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2857.1657, Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee

On March 3th, in the face of the distorted reports of the Western media on the 14 beating, smashing, looting, and burning incidents in Tibet, China Central Television finally reported the incidents in Lhasa, Sichuan, Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and Qinghai for the first time after being late for a few days. He made comprehensive reports on a series of violent incidents caused by separatist forces that occurred in areas where Tibetans and Tibetan monks live in areas such as Tibet, Gansu, etc., held high the banner of patriotism, and inspired and aroused people across the country with the theme that the territory of the motherland must not be divided. □The indignation of the separatist forces, the indignation of those countries and media in the West that are hostile to China!The vivid TV images are the video reappearance of a vicious violent incident created by the separatist forces, allowing the majority of Chinese people and foreign people who can watch the programs of China Central Television to understand for the first time that in a state close to the truth What happened in Tibet, China.

Fighting back is 3 times better than covering up all the time, although this time CCTV countered the distortion of the Western media with the truth, it came a bit late.If we could give timely reports on the day when the rebellion happened on March 10, I am afraid that the international public opinion will not be monopolized by the lies of the Communists, and it will not be under the banner of impartiality by the US CNN and the British BBS. The Western media has the absolute upper hand, making people in many countries think that the Chinese army marched into Lhasa, Tibet, and carried out cruel rapes against Tibetans...

This is a consistent style in the field of Chinese news and publicity reports: When encountering something that is not glorious, you always like to cover it up first, until you can't cover it up, and then you can vaguely reveal it.In fact, the vast majority of domestic news media are willing to report on various incidents in the first place, but the propaganda department of the competent news media often uses groundless concerns as an excuse to be unwilling or even prevent the news media from reporting on these events. Covering events under cover.Reform and opening up emphasizes that thoughts and concepts must also keep pace with the times. In today's Internet era, what else can be covered and tightly covered?Instead of covering it up, it is better to tell the truth directly to the masses. This is also a manifestation of the masses' right to know, and it is also a deeper implementation of the purpose of governing for the people!What's more, like the beating, smashing, looting and burning incident in Lhasa, if the truth is announced earlier, it can not only effectively counter the malicious distortion and slander of the Chinese government and people by the Western media, but also arouse the strong patriotic feelings of the people of the whole country, and even more Recognize the ugly face of the Communist Party and the benevolence and morality of Buddhism, but in fact it is the true face of the separatist rebels, and you can understand every time the American Communist Party Foundation and the CIA organized by the Communist Party of China. What kind of behind-the-scenes supporter role did you play in the event?

At a critical moment when public opinion around the world is condemning Tibetans in China, the female speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Accompanied Xi (transliteration, homophonic, I believe everyone can understand) flew to Dharamsa, India, to speak to the one-handed director and producer of Tibet. The victims of the beating, smashing, looting, and burning incidents in Lhasa, Aba, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and other places extended their most cordial condolences and moral support, and of course sent a large amount of condolence money!These U.S. dollars are the activities funded by the country to support the Communist Party to further intensify the beating, smashing, looting, and burning incidents, as well as the air ticket money paid in advance to the Communist Party to seek sympathy and support from countries around the world.Of course, it must not be called activity funds. From the official and open point of view, this is the country’s condolences to the Communist Party and the Tibetan people. Remember, it is a condolence fund, not an activity fund for the government’s bluffing and deception; What is the fee? Only the United States and naked escorts know best.The face of the United States, and the face of the American news media CNN, are not exposed to the Chinese people together?Under the banner of dictatorship and holding high the big brand of justice, some Chinese people may be deceived for a while, but the Chinese people will not always be deceived by the beautiful slogans of dictatorship and justice.The Chinese people yearn for justice and justice, but they also have the wisdom to see the essence through the phenomenon, whether it is true or not, and whether it is really fair. With the performance of the US CNN and the speaker's nude accompaniment, its ugly face is gradually exposed true colors.The justice of the country is not true, and the justice of the country is not true justice. It should be said that it is deceptive to do unjust and unjust things under the banner of "fairness" and "justice". , but the facts speak louder than words. As the truth gradually emerges, the hypocrisy of the CNNs and naked escorts is undoubtedly exposed: they distort the truth of the Tibet incident, they support the Tibetan separatist rebels, and they just don’t want China to be united and united. I hope that China will fall apart, and I hope that China, which is gradually becoming stronger, will not threaten its country’s hegemony in the world. When it comes to the root, it is to serve the country’s own special interests under the banner of “□□□” and “justice” .As more and more Chinese people realize the selfishness, greed, hypocrisy, domineering, and barbaric nature of this country, a famous saying that has been popular for a long time in 2008 was born: one should not be too cnn.

The wisdom of the people is infinite; the people have a steelyard in their hearts, just like the theme song of the TV series "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" sang: There are steelyards between heaven and earth, and the weights are ordinary people. It is the fixed star.What is stupid and what is smart, what is reason and what is emotion, this scale can be called clearly.

Although the official report on the incident of beating, smashing, looting and burning in Lhasa, Tibet was a few days late, it was finally not covered up. This is also progress!With the guiding role of CCTV and Xinhua News Agency, news media across the country took action one after another, publishing editorials, and analyzing from multiple angles.All of a sudden, TV media, print media, and Internet media all over the country reported everything and the truth about what happened in Tibet.Perhaps it was suppressed for a few days to restrict media reports. After the ban was lifted, the enthusiasm of the media suddenly burst out, and by the way, it also aroused strong patriotic feelings among the people of the whole country.

Secretary Zhao of the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee has been closely following the progress of the beating, smashing, looting, and burning incidents in Tibet, as well as the harmony and stability of Qingjiang Province.It is not so easy to be the head of a family in a province with a heavy burden on your shoulders.The patriotic enthusiasm of the people must be protected, and Secretary Zhao considers himself a very staunch patriot.But as the highest official of a province, stability and development are the starting point and end point of all work.Without stability, how can we develop; without development, how can we be stable?In recent days, the incidents of beating, smashing, looting, and burning in Tibet have made young college students in Hangjiang, Ninghai and other places unable to hold back their strong patriotic enthusiasm. Will their enthusiasm turn into passion, and they will do some excessive things, causing Social instability?Secretary Zhao was very concerned.After all, in Qingjiang Province, there are also many Tibetan people. Some of them work here, some study here, and some do business here. These Tibetan people are people who love the motherland and support reunification.But under the current conditions, will some young people, because they are too passionate about their country, attack these Tibetan people who are working, studying, or doing business?If such a thing happens, it is not a disturbance caused by the separatist rebels, but it is very likely to evolve into an ethnic conflict and cause uncontrollable bad effects.Public opinion orientation is very important!It is necessary to not only protect the patriotic enthusiasm of the people, but also lead the people to maintain national unity, so as to ensure the harmony and stability of Qingjiang Province. What an urgent and important task right now!

Secretary Zhao picked up the phone and called Tian Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee: "Minister Guohua, do you have time now? Come to my office."

Ten minutes later, Tian Guohua entered Secretary Zhao's office led by Secretary Zhao's secretary.Tian Guohua said: "Hello, Secretary Zhao." Secretary Zhao took off his glasses, nodded, and said with a light smile, "Minister Guohua, you are here very quickly!" Tian Guohua responded with a smile: "The boss calls, please take small steps Run." Secretary Zhao stood up and said, "You!" He pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit here." The secretary made Tian Guohua a cup of tea and quietly left the office of the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Tian Guohua asked: "Secretary Zhao, I don't know what's the matter for calling me this time?" , Those countries that are hostile to our country and afraid of our country's development and growth have used the advantage of Western media to control world public opinion to maliciously slander and distort the truth about our country. Whether the Beijing Olympics can be held smoothly, will some countries take advantage of □□ to cause accidents? Boycott is now unknown." Secretary Zhao said: "Minister Guohua, you can't have pessimistic emotions! We must believe in our party and the great Chinese people, and we will be able to overcome all difficulties and hold the best event in history. Olympic Games. From the founding of our party to today, it will be 87 years. How many times have there been critical moments of life and death, and which ones have not all turned the tide and turned the crisis into safety, thus winning the victory of the new socialist revolution? After liberation, they also experienced the same Ten years of catastrophe, but under the guidance of the new line of the chief architect of reform and opening up, our party and our country have once again embarked on the sunny road of rapid development. After 30 years of reform and opening up, the country has become richer and stronger, and the people have become richer. China The people are going from hungry to food and clothing to well-off. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is just around the corner, and the self-confidence of the Chinese people is also increasing. Now that the national strength is strong, it is the expectation of all Chinese people to host a successful Beijing 2008 Olympic Games It is also to show a brand-new China to all countries and people in the world. Every Chinese, including you and me, should believe that we will be able to successfully hold a Olympic Games. No one, nor any country, can stop the great The Chinese people should realize this long-cherished wish." Tian Guohua said sincerely: "Yes, the secretary is right. It is better for the secretary to stand tall." Secretary Zhao said: "It's not that I stand tall, but the historical development experience of our party tells me that Our party is a party that is good at summing up experience and daring to correct mistakes. It can continue to innovate in the concept of party governance and keep pace with the times under the new situation and conditions. Enemies always exist and difficulties always exist .All enemies are paper tigers, Communist Party members are never afraid of any difficulties! Think about our predecessors who can overcome such a great difficulty as the [-]-mile Long March, what difficulties can stump our party?" Tian Guohua said : "Yes, our party is indeed a great party." Secretary Zhao said: "Minister Guohua, please come here to ask you, CCTV and Xinhua News Agency have begun to comprehensively and objectively report what happened in How is the media publicity in our province about the violent incidents of beating, smashing, looting, and burning in Tibetan areas?" Tian Guohua said: "With the guidance of the central media, all news media in our province have taken active actions, from different aspects and different aspects. It objectively reported the beating, smashing, looting, and burning incidents in Tibetan areas, corrected the audio-visual, and educated the people of the whole province on patriotism, arousing the love of the motherland and opposing separatism among the people of the whole province. Enthusiasm. At the same time, through domestic news reports, the broad masses of the people have a better understanding of the hypocrisy, justice, and objectivity of the Western media, and the educational effect is very significant." Secretary Zhao said: "ThisIt shows that the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee has done a good job. Tian Guohua said: "Thank you, Secretary Zhao, for your affirmation." "Secretary Zhao said: "Minister Guohua, as the leaders of the provincial party committee, we must stand in the overall situation of stability and development, analyze and think about problems comprehensively.The positive publicity of the news media is very important, and at the same time, the leading role of the media should be played well.The role of the media is very important!What it gives to the people is not only to report the facts of each news event, but also to play a good role in guiding public opinion. "

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