Director's growth history

2839.1644. Dispute and Quan Wuxing

Zhai Xinwen sat in the seat of the leader with a serious expression, his eyes were like torches: "Comrades, the Provincial Department of Education issued the "Notice on Holding a Quality Education On-Site Meeting in Dongzhou No. [-] Middle School" today, and now, Comrade Xingbang, please convey The spirit of the ministry's notice."

Wang Xingbang sat upright and read out word by word.The members of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, including Han Suzhen, who hadn't shown up in the recent stage, were listening and memorizing carefully.Although a copy of the "Notice" from the Provincial Department of Education was placed in front of everyone, some comrades still liked to write down what they heard, as if it would help them remember more clearly.

The date is certain, March 3rd, 23th, and 24th.Fangyuan listened to Wang Xingbang reading the notice methodically, and the pressure in his heart gradually increased.Fang Yuan glanced at Zhai Xinwen, saw his face without a smile, and suddenly realized: This provincial quality education meeting will only put more pressure on Zhai Xinwen, he is the chief officer of Dongzhou Education!If the quality education site is successful, his official position will be kept temporarily; if the quality education site fails, it is estimated that Mayor Bi and others will definitely not let him go, and maybe Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Song will not let him go either. he.What about yourself?This quality education on-site meeting is like putting on a play. If Dongzhou No. 25 Middle School, which is the main position, falls, it will mean the loss of the entire battle.Is it true that I, the chief official of Dongzhou No. 5 High School, can also bear the blame?

Suddenly, because of a glance at Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan found that his pressure increased rapidly: For Zhai Xinwen, this quality education scene can only succeed and not fail, and for me, Fang Yuan, why not?In the matter of quality education on-site meeting, I and Zhai Xinwen have highly consistent interests, forming a real unity of interests.Fang Yuan pursed her lips tightly: This matter can only be successful, no failure is allowed!

Wang Xingbang finally finished reading the document.Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrades, this provincial quality education on-site meeting is an important opportunity to showcase Dongzhou education. Different occasions have expressed the desire to hold a quality education on-site meeting. As Dongzhou educators, we have no reason to disappoint the two top leaders, and there is no reason not to hold this quality education on-site meeting. Today is the 11th, and it seems There are still 11 days of preparation time, but I sorted it out just now, and it is simply overwhelming. These 11 days should be said to be very tense. What we have to do is to form a preliminary The plan should be reported to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government for final decision. At the same time, the relevant preparatory work must not be stopped, but must be accelerated. Comrades, please share your views and see how we can do it once. A successful on-site meeting, hold a wonderful on-site meeting, win glory for Dongzhou education, and not discredit Dongzhou!"

The hall was silent.The members of the party committee and section chiefs sat there like logs.In such a serious situation, who would dare to talk nonsense?If one sentence is wrong, I am afraid that my life will be gone.Of course, some people didn't dare to make trouble, but they took a wait-and-see attitude, waiting to see Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan's jokes.Some people even wished that this quality education on-site meeting would be ruined, and Zhai Xinwen would be removed from the stage to replace him; Fang Yuan would be removed from the stage to vent their hatred!

Zhai Xinwen said: "Everyone speak up." No one spoke.Zhai Xinwen said: "Only by brainstorming can we learn from everyone's strengths. In this way, according to the order of the party committee members, every comrade has to say something." Sun Hongjun glanced at Zhai Xinwen, then unconsciously glanced at Fangyuan, and said, "I firmly support Any decision made by the party committee of the Bureau, and any task assigned to me, I will definitely do my best to complete it, and will not lose the chain from me."

Zhai Xinwen nodded. Sun Hongjun was still able to stand up and be reliable at critical moments.Zou Zhigang said: "If you want to hold a successful quality education on-site meeting, you must have real materials. Just one or two lessons can't explain how successful our city will be in implementing quality education on-site." Everyone can hear it. Zou Zhigang was mocking Fangyuan.It seems that Zou Zhigang has lost face in the recent bureau meetings, and he still remembers it in his heart.Zou Zhigang said: "The on-site quality education meeting will undoubtedly show what quality education is, and what work innovations and work characteristics our city has in implementing quality education in an all-round way. In my impression, in recent years, apart from the one or two classes, It seems that there is nothing that can convince the governor, the director of education, the directors of education bureaus of various cities, and the education colleagues in brother cities. Therefore, I think that there is no real material for this quality education on-site meeting. hard."

I'm pouring cold water on it!Kong Lili was the first to be dissatisfied.At this critical moment, Zou Zhigang, an old man, not only did not support Zhai Xinwen, but also said such depressing words!Fortunately, Zhai Xinwen gave up Han Suzhen's car to him, and thanks to Zhai Xinwen, he recommended him to be promoted to the division level.Kong Lili said: "Director Zou, now that you are in charge, and you are also riding in the car of the chief, you never thought about it, how did all this come about?" Zou Zhigang blushed and said, "Of course I understand this. I will Go all out, support Director Zhai, and work hard to hold this quality education on-site meeting well. But what I said is also true. In the past few years, I really lack the solid confidence to show it." Kong Lili is not polite: "In the past few years, if Without a strong foundation, it is because the director in charge of education and teaching lacks in action. I don’t know who has been in charge of quality education in recent years.”

Zou Zhigang couldn't sit still for a while, stood up, and pointed at Kong Lili, "Xiao Kong, what do you mean?" Kong Lili said, "Director Zou, I didn't say anything. What do you mean by me? Guilty or lack of confidence?" Zou Zhigang said It stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to fight back against Kong Lili.How did he know that Kong Lili loved Zhai Xinwen to the bone, and whoever was not good or unfavorable to Zhai Xinwen would be a thorn in Kong Lili's eyes and a thorn in her flesh.Protecting Zhai Xinwen has become Kong Lili's least conscious and willing subconscious behavior.

Zou Zhigang sat down angrily.Zhai Xinwen is very grateful to Kong Lili.Ordinarily, Zou Zhigang, as an old comrade, treated him well. He was given a Buick car to sit in, and he sat in the old red flag that he used to sit in when he was a secretary. Besides Han Suzhen, the fourth director-level cadre.Among other things, the salary was raised by more than 700 yuan at once.At this critical moment, when Zou Zhigang made such a fuss, Zhai Xinwen was really angry. Zhai Xinwen even regretted that he should not be recommended as the chief inspector, and there was no need for a white-eyed wolf to sit in the Buick car.

Zhai Xinwen was obviously able to hold his breath: "Continue to discuss. What's your opinion with the director?" Heping said: "Last week, the city's elementary and middle school students' sports five-athlon league started. Sports are an important part of quality education. I think , Can you properly display the in-depth development of our sports work in the quality education on-site meeting?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Excellent student sports competitions can be used as the display content of the quality education on-site meeting, but they must be exciting." Peace Encouraged: "I would like to invite the leaders to watch a basketball game. Maybe several venues start at the same time. The leaders can watch whichever game they want to watch. In addition, I would like to invite the leaders to watch the table tennis game. This is also very exciting. Soccer, volleyball and ball, forget it." Zhai Xinwen said: "Only the wonderful can be used as the content of the show. Do you have confidence with the director in this regard?" Heping said: "This weekend, there will be another round For games, I focus on watching basketball and table tennis matches, and pay attention to suitable candidates or teams. Director Zhai, I have served as a political commissar in the army for a long time, and I often receive inspections from army leaders. I still have some experience in this regard." Zhai Xinwen smiled. He said: "Okay. I am absolutely assured of the director's ability." He Heping said: "Then I will have a good discussion with section chief Zhang Yuanqing this week to see how to handle this matter well." Zhai Xinwen looked at the situation in the back row Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yuanqing, in this matter, we must cooperate with the director to do a good job." Zhang Yuanqing stood up: "Please rest assured, the director, I will definitely support and cooperate with the director's work."

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