Director's growth history

2805.1621, Lost in the East, Harvested in Sangyu

The changes in the situation at the office meeting were all within Zhai Xinwen's expectations.Having a little oboe with Kong Lili really sparked a heated "discussion" at the director's office meeting: Fang Yuan made it clear that if the other four counties are not satisfied with the result, no wonder I, Zhai Xinwen. The 9 counties and districts live in harmony and balance.Fang Yuan is still young, although he is much more mature than young people of the same age, but at the critical moment, he still showed the recklessness and impulsiveness of a "stunned young man".In fact, Zhai Xinwen originally wanted to carry out Song Yunsheng's "instructions" without reservation. However, last night, Zhai Xinwen received a call from Dou Dangji, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee. I was very concerned about the recommendations of the demonstration counties for governing education by law, and once again introduced that Longwan District has done a lot of meticulous and thoughtful work to win the recommendation of the demonstration counties for governing education by law in the province this time.Although it is not explicitly mentioned that Longwan District must be recommended, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

As the head of Dongzhou Education, Zhai Xinwen must not offend the implicit pressure from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Zhai Xinwen temporarily changed his mind: Mayor Song's instructions must be implemented. Although Mayor Song did not explicitly say that Jiangnan County must be recommended, he said that recommendations should be made according to the score. The scores that Mayor Song learned are that Jiangnan County ranked First.But this is only the final result of the bureau chief's office meeting, and it does not mean that the process is like this.The responsibility must be pushed out, and I, Zhai Xinwen, cannot bear the pressure of offending Dou Dangji. Although I don't want Fang Yuan to bear it, Fang Yuan is the director in charge, and it is impossible for others to bear it.Under such circumstances, I had no choice but to give up the car to protect the handsome.Ask Fang Yuan to make a statement, and then the bureau chief's office will pass it. Not only has he implemented Mayor Song's instructions, but also let Fang Yuan do what he offended. In the future, he will still be able to maintain a relatively balanced situation among the 9 counties.It should be known that the Municipal Education Bureau only has the function of business guidance for the 9 counties and districts, and has no leadership.A vertically managed department has leadership over its subordinates; the Municipal Education Bureau is not a vertically managed department.

However, today, there is another thing that Zhai Xinwen really wants to verify, that is whether there is any collusion between Fang Yuan and Chen Qizhi.This is what Zhai Xinwen is very unwilling to see, and it is also the thing that Zhai Xinwen is most wary of.Fangyuan is a very good partner. With Fangyuan's support, at least at the city level, many city leaders will not object.But if Fang Yuan went to Chen Qizhi's side, the situation in the Education Bureau would be more complicated.

It seems that Zou Zhigang has a lot of opinions on Fang Yuan. Without prior agreement, he has already jumped out to oppose Fang Yuan.This example of grading essays is very good, but I also worry that what if Zou Zhigang's proposition and Kong Lili's proposition are supported by the majority of people?After looking at Wang Xingbang and Song Ping, Zhai Xinwen was relieved again.If I, Zhai Xinwen, do not express my position, these two people will not express my position.Now is the time for Chen Qizhi to speak.

Zhai Xinwen looked at the fiery "battlefield" that smelled like gunpowder, and smiled: "Do other comrades have any comments?"

Sun Hongjun really wanted to help Fangyuan, but he also didn't want to offend Zhai Xinwen and Zou Zhigang.The more critical the support, the more Fang Yuan can feel it!Sun Hongjun thought hard and finally came up with a solution.Sun Hongjun heard Zhai Xinwen's question and said: "Teng Feiyue, Jia Liang, you are all comrades who have been engaged in the rule of law for many years, and your experience must be much more than that of Fang Ju. This point can be regarded as refuting Fang Ju's face. Fang Ju It’s true that I don’t know much about the work of governing education according to the law, so please forgive me, I am right about the matter and not about the person.”

Fang Yuan immediately understood that Sun Hongjun was trying to relieve him!Fang Yuan said: "I really don't understand. As I said just now, the specific inspection process involves a lot of work, which is done by the comrades of the legal department. I am just accompanied by the leaders of the local county and district and the Education and Sports Bureau. Let’s take a look.” Sun Hongjun said: “Since Teng Feiyue and Jia Liang are responsible for the specific scoring, let me ask you two, can your scoring be objective, fair and just?” Teng Feiyue looked at it. Glancing at Jia Liang, he said, "Secretary Sun, the Fang Bureau requires us to be fair and just, and requires us to recommend the counties and districts that are the most solid and represent the level of legal education in Dongzhou and are most likely to win the provincial evaluation. , How dare we not follow the instructions of the leader? So, I have a clear conscience for scoring this time." Jia Liang said: "Secretary Sun, I am also afraid of offending people. If I offend the counties and districts, how will my work be carried out in the future? ?The leadership of the bureau is high-level and can directly order the counties and districts below; but as for me, a small staff member, if I cannot maintain a good working relationship with the counties and districts, this work cannot be carried out well. The most reasonable way , It is to speak according to the strength, to speak according to the score, so that everyone can accept it, and no one can offend it. Therefore, this time, I am indeed one is one, and two is two, there is no ambiguity."

Sun Hongjun said: "Well! This is how you should do your job. Colleagues, I have no opinion on whom to recommend. But I think the work attitude of the Legal Department is worthy of recognition."

Big trick!Zou Zhigang cursed secretly.After all, there were still many party committee members who did not speak, and Zou Zhigang also remained silent, watching with cold eyes.Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Comrade Red Army has no opinion, it seems to have an opinion! Director Chen, what do you think about this matter? You want to recommend, which county do you recommend?"

Chen Qizhi saw Zhai Xinwen's plot and didn't take the bait.Chen Qizhi said with a smile: "Director Zhai, I don't want to express my attitude. In fact, I completely agree with the principle of fairness and impartiality in recommendation. Whoever has the most strength will be recommended. If Jiangnan County is not involved, then I also agree with the recommendation with the highest score. Now, Jiangnan County is involved. I have worked in Jiangnan County for more than 20 years, and I have feelings for Jiangnan County. In order to implement Director Zhai’s fair and just instructions, I abstain from voting on this matter.”

He is also an old traitor!Although he abstained, his attitude was clear. Jiangnan County had the highest score, and he supported it.Zhai Xinwen didn't come up with what he wanted to say, and was a little disappointed. He was about to ask Chen Qizhi if he had a tacit understanding with Fang Yuan. To avoid suspicion, I apply to be absent from today's bureau chief's office meeting." As he spoke, he left the venue with a cup in hand.

Zhai Xinwen was a little helpless, and asked: "Do other comrades have any comments?" Geng Qing said: "The scoring system is definitely not perfect." Is it?" Geng Qing said: "Yes, scores don't mean everything. A good process does not mean a good result, which is true in many fields and aspects. A good result does not mean a good preparation process, and the same is true. It's like the college entrance examination , has been criticized by people all over the country. Can the scores of the college entrance examination represent the moral character of the child? Can it represent the ability of the student? Can it represent the comprehensive quality of the student? Dare not say so! Therefore, the college entrance examination The practice of recruiting students and determining their future and destiny based on scores is actually quite imperfect.”

Zou Zhigang said: "I am the boss in charge of teaching, and I agree with Director Geng completely. The scores of the college entrance examination do not represent everything. Similarly, scoring the five counties cannot fully represent the real strength of the five counties."

Zhai Xinwen is now a little worried: If Mayor Song's instructions cannot be implemented, it will be more troublesome than offending four counties.

Geng Qing said: "Although the college entrance examination is not perfect, it has been 1977 years since the resumption of the college entrance examination in 31. This system has been used all the time. Why? This is because under the current conditions, there is no other A fairer and more just way to select relatively outstanding talents. Is there a recommendation system? What are the criteria for recommendation? If the college entrance examination is really abolished and the recommendation system is implemented, then Peking University and Tsinghua University will no longer have students from Peking University and Tsinghua University. Children from ordinary families and poor families can go to Peking University and Tsinghua University. They are either the children of leading cadres at all levels, or the children from a particularly wealthy class. The children of ordinary people rely on recommendation, basically they will not have such opportunities Now, it is precisely because of the imperfect selection method of the college entrance examination that determines the future based on the score that the children of some leading cadres who are uneducated and incompetent cannot enter Tsinghua University and Peking University. Children from ordinary citizen families have the opportunity to enter first-class universities for further studies because of their hard work and excellent grades."

Heh, Geng Qing's extension is quite far.At this time, Fang Yuan also understood what Geng Qing meant, and cast a grateful look at Geng Qing.Sure enough, Geng Qing said: "Unless there is no more perfect selection method, the college entrance examination system will continue to exist for a relatively long period of time. The college entrance examination is the most fair and just method that everyone can accept in the current state. Similarly, this time the rule of law For the recommendation of teaching demonstration counties, the scoring system is the only most objective and fair method until a more perfect method is found. Since the comrades in the legal department have stated that it is indeed fair and just, under such circumstances, a high score, although it does not mean Everything, but at least it means that according to the provincial evaluation standards, counties with high scores are most likely to win the medals of the first batch of law-based education demonstration counties under the existing evaluation system that determines their fate based on scores. "

Geng Qing, who usually doesn't speak much at the bureau chief's office meeting, this time is citing extensively from sources. From the college entrance examination to select students based on their scores, he came to the conclusion that using scores to select and recommend counties that are demonstration counties of law-based education in the recommended provinces is the most feasible method.Is there any other direction for the bureau chief's office meeting?

Zhai Xinwen looked at Geng Qing, surprised why he had to speak so much today to defend Fangyuan.Zhai Xinwen has a worry: Is there a close connection between Fangyuan and Geng Qing?Look at Fangyuan, Fangyuan lowered her head, silent.Zhai Xinwen didn't know what it was like.The general direction of the director's office meeting can't be controlled by himself, because of Geng Qing's words, to a certain extent, Zhai Xinwen has to accept the result of recommending Jiangnan County, although this is exactly what Song Yunsheng requested.

Soon, the director's office meeting will have a result.Except for Chen Qizhi who left the venue early, the other party committee members who attended the meeting unanimously agreed to recommend Jiangnan County to represent Dongzhou City to participate in the evaluation of the first batch of demonstration counties in Qingjiang Province for governing education according to law.Fangyuan let out a long breath, the pressure seemed to be relieved, but even greater pressure rushed to his face again.

Fang Yuan returned to her office, sat on the office chair, and meditated.At today's bureau chief's office meeting, Heping and Sun Hongjun supported him, which is expected; but Geng Qing suddenly expressed his support. Does he support my Fangyuan, or the principle of recommending by points?

Just as he was thinking about something, Fang Yuan received a call from Chen Qizhi: "Fang Ju, thank you!" Fang Yuan said, "Director Chen, please don't thank me. This is a collective decision of the Director's Office, not my personal decision. "Chen Qizhi said: "But the Fang Bureau played a vital role in it. If you didn't express your opinion, according to other people's opinions, I am afraid that the county that has really done well will not be recommended." Fang Yuan said: "Chen The director is serious. I believe that Director Zhai can decide every matter that is closely related to Dongzhou education in a fair and just manner." Chen Qizhi said: "I will not say other words of thanks. Director Fang, in the future in the Education Bureau, I will support Your firm vote." Fang Yuan had a headache: You support me, what if Zhai Xinwen is suspicious?Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. The most urgent task is to let Jiangnan County improve the education work according to the law at a relatively good level. Director Zou mentioned that township primary and secondary schools and rural primary and secondary schools should become law-based schools. The key points of teaching work." Chen Qizhi said: "Fang Bureau, don't worry. I have reported the results of the bureau director's office meeting to Secretary Sheng of the Jiangnan County Party Committee and County Mayor Wang of the government. Secretary Sheng and County Mayor Wang asked me to represent them. Let Fang Bureau express my gratitude. I also put forward work requirements to the comrades of Jiangnan County Education and Sports Bureau. They must strive for excellence and make all preparations perfect. They must win this medal. Fang Bureau's trust."

Heh, Shanggang is online!Fang Yuan said: "Director Chen, don't get too involved in this matter with me. It's because you have done a good job, and at the same time, this is also a collective decision of the director's office meeting. I will ask the comrades in the legal department to further increase For the supervision of Jiangnan County, we must make solid and meticulous preparations, and strive to be foolproof." Chen Qizhi said, "Okay, here I am, the Jiangnan County Education and Sports Bureau, will cooperate vigorously."

Fang Yuan returned to school.Back to school, non-stop.Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is the largest school in the urban area of ​​Dongzhou. There are a lot of things to do. The surrounding offices are full of traffic and people come and go in an endless stream.At noon, Fang Yuan unexpectedly received two calls from important leaders. The first call was from Bi Lili, and the second call was something that Fang Yuan never expected.

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