau Fang.”

On the way back to Dongzhou, Zhang Guoliang said to Yuan Yuan: "Principal, Yanping County sent some special products from Yanping." Fang Yuan said, "Understood." Fang Yuan picked up the phone and called Cen Baiqiang: "Secretary Cen, thank you for today Thank you Yanping for your warm hospitality." Cen Baiqiang said: "How are you preparing for the law-based education work?" Fang Yuan said: "I am not an expert, and the ones who really understand are Section Chief Teng and Teacher Jia. However, I can say with certainty that Yanping County has made great efforts in the work of governing education according to the law, and all the preparations are solid." Cen Baiqiang said: "Thank you Fang Ju. I really hope that this time it will be able to fall into my family. Fang Yuan said: "I have more important news to tell Secretary Cen, when Secretary Cen will be free, I have made an appointment with the boss of Shuai Clothing to meet with Secretary Cen. Shuai Clothing has the desire to further expand production capacity, if Yanping's investment The environment is good, and I believe there is still hope.” Baiqiang Cen said, “Thank you, Bureau Fang. I just mentioned this, and it seems to be blooming now! Bureau Fang, please rest assured that our county’s investment promotion policy is very clear. If Handsome clothing has successfully settled in Yanping, even if this credit goes to Fang Ju, it should be given to Fang Ju, and there will be no less." Fang Yuan said: "I am moved by Secretary Cen's kindness. Actually, I don't want to be in these places. The other aspect is too involved. The last time Secretary Cen was able to accompany me to climb Yandang Mountain in his busy schedule, how could I ignore this friendship. Secretary Cen, if there is another suitable project in the future, I will still recommend it to you.” Cen Baiqiang said : "That's good! I don't know if Fang Bureau has read our county's investment promotion policy? For those who have made outstanding contributions, our county also has a reward fund of 50 yuan." Fang Yuan said: "I don't value this, I value It’s friendship." Cen Baiqiang laughed loudly: "Okay! You little brother, I have already recognized my brother; today you can recognize me as an old brother, and if you have anything to do in the future, you just need to tell my brother Just one word, and don’t worry about anything else.” Fang Yuan said, “I don’t want to trouble Secretary Cen!” Cen Baiqiang said, “This is not trouble, it’s friendship. Of course, if you definitely think it’s trouble, then I hope you How much trouble can you trouble me?"

Fangyuan is in a good mood.In the evening, I was in surprisingly good condition. I hid in the study and had a new understanding of Chinese teaching.

A new day begins.Fang Yuan came to school, had breakfast, and returned to the office.Qiu Zhengxuan was already waiting there.Fang Yuan said, "Principal Qiu, what's the matter?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "I'll report to Principal Fang." Fang Yuan invited Qiu Zhengxuan into the office.

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Yesterday, the school composition competition was arranged, and the composition will be handed in today. I think Principal Fang's creativity is very good. It is not only an important content of Chinese teaching, but also reflected in the infiltration of moral education in Chinese teaching. Combining with current events such as Lei Feng Memorial Day, it demonstrates the effectiveness of moral education. By writing about a good thing they have done, it can arouse students' desire to do good deeds, so that students can move towards the goal of being a kind and good person Move in the right direction." Fang Yuan smiled: "Principal Qiu, I don't want to hear this." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "This is just an objective statement. Principal Fang, this must be included in the school's future reports on moral education." Fang Yuan said : "What else do you have here?" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "After all the essays are handed in, the class-based evaluation will be carried out first, and then the grade-based evaluation will be carried out. Finally, each grade will recommend 10 excellent essays in total. , conduct a school-wide evaluation, and select the first, second and third prizes. These 60 essays are all displayed in the window until the end of the quality education site. The award ceremony will be videotaped; the window display will also have A few shots." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "This award may cost some money. Principal Fang, do you think how much funding is appropriate for class awards? How much is appropriate for grade awards? How much is appropriate for school awards Is the funding appropriate? In addition, when the school awards are finally selected, can the instructor also give some rewards?" Fang Yuan said: "You can discuss it with Principal Ruan and get a preliminary opinion. If it is less than 60 yuan, let Ruan Shaoxiu sign it; For 1000 yuan, if work requires, I will sign to support you.” Qiu Zhengxuan said: “Thank you so much for Principal Fang’s support.” Fang Yuan said: “It’s all school work.” Qiu Zhengxuan said: “There are a few more things.” Fang Yuan Said: "Please tell me." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "I took several students in the first grade of junior high school to make pottery, and I have several feelings. First, the students are very interested. Second, the effect is very fast, within a few 1000 minutes , you can see your own works, especially when you make pottery vases and pots, you can see your own works right away; third, this activity can be promoted throughout the school, and it can be used as a labor skill class or an art aesthetic class Fourthly, the works made by the students can be dried in a few days, and then they can be baked by the cooperative party, and then they can become the works of the students. Some particularly good works, I think, can be painted with some colored glaze, so they become It’s a work of art.” Fang Yuan said, “That’s right.” Qiu Zhengxuan said, “If these students’ works can be displayed at the quality education meeting, it must be shocking. I have a suggestion, I don’t know if it’s appropriate?” Fang Yuan said : "Please speak." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Set up a classroom and cooperate with the pottery hall, and then the pottery hall will arrange teachers to teach in our school every day. The advantages of this are, first, the teaching is normalized; two, Students do not need to leave the school, and safety issues are guaranteed; third, the classroom can also become an exhibition point for the quality education on-site meeting; fourth, this will also become a new feature of our school." Fang Yuan said: "Not bad." Qiu Zhengxuan said: " The Pottery Museum very much hopes to have such a cooperation with our school." Fang Yuan said: "Okay ! "Qiu Zhengxuan said: "However, the pottery museum said that they are responsible for providing special clay and teachers, and there will be considerable expenses every year.If Dongzhou No. 10 Middle School can pay a certain fee, they are confident to help Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School create a special brand of pottery making. "

Dare to ask for money!Fang Yuan remained calm: "How much does this cooperation cost per year?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "The pottery museum offers 50 per year." Fang Yuan gasped. 50, this is the largest sum of money that I may have to deal with since I became the principal.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Qiu, this price is a bit inflated. Regarding specific negotiations, you and Principal Ruan should talk to the Pottery Museum and tell them straightforwardly that the school's leadership will not ask for a penny, and how much they can offer. Be sure to get them to squeeze all the water out. Also, ask the school's legal counsel to draw up a contract to ensure that in all respects, the contract is signed in our favor. You also need to find the relevant education law , regulations and policies, and document regulations to see if students can charge a small amount for such a class, such as 3 yuan or 5 yuan. If the fee is completely paid by the school, the amount is a bit large, and I have no idea."

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Okay, principal, I will do this." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I have to prepare for class again, and I want to be alone for a while." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "There is one more thing." Fang Yuan said: " Please speak." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Next Monday, all interest groups or elective courses will start. I want to mobilize this Friday. I wonder if Principal Fang can spare time to give lectures to teachers who instruct interest groups or elective courses. A mobilization speech to boost everyone's morale?" Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "There is no arrangement for Friday, that's fine." Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Thank you."

Fang Yuan was about to go to Yang Fang's office when the cell phone rang.Fang Yuan took a look, it was Fang Shujuan's call.I have to answer her phone!Fangyuan thought of holding Fang Shujuan's hand in the rapeseed field in the suburban countryside. The tacit understanding made Fangyuan feel a little melancholy and yearning.Fangyuan said: "Shujuan, what's the matter?" Fang Shujuan said: "Fangyuan, today is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday!"

ah!Today is my birthday!Fang Yuan actually forgot his own birthday, and Fang Shujuan was the first person to remember that today is his birthday!Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. Thank you for remembering my birthday." Fang Shujuan said: "Since 2006, I have remembered your birthday, which is the 29th day of the first lunar month. Maybe I will forget my birthday, but in this lifetime, I will never forget your birthday." I will never forget your birthday." Fang Yuan was very touched: "Thank you." Fang Shujuan said: "Do you have time at noon? I will order a cake for you, and treat you to dinner." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. I will I'm going to Longwan District to check the work of law-based education, and I think Longwan District will invite you to dinner at noon." Fang Shujuan seemed very unwilling: "What about the evening? Do you have time in the evening?" Fang Yuan said: "In the evening, I don't know yet." Fang Yuan suddenly hoped that Kong Shuanghua really forgot her birthday, and if she really forgot, Fang Shujuan would accompany her to celebrate her birthday at night.Fang Shujuan said: "Actually, I have something to tell you, a very important thing." Fang Yuan said: "You can say it. In front of me, you can say whatever you want at any time." Fang Shujuan said: "Afternoon. I'll call again in the afternoon. If you have time, I'll tell you in person; if you don't, I'll tell you over the phone." Fang Yuan was looking forward to it, and said, "Okay."

Entering Yang Fang's office, Fang Yuan suddenly found that his heart couldn't settle down.After finally calming down and preparing to devote herself to lesson preparation, there was a knock on the door of Yang Fang's office.Who is this so unruly?Fang Yuan was a little annoyed.

Opening the door, it was Chen Qiuping, the director of the office.Fang Yuan suppressed her anger and asked, "What's the matter?" Chen Qiuping saw that Fang Yuan's expression was not very good, and said cautiously: "Just now Director Wang of the Municipal Education Bureau called and said that Director Zhai had something to look for. I won’t pick it up.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay, I’ll pick it up right away.”

Fang Yuan ran back to his office and dialed Zhai Xinwen's office: "Director, this is Fang Yuan." Zhai Xinwen said, "Xiao Fang, why don't you answer your cell phone or landline?" Fang Yuan said: "I put my mobile phone in the principal's office, and I hid in Principal Yang Fang's office by myself to prepare lessons. Director, you know, it's not easy to find a quiet time now. In order to have a good class, I told my colleagues at the school, During my lesson preparation, except Director Zhai looking for me, anyone else should not disturb my lesson preparation." Zhai Xinwen smiled, very satisfied with Fang Yuan's words just now: "It seems that I still bother you." Fang Yuan said: " As soon as the director of the office told me, I hurriedly called the chief.” Zhai Xinwen said with a smile, “You! Well, I have something to discuss with you.” Fang Yuan said, “Please give instructions.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Reaching according to the law How is the work inspection going?" Fang Yuan said, "This morning, after I finished a Chinese class, I went to Longwan. Longwan District is the last one." Zhai Xinwen said, "It seems that the inspection is finished today. Then tomorrow morning Open the director's office meeting, study and recommend which counties to participate in the evaluation of the first batch of law-based education demonstration counties in Qingjiang Province, do you think it will work?" Fang Yuan said: "Let the director make a decision. The inspection will be completed today. After the inspection, I will supervise the regulations The comrades in the department will give the grades as soon as possible." Zhai Xinwen said: "I think only you can do the work of governing education according to the law. Tomorrow, I will mainly listen to your opinion." Fang Yuan said: "I will report the inspection situation to the director, please. The director makes the final decision." Zhai Xinwen said, "You are the leader in charge, and your opinion is very important." Fang Yuan said, "Actually, I am really a layman. The specific work is done by Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang." Zhai Xinwen Said: "Speaking of which, they are not qualified to recommend at all. Xiao Fang, you have to be mentally prepared! This recommendation is the first big thing since you became a deputy director-level leader. I don't know you Do you feel the pressure?" Fang Yuan immediately felt heavy pressure, images of Dou Dangji, Cen Baiqiang, Sheng Jiantao, Wang Shoumin, Chen Qizhi and others flashed in his mind one by one, how could there be no pressure?How to get rid of this pressure?Fang Yuan said: "Director, I am under a lot of pressure now. To recommend any county or district means that the other four counties and districts will not be selected." Zhai Xinwen said: "The work of governing education according to the law is only a small aspect of the entire education work. Xiao Fang, Can you feel the pressure of my work?"

At this time, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that Zhai Xinwen was actually very, very difficult.I just feel that the pressure on the work of governing education according to the law is involved, and I feel that it is extremely serious; but what about Zhai Xinwen?Zhai Xinwen is the first heir to any Boyi who is involved in the interests of education, and he is duty bound!

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