Director's growth history

2852.1652. The thoughts of different people

When Chen Qiuping returned to her office, she called Lu Zhenghong.After hearing Chen Qiuping's report, Lu Zhenghong said: "Fang Ju is really an admirable person. Although he is young, he is so mature and stable." Chen Qiuping said: "Yes, if you are immature and not stable, how can you be promoted? So fast?" Lu Zhenghong said: "Xiao Chen, if you have time recently, sister will treat you to dinner. You are the office director of Fang Bureau, and you have the most contact with Fang Bureau, and you should have the deepest understanding. You can chat casually with sister, How should I get along with Fang Ju in the future." Chen Qiuping smiled wryly: Could it be that Lu Zhenghong also has thoughts similar to hers?Alas, I can't find a better way to get close to Fangyuan, so can I still "teach" Lu Zhenghong?

Lu Zhenghong received a call from Fangyuan: "Teacher Lu, I'm Fangyuan." Lu Zhenghong cheered up 12 points: "Fang Bureau, what instructions do you have?" Lu Zhenghong loudly raised his voice, Teng Feiyue , Jia Liang, and Lou Gang stopped what they were doing and listened.Fang Yuan said: "Dongzhou No. 5 High School's publicity has been very good these days, and I would like to express my gratitude to you." Lu Zhenghong said loudly: "Fang Bureau, I am your soldier in charge. It is not right to do such a small thing. Is it?" Fang Yuan said: "Before the end of the quality education on-site meeting, Dongzhou No. 5 High School's publicity must continue and keep up. This requires you to coordinate and communicate with Principal Ruan and Director Chen, and you need your help." Lu Zhenghong said loudly: "Please don't worry Fang Bureau, I will definitely contact Principal Ruan and Xiao Chen Duo to ensure that the publicity is in place." Fang Yuan said: "When publicizing, one should say one, and another should say two. Don't exaggerate You can’t make up stories.” Lu Zhenghong said, “Understood.” Fang Yuan said, “After the on-site meeting on quality education is over, I’ll invite the media reporters to dinner. You can contact and make arrangements.” Lu Zhenghong said: "Thank you Fang Bureau for supporting my work. I believe that if all the reporters hear that it is Fang Bureau's treat, they will definitely arrive as soon as they are called." Fang Yuan smiled: "It is your Teacher Lu's face to be able to call them! "Lu Zhenghong said: "Fang Ju is overrated."

After hanging up the phone call from Fangyuan, Lu Zhenghong felt quite confident.Teng Feiyue and the others resumed their work, as if no one was listening to Lu Zhenghong's call from Fangyuan.Lu Zhenghong grabbed the phone in the office and dialed the Dongzhou TV reporter: "I said, sister, I read your news about Mayor Song last night. Generally speaking, it is very good. If you can improve it a little bit It would be better to highlight Eastern State No. 5."

Fang Yuan didn't have much time to carefully consider the influence of this "Dongzhou Daily", but Fang Yuan knew that the friendly photo of himself and Song Yunsheng would definitely leave room for some people to imagine.OK, let them think about it.Fang Yuan was really too busy. After finishing the Chinese class, Fang Yuan called Ruan Shaoxiu to learn about the progress of the school's quality education promotional video; he also called Na Hong to exchange some questions with Na Hong after watching the program rehearsal yesterday. Opinion: Qiu Zhengxuan was called again and asked that March 3th is a holiday for product quality, such an important current affairs festival, what kind of education should be given to students?Is it possible to incorporate research learning into it, and establish students' awareness of anti-counterfeiting, quality awareness, and rights protection awareness from an early age?Fangyuan called Chen Qiuping again, and together with Qiu Zhengxuan, they studied how to publicize and report on the 15 holiday; they also called Ruan Shaoxiu, how to incorporate the activities of the 315 publicity day into quality education promotional videos.One thing after another, it was noon.

While eating lunch, I received a call from Chi Liping. At this time, Fang Yuan and Yang Fang were having dinner while learning about the ideological stability of the teachers in the school.Fang Yuan mainly listens, Yang Fang mainly talks.Seeing Chi Liping's number, Fangyuan immediately disconnected, letting Yang Fang continue talking.Back in the office, I received a call from Teng Feiyue: "Fang Bureau, the first draft of the script for the quality education on-site meeting has been written. I wonder when you will have time to come to the bureau to review it?" Fang Yuan said, "So soon?" Teng Feiyue said: "Lou Gang and I worked a few overtime classes on the task assigned by the bureau, and worked out a first draft first." Fang Yuan said, "How do you arrange dinner tonight?" Teng Feiyue said, "Principal Ruan asked Lou Gang and I worked overtime and went to the restaurant opposite the Education Bureau to have dinner and sign the contract." Fang Yuan said, "Okay. If the reimbursement is not very convenient in the bureau, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will do the reimbursement. You must eat well to work well. .I'll go to the Education Bureau right away to read the first draft of the script. By the way, how is the preparation work for the province's demonstration counties governing education by law? How are the preparations for the application for demonstration schools governing education by law?" Teng Feiyue said: " I have been busy with quality education promotional videos for the past few days, so I can’t take care of them right now, so I have to ask Jia Liang.” Fang Yuan said, “Is Jia Liang in?” Teng Feiyue said, “Yes. Jia Liang, you answer the call from Fang Bureau "Although Jia Liang now has hatred for Fang Yuan, he is very honest: "Fang Bureau, what instructions do you have?" Fang Yuan asked: "How is the preparatory work for the province's demonstration counties governing education by law? Apply for a demonstration school for governing education by law. How is the preparation going?" Jia Liang said, "It's being done." Fang Yuan said, "My requirements for this job are very simple. Anyone who declares must be successful. Are you sure about this?" Jia Liang said: " I’m [-]% sure.” Fang Yuan said, “No, it must be [-]% sure. Mr. Jia, if the units you recommend don’t succeed, no one else will be affected, only you will be affected. I think, It may be difficult for you to find the problem while sitting in the office, I hope that in the latest stage, you will go through this Jiangnan County and several schools that have applied for it, find out the problem in time, rectify it in time, and ensure that one is declared and one is successful." Jia Liang said, "I would like to go, but I don't have a car!" Fang Yuan said, "Do you have a car? You take your car, and I will reimburse you for gas and tolls." Jia Liang said, "Thank you, Fang Ju. It’s not appropriate to use a private car for public use.” Jia Liang actually had another reason in mind: to go down by himself, even though he was just a staff member, he would definitely invite him to eat and drink.If you drink alcohol, you can't drive. Why do you drive down?Fang Yuan said: "Okay, then I will go to the Education Bureau soon, contact Director Wang Xingbang, and ask him to arrange a car. You must go through this Jiangnan County and all the schools that have applied for it, and rectify all the problems found. In addition, the application materials must be All the applicants must pass the customs. This is my job requirement." Jia Liang said: "Okay, I will do my best." Having said that, Jia Liang still felt the heavy pressure.Damn, working under Fang Yuan's hands, I'm so fucking exhausted!Your requirements are so high, have you considered the life and death of others?

Jia Liang scolded Fang Yuan ten thousand times in his heart, but he could only be honest and respectful: "Thank you Fang Bureau for your support. With Fang Bureau's support, I am more confident in completing a good job."

After Fangyuan made this call, he called Zhang Guoliang again: "Guoliang, get the car ready, I'm going to the Education Bureau." After packing all the bags, she suddenly remembered that she missed Chi Liping's call during dinner, so she quickly used the landline to call Chi Liping. Liping dialed: "Xiao Chi, you called me just now. I was discussing work with other comrades." Chi Liping sobbed softly: "I thought you would never talk to me again." Fangyuan heard Chi Liping's voice The sound of crying made my heart suddenly soften: "Xiaochi, why do you think like this? Xiaochi, Xiaochi, why don't you talk? Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry, why would I ignore you? I was really busy with work just now I've been so busy these days." Chi Liping said: "I saw today's "Dongzhou Daily" and saw a photo of you and Mayor Song Yunsheng. I'm so happy for you .I want to call you to congratulate you." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Xiaochi." Chi Liping said with a caring tone, "You are so busy, you must pay attention to your health!" Fang Yuan said: " It's okay, I'm young and in good health." Chi Liping's voice was even more tender and sweet: "That's not okay, a body made of iron can't withstand long-term overwork. I hope you are a healthy and energetic Fangyuan!" Fangyuan Warmed by these gentle words, my heart is as soft and tolerant as cotton: "Xiaochi, it is an honor in my life to have a confidant like you!" Chi Liping said, "Thank you, Fangyuan. As long as you ignore me, I will I treat you wholeheartedly. Dear, no matter how busy you are, remember me. You haven’t called me for four days. When she is completely occupied by a man, she only thinks about this man in her heart. If this man ignores her, she will lose her soul. I feel like I have lost my soul now. "

A sense of masculine pride rose in Fang Yuan's heart: Heh, there is such a beautiful, gentle, considerate, and understanding lady who puts Fang Yuan in such an important position, just because he hasn't called for 4 days. My heart is lost, like I have lost my soul... How deep is this love!Fang Yuan said: "I will try my best to call you every day." Chi Liping seemed to be very happy: "Okay. Even if I can't meet every day, as long as I hear your voice, my heart will be at ease."

Before he knew it, a phone call every day became a shackle around Fangyuan's neck.

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