Director's growth history

2947.1721 Mystery everywhere and trap everywhere

Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan arrived at the small meeting room of the Education Bureau.The deputies in the bureau, except for Han Suzhen and Zou Zhigang, were all present, including Song Ping, who was incontinent, and Geng Qing and Chen Qizhi, who were sick from overwork.

When Zhai Xinwen walked into the door of the small conference room, he turned his head and said kindly: "I think we can discuss it." It seemed intentional or unintentional, and the voice was not high, but in the quiet small conference room Who can not hear?A few people were beating drums in their hearts, and Fang Yuan was distressed: Zhai Xinwen's short sentence clearly put himself above other deputy positions. Isn't this arousing hatred?What do you mean by "we negotiate it"?Could it be that the tasks that will be assigned to other deputy leaders in a while are all suggested by Fangyuan?Doesn't this make me offend people?But Fang Yuan really couldn't refute it. He really discussed several things with Zhai Xinwen just now. The first thing was to accept the job of provincial quality class competition; the second thing was to decline the job of education supervision and evaluation.But at today's bureau chief's office meeting, it wasn't just these two things that were discussed!

Although Fang Yuan had a lot of opinions, he couldn't help but admire Zhai Xinwen's high political level.I dare not say that I will never use these tricks in the future.What do you mean by "a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis can't tell if he is suffering", I think the move Zhai Xinwen made just now is such a powerful move.Fang Yuan came to where he usually sits and sat down.Heping stretched out his thumb, gestured for a moment, but did not speak.Fangyuan is the exit of suffering!Fang Yuan made up her mind: today's business has nothing to do with her, she will hang on high and never interrupt or add words.

Zhai Xinwen went straight to the point: "Comrades, the quality education on-site meeting was successfully held, which is a good start and a good lead for our year-round education work. The future work tasks are still heavy, and comrades must continue to redouble their efforts. The quality education on-site meeting was successfully held. Comrades who have made contributions during the process will apply for meritorious service and rewards in accordance with the opinions of the city's main leaders and leaders in charge. Yesterday's director's office meeting did not study this work because of the lack of personnel. I think this Let the office come up with a preliminary opinion on the matter, discuss it at the director's office meeting after the regular meeting next Monday, and report it to the city leaders, okay?"

No one spoke.Generally speaking, this kind of thing is just a word.Wang Xingbang was unwilling to accept this job, but he had no other choice. He said, "Director, do you want to invite relevant departments to participate in the research together?" Zhai Xinwen asked with a smile, "Which departments does Xingbang think should participate in the research?" How can Wang Xingbang say which departments, no department is willing to study such a thing.Zhai Xinwen said: "You are a member of the bureau's party committee and a deputy director-level leader. You can arrange which department you want to transfer directly. When the time comes, just say hello to me and the leader in charge, okay?" It seems that Zhai Xinwen is I am very supportive of Wang Xingbang's work, but it's the same as saying nothing. Wang Xingbang came to find the relevant department himself.Wang Xingbang bit the bullet and said, "Okay."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrades, let's get down to business. Everyone says that education is simple, that education is easy to do, and that there is nothing wrong with education. I think this is a serious misunderstanding of education by the outside world. Let's take a look at today's agenda. Which job task is not heavy? Which job is so easy to do? Let’s look at the first job first, the provincial high-quality class competition. The year before last and last year, our high-quality class competition results were good. Comrade Fang Yuan won the national And the first prize in the province. There is a computer teacher named Letian in 68 who won the first prize in the province. Now Letian has been transferred to the electronic teaching center of the teaching and research section. Comrade Fangyuan will be responsible for this work. Do you have any objections? Everyone has seen Comrade Fang Yuan's lecture level. In the just-concluded quality education on-site meeting, a wonderful Chinese observation class witnessed Comrade Fang Yuan's ability and level. Director Chen, I have made such a decision , you have no objection?"

Chen Qizhi is now very isolated, and recently he and Geng Qing have been sympathetic in some aspects, and they have gotten closer in their hearts.In the Education Bureau, Chen Qizhi felt that he was completely excluded and had no right to speak at all.Yesterday, Chen Qizhi felt very warm when he received Fangyuan's greeting call.Maybe Fang Yuan doesn't want to do it, but Zhai Xinwen must let Fang Yuan do it.Zhai Xinwen is the real culprit!

Chen Qizhi decided to show his favor to Fangyuan: "I have no objection. I am just an education comrade from a grass-roots county, and my overall experience is definitely not as good as that of comrades from the Municipal Bureau. Director Fang's teaching level is high, which is recognized by the whole province. I support Director Fang to take charge of it." About the quality class competition." Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrade Fang Yuan, do you have any objections?" Fang Yuan said: "I only strengthen cooperation and cooperation with comrades in the teaching and research section in the work of quality class competitions. Director Chen is a member of the teaching and research section. In charge of leadership, I will not participate in various teaching and research work, and I will ask Director Chen to continue to take charge. I have a consensus with Director Zhai: doing a good job in the college entrance examination of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is the most important thing for me in the next stage. For high-quality courses Thanks to Director Zhai's trust in the work of the competition, I would like to do my best and work together with the comrades in the teaching and research section to strive to perform at our highest level." Chen Qizhi immediately understood Fang Yuan's intentions, and it seemed that Fang Yuan was right about the matter He was very measured, and he didn't even want to and didn't want to "grab power" to take charge of the teaching and research section!Fangyuan, Fangyuan, even if you don't express this attitude, I, Chen Qizhi, will never oppose you!I, Chen Qizhi, are not fools for the vice-governor and the director of education to come to support me.What's more, Zhai Xinwen bullied me, Chen Qizhi. Apart from relying on Mayor Bi, the person who needs unity most in the education and sports bureau is you, Fangyuan!

Chen Qizhi said: "I will work hard to cooperate with Director Fang in the work of the provincial high-quality course competition and in the preparation of the 2008 college entrance examination. I believe that the teaching and research section can also work hard to cooperate well." Fang Yuan nodded and smiled at Chen Qizhi : "Thank you Director Chen." Chen Qizhi said: "In order to do a good job, I have such a consciousness." Fang Yuan said: "I believe it."

Seeing Chen Qizhi flirting with Fangyuan, Zhai Xinwen felt unhappy.Zhai Xinwen said: "The second task is the annual education supervision and evaluation work. This work should have been led by Comrade Zou Zhigang and carried out by the supervision office. Now, Comrade Zou Zhigang is not in good health. Neither came to the Education Bureau. But the Education Bureau always needs someone to take the lead to do this work. Although it is routine work, it is very important. It is related to the city government's comprehensive evaluation of the education work of the nine districts and counties. It is very important. Discuss with everyone, which comrade should take the lead in this work, it would be better."

The small conference room became even quieter.No one spoke, only cigarette smoke hung in the air.Kong Lili suddenly said, "Fang Ju is the deputy director supervisor. The director supervisor is not here, so it is natural for the deputy director supervisor to take over. I think it is more appropriate for Comrade Fang Yuan to take the lead in this work."

One word set off a thousand waves.All eyes were on Fang Yuan's face.Fangyuan looked at Kong Lili, then at Zhai Xinwen, and sighed in his heart: I'm afraid this is what Kong Lili and Zhai Xinwen discussed.What Zhai Xinwen said when he walked into the meeting room, "We can discuss it," is a perfect match here. It's seamless!Fang Yuan was angry, but surprisingly calm.Fang Yuan smiled slightly, and showed all his scheming: "Director Zhai, colleagues, just now Director Zhai called me to his office before the office meeting of the director, to discuss this matter. Director Zhai also thinks that this work should be done by me. It’s better to come here, because I’m the deputy chief inspector.”

The audience was shocked.No one thought that Fang Yuan would say such a thing, not even Zhai Xinwen.Fang Yuan paused, and continued: "But Director Zhai is very concerned about his subordinates. Director Zhai believes that if Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School takes the college entrance examination well, the people in the city will watch it, which will have a great social impact. If Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School If the college entrance examination is not done well, many people will think that Dongzhou education has not been done well. Although the common people's understanding is not objective and comprehensive, the simple and simple requirements are often the most direct and realistic requirements of the people. To be satisfied with Dongzhou education, we must try our best to meet the simple and simple requirements of the people. And I happen to be the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and the first person in charge of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Do a good job in the college entrance examination of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School I have a duty to work! Just now, Director Zhai asked me to take charge of the work of the Provincial Quality Class Competition. In fact, this work should be in charge of Director Chen, and I do not want to take this job from the bottom of my heart. But I always obey orders, Obey the arrangement. Since the leader has said it, then I will take over and do my best to do it well. Limited ability is a matter of level, and whether the attitude is correct is a matter of work awareness. I have such awareness , to try my best to do a good job in the province's high-quality class competition. Whether it is the college entrance examination or the provincial high-quality class competition, it will inevitably involve a lot of energy. Human energy is limited, and human time is also limited. Director Zhai fully Forgive me, just before entering the meeting room, I told me that I can do these two tasks well, and I will arrange another person for the supervisory work. Director Zhai, is that what you said? Is this how we discussed it?"

Fangyuan portrayed Zhai Xinwen as a good leader who is sympathetic to his subordinates. Can Zhai Xinwen slap himself?Zhai Xinwen felt even more that Fang Yuan was definitely not that easy to deal with.If you agree with Fang Yuan, then Fang Yuan's right to speak will be even more important; if you disagree with Fang Yuan...under such circumstances, can you disagree?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrade Fang Yuan is right. I did discuss this matter just now. I really wanted to ask Comrade Fang Yuan to take over the supervision work when Comrade Zou Zhigang was away. After all, Comrade Fang Yuan is the deputy director of the school. Class competitions and college entrance examination work are indeed more important tasks than education supervision. Since Comrade Fang Yuan has no skills, I think it is better to invite other comrades to take the lead in this matter. Besides Comrade Fang Yuan, who else is more suitable for the job?"

This time no one really spoke.Everyone looked at each other, even if they had some thoughts in their hearts, they were unwilling to say them out.

Chen Qizhi raised his hand: "Director Zhai, I think if no one signs up, I'll take the lead." Zhai Xinwen originally meant the same thing, Chen Qizhi can't be idle, and at the same time, Chen Qizhi can't have a good life.But when Chen Qizhi took the initiative to apply, Zhai Xinwen became suspicious instead: "Director Chen, tell me, what do you think?" Chen Qizhi said: "Director Fang is temporarily in charge of the work of the teaching and research section, and I have lost a lot of things. When I first came to the Municipal Education Bureau, I could do as much work as I could. So I signed up. Of course, whether to approve or not depends on the opinions of Director Zhai and other comrades. I follow the instructions in all actions.”

Awareness is not generally high!Zhai Xinwen looked at the others with a smile: "Director Chen wants to take the initiative to invite you, what do you think?" Kong Lili said, "I think it's suitable." Chen Qizhi said, "Thank you." Zhai Xinwen asked Fang Yuan with a smile: "Xiao Fang, what do you think?" ?”

Fang Yuan also couldn't figure out what Chen Qizhi meant.Fang Yuan looked at Chen Qizhi, but saw that his eyes were pleading for support.Fang Yuan said: "I admire Director Chen's realm very much. Director Chen once presided over the education work of Jiangnan County in an all-round way, and should be very familiar with education supervision work. He once organized Jiangnan County to meet the education supervision and evaluation of Dongzhou Municipal People's Government. I believe that I have personally supervised the education work in various townships. From experience and ability, I think it is very suitable." Heping is now the only one who follows Fang Yuan's lead: "What Director Fang said is exactly what I think in my heart. Director Chen Appropriate." Zhai Xinwen looked at Sun Hongjun: "Secretary of the Red Army, what's your opinion?" Sun Hongjun said: "I support everyone's opinions." Zhai Xinwen asked: "What about Director Geng?" Geng Jun said: "I support Director Chen's Choose." Zhai Xinwen asked: "Do other comrades have any comments?" Song Ping shook his head, and Wang Xingbang also shook his head.Zhai Xinwen said: "Well, I respect everyone's opinions and Director Chen's request. Director Chen will be fully responsible for the 2007 education supervision and evaluation work. Comrade Fang Yuan, after all, you are the deputy director of education, and you are responsible for this business. You should also get familiar with it as soon as possible. In addition to doing a good job in the provincial high-quality course competition and the college entrance examination in the 5th middle school, you should squeeze out as much time as possible to participate in the education supervision work and learn how to supervise from the experienced Director Chen. Fully grasp the whole process of supervision. There are 9 districts and counties, and I hope you can participate in the supervision work of two districts and counties."

Chen Qizhi smiled wryly: This clearly does not trust me, Chen Qizhi!But this time he took the initiative to ask for a job, and it was a last resort.Chen Qizhi had already figured it out, and Zhai Xinwen definitely wanted Chen Qizhi to do this.In education supervision work, if the sense of proportion is not well grasped, it is easy to offend a large number of county party committee secretaries, county magistrates and district chiefs. Zou Zhigang avoids it, and I am afraid that he also has this aspect in mind.But I have been in the Education Bureau for more than a month, but I have no way to establish a little bit of authority. The section chiefs treat me positively and negatively, and the directors of the county education and sports bureaus at the grassroots level are also superficially polite, but in fact they don’t pay attention to me at all. .From the perspective of the grassroots education and sports bureau, Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan are the key points of flattery.This time, temporarily take charge of the education supervision work, and see which director of the education and sports bureau at the grassroots level dares to underestimate the existence of me, Chen Qizhi?Zhai Xinwen asked Fangyuan to participate, which is obviously both use and precaution!

Chen Qizhi said: "I very much welcome Director Fang to work with me on the education supervision work in 2007." Fang Yuan said: "Director Chen is the leader of this matter. I actually don't understand anything. Since Director Zhai arranged for me to participate in the two As the supervisor of a county, I will learn more from Director Chen. I also ask Director Chen to give me more advice." Chen Qizhi said: "I dare not be. We discuss together, we discuss together." Zhai Xinwen said: "Very good! This first The two key tasks have also been arranged smoothly. Now, let's study the third task."

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