Director's growth history

2962.1734 Sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight

The torch of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games was lit in front of the city tower.When the president of the country handed over the ignited torch to the first torchbearer, it means that the torch of the Beijing Olympic Games has started its journey of global transmission.

After watching the relay ceremony of the Olympic torch, the directors and section chiefs returned to the small conference room again.Zhai Xinwen said: "Seeing today's Olympic torch relay, I feel very inspiring! The solemn scene and grand ceremony symbolize the strength of our motherland, which makes people feel a sense of national pride. Comrades, I have a feeling right now. The impulse to do something for the Olympics.” Kong Lili said: “Yes, our country is now strong. Throughout the history of the Olympics, from the Tokyo Olympics in Japan in the 60s to the present, the countries hosting the Olympics are the most developed countries in the world. countries or emerging developed countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Spain. In 2004, Greece will be regarded as a poor country among the developed countries. The national budget deficit almost makes it difficult for the Olympic Games to be scheduled Hosting. China is allowed to host the Olympic Games, which is a manifestation of our country's national strength. This makes people proud and inspiring! Not every country can host the Olympic Games, it needs strong financial resources and strong international influence .”

Fang Yuan remained silent.Not talking doesn't mean not thinking.Fangyuan is also thinking about how to make better use of the Beijing Olympic torch relay to strengthen patriotic education for teachers and students of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and inspire teachers and students to love the motherland.At the same time, Fangyuan also thought that since March 3, some Tibetans in Tibet were bewitched, smashed, robbed, and burned in Lhasa and other Tibetan-inhabited areas under the influence of the separatist group of the state, which seemed to mean that the Beijing Olympics You will face many unexpected difficulties and troubles. On March 10th, at the Beijing Olympic torch collection ceremony in Olympia, Greece, three so-called Western journalists from the "Reporters Without Borders" who spoke for the anti-China forces and were funded by Western China-hating forces impacted the Olympic torch collection ceremony .This transmission journey will pass through the United States, France and many other Western countries. Can the Communist forces let go of this rare opportunity to deceive and grandstanding?According to Fangyuan's knowledge, the total number of Tibetans abroad is about 3, and there are more than 24 million Tibetan compatriots in the border of the People's Republic of China.If the 12 Tibetans represented by the separatist forces were the slave owners and the ruling class of the privileged forces of the monks before liberation, they would only account for less than 400% of the total number of Tibetans, and they would not be able to represent the 12% who were oppressed for a long time. The serfs turned their backs and liberated the Tibetan people.The vast majority of the domestic Tibetan people, who account for 3% of all Tibetan compatriots, love democracy and support the complete reunification of the motherland, but the vast majority of them are ordinary people, and it is difficult to make their voices heard in public opinion. The 99 Tibetans abroad, who account for less than 97%, only need to make a fuss, coupled with the follow-up and hype of foreign government media, it seems that these terrorists have a loud voice and thus have a relatively large international influence.If you look at it dialectically, comparing the 3% of the anti-government forces with the 12% of domestic Tibetan compatriots who support Tibet as an inalienable part of China is simply a side note. It is clear at a glance who is the mainstream and who is the tributary.The reason why the anti-government forces are making such a fuss now is that the root cause lies in the United States.In the annual fiscal budget of the United States, the appropriation to the Hong Kong Group is directly included in the appropriation, and the appropriation in recent years has been more than 3 million U.S. dollars per year.Without the land and security provided by India, and without the financial support provided by the United States, how could the Communist Party and the Tibetan Youth Congress survive until now?

Of course, Fang Yuan's thoughts cannot be discussed at the regular meeting of the Education Bureau.Silence is golden, if you talk too much, you will lose.Fang Yuan had no desire to be in the limelight, and quietly listened to other people's comments.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Chen, with the passing of the Olympic torch, our Dongzhou education system must quickly carry out activities to welcome the Olympics, and we must not fall behind other departments." Chen Qizhi said: "Yes. The education department is already preparing for the activities We plan to carry out extensive activities to welcome the Olympics in primary and secondary schools in Dongzhou before the Olympics, combining the Olympics with patriotism education and popularizing Olympic knowledge." Fang Yuan said at this time: "Director Chen, the Policy and Regulations Department is The Publicity Department of the Education Bureau. The Legal Department will cooperate with Director Chen to promote the Olympic publicity activities organized by Dongzhou Education in a timely manner."

Chen Qizhi felt Fangyuan's kindness.This olive branch offered by Chen Qizhi was exactly what Chen Qizhi needed very much.Chen Qizhi said: "Thank you Fang Ju." Fang Yuan said: "You are welcome. Dongzhou education is a whole, and the division of labor does not separate families. Educational propaganda is to show the highlights of all aspects of Dongzhou education to the people of the city and to brothers. The department will see it and show it to the superiors." Chen Qizhi said, "Yes."

Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan.Zhai Xinwen is very sensitive to Fang Yuan's every move. Could it be that Fang Yuan and Chen Qizhi have formed some kind of tacit understanding?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Education and publicity is very important. The publicity for the Olympic Games is a very important task at present, and the Law and Regulations Department should be responsible for its implementation. Of course, education and publicity is not only about the Olympic Games, but also other aspects of publicity. Take it seriously. Feiyue, do you understand what I mean?" Teng Feiyue said: "Understood, Director. For provincial high-quality course competitions, innovative practices and outstanding achievements in the education system, our legal department will do a good job of publicity in time. Zhai Xinwen nodded: "It's like this. Every department must learn to control the overall situation and plan work from the standpoint of the entire Dongzhou education. It can't be biased, and it can't be biased. In Yuanqing, the Department of Sports, Health and Art is responsible for managing the city's education system. The only department of sports activities, you should also play a greater role in the Olympic Games." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes. At present, Dongzhou 2008 Primary and Secondary School Sports Games are being prepared, and this sports meeting will be combined with the Olympic Games. Combined. The sports pentathlon league that is being carried out on weekends will also inject more Olympic elements." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "OK. Report the relevant work to me in time." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes."

It is simply ignoring peace!Where is the hatred in Heping’s heart!Good you Zhai Xinwen, the more you exclude me, the closer I will be to Fangyuan!You are pushing the deputy into Fang Yuan's embrace!Heping said: "Dear colleagues, last Friday the Municipal Education Bureau fully deployed a trade union meeting on hand, foot and mouth disease prevention in all districts and counties. According to the requirements of the meeting, starting from this week, the Municipal Education Bureau will form 9 supervision groups to conduct inspections on the four districts and counties of the city. The five counties in the district are conducting hand, foot, and mouth disease supervision. I hope that I can go down to the grassroots level and the front line as soon as possible to fully understand the situation and avoid a large-scale hand, foot, and mouth disease epidemic in Dongzhou." Zhai Xinwen looked at Heping and said: "He The director is right. The prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease is also very important, and all colleagues should attach great importance to it. Yuan Qing, when has the plan for the inspection by the bureau leaders come out?" Zhang Yuanqing said: "Report to the director, it has been done , ready to report to the bureau leaders at today's regular meeting." Zhai Xinwen said: "Then you can talk about it now."

This is clearly bypassing the chief in charge and directly giving orders to the section chief!Does the Secretary have this power?have!But under normal circumstances, the director will respect the opinions of the director in charge, and will give the director in charge some face.

Everyone has been in the officialdom for decades, and no one can see this clearly.Sun Hongjun is an exceptionally sharp person.As a person whose working ability is not outstanding among the section chiefs of the Education Bureau, he was able to stand out from the section chiefs first and become the deputy secretary of the party committee. This has a lot to do with Sun Hongjun's political sense.Fang Yuan took a look at the situation. According to the former chairman's glorious judgment that "the enemy of the enemy is a friend", Chen Qizhi, He Heping, Geng Jun, and Han Suzhen all went to the opposite side of Zhai Xinwen. The Education Bureau and Zhai Xinwen are fighting against each other!In fact, I am on the same front as Fang Yuan in my inner world. Wang Xingbang's dynamics are unknown, Song Ping is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, Zou Zhigang has a rift with Fang Yuan, but he is also at odds with Zhai Xinwen.After all the calculations, Kong Lili is the only one who is really on the same front as Zhai Xinwen!With Zhai Xinwen leading the Education Bureau like this, where did his original wisdom go?It turned out that Zhai Xinwen had won the support of most of the party committee members and succeeded in taking down Han Suzhen because of his illness. Now, can Zhai Xinwen control the Education Bureau?This is now clearly intended to give Heping a little color. I am afraid that Zhai Xinwen is also killing chickens to show the monkeys and show Heping a little color. Is he also warning Fangyuan: don’t have any other ideas or methods, I can just bypass you Fangyuan , Directly give an order to the department, and completely empty a person!Director Xinwen, Director Xinwen, you obviously miscalculated!Is Fang Yuan afraid of you?But I heard that Shen Jun, the director of the education section, Xie Bingguo, the director of the teaching and research section, Cao Bensong, the director of the political engineering section, Su Quanshun, the chief of the financial audit section, and even Zhang Yuanqing, the sports and health department that you trust very much, the director of Xinwen, all of them were very polite to Fang Yuan. respect.But don't lift a rock and hit yourself in the foot!

Sun Hongjun watched with cold eyes, and made up his mind: today's weekly meeting is destined to be unstable, and he just wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.But if it comes to a very critical moment, you still have to clearly express your position.

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