Director's growth history

2964.1735. Who is forcing whom?

Hey, throw a peach and return a plum!I support your Olympic publicity, you sold me your favor, and you are willing to supervise the inspection of hand, foot and mouth disease.Fang Yuan suddenly felt: the officialdom is actually very interesting, and I can experience many insights that are difficult to experience at the school level and in life outside the officialdom.Fang Yuan remembered the most vivid and incisive explanation of the theory of the united front that ** had given to Mrs. Wang: "What is the united front? It is to make our friends more and more and our enemies less." It is the Communists who insisted on the magic weapon of the united front, from weak to strong, from small to large, from millet to rifles, and finally won the victory of the new socialist revolution and established the People's Republic of China.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Chen for your support. Section Chief Teng, after the regular meeting, go to Director Chen and meet with Director Chen to hear what requirements and instructions Director Chen has in the promotion work for the Olympics. It is necessary to fully support the Education Bureau's Olympic publicity work, and to publicize the highlights of the Education Bureau's work in a timely and effective manner."

Teng Feiyue may be regarded as Zhai Xinwen's person, but he is in awe of Fangyuan and does not pee on Chen Qizhi.Teng Feiyue didn't want to get too close to Chen Qizhi, nor was he optimistic about Chen Qizhi's future.Regarding Fang Yuan's "order", Teng Feiyue felt conflicted in his heart, but he dared not resist.Teng Feiyue could see that Fang Yuan asked him to meet Chen Qizhi in front of so many people, and what they were talking about was indeed work and needs, but why didn't they just pretend to show Zhai Xinwen?The subtlety of this made Teng Feiyue tremble in his heart: If he offended Zhai Xinwen because of too many contacts with Chen Qizhi, it would be more harm than good.But Teng Feiyue dare not refuse Fang Yuan's "order", who is Fang Yuan?The deputy governor, the provincial director of education, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the mayor all came to support and cheer!Even Zhai Xinwen didn't have such preferential treatment, if he offended Fang Yuan, he would ruin his future completely.

In a dilemma, Teng Feiyue struggled to say the words of agreement: "Okay, Fang Ju." There was not a single word added.I followed Fang Yuan's "order" to go, I just carried out the order.Director Zhai, Director Zhai, don't think too much!

Zhai Xinwen is an old man in the officialdom like a human being. Seeing Chen Qizhi and Fangyuan giving peaches and plums to each other tacitly, he was very upset.But Chen Qizhi's inspection of Longwan District was arranged by himself; Fangyuan's support for the Olympic promotion was also the work of the Education Bureau.It's really hard to tell what's wrong with it.Chen Qizhi, let me deal with you slowly!Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Yuan Qing, let's handle the supervision issue like this. What do you think?" Zhang Yuanqing said, "The director has arranged it very well. The release of Director Fang gave him more energy to catch High-quality class competition, the director is well-led!"

There will be no shortage of flattery anywhere, and there will be no lack of flattery at any time!Zhai Xinwen felt much more comfortable, and asked, "What else do you have to do?" Teng Feiyue raised his hand, "Director, I have work to report." Zhai Xinwen glanced at Teng Feiyue, and said calmly, "Speak, Feiyue." Teng Feiyue Fei Yue said: "The Law and Regulations Division will make great efforts in the next few months in the promotion of the Olympics and the education as a whole. Starting this week, Lu Zhenghong and I will focus on education and publicity. There is one task, that is, the evaluation of the first batch of demonstration counties of law-based education in Qingjiang Province and the evaluation of law-based education demonstration schools in Qingjiang Province. With the joint efforts of the department, relevant districts and counties, and relevant schools, Jiangnan County ranked third in the province in the fierce competition and became the first batch of demonstration counties for governing education according to the law. This time, 3 prefectures and cities in the province reported 16 In the end, 1 districts and counties had to be eliminated, and the ratio of eliminated and elected was 6:6. This competition was quite cruel. Our Jiangnan County lived up to expectations and achieved the third place and was successfully elected. In addition, our There are also 10 schools that have become model schools for governing education according to the law in Qingjiang Province. Our Law Division wants to organize an awards ceremony to commend Jiangnan County and the 3 schools, and through the commendation, the work of governing education by law in the city will be promoted to a new level."

It should be said that it is reasonable.But now Zhai Xinwen is a little unhappy with Fang Yuan, so he doesn't want to expand this matter.Zhai Xinwen said: "Medals can be awarded, and the comrades in the county and the education and sports bureau of the district or county where the school is located or the directly affiliated school can come and collect it themselves. Don't take up too much energy and time because of this work. Currently, hand, foot and mouth disease prevention and Preparing for the Olympic Games, provincial high-quality class competitions, etc. are top priorities." Teng Feiyue looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "Director Zhai, I remember that I won the first prize in a teaching competition in 2008. It was the first first prize in Dongzhou City's reform and opening up in the past 30 years. Compared with the collective medals, the gold content is much lower. But for my award in a small teaching competition, the Education Bureau held a commendation meeting and awarded honors. I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask Jiangnan County to take it. If we really do this, other districts and counties will not pay attention to the work of governing education by law in the future, and so many schools in the city will no longer attach importance to the work of governing education by law. The country is actively promoting the rule of law, Dongzhou is actively promoting the rule of law, is our education lagging behind in the rule of law?"

Zhai Xinwen was dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan's words were so sharp and sharp that she didn't give herself any face at all.Zhai Xinwen said: "So what does Xiao Fang think should be done?" Fang Yuan said: "Hold a city-wide conference to grandly commend the award-winning Jiangnan County and the 6 schools. Both medals and bonuses will be given out, and achievements cannot be made. At the same time, city leaders are invited to participate and present awards. This work should be written as a briefing and reported to the Municipal Party Committee Office and the Municipal Government Office." Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, the idea is very good, but it is not ours. It’s as simple as imagined. Medals can be awarded, but where will the bonuses come from? The city leaders are busy with everything, and education according to law is only one aspect of education work!”

Zhai Xinwen's and Fang Yuan's viewpoints are already facing each other.The members of the bureau's party committee and section chiefs are all watching, one is the top leader, and the other is a latecomer who has shown great energy.Perhaps, today's contest has already determined the future trend of the Education Bureau!Even Kong Lili dared not speak at this time.

Fang Yuan said: "Director, I respect you very much. If the director thinks it is difficult to handle this matter, then I and the legal department can undertake it specifically. If the Education Bureau does not have a source of bonuses, I can find a company to ask for alms , You can also use other methods to raise funds. The city leaders are busy, that’s for sure. But I believe that the first batch in Qingjiang Province will definitely make the city leaders feel that our education work is very successful. If the director feels that it is difficult to invite leaders , then I will invite them in person. Secretary Wang, Mayor Song, and Mayor Bi must invite at least one leader to show the city leaders' concern for education!"

Oh, what a powerful aura!Zhai Xinwen felt unprecedented pressure.If Fang Yuan is really asked to raise bonuses, and the money is brought, where will he put his face as the director?If Fangyuan really asked Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng to invite any one of them, it would also mean that he did not do a good job.However, if he is weaker than Fang Yuan in terms of momentum today, how can he keep his word in the future?

Zhai Xinwen was still pondering, listening to Fangyuan continue to say: "Director, what I think and say is for work. I have no other intentions. I just want to commend those who have made contributions to the work of governing education according to law." Counties, schools, and individuals. Section chief Teng Feiyue and other comrades in the legal department have put in so much effort. I think it is absolutely necessary to award a city-level advanced individual who governs by law and a little bonus. Director ,what do you think?"

This became a very difficult question for Zhai Xinwen to answer.Zhai Xinwen suddenly realized that the era when he was worth ten thousand words in the Education Bureau seemed to be really coming to an end.Fang Yuan has already demonstrated great strength. Although there is a 20-year age difference, he has a profound background. It is far from the situation where he became the director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau entirely by his own struggle and wisdom.Are you really going to show weakness today?How can I command the Education Bureau after showing weakness?Zhai Xinwen regretted the strategy of dragging Fangyuan to death with the "busy" strategy at the last director's office meeting.People like Fang Yuan must be united, they can be used, and they must form an alliance. It is not good to push him to the opposite side!

Everyone in the audience held their breath, as if the air pressure in the conference room had risen to 1 hPa instead of 10 hPa, making everyone almost breathless.Could it be that Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan have become strangers since today?What should I do if these two people are pinching each other?

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