Director's growth history

2888.1678, Fangyuan was deeply educated and enlightened

On Tuesday afternoon, Fang Yuan finally returned to class after many days.The moment he walked into the classroom, there was warm applause in the classroom.The smile on Fang Yuan's face seems to indicate that he is in a good mood now, but in fact, Fang Yuan is very timid and has no confidence in his heart.Because I accompanied Bi Lili to observe until noon, the text to be taught was only prepared for more than an hour.Even Fang Yuan felt that if he prepared his lessons like this, he would definitely not be able to take a good class.

Wen Ruoxing stood up: "Teacher Fang, if you don't come again, I will forget what you look like." The students all laughed.Fang Yuan was a little ashamed: "I'm sorry to everyone, I'm in the arena now, I can't help myself." Wen Ruoxing said: "Mr. Fang, when I see you, I think of my dad." The students couldn't help but roar laughing out loud.A boy said: "Wen Ruoxing, I think it's fine if you recognize Teacher Fang as your godfather." Wen Ruoxing immediately blushed.For some unknown reason, Fang Yuan felt sorry for Wen Ruoxing: "Wen Ruoxing means that her father is a leader, so he is very busy every day; I am the leader of the Education Bureau, and I am also the principal of No. 5 Middle School." , so I’m also very busy. Wen Ruoxing, do you mean that?” Wen Ruoxing nodded vigorously, and gave Fang Yuan a grateful glance.Fang Yuan said: "Sit down. Because I am busy, I arranged a substitute teacher for everyone, Mr. Chen in the office. Originally, I tried my best to teach everyone every class well, but sometimes, because of the meeting, because Accompanying the leader, because of official duties, I often have no time to prepare lessons, attend classes, and have no time to review homework. I have always felt very ashamed and worried that I would mislead my children. If I can’t effectively resolve this conflict, I think the most I will stick to this In the next semester, we must arrange a full-time Chinese teacher for everyone."

"No." "We won't change Teacher Fang." The students chattered.Gao Xueqing stood up: "Mr. Fang, we are all 16 or 7-year-old students, and we should be said to have strong self-learning ability. I think that the teacher can not be changed, but it is suggested that the teaching ideas should be changed, that is, from the original Intensive lectures are replaced by selected key lectures to extract the main points, and the rest of the content can be used for self-study. I have read some introductions by Mr. Wei Shusheng in Liaoning. He also served as the principal and later the director of the Municipal Education Bureau, but still Insist on leading the class. There is a content that says that he spent more than 180 days in meetings outside, but the Chinese and other academic performance of the students in his class are very good. Why? Because Wei Shusheng combined Being too busy, he focuses on cultivating students' self-learning ability and good self-study habits. Therefore, the students he teaches are not waiting for the teacher to feed them as much as they want, but they have to find their own Knowledge. Recently, I think the research-based learning activities carried out by the school are very good. It is suggested that when Teacher Fang is very busy with work, we should train students in our class to study independently and research-based learning. Maybe this kind of learning method will not only help us Mastering the knowledge that should be mastered can cultivate the self-learning ability that will benefit us all our lives.”

Looking at the gentle and calm Gao Xueqing, Fang Yuan felt a very special feeling in his heart.That conversation with Gao Xueqing in the principal's office still left a deep impression on Fang Yuan.This female student is calm and rational, and today, she has a new understanding of intelligence, overall situation, and maturity.Fang Yuan nodded: "Gao Xueqing said it very well, and I was very inspired. Yes, since the students are not willing to change teachers, then I should combine the characteristics of my current busy work, innovate teaching methods, update teaching concepts, and cultivate teachers. Everyone’s self-study habits and abilities can be learned from Wei Shusheng, the famous Chinese teacher in the country.” Gao Xueqing said: “Thank you, Mr. Fang, for accepting my suggestion. I hope that Mr. Fang can teach us when he is the deputy director. After becoming the director, I can continue to teach on the front line, so that our elementary school students can continue to benefit." Fang Yuan's eyes were a little blurred: now being a deputy director is very busy, if one day in the future, he will still be in the main office. Can you make time for class?Wei Shusheng became the chief of the bureau, how did he squeeze out the time for class?Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to go to Liaoning, and made a special trip to visit Teacher Wei Shusheng, who was already the director of the Panjin City Education Bureau.

Perhaps it was because of the empathy with the students. Although the class was not well prepared, Fangyuan still interacted well with the students and completed the teaching task satisfactorily.When the get out of class was over, Chen Qiuping, who was sitting in the back row listening to the class, stepped forward, silently picked up the round water cup, prepared textbooks, and teaching materials, and walked out silently.A small gesture made Fangyuan feel emotional: as the office director, Chen Qiuping really served her family well.Under the current situation, apart from Ruan Shaoxiu, the whole school has not found anyone better to be the director of the office.The report letter reminded me correctly, but would I be willing to change this Chen Qiuping?

The students gathered around, Fang Yuan temporarily forgot his troubles, and his attitude became more peaceful and friendly.When everyone chatted with Fang Yuan about some new measures and new ideas of the school in the new semester, Wen Ruoxing suddenly heard a loud voice from a distance: "Teacher Fang, I am very disappointed in you!" Surprised, the eyes of the students turned to Wen Ruoxing's face.Wen Ruoxing said: "I used to listen to Teacher Fang's lectures, which was called a wonderful life; now, listening to Teacher Fang's lectures is at the level of ordinary people. Of course, the level of ordinary teachers may be higher than that of ordinary teachers, but that kind of excitement is so wonderful I can’t find what people want to listen to after listening to the class. Last semester, I could show off occasionally, but this semester, I’ve only listened to one good class. Teacher Fang, I’m really disappointed in you.”

Fang Yuan felt that her face was a little hot, and she felt a little embarrassing.Fang Yuan can also feel that her Chinese teaching has indeed lacked a lot of inspiration, and she doesn't have so many witty words.Although Wen Ruoxing's words were harsh, they were telling the truth.

Ge Feng said: "Wen Ruoxing, don't be so harsh!" A male classmate said: "Who doesn't know that Wen Ruoxing is a cold beauty in the class, as if everyone owes her." A female classmate said "I'm going to be lonely soon. Who wants to make friends with her?" Wen Ruoxing said: "Ge Feng, you are such a flatterer. Teacher Zhou is the class teacher, and you flatter Teacher Zhou; Flattering Teacher Zhao; now in front of Teacher Fang, you are flattering Teacher Fang again! I don’t understand, besides flattering, what other advantages do you have? Why do Teacher Zhou and Teacher Zhao trust you so much? There are so many horses following you!" Ge Feng said: "As a class monitor, you have to cooperate with the class teacher to do a good job. , maintain the unity and stability of the class, and cherish the honor of the class. I think, it is precisely because I think so and do the same, so the head teacher trusts me and the students support me. In the new semester, did Mr. Zhao organize the class Is it the election of cadres? As the class monitor, I was selected by my work, by my classmates, not by flattery. As for you, although you have good academic performance, good grades alone are not enough. To be tolerant, You will have more and more friends; you have to be fair, and everyone will be convinced. So you were selected as the secretary of the Youth League branch, perhaps because of this reason, being harsh, just thinking about yourself, and not asking others. Why was Gao Xueqing elected as the secretary of the Youth League branch? It is because Gao Xueqing has been silently serving everyone, boys and girls all support her."

Fang Yuan really didn't know that Zhao Xiaoya would do such a big thing in the new semester, and Wen Ruoxing was no longer the party secretary.When he became a leader, Fang Yuan could calm down. He stopped talking, stood on the podium, and watched his two favorite students "bickering".

Wen Ruoxing was really angry: "What can that broken group secretary do? It would be better if I didn't do it, and I would have more time to study and do my own thing! Gao Xueqing, you know all day long There are small favors and small favors to win everyone over, and I don’t bother to do such things.” Gao Xueqing said: “Wrong, being the party secretary is to serve the students better, and service is not small favors. Do you have a heart to serve the students? , everyone can see clearly. A class cadre, if he only cares about himself and ignores everyone else, such a class cadre is also incompetent. Now, the head teacher Mr. Zhao implements voting, which is actually training students in the class. Awareness, the first way is the fairest, maybe the first vote will not select the best candidate, but it will definitely prevent the inappropriate person from getting up. Wen Ruoxing, I advise you, the more friends, the better the way Wide. I really hope that you can change your arrogance and arrogance, and don’t think that you are the best. In that case, more classmates will dislike you and stay away from you, and you will be more lonely in the class.” Wen Ruoxing snorted: "If you don't like it, you don't like it, and I don't live because of you. Stay away, stay away, I just want to be quiet! Gao Xueqing, I found you, really Yin! You are deliberately in front of Teacher Fang Speak ill of me and spoil my good impression in Teacher Fang's heart."

Heh, Wen Ruoxing is so smart, she actually noticed something that Fang Yuan didn't think of.Gao Xueqing said: "So many students are here to testify, did I speak ill of you? Wen Ruoxing, you must be kind and fair. You should not be too harsh in the future, and think about your classmates and the class collective when you do things. If you only think about yourself, you will not get everyone's support."

The students chattered, and almost all of them were criticizing Wen Ruoxing's shortcomings.I never thought that Wen Ruoxing would be so unpopular in the hearts of the students!At the same time, Ge Feng and Gao Xueqing actually had high prestige among the!vote!I didn't know much about Zhao Xiaoya before. I only knew that she was Yang Fang's daughter. She had talked with Letian as a friend. Now I know that when she took over the class, she actually implemented the voting for the monitor and the party secretary!Is this considered a job innovation?Perhaps many teachers have already done this, but doing so seems to be a trivial matter, but it will definitely inject more positive factors into the thinking and growth of primary and middle school students.It seems that when the seeds of racism take root and germinate in the hearts of the students, the path of racism in China's future will be blocked!Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to meet Zhao Xiaoya, and talk to her about the first class election.

Wen Ruoxing was not afraid of the students who attacked him in groups: "Please, my motto has always been to go your own way and let others say it. I'm sorry, this girl is going to the playground to get some air, you all get out of the way." .” The students made way for Wen Ruoxing like avoiding flies, and Wen Ruoxing left the classroom as if no one was there.

A boy said: "Smug!" All the students laughed.Fang Yuan didn't smile. Today's scene shocked Fang Yuan.Although the students are very young and very immature, they can say some childish things, but today they learned a lot from the bickering between Ge Feng, Gao Xueqing and Wen Ruoxing that they didn't usually understand.Students should not be underestimated!There are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the students.Wen Ruoxing reminded himself that his Chinese teaching level had dropped significantly. With such a level, it was difficult to perform well in provincial class competitions, especially in the provincial quality education on-site meeting; Gao Xueqing reminded himself that when he became the principal, I can no longer concentrate on teaching students like I used to be a teacher. I have to adjust new concepts and ideas like Wei Shusheng, and use new teaching methods to guide students in learning Chinese; and Ge Feng and Gao Xueqing respectively served as class monitors through voting , League secretary, Wen Ruoxing failed in the election of the league secretary, which triggered Fang Yuan's deep thinking. But what's the use?The cadres appointed by the class teacher may not be able to get the support and support of all the students. This will make the class a class full of irreconcilable contradictions; The head teacher seems to be unable to control the operation of the class to a large extent. If the head teacher is against the head teacher, then the head teacher is likely to become a lonely person. Such a class will also have problems.Now, Ge Feng and Gao Xueqing should be able to cooperate well with Zhao Xiaoya, and there will be no problem of poor class management in this class; if I promote Zhao Xiaoya's experience throughout the school, will some homeroom teachers say in the class Forget it, what about the new situation of not listening?Fang Yuan thought about the school management again.All cadres above the middle level are appointed by their superiors, and the party committee of the Education Bureau appoints cadres above the vice-principal level; middle-level cadres are appointed by the principal.Now, do you dare to abolish the appointment system at the level of middle-level cadre elections, and fully implement the ballot system?Let the school teachers elect middle-level cadres, just like the first grade (12) class?Assuming that the high-level cadres are really voted for, how will the middle-level cadres who are not elected be arranged?What if the new middle-level cadres do not meet their own intentions?What if you don't listen to yourself?After all, as the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 High School, Fang Yuan still hoped that he could have the final say on everything in Dongzhou No. 5 High School.

□□ is a good thing.But voting is really scary and powerful!Fang Yuan considered it from the perspective of the overall situation, only to find that it may be possible to implement class cadre voting at the class level; but if middle-level cadres also vote, it is very likely that things beyond their control will occur. It will bring instability to the school.Therefore, this idea can only be an idea, and we must be cautious. When the time is not ripe, we will implement the voting system. Can we control the various impacts that will be caused by this within a controllable range?

Fang Yuan stood at the level of the principal, thinking about the reform of the voting system, but found that "political reform" at the level of the school is quite difficult, let alone implementing voting at the school level.If voting is carried out at the middle-level level, it is very likely that the cadres I want, such as Chen Qiuping, may lose the election; if voting is carried out at the level of vice-principals, who would dare to say that they are sure of the current vice-principals?Maybe Huang Jiawei can, but can Na Hong and Ruan Shaoxiu be selected?If it is really necessary to vote for the principal at the school level, can I, Fang Yuan, be elected as the principal of No. 5 Middle School?Fang Yuan shook his head, be careful, be careful!

Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to see Zhao Xiaoya very much.It's been two weeks since the new semester started, and I haven't really communicated with Zhao Xiaoya yet.Today, it seems that it is really necessary to have a conversation with Zhao Xiaoya, because Zhao Xiaoya not only brought fresh air to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but also triggered my own deep thinking: Is it possible to implement □□ voting within the school?How to let the majority of teachers and students have more say within a controllable range?How to better reflect public opinion?How to use positive thinking to promote Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to achieve better and faster development?There are many questions to think about.Originally, he wanted to concentrate on studying the Chinese class, but at this time, Fang Yuan's mind was tightly surrounded by the word "□□".

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