Director's growth history

2802.1618, Fengzhang road turn, happy?sad?

After much deliberation, Yanping is the most suitable.Looking at the scoring table, Zhai Xinwen was so angry that he slapped the table!Damn Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang, you two are really idiots!When I said that you were drunk and your grades were inaccurate, you should understand what I mean, I want you to revise your grades.You Jia Liang, you are so stupid, what is fair and just?Is this the time to talk about fairness and justice?The most important thing to do at this time is to talk about politics!

Oujiang District and Lubao District were eliminated.For the remaining three counties, Zhai Xinwen is still difficult to grasp.After much deliberation, Zhai Xinwen decided to give Deng Yuncong a call.After dialing the phone, Zhai Xinwen was extremely respectful: "Mayor Deng, I'm Xinwen." Deng Yuncong said, "What's the matter with Xinwen?" I want to ask the old leader for instructions." Deng Yuncong smiled: "Xinwen, I am not the mayor in charge of education now, so for such a thing, I should find Xiao Bi." Zhai Xinwen said: "I have always kept Mayor Deng's teachings in mind. Mayor Deng has been in charge of education for so many years, and he knows the situation of Dongzhou education very well. I think, I would like to ask you, your instructions must be more in line with the actual development of Dongzhou education." Deng Yuncong was very pleased with Zhai Xinwen's flattery, and said: "Tell me Let's go." Zhai Xinwen said: "In front of the old leader, I will tell the truth."

Zhai Xinwen reported to Deng Yuncong that the Dongzhou Education Bureau recommended a county to participate in the province's first batch of demonstration counties for governing education according to the law.Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng, I'm still not sure which county to recommend." Deng Yuncong said: "These counties are a bit difficult to decide. Sheng Jiantao from Jiangnan County is Sheng Zhiren's uncle, a In the village, I heard that there is no Wufu. Dou Dangji in Longwan District is a member of the Standing Committee, and the ranking is still ahead of me. The situation in Yanping County is not what you imagined. Cen Baiqiang was single-handedly promoted by Secretary Wang Guodong. It is not known whether the chief has enough influence in Yanping County."

Zhai Xinwen was taken aback: Huh?how could this be?So it is!Zhai Xinwen said: "Originally, Yanping County ranked third, and it was not in my consideration at all. Now it can be eliminated." Deng Yuncong said: "Jiangnan County and Longwan District, I suggest you call Mayor Song and listen to them. Listen to his opinion." Seeing that Deng Yuncong stopped talking, Zhai Xinwen quickly expressed his gratitude.

Zhai Xinwen called Song Yunsheng again, and after greeting him, Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, just now I reported to Mayor Deng about the recommendation of demonstration counties for the rule of law, and Mayor Deng said to ask you directly for instructions." Song Yunsheng listened Feeling very comfortable in my heart: "Xinwen, tell me, what's the situation?"

Zhai Xinwen reported to Song Yunsheng about the recommendation of the province as a model county for governing education according to law, as well as Deng Yuncong's decision.Song Yunsheng chuckled: "Xinwen, you really disappointed me! Do you still need to ask me for instructions on this simple matter? I think this is a good recommendation! It is based on the principle of fairness and justice, whoever gets the higher score , recommend whoever. Since Jiangnan County has the highest score, it is guaranteed to bring back a medal for our city, so I recommend Jiangnan County." Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, you taught me to talk about politics at all times. Recommend Jiangnan County Is it not enough to talk about politics?" Song Yunsheng laughed: "Xinwen, recommending Jiangnan County is the best way to talk about politics. Jiangnan County is doing well, let Jiangnan County go, this is talking about politics, talking about politics is about fairness Justice is about always remembering to serve the people and serve the grassroots. Is it called politics if you don’t let them go when someone is doing well? Is it politics if you let others go when someone else is doing badly?”

What he said made Zhai Xinwen very ashamed.Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, Mayor, you are right. Then I recommend Jiangnan County." Song Yunsheng said: "I am very happy if you can call me." Zhai Xinwen said: "For Dongzhou Education I will ask you for instructions on every important matter." Song Yunsheng said: "I know Xinwen's intentions."

After hanging up the phone, Zhai Xinwen seemed to understand that there must be a close relationship between Jiangnan County and Song Yunsheng.But Song Yunsheng stood at the height of fairness and justice, and gave instructions according to the score. His political skills and grasp of the situation are top-notch!Fortunately, Song Yunsheng was sure that he would call him, but Zhai Xinwen really felt a little uncomfortable when he really wanted to recommend Jiangnan County: Damn, why is Chen Qizhi from Jiangnan County?

As if a fishbone was stuck in his throat, Zhai Xinwen felt really uncomfortable!

Zhai Xinwen called Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang, come to my office." Fang Yuan was waiting uncomfortably, and immediately rushed to Zhai Xinwen's office after receiving the call.Zhai Xinwen saw Fang Yuan and said, "Xiao Fang, is Jiangnan County's law-based education work really good?" Fang Yuan said, "It's really good. Whether it's vocational education, high school education, or compulsory education, it's all doing well. Zhai Xinwen said: "Is there any personal emotion involved in this?" Fang Yuan said: "No, not at all. Director, think about it, my request to Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang is fairness and justice. Will it be mixed with personal feelings? This is the first important job I do when I come to the Education Bureau. I hope to do a good job without mixing personal feelings. Of course, I will support the director at any time decision-making." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Okay. You should do this when you do your job. If you work like you, why worry about not doing a good job? I also think that it is more appropriate to recommend according to the score. Since the score of Jiangnan County The highest, then recommend Jiangnan County. You go to inform the legal department and let them prepare for the office meeting tomorrow."

Fang Yuan really couldn't believe her ears.Fang Yuan tentatively asked: "Director, do you really recommend Jiangnan County? In fact, Oujiang District and Yanping County are also confident that they can carry their cards back." Zhai Xinwen: "Fairness and justice are very important. We stand on the standpoint of fairness and justice. The real fairness is for the counties and districts at the grassroots level, and this is about politics." Fang Yuan stood up, stretched out his thumb, and sincerely praised: "Uncle Di, I admire you even more." Zhai Xinwen smiled wryly, and said in his heart: This is actually about politics!Song Yunsheng asked me to recommend Jiangnan County, how could I not recommend Jiangnan County?If you let me recommend it, I can't recommend Jiangnan County even if you kill me!

Fangyuan came to the legal department and informed Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang of Zhai Xinwen's decision: "Just follow the score. Jiangnan County has the highest score, and the legal department recommends Jiangnan County. You worked hard tonight, worked overtime, and put your All preparation materials are ready." Teng Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief.Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang didn't know that Fang Yuan had left Zhai Xinwen's office, and they thought that Fang Yuan had always been in Zhai Xinwen's office.Both Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang sighed: Fangyuan's energy is really great!Zhai Xinwen obviously wanted to recommend Longwan District. What did Fangyuan say and what did he do to make Zhai Xinwen change his mind and decide according to his score?I have doubts in my heart, and I am a little more in awe: this leader in charge is so amazing!

Fang Yuan dialed Wang Xingbang's internal line: "Director Wang, this is Fang Yuan." Wang Xingbang said: "Fang Bureau, what instructions do you have?" Fang Yuan said: "Director Wang, it's not called instructions. Both of us are deputy directors." Wang Xingbang Said: "Fang Ju is too polite." Fang Yuan said: "That's right. The comrades in the legal department will work overtime tonight. I wonder if our office can arrange a working meal for you?" Wang Xingbang said: "Yes, I will call right away. Phone number, how many people?” Fang Yuan said, “3 or 4 people.” Wang Xingbang said, “Okay. Then we’ll have Section Chief Teng sign it. It’s at the designated restaurant next to our Education Bureau.” Fang Yuan Said: "Okay, thank you Director Wang."

Fang Yuan said: "Chief Teng, please work hard. For dinner, we will have dinner at a designated restaurant next to the Education Bureau, and you can just sign your name." Teng Feiyue said, "Thank you Fang Bureau for being so considerate." Fang Yuan Said: "Just work, how can we do without food? Before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass move first." Teng Feiyue said: "When we used to work overtime, we were often hungry." Lu Zhenghong said: "In the future, follow Fang I won’t be hungry if you’re in trouble! You’re all vegetables, you’re afraid of ammonia, you’re worried, you’re easy, you’re hazy, you’re bad, your sword is broken, and I’m willing to reimburse you in 5th.” Teng Feiyue, Jia Liang, and Lu Zhenghong said, "Thank you, Fang Ju." Fang Yuan looked at Lou Gang and said, "Lou Gang, if you can help me, you can stay here; if you have something to do at home, you can go home You decide for yourself.” Lou Gang said: “I will stay and help the section chief and Teacher Jia read the text and print the materials.” Fang Yuan said: “Okay. The main reason is that in case Director Zhai needs to write written materials, there must be no one in the legal department. Next time there is a similar opportunity, I will take you there." Originally, Lou Gang was very resentful, after hearing Fangyuan's words , The resentment disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Fang Yuan said: "I'm going back first. Today is my birthday, and I have to go home to celebrate my birthday. Thank you for your hard work!" Lu Zhenghong said: "It turns out that today is Fang Ju's birthday! Fang Ju, I wish you all the best!" Happy birthday to me!" Teng Feiyue, Jia Liang and Lou Gang also wished Fangyuan a happy birthday.Fangyuan said: "Thank you everyone. Keep this matter low-key. In addition, the four of you supervise each other regarding the recommendation of relevant counties and districts today. It came from the four of you. I won’t emphasize the discipline of secrecy, but if it gets out, I will definitely criticize it later and investigate thoroughly. Do you understand?” All four nodded.When Fang Yuan left the office, Teng Feiyue looked serious: "The Bureau Fang said it must be kept secret. This is discipline! If anyone tells it, the Bureau will investigate and no one can protect you." Jia Liang, Lu Both Zhenghong and Lou Gang nodded.

Full of anticipation, Fang Yuan even imagined a table full of delicacies, and excitedly drove home.When Fangyuan opened the door, the dining table was empty.Just like usual, Xiao Qing saw Fang Yuan coming back and said, "Brother Fang, are you back?" I didn't prepare your meal. We've already eaten. Brother Fang, haven't you eaten yet?"

Fangyuan's heart suddenly became cold.Looking at Kong Shuanghua, who is holding the child on the sofa, and the mother-in-law, who is sitting next to her and amusing the child, Fangyuan's heart is full of mixed emotions.Kong Shuanghua didn't remember her birthday, and her mother-in-law didn't remember her birthday.In their hearts, do they still have half a place?Fang Shujuan knew that today was her birthday, even her students Wen Ruoxing and Gao Xueqing remembered it.Why, my life partner ignored my birthday?

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