Director's growth history

2800.1617. You make the decision

Fang Yuan finished reading the evaluation report written by the Legal Department, and became even more convinced that if he recommended Longwan District to participate in the evaluation of the first batch of law-based education demonstration areas in Qingjiang Province, he would definitely not pass the test.This is what Fang Yuan does not want to see.As the deputy supervisor in charge of policies and regulations, Fang Yuan still hoped that his first shot would be fired to prove his ability to work.This is a major event related to the honor of Dongzhou education, and it cannot be sloppy.Fang Yuan is a person with a strong sense of honor, and at the same time, when facing honor, he also has the determination to be competitive.If there is no such spirit, the provincial teaching competition and the national teaching competition may not win the first prize.

Comparing the evaluation report and the scoring table, Fang Yuan pondered for a long time.Fang Yuan raised his head, as if to prove something, and asked: "Chief Teng, Mr. Jia, are you sure that the scores you wrote in the evaluation report are objective and fair?" I have been working in the department for more than ten years. Although I have never done any specific work on laws and regulations, I always participated in the study of legal work in the department. Which districts and counties are in good condition, which schools in which districts and counties have done a good job in governing education according to law, I have basically mastered it. Of course, Jia Liang is more aware of this situation, Jia Liang, tell me." Jia Liang said: "Fang Ju, how dare I be sloppy with the work you assigned now? If you demand fairness and justice, then I will definitely Fair and just. Score a fair and just score and recommend a county that is guaranteed to win in the selection of the province's first batch of demonstration counties governing education by law. This is what you asked of me at the time. I did what you asked. This There is no problem with this evaluation report, and there is no problem with this scoring."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a sense of paleness and powerlessness, or a feeling of not knowing what to do.Fang Yuan said: "Print out three more evaluation reports and scoring forms, and the two of you will follow me to meet Director Zhai. I am only in charge of leadership, not with decision-making power. This decision should be made by Director Zhai, and should be made by the director's office meeting." To make a decision. Chief Teng, Teacher Jia, when reporting to Director Zhai in a while, be sure to explain the most truthful situation to Director Zhai one by one. If you tell a lie, say something that violates your conscience and violates fairness and justice, all consequences , you will bear it yourself." Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang agreed repeatedly.

With the printed materials, Fang Yuan knocked on the door of Zhai Xinwen's office.Fangyuan took Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang into Zhai Xinwen's office.Fang Yuan said: "Director, after you called me, I immediately called Section Chief Teng and Teacher Jia, and the two of them also took out the evaluation report and scoring sheet in the shortest time. Now, bring them here, Please take a look at the director and give instructions."

Fang Yuan respectfully handed over the evaluation report and scoring sheet to Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said, "Xiao Fang, sit down." Fang Yuan sat opposite Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen lowered his head and concentrated on the scoring sheet and evaluation report.

Looking at it, Fang Yuan noticed that Zhai Xinwen's face became more gloomy, and a small pimple was formed between his brows.Obviously, this result was not what Zhai Xinwen wanted.However, Zhai Xinwen was very patient and read the evaluation report from beginning to end without saying a word.The director's office was unusually quiet, and only Zhai Xinwen's fingers could be seen, with smoke rings lingering.Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang were a little apprehensive, wondering if there would be a gust of wind and rain after a while.You know, when Zhai Xinwen became powerful, he was very fierce.Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan have completely different styles. Zhai Xinwen is usually very kind, but when he is fierce, he is very powerful; while Fang Yuan does not seem to have a harsh tone, but all his moves are ruthless, soft knives, and conspiracy. It is another kind of fear that makes people awed or just disrespected.

Finally, Zhai Xinwen looked up at Fangyuan with a serious face: "Xiao Fang, is this rating objective and fair?" Fang Yuan said, "Director, my objective request to Section Chief Teng and Teacher Jia is to be objective and fair." Zhai Xinwen looked at Teng Feiyue: "What's the situation?" Teng Feiyue said: "According to the spirit of Director Zhai and Fang Bureau's instructions, Jia Liang and I strive to use the most objective and fair attitude, and strictly follow the acceptance standards of the province's demonstration counties governing education by law. The 5 counties and districts that signed up were evaluated and scored. I assured the director that the scores are not level, and this evaluation report aims to be true and objective, and basically reflects the overall level of law-based education in these 5 counties and districts.”

Zhai Xinwen felt a wave of anger rising. He suppressed his anger and asked Fang Yuan, "What's your opinion, Xiao Fang?" Fang Yuan said, "I obey the overall situation and the director. I am the deputy of the director. The final decision is made by you, the director." Zhai Xinwen picked up the score sheet and shook it: "Apart from Fang Bureau, who else knows this score sheet?" Teng Feiyue said: "Except for the comrades in the Law and Regulations Section, only Fang Bureau and the director have seen this score sheet." Zhai Xinwen closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang felt even more uneasy, and even Fang Yuan was a little nervous.Fortunately, I really rate from an objective and fair standpoint, and I am not afraid of others wearing small shoes for the pigtails, Fang Yuan comforted herself.

Zhai Xinwen opened his eyes and glared at Teng Feiyue: "Feiyue, you and Jia Liang had a lot of drinks at noon?" Teng Feiyue stammered a little: "Bureau, Director, their grassroots are too kind, I drank some red wine." Jia Liang Said: "Director, Section Chief Teng and I both drank a lot." Zhai Xinwen said: "Are you all drunk?" Teng Feiyue said: "A little drunk." Jia Liang said: "I was very dizzy at the time." Throwing the scoring sheet onto the desk, there was a "slap", and the sound of slapping the table: "Look at you two, do you still look like a staff member of the Municipal Education Bureau? You are drunk at work at noon, like this How can you do a good job with your mental state?"

Both Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang both wanted to explain, and now they woke up with fright.But he didn't have the courage to defend himself in front of the chief.

Zhai Xinwen said: "You are all drunk, but you can still score accurately? You are all drunk, and you can still know the objective and fair? A joke! This is a big joke!"

Fang Yuan saw that Zhai Xinwen was making use of the topic.For some reason, Fang Yuan suddenly had a strong desire to protect his subordinates: I can criticize the comrades in the department I am in charge of, and don't let others dictate.What's more, if Zhai Xinwen really violated his own ethics and violated his conscience to recommend counties that might lose in the provincial selection, Fang Yuan would be very reluctant.Fangyuan is eager for success, not failure; he is eager to use the best county to show the real situation of Dongzhou Education in governing education according to law, instead of recommending a weak county to embarrass Dongzhou Education.Since I, Fangyuan, are in charge of governing education according to the law, recommending a wrong choice would be a slap in the face to me!

Fang Yuan said: "Director, Section Chief Teng and Teacher Jia were drunk today, but the scores of the first four counties and districts are all objective and fair. The most, the most, is that the scores of this Longwan District may be scored when they are a little drunk. Yes." Teng Feiyue was grateful for Fang Yuan's words at the critical moment, but he knew that this was not the time for him to speak.Jia Liang has always disliked others putting the blame on himself, so he couldn't help but say: "Director, I am also very clear-headed about today's scoring. After all, when Section Chief Teng, Lu Zhenghong and I were inspecting in Longwan District in the morning, Haven't had a drink yet. Section Chief Teng and I followed the provincial acceptance and evaluation standards, carefully inspecting and evaluating one by one, how could we be sloppy? The Bureau's requirements are very strict and must be objective and fair. If they are not objective and fair, he I will never forgive you. With such a job requirement, of course I will exclude all human factors, and the scores for each county are objective and fair."

Zhai Xinwen suddenly discovered that this Jia Liang was indeed a guy who failed to achieve success and failed to achieve success.If he could understand his real purpose of saying that they were drunk, and go down this step, wouldn't the problem be easily solved?Isn't this guy provoking a conflict between Fangyuan and me?Isn't this guy trying to keep me from stepping down?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Feiyue, are the preparations in these five counties and districts generally good?" Teng Feiyue cautiously said: "Yes, the overall preparations have been meticulous." Zhai Xinwen said: "Do you recommend any counties and districts? , can you guarantee to pass the provincial review and acceptance?" Teng Feiyue said: "From the current situation, Jiangnan County and Oujiang District, whoever you recommend, can guarantee to pass the acceptance. If you recommend Yanping County, pass the inspection. The probability is 95%, and no matter how hard you work, you can guarantee 100%. The education system in Lubao District and Longwan District is not complete. There are only primary schools, which have natural disadvantages. The probability of passing is about 90%, and Longwan District is recommended, and since 16 out of 10 have to be eliminated in 6 counties, the probability of passing is 80%.”

Zhai Xinwen is also really having a headache now. When Dou Dangji, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee, called him, Zhai Xinwen felt overwhelming pressure.Dou Dangji is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!He ranks high in the municipal party committee and has a great say in the city. He is a member of the standing committee that both Secretary Wang and Mayor Song are fighting for!In the past, the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee in the districts and counties were usually the secretary of the Lubao District Party Committee, but Dou Dangji was able to snatch this title from Lubao District. ability.In the current situation, can you still recommend Longwan District?

Zhai Xinwen angrily said to Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang: "You two go back to the office first, and I will study with the bureau, and then I will find you." Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang quickly left the director's office.Jia Liang covered his chest and said, "It's scary to death." Teng Feiyue said, "Jia Liang, what nonsense are you talking about?" Will he be reprimanded by Bureau Zhai?" Teng Feiyue squinted at Jia Liang, and this time he really found out that Jia Liang is a bit of a bad-hearted person.

Only Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan were left in the office.Zhai Xinwen lit a cigarette and breathed out the smoke.Taking a few deep breaths, Zhai Xinwen asked, "Xiao Fang, what's your opinion?" Fang Yuan said, "Director, I can fully understand your pressure. In fact, I'm also under a lot of pressure. I think it's best to recommend The counties and districts represent Dongzhou to participate in the provincial review and acceptance, so that this brand can be brought back. As long as the brand comes back, this is our work achievement, who can say anything? If the brand cannot be taken back, it will be taken by other places I am afraid that your prestige will be greatly affected when the city is pushed down." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "Of course, you make a decision, Director, no matter what you decide, I will not object. Zhai Xinwen said: "It's just you and me now. Secretary Dou invited you to his family dinner and called me to thank me for my concern for the development of education in Longwan District. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee A member of the Standing Committee who has the right to speak, his ranking ranks ahead of Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong!"

Fang Yuan said: "Director, please allow me to call you Uncle Zhai." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, today is a private communication between our uncle and nephew." Strength! Let’s talk about Yanping. This is the place where Deputy Mayor Lian Song has worked for a long time, and Mayor Lian is the right-hand man of Mayor Song.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Yes! It’s a pity that Mayor Lian is not a member of the Standing Committee.” Fang Yuan Said: "But Mayor Song is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee." Zhai Xinwen nodded, but did not speak.Fang Yuan said: "In Jiangnan County, when I went to inspect the work of governing education according to the law, the secretary of the county party committee, Sheng Zhiren, mentioned Minister Sheng Zhiren many times. I also checked the resumes, and the hometown of the two leaders is the same." Zhai Xinwen was full of spirit. Zhen: "Is there such a thing?"

Fang Yuan stood up and said to Zhai Xinwen, "Uncle Zhai, I'll give it to Baidu for your reference." Fang Yuan quickly published the resumes of Sheng Jiantao and Sheng Zhiren on Baidu.Zhai Xinwen read it once, and he had an intuition in his heart: these two people must be related.

Zhai Xinwen took a few more puffs of cigarettes: "Xiao Fang, you have to talk about politics at all times. If you don't talk about politics, I'm afraid you won't know how you died. But talking about politics is very complicated! Now, how many districts and counties are involved Leaders above the standing committee of the Municipal Party Committee, this actually brings more difficulties to our selection.” Fang Yuan said, “Yes. I have been under a lot of pressure these days. But after thinking about it, I still feel that as long as we can get the medal When I get it back, even if the leader has opinions on me, I can’t say anything. After all, I put work first. Therefore, I feel in my heart that the most important thing is to recommend the most reliable counties.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Your Do you mean to recommend Jiangnan County?" Fang Yuan said, "I personally recommend Jiangnan County, Oujiang District, and Yanping County, and I will support them very much, because they all have the strength to win the cards. Of course, I have no choice but to make any decision, Director. I won’t object, even if you recommend Longwan District.” Zhai Xinwen said, “I don’t know who Secretary Liang Zhaopeng of Oujiang District is.” Fang Yuan shook his head.

Zhai Xinwen said, "Let me think about it again. Xiao Fang, thank you for speaking the truth very frankly in front of me." Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely tell the truth in front of the chief." Zhai Xinwen waved his hand.Fang Yuan wisely stood up, and quietly withdrew, only to see the lingering smoke slowly rising above Zhai Xinwen's head.

Back in his office, Fangyuan received a call from Zou Yien, the deputy head of Longwan District: "Bureau Fang, Longwan District held a district chief office meeting in the afternoon, and the meeting just ended. At the meeting, District Chief Luo deployed A week-long comprehensive management operation has been launched in the surrounding area, and different tasks have been arranged for the public security, traffic police, urban management, health, industry and commerce departments. When the Fang Bureau will have time, District Chief Luo asked the comrades in the district government office to hold today's meeting The minutes are for you."

Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that the current pressure methods in Longwan District were really unusual.No wonder Zhai Xinwen felt so much pressure.This is about politics, and it is still really difficult.

Looking at the pyramid model on the desk, Fang Yuan thought of Chi Liping, such a beautiful woman full of infinite style.I don't know what she is doing now.Alas, I've been busy recently, so I haven't even called her.I don't know if she will have an opinion?

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