Director's growth history

2919.1700, goodbye Ni Runqing

Fang Yuan's life was completely disrupted from this day on.At the venue, Fangyuan was surrounded by hundreds of people, asking for business cards.Fang Yuan didn't carry so many business cards with him, it wasn't enough.Later, Ruan Shaoxiu ran out of the People's Hall and hurriedly produced 1000 business cards similar to the original business cards at the nearest printing agency. Fangyuan's mobile phone number and office phone number were removed and replaced with the office phone number of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Then he ran back to the Great Hall of the People, squeezed into the crowd, stood beside Fang Yuan, and helped Fang Yuan distribute business cards.

Although it was early spring, Fang Yuan was already sweating profusely at this time.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Leaders and colleagues, I will send you Director Fang's business card. If there is anything to do, I will call you later, okay?" Ruan Shaoxiu shouted loudly, but the order has not changed.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I guarantee that everyone here today will have Director Fang's business card. Don't be crowded, don't be crowded."

Seeing Ruan Shaoxiu working so hard, Qiu Zhengxuan also shouted: "Leaders, please don't squeeze. As long as there is order, I believe everyone will get Director Fang's business card faster." Huang Jiawei obviously has a lot of experience in grouping, so he also squeezed at this time Come forward and start sorting things out.Most of the educators in the province knew the vice principal named Huang Jiawei of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Seeing him approaching, the order quickly returned to a normal and orderly state.The directors of education bureaus, education and sports bureaus, and principals from all over the province left the People's Hall after receiving their business cards and exchanging greetings with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, Qiu Zhengxuan, and Ruan Shaoxiu took a long breath at the same time.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "It's just such a squeeze method, which is prone to accidents." Fang Yuan said: "I really didn't expect it to happen like this!" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "This time the governor and director of the department have given Dongzhou No. 5 a great deal of attention." Honor is a banner for Qingjiang Province to implement quality education in an all-round way!" Na Hong said: "Quality education will be so successful on site, I suggest that Fang School can set a higher standard for rewards." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Na Hong, you Don’t make any more trouble, okay? Governor Qu and Director Guan only praised Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but not Dongzhou Education, is this necessarily a good thing?”

Fang Yuan nodded appreciatively.Qiu Zhengxuan was encouraged and said: "At this time, is it appropriate for us to commend and reward the teachers of the school?" Nahong said: "The Education Bureau is the Education Bureau, and the school is the school. What does it have to do with the Education Bureau if we send ours?" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "The school is also a school under the leadership of the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "The reward plan must be worked out first, when and in what name will be rewarded, and then researched. Principal Qiu is right. In the past few days, there is still a lot of work to be done. Let's see what the Education Bureau's attitude towards quality education is, and then decide what the school will do. Principal Qiu, you are thinking more and more comprehensively."

Qiu Zhengxuan was very happy. Just now Ruan Shaoxiu rushed to print the business card and let Ruan Shaoxiu steal the limelight. This time, he finally won back.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "I am also worried that after the on-site meeting on quality education, some people may be unfavorable to the principal." Na Hong was surprised: "Who dares to be unfavorable to the other school? Now, even the deputy governor and the director of the Department of Education are giving Fang school a platform like this. Have you eaten such a big bear heart and leopard guts?" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "It's easy to block an open arrow, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow!" At this moment, Na Hong seemed thoughtful and understood a little bit.

Fang Yuan suddenly saw a familiar and delicate face, although this face has only been seen once or twice, but Fang Yuan will never forget it.Fang Yuan greeted her: "Hello, Sister Ni." Ni Runqing walked gracefully and gracefully, even walking so gracefully, which made men pleasing to the eye and women envious.Ni Runqing said: "Principal Fang, I haven't seen you in a year. You have made great progress!" Fang Yuan said, "It's all the love and training of the leaders." Ni Runqing said: "Don't be modest. Today, Governor Qu, Guan Ting The governor fully affirmed the quality education of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and Governor Qu spoke highly of you as a young principal! This afternoon, I was entrusted by the leaders of the TV station and various news media to I have an exclusive interview with you, and I don’t know whether Principal Fang will accept it, accept it, or accept it?”

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Sister Ni, thank you for your kindness. I think we should interview Director Zhai of our Education Bureau." Ni Runqing said: "Today Director Guan praised Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but he didn't praise Dongzhou Education. Don't worry about it. , have done so much work and achieved so many achievements, the publicity is to be publicized. Fang Yuan, Director Dou of the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee instructed the media to do this joint interview, and no one can say 'no'." Fang Yuan said, "I'd better ask Director Zhai for instructions." Ni Runqing stood there with a smile, and there were many reporters not far away. Fang Yuan saw the more familiar Ren Xiaoai, and felt a headache in his heart.

Fang Yuan called Zhai Xinwen, and Zhai Xinwen was already on his way back from the airport.After receiving Fang Yuan's call, Zhai Xinwen frowned, but still picked it up: "Xiao Fang, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan said, "The reporter from Dongzhou TV Station wants to interview me, and I ask you for instructions, can I accept the interview? "

Can Zhai Xinwen refuse at this time?Even "Qingjiang Education", the most authoritative magazine of the education system in Qingjiang Province, has to serialize Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's experience in comprehensively implementing quality education and Fangyuan's experience in managing schools. Powerful media, out of Dongzhou City, who else knows?Who else cares?Zhai Xinwen said: "This time, the quality education on-site conference hosted by Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has achieved great success, and has been highly praised by Governor Qu and Director Guan. Media interviews are Dongzhou education and a kind of publicity. We should have a welcoming attitude." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your support, Director." Zhai Xinwen said, "During the interview, you should pay attention to answering questions reasonably. Xiao Fang, sometimes you overemphasize yourself. In fact, for you, Not necessarily a good thing. You must think about where the gratifying achievements made by Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School in the innovative practice of quality education come from." Fang Yuan said: "The progress of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School cannot be separated from the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Caring is inseparable from the correct leadership of the Education Bureau, and it is also the result of the joint efforts of the cadres and teachers of the whole school." Zhai Xinwen felt better and said, "Yes, I can feel relieved if I can understand this way."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan felt uncomfortable.Fangyuan looked at Qiu Zhengxuan and the others, and said, "Sister Ni, I have a request. If we interview today, we will interview the leadership team of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, okay? Any progress made by Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School includes ours." The wisdom and hard work of this leading group." Ni Runqing said with a smile: "Okay, then I will interview your amazing leading group today."

The VIP room of the People's Hall.

The camera reporter set up the camera stand.Ni Runqing said: "Today's interview, we are the reporter's joint question. Of course, I am the first to ask the question. I have to go back to make the film, which will be broadcast in the evening. After my interview, the reporter from the newspaper will interview again. Of course, I The content of the interview may also be of concern to fellow journalists from various newspaper offices, and I don’t mind sharing the content and resources of the interview at all.” The reporters all nodded in agreement, and no one competed with Ni Runqing, which made Fang Yuan a little strange.

Ni Runqing said: "Dongzhou No. 5 High School's achievements in comprehensively implementing quality education have been highly praised by provincial leaders such as Vice Governor Qu Bitong and Director of Education Guan Quanren. May I ask Principal Fang, what do you think of the praise of the leaders?" Fang Yuan Said: "The evaluation of the provincial leaders is not only an affirmation of our past work, but also a spur to us. The comprehensive implementation of quality education in our school was carried out under the unified deployment of the Municipal Education Bureau. The development is very concerned, especially Director Zhai Xinwen, whether it is in the director's office meeting or in the specific work, as long as it is needed for the development of No. 5 Middle School, he will respond to any request and provide great support for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. All departments of the Education Bureau He also actively performed the functions of service and guidance, and did a lot of specific and effective work for the comprehensive implementation of quality education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School."

Ni Runqing smiled so sweetly that Fang Yuan's heart trembled.Ni Runqing said: "Principal Fang, we don't need to speak official language or clichés in our interviews. I think that the majority of educators in the city and the city's care and attention to the general public of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School don't want to listen to official language or clichés."

What a smart woman.Fang Yuan did not explain, and said: "What I just said is my personal experience as the principal. Not only the Municipal Education Bureau has huge support for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, but the city leaders are also very concerned. In the past two years, the city Leaders came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School a lot, Secretary Wang Guodong of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Song Yunsheng of the Municipal Government, Minister Sheng Zhiren of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister Dou Shengzhong of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong of the Municipal Government, and Bi Quanquan, Deputy Mayor of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Government , Zhou Pengyou, the deputy mayor of the municipal government, came to guide many times and gave great support from many aspects. Let’s talk about Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee. He was the one who connected Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School with Dongsheng Group, and Dongsheng Group invested 100 million. An award fund was set up in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to encourage the teachers and students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to strive for first-class performance; Mayor Song of the city government visited Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and saw that the computers in the classrooms of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School were It’s an old picture tube computer, and it was decided on the spot to allocate 10 special funds to renovate the school’s teaching facilities. Reporter Ni, do you think the concern of these city leaders is also official and formulaic?”

Ni Runqing heard about Song Yunsheng's deeds, and nodded: "Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is a collection of thousands of favors! I have a feeling that the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has changed from group to group. It seems that your principal is here. When Dongzhou was in No. 5 Middle School, city leaders went to No. 5 Middle School more frequently. Can it be said that Principal Fang is the one who is loved by thousands of people?"

What a sharp question!The deputies of Dongzhou No. 5 High School looked at me and I looked at you, and they all agreed with what Ni Runqing said. Dongzhou No. 5 High School received the love of the city leaders, but after Fangyuan arrived at Dongzhou No. 5 High School?The energy in Fangyuan is definitely not what I saw. I am afraid that there are deeper energies that have not been released!Several deputy staff were also worried that it would be difficult to answer such sharp questions. They didn't know that the film shot by the reporter had to be edited many times after returning to Taiwan. Only the necessary parts were kept, and other content was cut out.Just like Ni Runqing's official phrases and thousands of favorites, they will be cleverly edited out.

Fang Yuan was also a little embarrassed, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and say: "The leadership's care makes me panic. I know that only by working harder and making achievements can I repay everyone who cares and supports me." Ni Runqing said: "Your efforts can be seen by everyone; your achievements are even more obvious to all. This time, the Director of Provincial Education Guan Quanren defined Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School as a banner for the comprehensive implementation of quality education in Qingjiang Province. This is Dongzhou City's history. The highest honor the school has received. Vice Governor Qu Bitong further pointed out that Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is a model for thousands of schools in the province to learn from and a goal to catch up with. "Qingjiang Education" magazine will serialize Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's comprehensive implementation of quality education Experience. This is a gratifying honor. I really want to know how you feel at this moment, Principal Fang."

Fangyuan said: "The development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School today is infused with the care of the city leaders and the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau. It is the result of the joint efforts of the cadres and teachers of the whole school. I have been the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for a short time. It’s not too long. Without the solid foundation laid by the previous principals, there would be no Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School today. I am just a person who picked the fruits on the shoulders of the previous principals. I am deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to Leaders, seniors and colleagues who have contributed to the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.”

Ni Runqing said: "What a humble principal Fangyuan. At this quality education meeting, the students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School showed their great artistic talents, and the party was very successful. May I ask Principal Fang, the school has successfully held the New Year Music The National People's Congress Political Association Concert, and this time another wonderful quality education live party art party. Looking at the whole city, there are not many schools that can do this." Fang Yuan said: "The quality of the school is the key to survival. The school has its own characteristics and is the springboard for development. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is determined to create an influential art education feature, which is the consensus of the school's cadres and teachers. From the next semester, the school's junior high school and high school will also Two art classes will be recruited, specially recruiting students with artistic expertise, who will be sent to art institutions of higher learning in the future."

Na Hong was restless sitting there, so anxious in her heart!Seeing Fang Yuan talking eloquently, I really wanted to talk about it myself, but thinking of Fang Yuan's energy, Na Hong really didn't have the courage this time.Fang Yuan squinted at Na Hong, and said: "The school's artistic characteristics are mainly due to the fact that our school has art professionals. Our vice principal, Na Hong, is very knowledgeable in art education, and he has been able to successfully hold art evenings these few times." , the chief director is the vice principal Na Hong. Regarding the development of art education in our school, reporter Ni is welcome to interview the principal."

The red face turned red, and I was already thinking about how to draw the blueprint for the development of art education in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Ni Runqing nodded gracefully at Na Hong, and said, "The principal, hello." Na Hong smiled and said, "Hello, reporter Ni." Ni Runqing didn't ask her any questions, but looked at Fang Yuan again: Once, I saw the pottery production of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School for the first time in all schools in the city. Governor Qu, Director Guan and other leaders were also very interested. What do you think about this idea?" Fang Yuan said: "Ceramic art Production is the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. It can cultivate students' hands-on ability, aesthetic ability and innovative spirit. It is a quality education content that is very conducive to the all-round development of students. The idea of ​​this education content was proposed by Qiu Zhengxuan, the vice principal of our school. Yes. Principal Qiu, please introduce the relevant situation of pottery education.” Qiu Zhengxuan said: “I think Principal Fang’s generalization and induction are very good, and I don’t have much to say.” People who know how to behave!

Ni Runqing said: "Principal Fang, I think the people of the whole city are very concerned about the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. I think, President Fang has already planned the blueprint for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Can you introduce it to the people of the city?"

This issue is the most concerned issue of the people in the city.Fangyuan thought for a while and said, "The blueprint for the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is in line with the six strategies formulated by the Municipal Education Bureau at the beginning of the year. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will seek future development in accordance with the six major strategies of the Education Bureau. , and strive to build a team of high-quality cadres and teachers; the second is to focus on quality, and improve the quality of education and teaching in schools through the comprehensive implementation of quality education; Features like pottery, technology, etc. Through our efforts, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will develop into a first-class school that will satisfy the people of the city."

Ni Runqing said: "Principal Fang's answer is simple and clear at the same time. I wish Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School can develop better in the future!" Fang Yuan said: "Thank you."

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