Director's growth history

2850.1651, Song Yunsheng walks the catwalk

After visiting the calligraphy and painting classrooms, Song Yunsheng said: "Students' aesthetic quality can reach such a high level, which fully shows that the art education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is well carried out. These calligraphy and painting works have reached a considerable artistic level. Very good. Aesthetic education is very important to the healthy growth of students. If you love beautiful things, you will pursue a bright future; if you love beautiful things, you will love life more. This is the significance of aesthetic education.” Fang Yuan said: “Dongzhou 5 In the future, we will definitely pay more attention to aesthetic education and create the artistic characteristics of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School." Song Yunsheng said: "I remember that this year's National People's Congress, Political Association, and your school also had a New Year's concert, which was well done." Fang Yuan said : "Mayor, in order to welcome the quality education on-site meeting, the principal of our school organized a rehearsal of a cultural evening performance completely performed by students, and prepared to display the results of quality education during the quality education on-site meeting. It will be rehearsed at 4:10 this afternoon and carefully crafted. If the mayor has time, I would like to ask you, Mayor Bi, and Secretary-General Xu to give on-site guidance." Song Yunsheng said: "Okay , then I want to see this rehearsal." Fang Yuan said: "After 4:10, the school's second classroom interest group activities have been launched, and all city leaders are invited to visit and guide." Song Yunsheng said: "Okay, let me borrow this If there is an opportunity, I want to see how far the school has prepared for the quality education scene."

After visiting the Science and Technology Gadgets Classroom, Song Yunsheng said: "The General Secretary once said that science and technology is the inexhaustible source of power for the nation. The General Secretary also once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. I am very touched by the inventions of these students in State No. 5: These young people have such innovative consciousness and creative spirit, Dongzhou has a more promising future. Director Xinwen hopes that all schools in Dongzhou will vigorously carry out science and technology education for young people , so that the future of Dongzhou will be more creative." Zhai Xinwen said: "We must implement the spirit of the mayor's instructions and strengthen the science and technology education of primary and secondary school students throughout the city." Song Yunsheng said: "I think this year we can organize a youth Science and Technology Innovation Contest! If the funds from the Education Bureau are not enough, please report to me and apply for special funds! At that time, I will participate in the award ceremony of the Youth Science and Technology Innovation Contest." Zhai Xinwen suppressed his excitement and said, "Yes, the Municipal We must not fail to live up to the great love of the elders for education. After returning to the game, we will study the implementation opinions and activity plans of the Dongzhou Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, and report to the mayor and mayor Bi after it is released." Bi Quanquan watched coldly, feeling dissatisfied : Why don't you, Song Yunsheng, be the deputy mayor in charge of education.

After visiting the students' pottery exhibition room, Song Yunsheng asked: "Are all these works made by students?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes." Song Yunsheng said: "Although the overall level of ceramic art is not high, it is true." Fang Yuan reported: "The production of these pottery works began on March 3. This is the proposal of the vice president of our school, Qiu Zhengxuan, and it has only been carried out for 1 days. We plan to carry it out for a long time. At the same time, for the continuous emergence of new students We will gradually replace some low-level works." Song Yunsheng said: "Is there any significance in displaying these ceramic works?" Fang Yuan said: "Moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor are the five points of quality education. □□requirements; cultivating students' hands-on ability and innovative spirit is an important connotation of quality education in the new era. Making pottery is first a kind of labor practice, which embodies the "labor" in the five requirements; secondly, it is also cultivating students' Hands-on ability and innovative spirit, to make pottery, you have to move the mud yourself, which is of great benefit to training students' hand-eye coordination ability and hands-on operation ability; at the same time, every pottery work contains the creation of students, which has It is conducive to the cultivation of students' innovative spirit; finally, it can also reflect aesthetic, intellectual and moral education." Song Yunsheng said: "Oh? Let's hear it." Fang Yuan said: "Any piece of ceramic art, whether it is exquisite or rough, is It embodies the students' aesthetic pursuit and literacy, which is aesthetic education; any ceramic work requires students to use their brains to think about what kind of ceramic work to make and how to realize the ceramic work, which is intellectual education; the production of many ceramic works This is moral education." Song Yunsheng said with a sigh: "Small pottery, big world! If you are an expert in education, after seeing these pottery works, can you feel the connotation of quality education? Is it fully reflected in the body? Director Xinwen, this question is worth pondering! I think the Education Bureau should also consider when arranging visits to other schools, whether it can show the connotation of quality education in all aspects like pottery making meaningful content.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Yes, I must follow the spirit of the mayor’s instructions to choose the most suitable school and the project that can best reflect quality education, and demonstrate the achievements of Dongzhou’s comprehensive implementation of quality education.”

After visiting the computer classroom and the phonetic classroom, Zhai Xinwen expressed his thanks to Song Yunsheng on behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau.Song Yunsheng said: "No matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education. In the party's political report, the general secretary put education at the top of the people's livelihood. I still remember the symposium where the general secretary met with representatives of outstanding teachers across the country on August 2007, 8. , It also pointed out the importance of education for the revitalization of the country. The general secretary said that in today's world, economic globalization is developing in depth, science and technology are advancing with each passing day, international competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and knowledge has increasingly become a decisive factor in improving comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness , talent resources are becoming more and more strategic resources to promote economic and social development, and the basic, leading, and overall status and role of education are more prominent. The future development of China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depend on talents in the final analysis. The foundation lies in education. Education is the basic way to improve the people's ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality, and is the basic project for developing science and technology and cultivating talents. Vigorously developing education is the key to giving full play to the advantages of our country's human resources, building an innovative country, and accelerating social development. The inevitable choice of socialist modernization. As the mayor of Dongzhou, I will pay attention to education and attach importance to education at all times. Education is a great achievement for the present and future. Many local leaders, considering that the term of office is only 31 years , I often like to do some short-term and quick political performance projects, and the emphasis on education is often only in words, not in reality. I don't want to be such a mayor. I hope that some of the things I do can benefit the long-term development of Dongzhou For example, the strategic layout of "establishing the port and prospering the city" proposed by me to build the Dongzhou river port into a seaport of 5 million tons may not see benefits in the short term, but in the long run, it will have a profound impact on the development of Dongzhou in all aspects ;For example, the construction of urban expressways I am working on now requires a lot of investment, but I have to see that the Ou River blocks the urban area of ​​Dongzhou City, and the narrow streets that were originally most suitable for running Fiat Beetle cars face the rapid economic development. Development, in the face of the rapid increase of vehicles, has highlighted the importance of expressway construction. The same is true for education. Although it may not be easy to reflect political achievements in the short term, I am still willing to invest more financial funds and energy. Emphasis on education, so that young people in Dongzhou can receive high-quality education, so that the people can be truly satisfied with Dongzhou education!"

The sonorous and powerful words not only shook the hearts of Fang Yuan and others, but also resonated with the reporters.A mayor who values ​​education is worthy of people's respect.However, Mayor Song's strategic layout of "Ligang Xingcheng" and the construction of urban expressways are indeed of great significance to the future development of Dongzhou.This is not a face project, but a long-term project that benefits the market and the people!

In the conference room, Song Yunsheng listened to Zhai Xinwen's work report on the preparation of the quality education on-site meeting on behalf of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, and listened to the work report on the preparation of the quality education on-site meeting made by Fang Yuan on behalf of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.After listening to the report, Song Yunsheng said: "Comrades, today I came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for research. On the one hand, I learned about the situation of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and Dongzhou Education Bureau preparing for the provincial quality education on-site meeting. Just now, through on-site inspections, through listening to Comrade Xinwen and Comrade Fangyuan’s reports, I think the comrades in Dongzhou Education have done a lot of work, which is fruitful. I hope that the comrades in education can make persistent efforts and work hard for another 10 days to make this Once the quality education in Qingjiang Province will be held, a conference will be held to showcase Dongzhou's education and Dongzhou's success, so that Dongzhou can be displayed in front of the people of the whole province with a brand-new image!"

The recording pen and the video camera recorded every word of Song Yunsheng's speech.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor, please rest assured. On behalf of all the comrades of Dongzhou Education, I solemnly promise to the mayor that we will work [-]% to strive for a successful quality education on-site meeting!"

Song Yunsheng said: "I came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School today for another important purpose. This has nothing to do with the quality education on-site meeting, but I think it is very important. Yesterday's Dongzhou Daily, Dongzhou Evening News, and Dongzhou Morning News all Published Dongzhou No. 5 middle school teachers and students in conjunction with monks and Tibetans beating, smashing, looting, and burning violent incidents in Lhasa, Tibet, and carried out patriotic education for students. After reading these reports, I was very moved. I think Dongzhou The cadres and teachers of the No. 5 Middle School are able to go ahead of the whole country and the whole city, carry out patriotic education with a clear-cut banner, and criticize Tibetan monks, Tibetans and other separatist forces for beating, smashing, looting, and burning violence. This in itself is a firm stand. A clear statement. Patriotism must be grasped from the youth. In this regard, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has done a good job. I am here today to represent the municipal party committee and government. Thank you Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for seizing any opportunity. Provide solid and effective patriotic education to students. What I want to say is that my position and the position of the Dongzhou Municipal Government are completely consistent with the positions of the cadres, teachers and students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!"

Fang Yuan did not expect Song Yunsheng's words, nor did the reporters, nor did Bi Quanli, Zhai Xinwen and others. Everyone's eyes were all focused on one person's face, and this person was Fang Yuan.

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