Director's growth history

2990.1754. Roasting on fire

In the afternoon, Fang Yuan rushed back to school.Fei㊣\(≧▽≦) I still don't have time to teach the first grade (12) class.Ruan Shaoxiu was already waiting outside the principal's room. When he saw Fang Yuan, he immediately walked in with the folder.Fang Yuan pointed to the sofa: "Xiu Shao, sit down." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, please take a look at the bonus distribution plan first. In the morning, the vice-principal Hong came to me and said that she wanted to discuss the bonus distribution with me. Is it a little too impatient." Fang Yuan said: "The bonus should be paid out." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, please watch first, I will pour you a cup of tea."

Fang Yuan sat on the sofa, looking at the plan.It should be said that Ruan Shaoxiu implemented his opinions very well, but he put Fang Yuan at the highest position in terms of the highest bonus, and the bonus awarded was 4900 yuan.Of the remaining vice-principals, Nahong is the highest at 4500 yuan, Qiu Zhengxuan is 4400 yuan, and the other vice-principals are all 4000 yuan.Looking at the indicators in the details, it is understandable to take 4900 yuan by myself. Who makes myself the first person responsible for all aspects?In addition, I gave an observation class myself, which is also a contribution.Among the middle-level cadres, Chen Qiuping contributed the most, receiving 4200 yuan, and the remaining middle-level cadres only received more than 3000 yuan.Among the teachers, the tallest one is Liao Rulian, because Liao Rulian not only gave a music observation class, but also the instructor of the dance interest group in the big recess activities.The homeroom teacher generally received more than 3000 yuan, while other teachers received from 1000 yuan to 2000 yuan depending on the contribution.Another 10 yuan was used to reward the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau for their contributions to the No. 5 Middle School. Without specific subdivision, the Education Bureau will study and distribute the method by itself~~ This is exactly what I emphasized with Ruan Shaoxiu at the beginning: the Education Bureau will give Who has more and who has less is really difficult to grasp.In this quality education on-site meeting, there are many section chiefs who have contributed to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School!Su Quanshun, chief of financial audit, Xie Bingguo, director of the teaching and research section, Cao Bensong, chief of political engineering, Zhang Yuanqing, chief of sports, health and art, and Shen Jun, chief of education, which one did not contribute?Lu Zhenghong from the policy and regulation department also did a lot of work to promote Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Deputy Secretary Sun Hongjun even relied on Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School every day in the final stage. Is this considered a contribution?Not good!Let the Education Bureau figure it out for itself.

Fang Yuan said: "Shao Xiu, let me mention something first. Don't forget Principal Miao Qun, Principal Yang Fang, Principal Zhao Zidong, and Comrade Liu Ming." Ruan Shaoxiu patted his forehead and said, "Principal, I really forgot. I will make up for it." Come on." Fang Yuan said, "You don't have to pay for this, you can buy a gift of about 1000 yuan." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Okay." Fang Yuan said, "Sit down, I have an idea."

Ruan Shaoxiu sat on the sofa.Fang Yuan looked at Ruan Shaoxiu and said, "Young Xiu, do you feel that it is particularly difficult to separate?" Ruan Shaoxiu smiled wryly: "A little bit." Fang Yuan said, "Is it possible that some people will be dissatisfied with any division?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Yes." Fang Yuan said: "If the distribution is equal, then guess who the first person to object might be?" Ruan Shaoxiu blurted out: "That's red." Fang Yuan smiled: "Hehe. Of course, the average distribution of bonuses is very helpful for making contributions. It’s not fair for comrades.” Ruan Shaoxiu said, “That’s right!” Fang Yuan said, “Judging from the plan you made, I got the highest prize, which is inappropriate!” Ruan Shaoxiu was anxious: “Why is it inappropriate? In our school, if there is no principal Fang, it will be like a mess. No one is convinced, and no one can control anyone. With the principal here, he will steer us and guide us in the direction of our efforts, so there will be good things. No one can compete for the principal's contribution. Also, the principal gave a very wonderful class, who can compare with it?" Fang Yuan said: "I did it. Everything should be done, and I have to take responsibility in my position." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "If you don't take the highest award, not only I can't agree, but many comrades won't agree."

Fang Yuan said: "I can't listen to you in this matter! In an enterprise, the general manager gets the highest reward, and the deputy general manager gets the second prize. Then, from the middle level to the front-line employees, the reward standard is gradually reduced. Even the general manager The manager takes hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions, and the frontline employees below can't say anything. Let me give you a simple example. The front-line salesmen in Ping An only get a basic salary of 6000 yuan plus a commission, which seems to be a matter of course, and few people question it. But our party and government institutions are different. If the gap between the leaders and the ordinary workers is too big, I am afraid It caused objections." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "What's the matter? I know that when a certain bureau in the city distributes bonuses, the director and secretary get the most, the deputy ranks take second, the middle ranks take second place, and ordinary staff get the least. It's like this everywhere. , If you don’t divide it like this, it’s not right.” Fang Yuan said: “Cultivate less! I understand what you mean, the general direction can be set in this way. My suggestion is this: I and the five vice-principals all have the same standard, and we all take the same standard. Is 500 yuan good?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "This is not good. Your contribution, principal, is the greatest, and no one can compare to this." Fang Yuan said: "Let's decide it like this. The middle level is also uniformly set at 5 yuan. How about that? Chen Qiuping will not be envied by other middle-level people. Treat Zhou Yujie according to the standard of middle-level treatment." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay." Fang Yuan said: "The starting point for the class teacher is 4500 yuan, and there are additional contributions. Teachers are unified for 4000 yuan, and another Plus those who have made contributions, like Liao Rulian, probably can surpass the average head teacher. Staff, the uniform is 3000 yuan." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "This way, simplification is simplified, but it is too unfair to you." Fang Yuan said: "Even if If it’s posted like this, some people will have opinions. But I believe that the opinions are relatively small.” Ruan Shaoxiu said: “I’m worried that Hong will feel that her contribution will not be shown.” Fang Yuan said with a smile: “Some people are willing to take the risk. If you don’t want to stop her, then you can’t stop her. How about this, plan and direct the art show independently, and reward her with 2500 yuan, let her take 2000 yuan, okay?”

Looking at Fang Yuan's smiling face, Ruan Shaoxiu thought about it for a moment, then clapped his hands suddenly: "Principal, you are absolutely perfect." Fang Yuan stopped explaining anything, and said in his heart: "It's not that everyone is willing to be in the limelight, and everything is willing to fight for the first place. , always like to show off your own merits, and always willing to compete with others for interests? Well, let’s fight for interests! Let you get the most bonuses, let you stand out from the crowd, and put you on the fire. If you It is your good fortune to realize that you take the initiative to withdraw; if you are still complacent, hey, the teachers in the whole school who get less bonuses will not say how about my Fangyuan, because I have the same amount of Fangyuan as the other vice principals. But your red is different, I am afraid that everyone will have an opinion on you."

In the afternoon, the school affairs meeting was held. Fangyuan took the lead and passed the reward plan of the quality education on-site meeting.Sure enough, Na Hong was complacent and happy that she was the person with the most bonuses among the 5 in Dongzhou.The bonus was distributed that afternoon. An Dongsheng's reward fund was not used, but part of the school's rent income was used as the bonus to be distributed.Because there are too many teachers, I sent more than 30 at once.In addition, Ruan Shaoxiu and Chen Qiuping took out a check of 10 yuan and sent it to the Municipal Education Bureau. Ruan Shaoxiu reported Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School's gratitude to the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau to the office director Wang Xingbang.How to distribute this bonus is a headache for Zhai Xinwen and Wang Xingbang.With this 10 yuan, some people in the Education Bureau were well silenced. Even if the school distributed the bonus for the quality education on-site meeting, it would be difficult to criticize or mutter about Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.

Sure enough, after Ruan Shaoxiu and Chen Qiuping left the Education Bureau, Wang Xingbang immediately went to see Zhai Xinwen with a check, and reported to Zhai Xinwen the intention of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Zhai Xinwen said: "Didn't Fangyuan tell you?" Wang Xingbang said: "No. Director Fang arranged for a vice principal and office director to come over." Zhai Xinwen said: "This 10 yuan is a good gift! In the past, it was directly on the head Now, this time is good, just come up with a round number." Wang Xingbang said: "But this time the number is the largest in history." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, if you have money, you will send it. Xingbang, go draw a plan." Allocation plan. Whoever has contributed to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School’s on-site quality education, you can contact Fangyuan, or you can contact other people in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.” Wang Xingbang suddenly felt a headache: Damn, this activity It's definitely not a good job!

Seeing Wang Xingbang take the door and leave, Zhai Xinwen said to himself: "My mentor, your son-in-law is getting smoother and more difficult to deal with. What should I do?"

In the afternoon of this day, Ruan Shaoxiu and Zang Wenyue personally purchased gifts of 1000 yuan each for Miao Qun, Yang Fang, Zhao Zidong, and Liu Ming according to Fang Yuan's request.At the same time, 2 boxes of Mingqian green tea were specially prepared for Xie Bingguo, Cao Bensong, Shen Jun, Su Quanshun, Teng Feiyue, Lu Zhenghong, Li Guoqiang and others who made contributions before and after the quality education meeting.

Soon, Fangyuan received a message from Chen Qiuping: the teachers who received the bonus, when they were whispering, they all had a problem with Nahong getting 5000 yuan, saying why she took so much.Some teachers said that if the principal Fangyuan took 5000 yuan, everyone would not be able to say anything. Why should she get the most as a vice principal?

Fang Yuan smiled and did not express any opinion.He waved his hand, signaling Chen Qiuping to leave.After closing the door, Fang Yuan couldn't hold back the pride in her heart: I want you to show off again!This time, it's not me, Fangyuan, who fixes you and puts you on the fire, it's you who found it all by yourself!

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