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2843.1646. Song Yunsheng's Worry

In the mayor's office, Zhai Xinwen respectfully reported to Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong.In front of Song Yunsheng, Zhai Xinwen didn't dare to hide the truth, and told the truth in detail.After reporting the situation, Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor and Mayor Deng, please criticize me seriously. I have failed the expectations of your two chiefs."

Song Yunsheng laughed: "It's not easy to be a parent anywhere! In a multi-child family, who can guarantee that the children will not quarrel? As a parent, you must be responsible for not managing well, but I It is necessary to distinguish the main body of responsibility. I think this matter is already very clear. Zou Zhigang is dissatisfied with Yuan Yuan, so he uses it to make excuses; Zou Zhigang slapped Heping, and he returned two slaps. Xinwen, do you see what I'm talking about?"

Zhai Xinwen admired him sincerely: "Mayor, I am a tax thieves. I have a lot of money, money, money, buckets, and pharynxes! I am lying on the ground! 10 抏敖匦 guanidine w 岽 lures a friend to hold a male 18 プ", sincerely travel!Barium cough, fight fiber, bear bone, let go, bad door, ask harmony, bucklemon, shallow 3 chisel, mold B, pyrene!He lies down, takes the lead, fights fresh, apologizes, falcons, etc. play fresh and so on.Barium cough, fight fiber, bear bone, eight lights, vulture, Wo cavity, Jia Wenxie and fat stool

Seeing the harmonious and relaxed atmosphere, Zhai Xinwen felt nervous.However, this matter has a great social impact. Mayor Song and Mayor Deng still treat themselves the same, which does not mean that others have no ideas.Maybe Bi Quanli is taking this opportunity to put a hat on Zhai Xinwen!The bureau chiefs of the brother bureau don't know how they will look at this matter.

Zhai Xinwen cautiously said: "Mayor, Mayor Deng, I still have some concerns." Song Yunsheng waved his hand: "The pure will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. Don't be afraid of rumors, and don't be afraid of Zhang's parents and Li's family. New article , we are currently doing something that is beneficial to the country, Dongzhou, and the people. It is not easy! To put it bluntly, which cadre who really wants to do something does not have a bunch of reports? In Dongzhou, There may not be my report letter; but in the Qingjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is estimated that the report letter about me is at least one foot thick. Many ordinary people in China hate the rich and officials, so they like to read negative reports about officials, but they also read How many real officials have they seen? They portray officials as filthy, but they are all based on imagination. Just say me, since I became the mayor, I can’t go home once in a few months, there are no weekends, and I work overtime at night to read documents, It is also commonplace to hold meetings to study problems. Why do I work so hard? It is for the party, for the people, and to live up to the party and the people. I was put on the post of mayor of Dongzhou City, so I forgot to eat and sleep. Xingang, Dongzhou The embryonic form has been seen. In the future, Dongzhou Port will change from the current river port with an annual throughput of 2000 million tons to a large seaport with a throughput of over [-] million tons. This is not just a matter of increasing throughput. It will bring about a series of effects. First of all, port affairs can generate a large amount of local tax revenue; secondly, Dongzhou is a major foreign trade city, and with its own [-] million-ton port, Dongzhou’s foreign trade does not need to be transshipped through cities like Shanghai and Ningbo; more importantly, with Gangxing City has become the consensus of many countries and cities in the world. Most of the world's major cities that have truly developed are located along the coast or along the river. Dongzhou needs to rely on Coastal advantages, construction of large ports. In addition, through port construction, a large number of jobs have been brought in, tax revenue generated by infrastructure construction has been brought, and port-side processing industry, port logistics industry, seaport import and export industry, foreign trade and The rapid development of many industries and parks, such as the cargo loan industry, has had a profound and positive impact on Dongzhou City. This port construction can also reduce the operating costs of enterprises, such as Dongsheng Sewing Machine. In the past, exports had to bypass Shanghai, but now they can be exported from Dongzhou. What does it mean that the state and port are directly exported to all over the world? It means that the cost of a single sewing machine has been reduced by at least several hundred or even several thousand yuan. The reduction in cost can improve the competitiveness of the company's products."

Zhai Xinwen listened to Song Yunsheng's high-level vision and smooth talk, and couldn't help but admire Song Yunsheng's broad vision and strong overall awareness.But Zhai Xinwen didn't understand why Song Yunsheng was involved in the port.At this time, flattery must keep up, not to mention that this is also what is in my heart.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, your hard work spirit is a role model for Xinwen to learn from." Song Yunsheng said: "I tell you this, not to brag. I want to tell you that even if I work so hard for Dongzhou and People in Dongzhou work, but there are still a large number of people who are dissatisfied with me. There are constant rumors in the society, and letters of report from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. If there are rumors and letters of report, I will be afraid and dare not let go Now that I am working, can I live up to the training of the Party and the expectations of the people? New article! You are a good comrade in doing things. When doing things, as long as they are beneficial to the party and the people and the development of Dongzhou’s education, Others just talk about you, criticize you, and tell you some gossip, so what is it? You have to trust the higher-level party organization, who is really doing things and who is making trouble, Yun Cong and I are very serious Clear. The incident that happened in your bureau will inevitably cause a lot of uproar within the agency. Is it terrible? As long as I recognize you and understand you, even if someone wants to use this incident to make a little trouble, what kind of disturbance can it cause? "

Zhai Xinwen's heart is now fully restored.Zhai Xinwen said gratefully: "Mayor, I must work hard and strive to achieve more results in 2008, to win glory for Dongzhou City, for you and Mayor Deng." Song Yunsheng said: "The provincial quality education meeting must be held. Success. I specially approved funds to support Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in updating teaching facilities, hoping that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will shock other cities with its first-class education and teaching facilities. Our education in Dongzhou cannot fall behind other cities.” Zhai Xinwen said : "Yes, when I go back, I will instruct the relevant departments to speed up the update and put it into use as soon as possible." Song Yunsheng said: "Xinwen, this time the provincial quality education on-site meeting, Mayor Deng and I will participate in the official meeting of the on-site meeting. Zhai Xinwen was excited: "Thank you, Mayor Deng, for your support for education and Xinwen." Song Yunsheng said, "Has Dongzhou Education never received such a large-scale event?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes "Song Yunsheng said: "Reception work is very important. The municipal government often does some large-scale reception activities, and it has a lot of experience. Looking back, I will ask the Secretary-General of Huayou to contact you. According to the instructions of the municipal government reception A few comrades, work with you to study and arrange the reception work, okay?" Zhai Xinwen was grateful: "I am so grateful to the mayor. With the support of the reception office of the municipal government, we will definitely do a good job in the reception work." Song Yunsheng said: "After all Vice Governor Qu is coming. Although he is not a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he still has a great say in the province. I can help you if you do a good job in reception. How to demonstrate the results of Dongzhou City's comprehensive implementation of quality education? It depends on the comrades in education, you have to read the new articles."

Excitement and stress go hand in hand.Zhai Xinwen pursed his lips and said solemnly: "Mayor, Mayor Deng, I will do my best." Song Yunsheng said: "I believe in Xinwen. Since the main position of the quality education on-site meeting is Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, we must play well. The role of cadres and teachers in the 5th Middle School is to train our education cadres, especially young reserve cadres, through such large-scale activities, and promote them to grow up better and faster." Zhai Xinwen understood Song Yunsheng's words and said quickly: "Comrade Fangyuan is A very capable comrade, although young, has ideas, methods, and innovations. This morning, Fang Yuan reported to me the ideas of the quality education on-site meeting in No. 5 Middle School. If it is implemented as expected, then there will be a good result in the field of quality education.”

Song Yunsheng was very interested: "Oh? Fangyuan already has an idea? This little guy!" Zhai Xinwen reported Fangyuan's idea to Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong.After hearing this, Song Yunsheng said: "The general framework is good, but it is very rough and needs to be refined. I have a few suggestions for your reference in education." Zhai Xinwen quickly took out his pen and notebook, and recorded carefully.Standing at the height of the whole city, Song Yunsheng talked about his supplementary opinions, and what Zhai Xinwen listened to was delighted: This is the level of the mayor, and this is exactly the height of the mayor.How can such a mayor not be admired?

After Song Yunsheng finished his opinion, he said to Deng Yuncong: "Yun Cong, do you have any ideas? Tell Xinwen. In this way, Xinwen's conception will be perfected, and the thinking will be clearer. The thinking of the chief education officer will be clear. , Even if there are a few foolish and troublesome officials below, it will not damage the major events and affect the overall situation." Deng Yuncong said: "Mayor Song, I can't think of the ideas you are thinking. I still need to digest your ideas. Opinions!" Song Yunsheng laughed loudly: "Yun Cong, Yun Cong, between us, do we still need such words?" Deng Yuncong said seriously: "What is a strategic plan? I think this is it." Song Yunsheng said: "Among us , don’t talk about this.” But his eyes still told Zhai Xinwen that Song Yunsheng liked Deng Yuncong’s words very much.Heh, Mayor Deng's flattery may seem clumsy, but it works!I have to learn from Mayor Deng in the future.

Song Yunsheng said: "Xinwen, I understand that you usually attach great importance to Fangyuan." Zhai Xinwen said: "Fangyuan is indeed very capable and is a good material for doing things." Song Yunsheng said: "If you should focus on training, focus on training. Use it freely. In the current situation, you treat Fang Yuan as your successor to train and use him. In the future, you will be promoted to deputy city or retired. Dongzhou Education, a big stall, always needs someone The latecomers will be able to stand up."

Zhai Xinwen was surprised: This is the first time that Song Yunsheng has expressed his opinion of cultivating Fangyuan so clearly and clearly. Although he has been to the No. 5 Middle School many times to be a "platform" for Fangyuan, this time, he has reached the point.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, don't worry, I will follow your instructions and cultivate Fang Yuan carefully so that he can grow and mature as soon as possible." Song Yunsheng said: "Fang Yuan is very similar to me when I was young! Dare to think and do it , Not afraid of things, dare to take responsibility, capable, self-motivated, these are the qualities that a future chief officer must possess. Xinwen, don't have other thoughts in your heart, and helping Fangyuan will only benefit you, not It's bad." Zhai Xinwen was secretly surprised: "Yes, the mayor." Song Yunsheng pointedly: "Now, there are many leaders who pay attention to Fangyuan, not only from the city, but also from the province."

And the province?Is Confucius Field just a decoration?Zhai Xinwen's inner shock cannot be expressed in words.But Song Yunsheng stopped talking, and changed the topic: "Xinwen, hasn't Mayor Bi reported yet?" Zhai Xinwen said, "Yes, I rushed to your place as soon as possible." Song Yunsheng Nodded: "I have seen your performance. In the future, the procedure that should be explained is still to be discussed. We can't let others accuse you of stepping over the pot." Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, I will definitely follow the mayor's instructions in the future. follow the procedures." Song Yunsheng said: "Go, I still have some things to discuss with Mayor Yuncong."

Zhai Xinwen bid farewell respectfully and left.Song Yunsheng pointed to the east side, and said, "I don't know what that means?" Deng Yuncong said, "If you go to war before the on-site quality education meeting, I'm afraid it will affect the morale of the army and affect stability! If the quality education on-site meeting can be done If it is not successful, the negative impact on the province will be great!" Song Yunsheng said: "Yes! Qu Bitong is a big mouth, and if he successfully organizes the quality education on-site meeting, there will definitely be a lot of positive publicity for Dongzhou; if it fails, the new Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee who came here will definitely have opinions on the cadres of Dongzhou, this is a burden that you and I cannot bear!" Deng Yuncong said: "Yes!" Song Yunsheng said: "The reason why I arranged comrades from the Municipal Government Reception Office Going to help the Education Bureau is not only helping Xinwen, but also helping ourselves!" Deng Yuncong said: "This quality education scene will only succeed, not fail." Song Yunsheng said: "That's right. Xiao Bi, You can communicate with him again. Since Xiao Bi was in charge of education, he has obviously been at odds with Xin Wen. Xin Wen is strong, and Xiao Bi is also strong. Two strong people are together, and Xiao Bi is young. Contradictions. I am very worried that Xiao Bi will attack Zou Zhigang and He Heping before the on-site quality education meeting, and punish Zhai Xinwen as a side effect. This will definitely shake the morale of the army!" Deng Yuncong said: "This is indeed a problem. However, Xiao Bi It seems that I don’t want me to intervene in education.” Song Yunsheng said: “You are the executive deputy mayor, and you can take care of all aspects. This quality education site may not seem like a big deal, but it will have a big impact. Tomorrow, there will be a mayor’s office meeting. To be clear, in the process of preparing for the quality education on-site meeting, you are the team leader, let Bi Quanli be the deputy team leader, and you will unify this matter." Deng Yuncong said: "Okay, this will be justified."

Song Yunsheng said: "I don't know what the east side means. If the east side also wants to move, at this standing committee, we must stick to our point of view and fight hard!" Deng Yuncong said: "Should we sit together today and then communicate?" Song Yunsheng said: "First understand the direction of the wind. Wang Guodong is not very capable, but he has a good political outlook. At critical times, he can put stability first. The Bureau of Letters and Calls and the Office of the Joint Meeting of the Municipal Party Committee are all departments of the Municipal Party Committee. After all, the responsibility for maintaining stability lies with the Municipal Party Committee, and the responsibility for economic development lies with the government. I believe that in the critical year of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wang Guodong's behavior style , In the matter of the Education Bureau, I guess he will also consider the issue of punishment after the on-site quality education meeting." Deng Yuncong praised: "Yunsheng, you know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles!" Song Yunsheng smiled and said: " If you don't know Wang Guodong well, Wang Guodong has already interfered in various government affairs. Isn't it not easy to be a mayor? After all, he is the second in command in the sequence, but being the second in command doesn't mean he can't be the first in command. Role. I also have role models. Dali said that the current member of the Politburo and former Dalian Mayor Bo is a role model; Xiaoli said that Mayor Xu of Shenzhen is not the city government and various departments. If you don’t go in, can’t the water go in?”

Deng Yuncong said: "Mayor Xu of Shenzhen is indeed very capable. The secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee is also the deputy secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and his rank is there, but the Shenzhen Municipal Government is indeed dominated by Xu Jiajun, and the heads of various departments follow Mayor Xu's lead. "Song Yunsheng said worriedly: "Yes, the government departments of our city used to be monolithic, but they have recently felt signs of loosening. Wang Guodong is not good at doing business and focusing on the economy, but he is still very good at political sneak attacks and win-wins. .Now, I haven't found a good solution yet. With the Education Bureau, you and I have grasped it tightly and held it." Deng Yuncong said: "Understood."

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