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2837.1643, Pediatrics

On March 2008, 3, with the secret financial support of the CIA and the US Congress, the headquarters of the separatist forces in Dharamsa, India, issued instructions to Tibetans and monks in the country through the Internet and text messages.On this day, in various monasteries in Tibet centered on Lhasa, a large number of monks, together with youths from Tibetan society, carried out violent activities of beating, smashing, looting, and burning in Lhasa, Tibet, and a large amount of property was looted or burned. People of all Han and Tibetan ethnic groups were killed or wounded.For a time, the Tibetan-inhabited area was full of turmoil and panic.Then, Tibetan autonomous prefectures and counties in Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan also experienced violent incidents of beating, smashing, looting, and burning by Tibetans and monks. Government buildings and public security agencies in some prefectures and counties were attacked. A large number of Western media such as <, the British bbs, and German National TV 10, maliciously framed the Chinese government, published a large number of articles or news reports sympathetic to Tibetans and Tibetans, and even put on pictures of the Tibetan rebellion in Nepal As evidence that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is a Tibetan, and the photos of the Chinese Communist Party in 1992 are used as evidence that the Chinese Communist Party entered Tibet in 2008. Even the American CNN has learned computer synthesis and image stitching techniques. People and things that were not at the same time were pieced together, and the contents of the pictures of Tibetans burning cars and throwing stones were concealed using computer technology.All of a sudden, the Western media, which dominated the world's news and propaganda, hyped up the Tibet incident, sympathized with and supported the separatist forces headed by Tibet, and raised questions about whether China could and should hold the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Voices of doubt, some countries even boycotted the opening ceremony and competitions of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

But soon, a Chinese student studying in France discovered the clue and the truth.He exposed the malicious slander by the Western media on the domestic website, and the ugly face of putting on hats and hats, and the national public opinion and the people of the whole country were in an uproar.Facing the fact that the United States, Britain, and bbs have always deliberately distorted the truth, they finally temporarily shut their mouths.In the face of national righteousness, few traitors and traitors have the courage to admit that they are traitors and traitors in front of the people of the whole country, although they have been doing things that only traitors can do and saying things that are foreign and foreign.In the eyes of these traitors, everything in the United States is good, and everything in the country is bad, including the American media, which are synonymous with impartiality, justice, and absolute objectivity.This time, they may still think that the United States is good in their inner world, but they have to admit that the report of CNN does contain a lot of malicious fabrications, pretentious, imaginary, and generalized content. For those Tibetan monks and The incidents of thugs beating, smashing, burning, and looting were not mentioned in the news reports, but the technology was hidden in the pictures and videos, and selective and selective reports were made, which completely violated the due ethics of the news media and exposed Even these Western news media are not objective and fair. The Western media also serve their governments, and they are also very prejudiced and discriminatory.

Speaking of America, is America really good?The United States is the country with the worst violent crimes in the world. Due to the liberalization of gun control in the United States, in recent years, there have been constant gunshots on American campuses, and gun violence incidents have emerged in endlessly.According to official figures released by the FBI, there is a violent incident in the United States every 27 seconds, including a homicide every 24 minutes, a rape every 7 minutes, a robbery every 68 seconds, a robbery every 51 seconds A personal injury case. In addition, a property case occurs every 3 seconds, including a door and lock picking case every 10 seconds, a theft case every 5 seconds, and a car theft case every 29 seconds.) (The content in brackets is Copy) The U.S. government likes to talk about China even more, exercising hegemony under the banner of China, wantonly infringing on the interests of other countries, and even subverting the legitimate regimes of other countries.In order to plunder oil, the United States launched the Gulf War twice, turning the originally wealthy Iraq into a puppet, the domestic order was chaotic, and Iraq became a paradise for criminals. It did not bring happiness to the Iraqi people, but it brought American soldiers. It has brought about the insecurity of personal property and poverty.In order to warn Pakistan and better contain China and Russia, the United States brazenly invaded Afghanistan under the banner of chasing bin Laden.According to the strength of the CIA, is it actually difficult to find bin Laden's hiding place?Is it difficult to kill Osama bin Laden?No!not at all!The United States deliberately kept bin Laden alive, or told the people of the world through media propaganda that bin Laden is still alive.As long as Osama bin Laden is alive, the United States will have an excuse to attack and station troops in Afghanistan.Is his sinister intention any different than the worst person in life?Hit Iraq with your fists, use conspiracy to fight Afghanistan, which country and person can be so bad?The U.S. doesn’t even let go of its own friends (allies). Japan has experienced 30 years of development after the war, and its GDP has become the second in the world. The U.S. unceremoniously forced Japan to sign the "Japan-U.S. Plaza Agreement" (1986), It took two years to plunder Japan's 30-year development achievements and wealth for the United States, which led to the stagflation of the Japanese economy throughout the 90s and caused serious harm to the Japanese people.Today, Japan's economic development is still struggling, the domestic employment situation is extremely severe, the government is burdened with debts, and the government changes frequently.In fact, Japan does not want to sign the "Plaza Accord", but there are 20 US troops stationed in Japan and China's Ryukyu Islands (called Okinawa in Japan), and the USS Washington aircraft carrier is stationed in Yokohama, Japan. Not only must the Japanese support these Americans The garrison of troops made Japan have no courage to reject the "Plaza Accord" that it knew the United States was plundering but still had to sign~~ This is what the United States did!Sometimes, they deliberately bullied other countries, but said they were careless. For example, during the Yugoslav war in 1998, the United States had three missiles that bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia from three different directions. This was definitely an intentional act. However, the idiot who used the "gps map to identify the location of the Chinese embassy as a military facility in Yugoslavia" could tell that it was a false excuse to prevaricate the Chinese people. Who can compare to his thick skin and shameless behavior? superior?It can be said that the United States is the most selfish country in the world. It has a hard fist, bullies the weak at will, and hits anyone it wants; it is greedy and plunders resources and regards all countries in the world as its backyard; it is hypocritical because no matter It likes to do bad things under the banner of justice and justice; it is cunning, and when dealing with big countries like China and Russia, it often uses divisive tactics to make China and Russia overwhelmed and confused.It is such a country, but some traitors in the country worship it so much, they forget who their ancestors are, they forget that the blood of Yan and Huang flows in their bodies, and they forget that as a Chinese, they should love their motherland the most at all times. Instead of loving a foreign country.

Speaking of □□, this Tibetan-Han mixed-race person, without the support of the Chinese Nationalist Government at that time, would not have been able to achieve stability at all; without the generous tolerance of the New China and the Communist Party, □□□ would be the general representative of the Tibetan serf owners He was completely overthrown, but in fact, the new China gave him a lofty status, allowing him to serve as the vice chairman of the National People's Congress and permanently stationed in the Potala Palace in Lhasa.In terms of repaying kindness or repaying kindness, Mao Zedong chose the latter. After serving as the vice chairman of the National People's Congress for five years, he launched the Tibetan rebellion.Now, in Dharamsa, India, a government in exile has been established with no industry and no taxation.Without the financial support of more than 5 million U.S. dollars each year provided by the U.S. National Defense Foundation and the CIA, this regime in exile might not be able to survive even a year, let alone form a village and town with more than 1000 people.This separatist rebel who betrayed the motherland in 10, also under the banner of Buddhist charity and benevolence, bluffs and deceives everywhere. To put it bluntly, he seeks alms everywhere, begging Buddhist believers from various countries and countries, and Western business owners who hate China and socialism. A handout of some dollars to maintain its rule in Dharamsa.Of course, the biggest benefactor of this so-called "Snow Mountain Lion Country", or in other words, the country that has been secretly supporting the separatist forces is none other than the United States!Of course, the United States not only supports the separatist forces in Taiwan with money, but also secretly supports the Uyghur separatist forces Genoa, and secretly supports the separatist and independent forces in Taiwan, China.Many analysts have made it clear that without US support for Taiwan's separatist forces, China would now be fully unified.

Fang Yuan is a staunch patriot, a young man who never blindly worships the United States. On March 3, when Fangyuan saw the relevant news reports, especially how the western media killed Tibetans under the banner of ethnic discrimination and Chinese government violence, they deliberately ignored Tibetans’ violent acts of beating, smashing, burning, looting and attacking government agencies , killing the Tibetan and Han compatriots, Fang Yuan was filled with indignation.But Fangyuan thought of the on-site meeting of quality education, which is an important opportunity for the penetration of moral education.When Fangyuan arrived at the school in the morning, he immediately summoned Qiu Zhengxuan, Ruan Shaoxiu, Chen Qiuping, and Zhou Yujie, and arranged for them to seize the opportunity of the separatist forces to create violence in Tibetan areas. All middle school students receive extensive and in-depth patriotic education.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Qiu, Director Chen and Xiao Zhou will discuss how to carry out patriotic education. Principal Ruan will do the following things. First, include the patriotic education activities in our school into the school's quality education CD-ROM." Second, Principal Ruan contacted Lu Zhenghong from the Regulations Section of the Education Bureau and asked her to contact a newspaper reporter from Dongzhou to publicize the patriotic education carried out by Dongzhou No. Publicize patriotic education. At the most critical moment, both teachers and middle school students must have a firm and correct stand." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, I will take care of these two things." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Qiu Also consider, how to conduct a demonstration of achievements, for example, research study, come up with a topic, the subject of the research is: Tibet has been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times. Perhaps other aspects of the demonstration of achievements. The wider the better The more in-depth the better." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Okay." Fang Yuan said to Zhou Yujie: "Xiao Zhou, you just presided over the work of the Youth League Committee, and you need to discuss with Director Chen in many aspects. She is very experienced." She was a little shy in front of her, and didn't dare to meet Fang Yuan's gaze: "Okay, principal."

Fang Yuan finished a Chinese class and hurried to the Education Bureau.There is another important task today, that is, at 10:5 a.m., the top leaders of the education department, law department, teaching and research section, audio-visual education station, as well as Ruan Shaoxiu and Na Hong from Dongzhou No. [-] Middle School will be called together to study how to make the quality education CD-ROM of the Education Bureau. question.On the way to the Education Bureau, Fang Yuan's heart was still pounding: I don't know how the communication between Uncle Li Guoqiang and Director Xie Bingguo is going.

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