Director's growth history

2833.1641 It's not easy to be a principal

After listening to Zhou Qifeng's words, Fang Yuan suddenly realized: Zhou Qifeng is a very smart person.Zhou Qifeng gave me this opportunity to Fangyuan, he is invincible under any circumstances.My Fangyuan was excellent in class and won the first or second prize, so according to the rule of sharing benefits, Zhou Qifeng is in the ranks of the praise; if my Fangyuan fails in class, Zhou Qifeng must be punished or adjusted before being punished or adjusted My Fangyuan, this is simply a grasshopper tied to a rope.At the same time, this can be regarded as flattering my Fangyuan. If I give the opportunity to one of the other two teachers, is Zhou Qifeng also worried that if I, Fangyuan, say a word at the party committee of the bureau, maybe his teaching and research staff The job cannot be kept.

Fang Yuan thought about it for a long time, but decided that it would be better to save the class this time.This is also an opportunity to prove yourself, and you should not let some caring people think that they can only teach junior high schools, but not high schools; they can only manage junior high schools, but not high schools.In addition, if I want to gain a firm foothold in the Education Bureau, it seems that I also need to have some good grades to prove that I am qualified for the job.

Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Then I thank Teacher Zhou for giving me this opportunity." Zhou Qifeng was very happy: "Fang Bureau, when will you give a trial lecture? I will report to Director Xie and Director Li. Please come and listen to you with the two directors." class." Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk about this later." Zhou Qifeng said, "Okay. Knowing that Fang Ju is a day-to-day business, I dare not disturb Fang Ju easily. Fang Ju, do you think this is good? When will you give it a try? Give me a call, and I will arrange other things, and I promise to listen to your trial lecture as soon as possible." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Zhou Qifeng said: "In the next few days, I will follow your request I found the award-winning video or CD of the provincial high school Chinese subject competition, and studied hard." Fang Yuan said: "I found the CD, and copied a set for me, I also need to study." Zhou Qifeng said: "Okay, I I will try my best to deliver it to you tomorrow." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Talking to smart people saves worry and effort.Fang Yuan had a good impression of Zhou Qifeng.

Fang Yuan looked at his watch, guessed that this time was just the time for the school affairs meeting.He ran upstairs, entered Zhai Xinwen's office, and asked Zhai Xinwen for leave: "Director, I want to go back to school. The school is holding a school affairs meeting to study the work to be prepared for the provincial quality education site meeting." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, go to Right. Xiao Fang, you may have more and more burdens in the future, and you will definitely be busier and busier at work. I hope you will learn to adjust and arrange your time reasonably. The things in Dongzhou 5 are very important. Inside, you still have to preside over the work of the school. Whether you can achieve a breakthrough result in this year's college entrance examination depends on you, it depends on Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. At the same time, you must fully familiarize yourself with and understand the work of the Education Bureau. It is the main position of your work." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the director's trust, I will definitely work hard." Zhai Xinwen said: "Today's mobilization meeting was very good, and I think the mobilization effect is very good. You can learn from the truth of your own work experience. It will be more contagious and authentic if you start from feeling. It is also right for you to delegate the power of selecting formal candidates to the teaching and research staff.” Fang Yuan said, “Director, you don’t think I’m lazy.” Zhai Xinwen said: "How could it be? I was also inconsiderate! I can listen to five or six classes a day at most. This means that I don't do any other work and only listen to the lectures. Then it will take a month to listen to these 150 people. , I am afraid that at that time, the provincial competitions will start or finish. This is too unrealistic! Actually, because I trust you too much, I said at today's meeting that I will give you the decision-making power. Maybe I was a little anxious. "Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the director's trust. You have made clear work requirements at the meeting today. This is the direction that I and all comrades in the teaching and research section will work together. Make every effort to prepare for the provincial class, and strive to get good grades. Before the provincial quality education on-site meeting, let the teaching and research staff let go of the preparation work and let them select candidates. Of course, it is important to observe the provincial class that has won awards over the years, which is very important for improvement I also asked the teaching and research staff for the award-winning CDs of the high school Chinese quality class competitions for the past five years, and I will watch and learn in the near future." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay. I hope that you will personally win the first prize in the province, and I also hope that There are more comrades from elementary, middle and high schools who can win the first and second prizes in the province." Fang Yuan said, "I will do my best." Zhai Xinwen said, "Xiao Fang, there is one more thing that needs to be done non-stop. The last time I watched your school’s quality education CD-ROM, I did a good job. The Bureau’s quality education CD-ROM should also hurry up. Today’s time is too late. Tomorrow, you will call the education department, law department, teaching and research section, audio-visual education station, and your school to participate. A few comrades who made CDs held a coordination meeting to complete this matter as soon as possible. Today is already March 5th. If there is no accident, we will make the plan to hold a quality education on-site meeting on March 3th. Ah! Speaking of which, there are only 10 days left.”

Fang Yuan felt that the pressure on his shoulders seemed to be a little heavier: Why is there so much work?If you are so busy, where do you have time to prepare for the provincial high-quality class competition?Even when I was in Chinese class, I couldn't squeeze it out!But can Fangyuan say "no"?cannot!

Fang Yuan said: "Director, I still have a Chinese class tomorrow morning. I will call this meeting in the afternoon, okay?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay. Let's hold it in the bureau's small meeting room. I want to attend too. It's about the announcement , I’ll ask Shen Jun to notify you.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay.” Zhai Xinwen said, “I’ll be the mobilizer, and you’ll give the lecture. If you have any requirements, I’ll prepare for it today, and think everything through.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay. "

When Fang Yuan rushed back to school, the school affairs meeting was still in session.Seeing Fangyuan push the door in, everyone stood up.Fang Yuan waved her hand, motioning for everyone to sit down.Na Hong said: "Fang Xiao, look at your look, you are very haggard!" Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "No one has a good complexion when work is under a lot of pressure." Well, the inexplicable feeling of distress spread from Chen Qiuping's heart: he really worked too hard.He needs a good woman who is caring, considerate and considerate, and needs a good woman to take care of his life!

Fang Yuan took the main seat.Fang Yuan said: "I authorized Principal Qiu to hold today's school affairs meeting. I held a mobilization meeting for the provincial high-quality class competition in the bureau. I rushed back just after the end. You continue to hold the meeting. I will listen to the meeting. Principal Qiu, Go on."

Qiu Zhengxuan continued to deploy tasks and responsibilities.After Qiu Zhengxuan finished speaking, Fang Yuan saw that some people's expressions were not very good-looking.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Principal Fang, I'm done. I deployed it completely according to the work requirements you put forward yesterday and this morning." Fang Yuan said, "That's right, what Principal Qiu said is exactly what I meant. The process, the effect , characteristics, this will be the breakthrough point of this provincial quality education on-site meeting. I hope that the process should be exciting, the results should be fruitful, and the characteristics should be distinctive. What I want to tell you is that work is stressful, and there is no pressure To understand it from a different angle, it means that there is no self-motivation, and this means that this is a useless person. I am also under a lot of pressure. The quality education will be held on site. I am the first person responsible. If it is not done well, the superior will not To punish any other comrades present here, all the crimes are on my body. Let me express my stance here: if there is a problem in the quality education scene, the responsibility is mine; if the quality education is successful, every comrade who contributes , the organization will never forget that the credit belongs to everyone. I believe in the party spirit and consciousness of comrades, and I have confidence in everyone. The division of labor has been made very clear by President Qiu just now. In the next ten days, I hope that every One comrade went all out. When I was not in school, Comrade Qiu Zhengxuan was in charge of coordinating all parties. Do you have any comments?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Director Fang, I have work to report." Fang Yuan said: "Please tell me. "Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Today, Section Chief Su Quanshun came to the school twice to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the school's audio-visual equipment. He didn't want to disturb you, saying that you are too busy." Fang Yuan said: "What is the purpose of Section Chief Su coming to the school?" Something?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Chief Su said that we must implement the spirit of Mayor Song's instructions and update the school's audio-visual equipment." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Mayor Song instructed on Saturday that the equipment in Dongzhou No. 5 High School should be updated. "Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Su Kechang said that in the school's three computer classrooms, all the computers have been updated, all have LCD screens, and all have new computers. In the past, when the school updated computer equipment, the school got four, and the Education Bureau got Sixth, this time all the money will be paid by the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "It is Mayor Song who will take the money. Mayor Song attaches great importance to the provincial quality education meeting, and believes that the image of Dongzhou No. 5 High School represents the image of Dongzhou City. So many provincial leaders, directors of education bureaus, directors of teaching and research sections, school principals and teachers from all over the province are coming to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School must show the education development level of Dongzhou City in the best state. Less Xiu, you and Director Zang should cooperate closely, I am afraid that in the next few days, the school will also be properly rectified in terms of school appearance and appearance, and the comrades from the infrastructure department of the bureau will also come." Ruan Shaoxiu and Zang Wenyue quickly agreed.

Fang Yuan looked at the gloomy faces of some people, and knew that it might be due to the high pressure of work.Fang Yuan said: "Colleagues, you may feel that you are under a lot of pressure. There is no way now. If you have work, you will have pressure. The correct attitude should be: the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. Tell me about me. Some comrades may say , I am now like a shopkeeper who throws his hands away, and I don’t care about anything. In fact, Director Zhai asked me to be in charge of the provincial quality education on-site meeting; today, Director Zhai still asked me to be responsible for the special meeting of the Provincial Quality Class Competition in the bureau; I am also responsible for the display CD. I am busy today, and I don’t even have time to come back to Chinese class, so I am very sorry for my students. Colleagues, please face the pressure correctly. If you survive this pressure, maybe it is your work. New progress and new take-off."

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