Director's growth history

2968.1738. The true thoughts of the grassroots

Every enterprise and every government agency is like a big machine.If the computer board of the machine can issue effective instructions, the various parts of the machine will operate efficiently.After Shi Mingxiang, the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made it clear that he was going to inspect Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, Wang Xingbang led the staff in the office to get busy in the Education Bureau.Wang Xingbang also postponed the supervision and inspection of hand, foot and mouth disease.As for the school, Qiu Zhengxuan, Ruan Shaoxiu, and Chen Qiuping got busy, including both the reception work and the "program" arrangement for inspection and research.

Fang Yuan really didn't care about these things.In the afternoon, I received a call from Bi Quanli.Bi Quanli asked: "Fang Yuan, how much reward do you think is appropriate for law-based education work?" Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Bi, I don't know how much reward should be given. But I know that with rewards, everyone can be mobilized to strive for innovation." With You's enthusiasm, it will be easy and able to create more performance in the future." Bi Quanli needed performance very much. Bi Quanli said: "Do you think this will work? 10, and 2 will be awarded by the Law and Regulation Section of the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "The ratio determined by Mayor Bi is very good, and I completely agree with it." Bi Quanli said: "Then I will actively fight for it according to this standard. When there is a good News, I think our commendation meeting can be held." Fang Yuan said: "Yes. I have arranged for the policy and regulation department to prepare for this meeting. We must be ready. As long as Mayor Bi says yes, the next day Can open." Bi Quanli said: "I feel much more comfortable with you in the Education Bureau. It is very good to dare to take responsibility, not to shirk, and actively cooperate." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the praise from Mayor Bi, and we will strive for it in the future. Do better." Bi Quanli laughed loudly.

In the afternoon, Xie Bingguo came to Fangyuan's office again.This time, Xie Bingguo did not put on any airs of being a mentor, and directly asked Fangyuan for instructions: "Fang Ju, according to the order of the competition, I have arranged the order of the lectures. Can you see if this works? In addition, Longwan District and I Zhang Yongjin, director of the Bureau of Education and Sports, has also contacted him, and the lectures for the elementary school period will be arranged in Longwan District Experimental Primary School.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay.” Xie Bingguo said, “The Bureau of Education and Sports of Longwan District has provided us with great support for this trial lecture. Support, Director Zhang specifically pointed out that as long as a trial lecture is arranged on a certain day, he or the deputy director in charge of teaching will be accompanied by at least one person. If Fang Ju attends the class in person, he will report to the district leader to see which district leader will accompany him." Fang Yuan said : "Director Xie, this is inappropriate! We are all researching very professional work, what's the matter with the leaders of the district? The leaders of the district are very busy with work, so they can't accompany us to attend lectures every day!" Xie Bingguo said: " I also told Director Zhang about this matter, and Director Zhang said that Bureau Fang is the superior leader, so he must report to the district leader." Fang Yuan said, "Then I will call Director Zhang."

Fangyuan found out the phone book of the education system, found Zhang Yongjin's office number, and dialed the Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau.Zhang Yongjin picked up the phone and asked politely, "Excuse me, who is the leader of the Municipal Education Bureau?" Fang Yuan said, "Director Zhang, I am Fang Yuan!" Zhang Yongjin became affectionate: "Director Fang, hello." Fang Yuan said: " Director Xie told me just now that the Education and Sports Bureau of Longwan District is very supportive of the trial teaching of the Municipal Education Bureau’s Provincial Quality Class Competition. Education is a family. It is an honor for Longwan District to put such an important work of the Municipal Bureau in Longwan District. It shows that the Municipal Bureau and the Municipal Teaching and Research Office trust and value us in Longwan District." Fang Yuan said: "I am very grateful I have been working in the school, and I only have a superficial understanding of the education work in Longwan District, so I cannot say irresponsible words. This time I can stay in Longwan District Experimental Primary School for a few days, and I should have a deeper feeling." Zhang Yongjin said: " Director Fang and Director Xie are welcome to attend classes in our Longwan District Experimental Primary School. Director Fang’s class is the best in Dongzhou City, and Director Xie is an expert in teaching and research in Dongzhou. Come to Longwan District Experimental Primary School, even if we just listen to Fang Director Zhang and Director Xie’s evaluation of the class will make our teachers gain and improve." Fang Yuan said: "Director Zhang, I agree with you when you evaluate my teacher, Director Xie, in this way; I am ashamed to evaluate me like this. I have only been a teacher for 6 years, and I am far behind in terms of experience and accumulation.” Zhang Yongjin said: “No one can take back Director Fang’s national first prize now.” Fang Yuan said: “Okay Well, Director Zhang. I have something to discuss with you." Zhang Yongjin said: "Director Fang, please tell me, but I, Zhang Yongjin, will do my best if I can." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Director Zhang. This time, There are more than a dozen primary school teachers who want to give high-quality courses in the province and need to give trial lectures. Director Xie, I, and the teaching and research staff of the primary school are listening to and evaluating classes in Longwan District Experimental Primary School. Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau and Director Zhang It would be great if we could provide such an environment. I just heard from Director Xie that the district leaders should be invited to accompany you and the director in charge throughout the whole process. I think this is very bad.” Zhang Yongjin said: “Director Fang is a deputy director The leader is also a leader we respect very much. According to the regulations, we should also receive and accompany each other on an equal basis, not to mention the relationship between Director Fang and Secretary Dou... Secretary Dou has repeatedly told the comrades in the district that young cadres should report to Fang The director learns, and we middle-aged cadres should also learn from Director Fang, learn from Director Fang's spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and daring to challenge, and learn from Director Fang's spirit of striving for excellence and striving for first-class performance. Secretary Dou said that if all the cadres in the district can With Director Fang's innovative work and top-notch performance, the various undertakings in Longwan District will definitely develop better and faster. Director Fang, I don't mean to flatter you here. These are all cadres above the official department in front of Secretary Dou. Speaking. If you come to Longwan District to attend lectures, I will not report to the district leaders, which is also my negligence. As for how the district leaders arrange, I am a small director of the education and sports bureau, so I don’t care.” Fang Yuan said: "Director Zhang, this is really inappropriate. Director Xie and I, as well as the primary school teaching and research staff, are doing research classes. This is a very professional matter. It is absolutely inappropriate for the district leaders to accompany us.The district leaders are so busy with work, and Director Zhang is so busy with work, and it is really inappropriate to spare time to accompany us.Therefore, what Director Xie and I mean is: try not to affect the comrades of the Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau, and try not to affect the leaders, teachers and students of the Longwan District Experimental Primary School.In addition to arranging lectures and class evaluations, I was still thinking, let the municipal teaching and research section arrange directly for lunch and other problems. Zhang Yongjin said: "Director Fang, you treat our grassroots education as outsiders too much."If the Municipal Teaching and Research Office comes to arrange your lunch or dinner, if the word spreads, I will be ashamed of Lao Zhang!Director Fang, you come to Longwan District to attend lectures. You are guiding, helping and improving us.I asked the teaching and research staff in the district's teaching and research section to listen to how Director Fang and Director Xie evaluated the lessons, and also to improve the level of teaching and research staff in our district.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for education in Longwan District, and it is an opportunity for teaching and research personnel of various disciplines to advance hand in hand.Fang Ju's class is top-notch in Dongzhou, and this class evaluation must be unique and brilliant.So be sure to arrange daily lunch and dinner by Longwan District. "Fang Yuan said: "That brought too much trouble to Longwan District, I feel sorry for it. Zhang Yongjin said: "It's rare for others to ask Fang Ju to come here once."Longwan District can have such a good opportunity to communicate with Fang Bureau and learn from Fang Bureau for several days. We wish for it! "

I didn't expect this to be the result.Hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Director Xie, I can't even refuse the kindness of Longwan District." Xie Bingguo said, "The Fang situation is big!" Xie Bingguo sighed: "If you change to another deputy director, I'm afraid the first day can be like this , Every day like this, the grassroots can't stand it, and I feel annoyed!The key is that Fangyuan has a close relationship with the city leaders, and the district committee secretary and district mayor must have a keen sense of smell.Fang Yuan said: "How about this? In Longwan District Experimental Primary School, in addition to arranging our class teachers to attend the class, we also arrange for a teacher of each subject to be taught by a teacher from the Municipal Teaching and Research Office. If Director Xie and I have time, we will also listen to the class together." Listen. You can allow their district teaching and research staff to participate in our class evaluation." Xie Bingguo said: "Okay. If we do this, the Longwan District Education and Sports Bureau will be very happy, and the Longwan District Experimental Primary School will also benefit a lot!" Fang Yuan said: "I'm sorry to just trouble others. Both gain and gain, and the win-win result is the best." Xie Bingguo looked at the young man in front of him, full of emotion: he has more and more the bearing of a superior.

After Xie Bingguo left, Fangyuan prepared to go back to school.On the way, I received a call from Zhang Yongjin: "Director Fang, Director Xie told me your instructions just now, and I really thank you very much. I have instructed the principal of the Experimental Primary School in Longwan District to recommend 10 outstanding teachers for the preparation. 10 classes, Director Fang, please give guidance during his busy schedule. Now, I will bring the deputy director in charge of teaching and research, the director of the district teaching and research section, and the principal of the district experimental primary school to visit you face to face." Fang Yuan said: "No, Director Zhang, you can arrange the class. I will ask the city teaching and research staff of each subject to attend at least one class in Longwan District Experimental Primary School. If there is time, Director Xie and I will also attend the class." Zhang Yongjin said: "Thank you so much Director Fang, you must meet us. Although you are still familiar with me, the last time you came to supervise our legal education work, we did not do a good job, which disappointed you. But it’s okay, Longwan District Experimental Primary School Once won the title of the model school of law-based education in Qingjiang Province, and you will also go to the district experimental primary school. If you can guide our law-based education work, I believe that the law-based education work in our district will definitely reach a new level. Fang Yuan said, "I'm going back to school soon, and I'm already on my way. Well, these days, I just need to trouble the comrades in Longwan District, especially the school leaders of the Experimental Primary School in Longwan District. I will meet with you." Director Zhang, come directly to the principal's office of No. 5 Middle School." Zhang Yongjin said in a very happy voice, "Thank you very much, Director Fang."

When Fang Yuan returned to school, Chen Qiuping immediately made tea for her.Chen Qiuping said: "Principal, don't worry about the classes in the class. I will definitely do my best and never let you down." Fang Yuan only remembered that he was still a teacher at this time, and felt very ashamed.Wouldn't it be misleading to teach students like this?Fangyuan said: "Mr. Chen, thank you. The class must be good, otherwise I feel very sorry for the students." Chen Qiuping smiled gently: "Principal, although my level is far inferior to yours, I have more time in school. .I have always regarded teaching Grade 12 ([-]) class as one of my most important tasks. If the principal has time, would you also listen to my class?" Beautiful face, beautiful eyes, expectant eyes, Let Fang Yuan's heart skip a beat.Fang Yuan suddenly realized that there would be no sex time for some days, and the desire to see Chi Liping suddenly became stronger.Hey, I only want to see Chi Liping at this moment!Fang Yuan laughed at herself: Could it be that he only regards Chi Liping as a tool of the police?Another voice rang out: I can't provoke women anymore, how much trouble a Ding Chunxiao has brought me, if Chi Liping becomes pregnant again, it will be ruined!It's getting closer to destruction!Fangyuan felt entangled in her heart, not knowing how to deal with these things.

Qiu Zhengxuan, Dai Lianghua, Ruan Shaoxiu, and Zhou Yujie all lined up to see Fangyuan.Fang Yuan has always been in the Education Bureau, not in the school. There are too many things in the school that need to be consulted and reported.Qiu Zhengxuan reported on the daily work of the school, as well as the preliminary arrangements for tomorrow's reception of Shi Mingxiang, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and asked Fangyuan to make a decision.Dai Lianghua reported the first draft of the school's system for welcoming foreign education delegations, and asked Fangyuan to review it.Ruan Shaoxiu reported on the idea and arrangement of connecting with the Policy and Law Section of the Municipal Education Bureau to arrange overtime working meals and hospitality meals, and also reported on Teng Feiyue's request for information about Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Fang Yuan said: "Shao Xiu, this time the Provincial Department of Education will publish our school's experience in comprehensively implementing quality education in the "Qingjiang Education" magazine. Section Chief Teng expressed that he would participate in the writing of the first draft. You actively contact and connect with Section Chief Teng, Also participated. Chief Teng’s professional level is very high, if you communicate with him more, you will definitely be able to further improve your professional level.” Ruan Shaoxiu said: “Thank you to the principal for providing me with such an opportunity.” Fang Yuan said: “Shaoxiu, You must have a long-term vision. I trust you very much, and if the opportunity is right in the future, I will still take you by my side." Ruan Shaoxiu's heart was excited, he had vaguely guessed Fang Yuan's intentions, did he have a chance to become Is the future head of the Policy and Regulations Section?

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