Director's growth history

2867.1663, pros and cons, 1 line

Fang Yuan suggested to Zhai Xinwen: Combine this promotional video and prepare a report material.It can be printed more beautifully and sent to the leaders and educational colleagues attending the meeting; at the same time, if there is a suitable opportunity, you can also make a written work report when the promotional video is played, so that you can better publicize Eastern State Education.

Zhai Xinwen was naturally very happy to think of him in everything.He immediately called Teng Feiyue and arranged the job.Fang Yuan said: "Director, I have lived up to your trust in this promotional film and finished it. There is still a week left, and I want to devote all my energy to the 5th middle school. After all, there is still a lot of preparation work for the 5th middle school." Things to do. Also, I still have to prepare an observation class, and my energy is too scattered now, so I still want to spare time to concentrate on preparing a class." Zhai Xinwen patted Fang Yuan on the shoulder: "Xiao Fang, Okay, I won’t look for you unless it’s extremely urgent. You can concentrate on preparing for Dongzhou No. 5. If you have any difficulties or need to coordinate, just call me and I’ll coordinate After much deliberation, the preparations for the 5th middle school should be the most important thing now." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, Director. I will do my best." Zhai Xinwen said: "Next week, Mayor Song may have to Go over and have a look at the preparations, and you should be ready too. Xiao Fang, I trust you very much. I like to bear heavy burdens on your shoulders. You won’t blame me.” Fang Yuan said: “This It’s the director’s trust in me, and I can’t thank you enough.” Zhai Xinwen said: “This is how people are trained. Xiaofang, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation; the heavier the task, the greater the achievement. I believe you can understand the meaning of this. Dialectical relationship." Fang Yuan nodded, "Thank you for your instruction, Chief."

After leaving the Education Bureau, Fang Yuan returned directly to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.In the conference room of Dongzhou No. 5 small and medium schools, Fangyuan convened cadres above the vice-principal level to watch the school's quality education promotional video.Fangyuan's original intention is to transplant and learn from the experience of this bureau's quality education promotional video, please give your opinions.However, when Fang Yuan finished watching the film, before anyone else could comment, she was already very dissatisfied: I thought the school film was well done, but compared with the film from the Education Bureau, it is simply a world of difference!Worlds apart, what do you mean?That is, one is heaven and the other is soil!

Fang Yuan sat there with a gloomy face, not saying a word.Seeing Fang Yuan's expression, Qiu Zhengxuan, Dai Lianghua, Na Hong, Huang Jiawei, Ruan Shaoxiu and Chen Qiuping didn't dare to speak.Unable to explain why, several people were beating a snare drum in their hearts, and felt a sense of awe for this young boss in their hearts.Fangyuan's strength in the Education Bureau has spread to everyone's ears through different channels, especially the most experienced director Zou Zhigang of the Dongzhou Education Bureau recently went home sick with anger, which is deeply felt by everyone. They were all shocked: Fangyuan's energy was not at all like a young deputy who had just entered the Education Bureau, but like a chief education officer.

The small conference room was just so silent, Fang Yuan didn't speak, and the deputies didn't dare to say anything.Na Hong wanted to speak several times, but Ruan Shaoxiu, who was sitting at the bottom of her head, tugged on his sleeve in private, and Na Hong could only keep her mouth shut.

"Is this the basically confirmed promotional video?" Fang Yuan finally broke the silence.Ruan Shaoxiu was cautious: "It hasn't been finalized yet, because there are still several quality education practices that have not been included in the film, such as: debate competitions, such as moral education practice and research-based learning during the 315 holiday." Fang Yuan said: "Sure Xiu, you’ve seen the education bureau’s film, right?” Ruan Shaoxiu said, “Yes.” Fang Yuan asked, “Do you think our school’s film is better or not as good as the Education Bureau’s film? Ruan Shaoxiu was startled and felt a little painful: "Principal, the film from the Education Bureau is good." Fang Yuan said, "How much better?" Ruan Shaoxiu said, "It's better than one level."

Fang Yuan slapped the table violently: "What company are you looking for? What kind of movie did you make? If this kind of movie is played, especially if it is played together with the movie from the Education Bureau, it won't make people laugh. Big Tooth?"

Ruan Shaoxiu stood up suddenly, he was frightened.The hearts of the others were also tensed.This is the first time Fang Yuan has said such a serious word since he became the principal.

Fang Yuan said: "The education bureau's film will start printing this afternoon. Our film is like this. How can it be printed? Shaoxiu, let me ask you to make a new script. Can you write an educational script?" What is the standard of the revised script by the Bureau Regulations Division?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I can't guarantee it." Fang Yuan said: "This film is definitely not usable. The script is rewritten, and the audio-visual station of the Municipal Education Bureau is asked to help to make the film again. .”

Ruan Shaoxiu thought of the hard work he had put in in the past week, and really wanted to cry!This film has condensed how much effort and sweat I put into it!Even when I was sleeping at night, I was thinking about how to make this film well. How many inspirations came to me in my sleep, got up again, and quickly wrote them down in the notebook, making my wife think he was out of his mind.But I didn't expect that with a few words from Fang Yuan, everything would be denied!

Na Hong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Principal Fang, what's wrong with this film? This is the hard work of Principal Ruan and I! Last time the city leaders came to our school, they released a film that hadn't been fully developed. The director, you, have all praised this film as good. Now it is better than the previous one, how can it be said that it is not good, it is not good? How can this film make people laugh out loud?"

Fang Yuan remembered that he had indeed praised this film.If there is no film from the Education Bureau for comparison, this film should be good.But after watching the film from the Education Bureau and then watching the film from the school, Fang Yuan felt that it was so childish and the production was so rough. For Fang Yuan, who pursued perfection in her work, this was simply unbearable.

Na Hong was very unconvinced, and contradicted Fang Yuan at this time, and the people around were either for the purpose of watching a joke, or were worried about Na Hong.But Na Hong's retort also reminded Fang Yuan: this is really not the time to lose your temper.As for why I lost my temper, it may be because of the recent work pressure.Of course, not only the work pressure, but also the pressure brought by Ding Chunxiao.Last night, Kong Shuanghua complained that she didn't care about anything at home. Fang Yuan explained that she was too busy with work, but because she was holding her breath, although there was no quarrel, there was a cold war: the husband and wife, neither Whoever spoke did not resolve it until this morning when I went to work.

Fang Yuan let out a long breath, raised her neck, and closed her eyes.There was silence again in the small conference room.They are all very sophisticated and stable people, except for that Hong.At this moment, everyone could see that Fang Yuan was in a bad mood.It is extremely unwise to provoke the boss when the boss is in a bad mood.Everyone is waiting, waiting for Fangyuan to make a decision or the final decision.

At this time, Ruan Shaoxiu was the most uncomfortable.Thinking of how since he became the vice principal, Fang Yuan has been loyal to Fang Yuan, working day and night, but today, Fang Yuan lost his temper at him for no reason, and Ruan Shaoxiu was as sad as he wanted.You know, the trust of superiors is very important.Without the trust of his superiors, or to be precise, without the trust of Fang Yuan, Ruan Shaoxiu felt that he had lost his spiritual support, and now he was a little bit lost.He knew too well how important Fangyuan was to his future. Seeing Fangyuan's strength in the Education Bureau, seeing how Fangyuan directed the senior section chiefs around, each and every senior section chief succumbed to Fangyuan and approached him. If Fang Yuan no longer appreciates Fang Yuan, will his fate be like that of Cao Guanting and Ni Yousheng?

Ruan Shaoxiu said sadly: "Principal, I want to sincerely review to you. I really did not do well enough in this work, which affected the progress of the school's preparations for the quality education on-site meeting. Principal, please give me a correction I will rewrite the script and remake the film according to your requirements. I promise, I will produce the film within two days and report to the principal."

how could this be?Fang Yuan was taken aback!Originally, Fang Yuan was ready to apologize to Ruan Shaoxiu and everyone for his attitude just now after hearing that Hong's "harsh" words.Who would have thought that Ruan Shaoxiu would make such a profound self-criticism!

Ruan Shaoxiu's self-criticism not only impacted Fangyuan, but also oppressed several other school-level cadres.Ruan Shaoxiu is not wrong, Ruan Shaoxiu wants to check Fangyuan, what is this?This is the potential force of power!Na Hong was also a little scared, and murmured: "Principal, I didn't mean anything just now. If what I said just now is wrong, I apologize to the principal. Doing a good job comes first." After finishing these words , Na Hong lowered her head, not daring to look at Fangyuan.

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Principal, maybe there are some aspects of the work I am in charge of that are not detailed enough. Although you haven't seen it yet, I will check it carefully after the meeting, so as to provide a successful quality education. Goals and standards are strictly required in every aspect of work to ensure nothing goes wrong."

At this time, Fang Yuan's expression and state had returned to normal.Dai Lianghua said: "Principal Fang, I can understand the great pressure you are under. I suggest that you ask Principal Fang to rest today, and let us do school affairs. I am also very worried. Principal Fang, don't get sick because of too much pressure. Or something. Dongzhou No. 5 High School cannot live without Principal Fang."

Fang Yuan said: "Actually, everyone worked harder than me. I was a little impulsive just now, and I also apologize to the principal and Principal Ruan. I know that our goal is the same, and we all want to run this quality education site well." Yes, after all, this is a major event for the entire Education Bureau and Dongzhou. Even Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Song are very concerned about it. There is no reason why we can’t do it well, right? To put it bluntly, If even the things that Secretary Wang and Mayor Song are concerned about are not done well, then I am afraid that everyone here, including me, will not have a very easy life in the future, right?"

These are words that can really touch the heartstrings.Who doesn't care about their own interests and future?

Fang Yuan said: "We are comrades-in-arms in the trenches. If we win the battle, every comrade-in-arms will be rewarded for their merits; if the battle is lost, even if some of our comrades perform well, it will not help. It is recorded on the heads of all of our team. Of course, I also bear the greatest responsibility."

Everyone was silent.

Fang Yuan said: "The quality education promotional video is a matter of image, and it will be shown on the first day of the quality education site meeting for the participating leaders and education colleagues in the province. This film is very important and must be different. I just thought about it. I think, I still need to brainstorm. In addition, comrades from the audio-visual education station are invited to make and improve it. I will tell you my thoughts now, and everyone can see if it works?"

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Principal, what do you say, how do we do it." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, I will fight this time." Fang Yuan smiled: "Okay. This morning, I watched the promotional video of the Education Bureau. It's perfect. I summed up the successful experience, which is to give full play to everyone's wisdom. I don't know much about Dongzhou education. If I were asked to lead this film, I'm afraid it really won't work. In this process, I gave full play to We have recruited those senior section chiefs who are very familiar with Dongzhou education and have a considerable level, such as Cao Bensong, the head of the original health art section, Zhang Yuanqing, the old education section chief, Shen Jun, the current education section chief, and Jiang Dacheng, the old teaching and research section director. , like Xie Bingguo, the current director of the teaching and research section, and Teng Feiyue, the chief of the legal department. They are invited to participate in the production of the script, and they are invited to participate in the review and revision of the film. As a result, the level of these experts is very high, so the final film is very good. Now , I want to transplant this experience. All of us here are comrades of the old No. 5 Middle School, but the time to be a school leader, except for Secretary Dai and the principal, is not long. This time, the script is based on the current script, But it needs to be revised and improved; the film is also based on the current film, but it must be more substantial and perfect. My idea is: invite back the old 5 people who are most familiar with 5, and invite them to read the script; Invite the section chiefs from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to participate in the review of the film; invite Teng Feiyue and Lou Gang from the legal department to polish the script; invite the comrades from the audio-visual education station to directly participate in the production of the film. Everyone thinks What do I think?"

Qiu Zhengxuan said: "This is very good, and the film will definitely be perfect." Huang Jiawei said: "The people who know Dongzhou's education best are the former principal Liu Ming and the current No. 11 principal Zhao Zidong."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little cold again.Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "For a successful promotional video, use it when it's time to use it. Principal Liu, don't invite him for the time being. After all, he left education, but Principal Zhao must invite him back, and Miao Miao from No. 68 High School Principal Qun, please come back too, I will call them personally!" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Principal Zhao has a deeper understanding of No. 5 Middle School than Principal Liu, and Principal Zhao's return will definitely have a positive effect on the film. It's just me I'm a little worried." Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk." Qiu Zhengxuan said, "I still want to report this to Principal Fang alone." Fang Yuan said, "Okay. Let's change the script first this afternoon, and I'll give it to Teng Feiyue, Lou Gang, and Zhao Zidong. Call Miao Qun, Director Chen, please inform Principal Yang Fang, and invite her to the school for an overtime class." Chen Qiuping said: "Okay." Dai Lianghua said: "Principal, this matter involves the section chief and others. The principal of your school, do you need to say hello to Director Zhai?"

The mature and prudent Dai Lianghua reminded Fangyuan with one word.Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I will ask Director Zhai for instructions first, and then I will invite the relevant people to come over. Thank you, Secretary Dai, it is very good that you can consider the problem from the overall perspective."

Back in the principal's office, Qiu Zhengxuan followed.Fang Yuan said: "What is Principal Qiu worried about?" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "If Principal Zhao and Principal Miao come back, is it appropriate to mention too much their achievements during their work?" Fang Yuan said: "Appropriate. I will be the principal. In less than two months, there were no achievements at all. What's more, the development of Dongzhou No. 2 High School is the result of the joint efforts of the previous principals." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "That's the way it is said, but the previous principals cannot avoid Director Han Suzhen and Liu Principal Ming. Principal, you know Director Zhai..."

This is indeed a problem!However, if you really want to make this film well, you really need to invite Zhao Zidong back, and if possible, it will be better for this film to invite Han Suzhen.However, what if Zhai Xinwen was annoyed by this matter?

At this moment, Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Pick it up and take a look, heh, I forgot to call her again yesterday.Now, he chased after him and took the initiative to call.Koike, oh Koike, do you know how busy I am now?

"Let me think about it." Fang Yuan waved his hand, and Qiu Zhengxuan retreated knowingly.

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